Super black turtle clone

Chapter 149 Completely Offended!

()"Manager, what's going on? Why are there two strangers barging in while we're eating? If they came to beg for food, they should wait until we're done eating. I hope you can give me one." satisfactory explanation."

Glancing at the manager who was sweating on his forehead, Zhuo Yun shouted in a cold voice with an unhappy expression.

The manager, who was sweating coldly, had a smile uglier than crying when he heard the words, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment. Bi Jingzhuoyun was a VIP with a gold VIP card, and Haiyang was also the young owner of Haiyao Group. It's not something he, a small manager, can offend.

Seeing the embarrassing look of the hotel manager who didn't know how to answer, Zhuo Yun didn't care. He questioned the hotel manager, and he didn't want to trouble the hotel manager.

"It's you!" Haiyang and Xiao Zhiyuan, who were flirting with beauties next to each other, saw Zhuo Yun standing up, and exclaimed in unison.

Zhuo Yun: "."

Just now he thought it was done on purpose by the two, but now he realizes that these two weird guys really didn't notice his existence at all, which made Zhuo Yun have an urge to see blood.

After yelling, Haiyang looked at Xiao Zhiyuan in surprise. He didn't expect Xiao Zhiyuan to know Zhuo Yun, but after thinking of the license plate number that Xiao Zhiyuan asked him to check, he reflected it.

As a qualified younger brother, Haiyang immediately came to Xiao Zhiyuan's side, and whispered softly: "Young Master Xiao, this kid is the Zhuo Yun I mentioned."

"Zhuo Yun is, I don't know how you met Xiaoxue, but I want to tell you that Xiaoxue is not someone like you who can spy on you. I advise you to leave immediately." Xiao Zhiyuan put on a haughty look Looking at Zhuo Yun with disdain.

"Have you heard what Young Master Xiao said, Zhuo Yun, I advise you to leave here immediately, Young Master Xiao is not something you can offend, obediently give up this supreme VIP box, otherwise you will not be able to gain a foothold in Huaxia." Ocean followed closely with a sneer.

Turning his head and glanced at Hai Yang who looked like a standard dog leg, Zhuo Yun had a wicked smile on his lips.

"Hai Hai, I haven't lost enough face last time, the majestic young master of Haiyao Group, now he has become a dog's leg, it's really pitiful!"

"You!" Haiyang Qi pointed at Zhuo Yun tremblingly, but couldn't speak for a moment. After all, what Zhuo Yun said was the truth, just a little exaggerated.

"Hmph, so you don't intend to leave." Compared to Hai Yang who was so angry that he was about to lose his mind, Xiao Zhiyuan looked much calmer, with a hint of prey in his expression.

Glancing at Xiao Zhiyuan, who was suppressing his anger, Zhuo Yun was slightly surprised, and at the same time, a little curious about Xiao Zhiyuan's identity.

There is only one possibility for a dude like Haiyang to be willing to be a younger brother, and that is that Xiao Zhiyuan is a dude with a much older background than Haiyang. ocean surrender.

"Damn it, I don't care who you are, if you dare to pretend to be aggressive in front of me, you must be prepared to throw it in." Thinking to himself, Zhuo Yun sneered: "It's not me leaving, it's the two of you leaving." Get out, this is my dining room, you two broke in without my permission, believe it or not, if I report to the police now, I can arrest you two."

"Okay, if you have the ability, report to the police. I, Xiao Zhiyuan, have never been afraid of anyone. Then I want to see who is taken away." Xiao Zhiyuan laughed softly, his expression full of anger. Confident, it looks like the police station is run by their family.

The manager of the hotel next to him was sweating anxiously when he heard this, and the clothes on his back were soaked unconsciously. According to his anxiety, he didn't know what to do. Once the police were called to make things worse, then he The hotel manager will be the end of the day.

"Enough!" Just when the hotel manager was about to die, Mu Xue yelled angrily, stared at Xiao Zhiyuan and said, "Xiao Zhiyuan, I'm having dinner with friends today, and I don't want to be disturbed by others, don't think that only Your family has power."

Hearing Mu Xue's shout, Xiao Zhiyuan changed his expression a few times, glared at Zhuo Yun fiercely, and took a deep breath.

"Okay, Xiaoxue, I'll let him go today for your sake, but if he doesn't understand current affairs, even you won't be able to protect him." After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhiyuan turned around and left in a serious manner like a pug. Haiyang hurriedly followed.

The hotel manager glanced at Mu Xue gratefully. In his eyes, the pure and beautiful Mu Xue was simply the reincarnation of Avalokitesvara, which gave him the urge to make a promise. Of course, if Mu Xue didn't like him, that would be another time. It's over.

An originally pleasant welcome banquet was ruined by Haiyang and Xiao Zhiyuan.

