Super black turtle clone

Chapter 147 Sister Rou joins!

() Time passed in a blink of an eye, and when Zhuo Yun woke up and went downstairs the next day, Mu Xue had already prepared breakfast, her appearance was like that of a newlywed and charming wife, it made people want to eat Wide open.

After breakfast, Zhuo Yun stopped by and drove Mu Xue to the company. After all, Mu Xue and the other three are already senior students, and basically they have learned almost everything that should be learned. Not going to school is enough to pass the graduation exam.

As a result, this scene happened to be seen by Zhang Kun and Cao Xiaohu, and Zhang Kun immediately filled his imagination with imagination. After all, it was really weird for the two of them to go to work together when they woke up in the morning.

"The boss is too ungrateful. As the saying goes, rabbits don't even eat grass by the side of their nests, yet he doesn't even let Mu Xue off. My heart is broken." Looking at the scene downstairs, Zhang Kun My heart is cold and cold.

Mu Xue is gentle and dignified, beautiful and pure, even a man will have a good impression when he sees it, not to mention that Zhang Kun, who is relatively wretched, has long regarded Mu Xue as the goddess in his heart. At the same time, when he entered a company, he also wanted to get the moon first, but now the building was close, but the moon was not allowed to enter.

Compared with Zhang Kun, Cao Xiaohu, who has a relatively simple and honest personality, didn't think about it at all.

Bringing Mu Xue to the company, Zhuo Yun glanced at Zhang Kun, who was a bit out of his mind, and was a little surprised. This guy used to look like a chicken blood, and this kind of situation is still rare.

He didn't know, because he walked into the company with Mu Xue just now, and the innocent virgin heart in Zhang Kun's body was completely shattered, and it would take at least four or five days to recover.

Coming to his office, Zhuo Yun secretly thought about expanding the scale of his company.

Now that the company is officially in operation, and there is a long-term deep-sea product trade with Mingtian Group, it is not enough to rely on Zhang Kun's three part-time jobs. He must recruit more professional talents. It is best to work in the enterprise for a period of time. Those with work experience.

"Bang bang!" Just as he was drafting a business plan, there was a knock on the office door.

"Come in!" With the pen and paper in Fang Xiang's hand, Zhuo Yun leaned on the boss's chair, posing as a boss and said.

Although there are only three employees in the company now, this is just the beginning. He is confident that sooner or later his company will grow enough to affect the entire China and the entire world. Just cultivate slowly.

The office door opened, and Zhang Kun walked in from outside with a strange expression on his face. From his eyes, Zhuo Yun saw a familiar envy and hatred.

"This kid must have taken the wrong medicine." Sensing Zhang Kun's eyes, Zhuo Yun thought suspiciously.

"Boss, there is a beautiful woman outside who wants to meet you, she says she is your old friend."

"It can't be Lei Bao'er, no, if it was her, with her personality, she would definitely rush in directly." Guessing secretly, Zhuo Yun nodded and said: "Let her in!"

Zhang Kun retreated after hearing the words, and after a while, the door of the Kung Fu room opened again, and a seductive beauty with a hint of maturity appeared in Zhuo Yun's sight.

"Sister Rou, why are you here?" Zhuo Yun said in surprise when he saw the person coming.

When we met before, he didn't bring up the topic of starting a company. In his opinion, Wang Yanrou probably didn't know about it.

"Chairman Zhuoda, now that you have created a company, even I can't come here." Wang Yanrou pouted, showing a dissatisfied expression.

Seeing Wang Yanrou's little girl's expression, Zhuo Yun's heart suddenly felt hot, and the scene of that night in the hotel appeared in his mind.

"Ahem, Sister Rou, don't make fun of me. What kind of chairman am I? There are only a few people in the whole company." Suppressing the anger in his heart, Zhuo Yun shook his head with a wry smile.

"By the way, sister Rou, how did you know that I founded the company here." Zhuo Yun changed the subject with a smile.

Stepping forward and sitting on the sofa opposite, Wang Yanrou complained with a resentful expression: "You still said that Jingran has been hiding it from me. If it wasn't for the fact that I heard from the deputy general manager Lei Yao before, I didn't know that you created Jingran here. established a company and did business jointly with the Mingtian Group.”

"Hehe, it's just a small company, how dare you open your mouth." Zhuo Yun smiled awkwardly, and changed the subject again: "By the way, you just said that Lei Yao is the deputy general manager, and it seems that he will soon become the deputy general manager. general manager."

"It's not that simple. There seems to be some changes in the upper-level directors of the Thunder Group recently. It may be difficult for Lei Yao to be promoted to the general manager from the deputy general manager."

