Super black turtle clone

Chapter 146 Conspiracy and Cooperation!

() helped Mu Xue pack up and salute, and drove the sports car back to the villa area.

Earlier, Mu Xue knew that Zhuo Yun had some money, otherwise she wouldn't be able to afford a Lamborghini sports car and even started a company, but she didn't expect Zhuo Yun to be so rich, she was slightly surprised and curious.

Move Mu Xue's salute into the villa and let her choose a bedroom of her own.

Zhuo Yun is the only one in the villa right now, and there are many vacant rooms, let alone Mu Xue, even if he can catch up with ten or eight people, it will not be a problem.

"I'm cohabiting with Mei right now." Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little bit secretly in his heart. What Zhuo Yun didn't expect was that although Mu Xue was a rich lady, she was very good at housework. , after tidying up his room, it only took half an hour to tidy up the living room of the villa.

Sitting on the sofa, looking at Mu Xue, who was wearing a simple apron and was busy cleaning with her buttocks up, an inexplicable sense of warmth surged in his heart, similar to the feeling of home.

"Ahem, is it because I've been too empty lately? How could I have such thoughts." Shaking his head, Zhuo Yun quickly blocked some weird thoughts.

After simply cleaning the living room of the villa, Mu Xue didn't take a break, she went directly into the kitchen, and there was a sound of cooking from inside.

At the beginning, when Mu Xue was asked to do housework and cooking, it was just to give her a higher self-esteem, but Zhuo Yun didn't expect that she would actually regard herself as a nanny.

"You made these." Zhuo Yun asked in astonishment as he looked at the food on the dining table, which was not considered rich but exuded bursts of fragrance.

Mu Xue nodded with a shy expression, and said embarrassingly: "I have learned cooking before, but I haven't cooked for a long time, so if the cooking is not delicious, please forgive me, boss."

"Don't call me Boss in the future, we are living under the same roof now, it sounds awkward to call me Boss every day, I should be older than you, so you can call me Brother Yun, as for me, I will call you Xiaoxue, How is it?" Zhuo Yun said with a smile after recovering from the enticing aroma of the food.

"Okay, Brother Yun, I understand." Mu Xue nodded and changed her words obediently.

Hearing such a beautiful young lady call him Brother Yun, Zhuo Yun was still a little flustered. In order to avoid losing his composure, he immediately turned his attention to the food on the table.

As soon as he took a bite of the meal, his appetite was suddenly seduced, and he secretly sighed in his heart that it was a wise decision to recruit Mu Xue into his home this time.

When these days came, he often went to restaurants, or ate some junk food like instant noodles, and he hadn't eaten serious meals at home for a long time.

Seeing Zhuo Yun's devouring appearance, Mu Xue, who was a little flustered because she agreed to stay at Zhuo Yun's house temporarily, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since she was a child, she didn't like to owe other people, especially love debts. This was one of the reasons why she refused to ask for housing subsidies before. She didn't like other people's handouts.

After eating and drinking enough, the two of them went back to their rooms after chatting for a while.

Lying on the bed, Zhuo Yun transferred his consciousness to Xuan Gui with a slight movement of his mind.

After half a day of advancing at full speed, the black turtle has already penetrated deep into the Pacific Ocean, and it will reach the agreed place in another half day.

After investigating the progress of the black tortoise, he stepped back and began to concentrate on cultivating the tortoise's breath, refining the vitality in his body, and striving to lay a good foundation.

When such good things as century-old wild ginseng are obtained again, there will be no danger of vigor riots in the body due to unstable foundation.

In addition to practicing tortoise breathing, he has also been trying to maintain the state of the water control domain at all times, so as to hone the control of vitality and the proficiency of the water control ability——

Haiyao Group almost controls the sea business in the entire city of Z. Relying on a large amount of seafood, it has gradually started to develop into the catering industry in recent years. This is one of the reasons why Haiyao Group raised the price of seafood to Mingtian Group. one.

However, after all, Haiyao Group is still a novice in the catering industry. Hai Dafu is not so stupid as to directly compete with established leaders in the catering industry such as Mingtian Group. Similar to resorts and island hotels.

In a seaside resort under the Haiyao Group, Haiyang, the arrogant young master of the Haiyao Group, is sitting on the sofa with a respectful expression like a younger brother, pouring wine for a man beside him from time to time. cigarette.

If Zhuo Yun was here at this time, he would be very surprised, because this man who kept coming in from time to time was exactly Mu Xue's fiancé who was staring at the baby.

"Young Master Xiao, what made you feel so bad, tell me, as long as I can help, I will accept it." Hai Yang said fawningly.

Hearing Haiyang's words, Young Master Xiao's face became even more gloomy, and after thinking for a while, he said the brand name of Zhuo Yun's sports car.

"You check the information on this car's plate number for me, and give me an answer as soon as possible."

"No problem, I'll ask you now." Haiyang immediately wrote down the number, stepped to the side, and called the contact person to ask for the specific information of the number plate.

After a while, the phone call came. After listening to the number for a while, Haiyang's face became a little ugly.

"Why, what's the problem? Who is the owner of this number plate?" Young Master Xiao glanced at Haiyang and asked in surprise.

"Young Master Xiao, I also know the person you asked me to check, and I have had a lot of conflicts with him, and recently this person has also opened a sea company in our z city, robbing our business, I am planning to find I taught him a lesson, but I didn't expect this kid to offend even you, he just doesn't know how to live or die."

Afterwards, Haiyang told about Zhuo Yun's situation, intentionally making Zhuo Yun miserable.

"Hmph, I thought it was some kind of amazing thing, but it's just a small shrimp." A look of disdain appeared on the corner of Xiao Shao's mouth, and he sneered, "I'll leave this kid to you, as long as you don't make any troubles, I can carry it for you!"

"Hey, with Xiao Shao's words, I can rest assured that you will be satisfied."

Haiyang smiled cooperatingly. He wanted to teach Zhuo Yun a lesson a long time ago. He just considered the existence of the Thunder Group before, but now with Xiao Shao's support, he has no scruples.

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