Super black turtle clone

Chapter 148 Arrogant!

() After get off work, Zhuo Yun personally served as the host, and gathered Zhang Kun and other three people, as well as several crew members in charge of sea transportation, to hold a welcome banquet in a hotel of the nearby Mingtian Group.

Originally, after cooperating with Mingtian Group, he planned to hold a celebration banquet, but at that time, he was really busy. The company had just started running, and there were so many things that even he himself was busy. I don't have time to hold a celebration banquet, so I just make up for it now.

"Hello sir, it is our hotel's honor that you can come to our hotel, please come with me." When Zhuo Yun showed his gold VIP card when he came to the hotel, the hotel manager hurried over with a respectful expression Lead the way ahead.

"The boss is so awesome. The manager of this kind of big hotel is so polite to the boss. When will I become so rich?"

"This hotel is owned by the Mingtian Group. Generally, the bosses of small companies will compliment the hotel manager when they see the hotel manager. How can we get such treatment from our boss."

The few crew members following behind Zhuo Yun murmured and sighed, for them the hotel manager was already a high-ranking person, but now such a high-ranking person is humbled in front of his boss, which made them all helpless. I feel more face-saving.

Under the guidance of the hotel manager, everyone came to the only VIP room in the hotel. The luxurious decoration and grand ostentation immediately stunned Zhang Kun and others.

Having made their positions, Zhuo Yun took the menu and scanned it. When he saw the last page of the menu, he was slightly taken aback.

It clearly states several kinds of food made of deep-sea ingredients, and explains in detail below the food pattern. Every food made of deep-sea ingredients is expensive.

"Huge profits, it's really huge profits. I used to think that I was already making huge profits selling deep-sea ingredients. Now, compared with Mingtian Group, it is nothing." I glanced at these ingredients, and the last dish For the price of the dishes, Zhuo Yun found that the price difference was nearly ten times.

Although he had thought that Mingtian Group would use the food made from deep-sea ingredients as its trump card before, he didn't expect such huge profits, which made him a little jealous. Of course, he didn't want to raise the price maliciously.

In addition to the value of the ingredients themselves, the high prices of these foods of the Mingtian Group also include the turnover of the chef and the entire hotel. The real profit is not so high. Only when a leader in the catering industry like Tian Group gathers a large number of high-end consumers can it really work.

After all, if these deep-sea ingredients were handed over to small restaurants on the side of the road, even if they presented the nutritional value of the deep-sea ingredients and all kinds of evidence, they would not be able to sell them at all.

After ordering a table of sumptuous meals, Zhuo Yun also ordered a delicious dish made with deep-sea ingredients.

In front of a large amount of delicious food and wine, a banquet can be said to be a feast for the guests and hosts. Zhuo Yun also tried the delicacies cooked with deep-sea ingredients. The taste is indeed much better than ordinary seafood, which makes him more interested in hunting deep-sea ingredients. Confident, he secretly thought to let the black turtle look for more strange beasts like deep sea crab kings, so that he could catch more deep sea ingredients.

Anyway, the deep sea has always been a huge treasure that has not yet been excavated by human beings. The deep sea creatures and deep sea ingredients contained in it are enough for him to kill this business.

Just when everyone was eating happily, Zhuo Yun, who was sitting on the main seat, moved his ears slightly. With his keen hearing, he could hear a burst of noise coming from outside the box.

"Young Master Hai, I'm really sorry, the VIP box is already occupied today, why don't I arrange another box for you."

"What, do you know who I am accompanying to eat here this time? No matter who it is, they must give up the supreme VIP box to me today."

"Hai Shao, it's really not suitable today. Otherwise, I'll call other hotels under the banner to inquire now. If you go to the supreme VIP box in other hotels, I will give you a [-]% discount for Hai Shao. Please also invite Hai Shao Please forgive me."

"Nonsense, do you think I, the young chairman of Haiyao Group, would care about this small amount of money? Get out of the way, I want to see who has such a big face and dares to occupy my Haiyang special box."

"Touch!" Accompanied by a loud crash, the door of the private room was violently pushed open, startling everyone in the private room except Zhuo Yun.

The door was opened, and an arrogant figure walked in from outside.

"Sure enough, it's Hai Yang!" Seeing Zhuo Yun's indifferent expression, and hearing the conversation outside just now, he had a guess, but he really guessed it right.

"Hey, isn't this the manager Yanrou? It's been a while since I've seen her, and her figure has become more plump." Walking into the room, Haiyang's eyes were immediately attracted by the enchanting and charming Wang Yanrou, and he directly blocked Zhuo Yun and others, A pair of naked eyes scanned Wang Yanrou's sexy figure, as if she wanted to swallow it in one gulp.

A dude of the second generation like Haiyang will naturally not let go of any beauties, not to mention a beauty like Wang Yanrou, who once tried to lure Wang Yanrou into bed with money and power when she was in the Leiting 4S store, but it's a pity But it ended in failure.

Men don't care about what they get, what they can't get is the most unbearable, and it's no exception for Hai Yang.

"Thank you for the compliment, Young Master Hai, but we are having dinner, and it seems that Young Master Hai has not been invited. I don't know what's the matter with Young Master Hai breaking in suddenly." Facing Hai Yang's teasing and naked eyes, Wang Yanrou looked indifferent asked rhetorically.

"Hey, Xiaoxue, why are you here too? You don't know how hard it is for me to find you." At this moment, I walked in again outside the door, and after glancing at the people present, I focused my gaze on on Mu Xue's body.

"Xiao Zhiyuan!"

Seeing the figure that appeared, Mu Xue's expression changed slightly, and she said in a cold tone.

Hearing Mu Xue's indifferent address, Young Master Xiao's eyes flashed with anger, but he quickly hid this emotion, his face was full of surprise and joy.

Zhuo Yun, who was sitting on the main seat, watched Haiyang and Xiao Zhiyuan completely ignore their own existence, molesting their female subordinates with wretched expressions.

"Damn, these two guys are too arrogant." Furious in his heart, Zhuo Yun stood up from his seat.

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