"What, who dares to oppose the Lei family, in the Thunder Group, the Lei family has always had the final say."

Zhuo Yun's expression was a little shocked. With Lei Wanshan's great talent and general strategy, ordinary people are no match at all. In his opinion, Lei Yao's succession as the chairman of Leiting Group is a sure thing, but he didn't expect that there would be twists and turns.

"I'm not very clear about this. It is said that other groups seem to be involved. I'm just the manager of a small 4S store. I only listen to the people above these things." Wang Yanrou shook her head.

After calming down, Zhuo Yun gave Wang Yanrou a cup of coffee, went to the sofa and sat down.

"Sister Rou, did you come to see me for something this time? You didn't just come to chat with me." <Light wave.

"Why do I feel that there is something wrong with this chick?" Zhuo Yun's heart skipped a beat when he saw Wang Yanrou whose expression became a little weird after he finished speaking.

"Zhuo Yun, I came here this time to join you. Now I have resigned from my job at the 4S store and I am going to apply for a job with you,"

"Resigned!" Zhuo Yun repeated in surprise, his head was a little dazed, and he didn't know which song Wang Yanrou was singing for a while.

Although Wang Yanrou is only the manager of a 4S store under the Thunder Group, the size of that Thunder 4S store is enough to show that she is now considered the core management of the Thunder Group, and her future development can be said to be unlimited.

"Yes, I've resigned now, you won't want me." Wang Yanrou said pitifully, that weak expression made Zhuo Yun feel that if he refused, he would definitely have done something unreasonable.

"Sister Rou, I would welcome you to our small company, but why did you quit your job in the 4S store, don't you?" A reason came to Zhuo Yun's mind while speaking, and his expression became a little involuntarily ambiguous.

A steady and dignified Wang Yanrou, a blush flashed across her face: "What are you thinking? The first reason I came here is to see your company's development potential, and now there are fluctuations in the upper management of the Thunder Group, and different factions have emerged. , I belong to Mr. Lei's faction, and I have often been squeezed by other factions recently. Instead of fighting each other in the 4S shop, it is better to show my talent in your company."

After listening to Wang Yanrou's explanation, Zhuo Yun didn't really believe it. He could feel the way Wang Yanrou looked at him, it was definitely not as simple as she said.

"Okay, since Sister Rou believes so much in the potential of our company, I naturally welcome you. Before you came, I was still worried about not being able to help me manage the company. I didn't have any management experience before. It's really timely for you to come." Putting away some complicated emotions, Zhuo Yun said with a face full of joy.

Being able to climb to the position of manager of Thunder Group's 4S store without relying on selling beauty is enough to show Wang Yanrou's working ability. Now Zhuo Yun lacks such capable and experienced talents.

The addition of Wang Yanrou was like a tiger with wings added to Zhuo Yun. He immediately informed Zhang Kun of Wang Yanrou's joining the company, and formally appointed her as the general manager of Almighty Maritime Company to manage everything in the company.

"The boss really deserves to be the boss. I'm convinced." Looking at Wang Yanrou, who is charming and dynamic, whose appearance and figure are no less than that of Mu Xue, and who has a more mature and charming sense, Zhang Kun is completely convinced. The look of envy, jealousy and hatred disappeared.

Before, he was still envious and jealous of Zhuo Yun, but now he found that the object of envy and jealousy was far beyond his imagination, and it was no longer on the same level, so he had to be completely convinced.

"Hey, now that Sister Rou is joining me, I can finally get out of the sea of ​​suffering." After officially announcing the identity of Wang Yanrou as the general manager, Zhuo Yun felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his heart.

For him, he enjoys the feeling of starting a business as a boss and making money, but he doesn't like managing the company. In his subconscious, he yearns for the kind of free life.

After Wang Yanrou joined the company, she immediately launched a series of rectification measures, adding some ideas and routines into the company's regulations. In just one day, the company that seemed a bit sloppy at first became a little more formal. a feeling of.

Regarding Wang Yanrou's rectification, Zhuo Yun was delighted to see it.

At the beginning, the establishment of Almighty Maritime Company was an idea that popped up out of nowhere. He really had no experience and no interest in managing the company. Now that Wang Yanrou is here, with the continuous expansion of the scale, he will continue to absorb all kinds of talents. , even becoming a listed group is not a dream.

The only thing that makes He Heyun a little depressed is that Wang Yanrou seems to be somewhat hostile to Mu Xue, who is no less beautiful and temperament than her. This makes him secretly distressed, and he doesn't know how to adjust it.

Judging from his feeling, Wang Yanrou's hostility towards Mu Xue should have a certain relationship with him, which made it even more difficult for him to speak casually, so as not to magnify the situation.

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