In the parking lot, Wang Yanrou looked at Zhuo Yun carrying Mu Xue, who started the sports car and disappeared outside the door in a stream of blue light, a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged in her heart.

"Zhang Kun, who is that Mu Xue, and what is his relationship with Zhuo Yun?" Wang Yanrou called Zhang Kun who was not far away, and asked.

"Hey!" Hearing this, Zhang Kun immediately showed that I understood, and let out a somewhat obscene laugh. After being glared at by Wang Yanrou, he quickly returned to seriousness.

"Reporting to Manager Wang, Mu Xue is a classmate of me and Cao Xiaohu. She just transferred to our school recently. I don't know the details. As for his relationship with Mr. Zhuo, it's hard to say. We Small employees also dare not casually discuss Mr. Zhuo's private life."

Even though Zhang Kun said so, his wretched expression was expressing his opinion, which made Wang Yanrou, who already felt a strong sense of crisis, frown involuntarily.

As a beautiful woman who has been in the workplace for many years, through the incident just now, she can judge that Mu Xue's identity is definitely not simple, such a beautiful and pure family background looks very good, for a man The lethality of the entry is very powerful.

"Hmph, I, Wang Yanrou, are not inferior to her. I don't believe that I can't compete with a little girl." A confident smile appeared on the corner of Wang Yanrou's mouth, and the charm of a mature woman overflowed the whole world. Zhang Kun, who was watching, swallowed.

Back in the living room of the villa, Zhuo Yun sat on the sofa and drank the tea made by Mu Xue, and looked at Mu Xue who was sitting in front of him like a little girl who made mistakes with some amusement.

"Brother Yun, I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble, I will leave here and the company tomorrow." After a long silence, Mu Xue said with an apologetic expression.

"Can you tell me who that kid is? He seems to be very powerful. Even Haiyang, the young master of Haiyao Group, is willing to be his younger brother."

"Xiao Zhiyuan's family has been in politics for generations and has great power in the political world. Many members of the Xiao family hold important positions in various cities. Even in the capital of China, the Xiao family is one of the very powerful families. Xiao Zhiyuan's second uncle is The deputy mayor of City Z, if I stay here again, he will definitely try his best to deal with you, and even the company will definitely have to close its doors."

"So powerful!" After hearing Mu Xue's narration, Zhuo Yun was slightly startled, even though he had already guessed that Xiao Zhiyuan's background was not simple, he did not expect that he was actually a powerful force in the capital.

"Don't worry, I will leave tomorrow, and I will warn him when the time comes, and I won't let him take revenge on you." Seeing the surprised Zhuo Yun, Mu Xue said sadly.

Originally, she left the capital to escape marriage, but now she realizes that she can't escape at all with her own strength alone.

"Xiaoxue, you underestimate me too much. A mere Xiao Zhiyuan can't scare me. If he dares to deal with me, I will let him know what regret is." A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth. It's really a little dull, Xiao Zhiyuan's appearance can just embellish the dull life.

Looking at Zhuo Yun who was smiling confidently and evilly in front of her, Mu Xue's heart skipped a beat, and a blush appeared on her face.

"Thank you, Brother Yun, but the Xiao family's strength in the political world is really too strong, you will not be their opponent." When she came back to her senses, Mu Xue shook her head with a worried expression.

Zhuo Yun was moved by Mu Xue's understanding, took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I naturally have a solution, besides, I'm an honest citizen, as long as I don't break the law, what can he do to me?" manage."

"I hope so!" Seeing Zhuo Yunyi's insistence, Mu Xueyi nodded with some preoccupation.

Although she didn't have much confidence in Zhuo Yun's ability to deal with Xiao Zhiyuan, she didn't want to lose this opportunity to get rid of Xiao Zhiyuan.

After comforting Mu Xue, after she returned to her room, Zhuo Yun sat on the sofa, thinking about what happened today in her mind.

The reason why he chose to let Mu Xue stay was not only because she was a super beautiful woman, but also because he was not happy with Xiao Zhiyuan's arrogance. The most important thing was that he wanted to take this opportunity to severely damage Haiyao Group through Haiyang.

He had had conflicts with Haiyang before, and now he is trading deep-sea ingredients with Mingtian Group, which has even touched the interests of Haiyao Group.

Recently, Cao Xiaohu saw that when they were transporting deep-sea ingredients, there were other ships around. Instead of waiting for the Haiyao Group to make a move, it is better to use the conflict with Xiao Zhiyuan to let Haiyang find trouble for himself, and then he can find an opportunity to deal with it. Haiyao Group.

"Haiyao Group, I hope you don't provoke me, or you will be a stepping stone for me." A confident sneer appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth. With his current strength in the sea, if he could support Thomas, he would be nothing. There is only one dead end for Haiyao Group.

After sorting out his thoughts, he stretched and leaned on the sofa, his consciousness shifted to Xuan Gui.

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