Super black turtle clone

Chapter 150 Crisis strikes!

In a hotel room in ()z City, a man was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, while another man was staring at the laptop screen on the table, which clearly showed a group of men and women in strange clothes.

"Chihu, shit, don't sleep, the target has already left the place of residence, and it seems that he is about to go to the destination." The man who was staring at the laptop screen stretched out his hand and shook the man who was sleeping like a dead pig, and shouted dissatisfied .

"Why are you so anxious, anyway, they can't escape our monitoring." The man named Chihu yawned, sat up from the bed, his crimson hair was loose, and he really looked alike A red tiger.

"Don't take it lightly. These people are all killers specially trained by the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan. They are very powerful. If they are allowed to make trouble in City Z casually, the two of us will have an inescapable responsibility."

"I got it, I got it, I said punching o, can you stop being so verbose and go quickly."

The man named Dianyan looked away from the laptop screen when he heard the words, only to realize that Chihu had already run to the window, and jumped down from the window on the fourth floor.

"This guy!" Muttered in dissatisfaction, putting away the notebook and jumping out of the window, the distance of four floors is almost as flat as walking on the ground between the two.

If a child sees it at this time, they will definitely shout Super Spider-Man.

Dianyan and Chihu were running on the street at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people. A few tens of meters ahead of them, a group of men and women with the same speed were advancing rapidly. Men and women wore very different costumes, and some of them had samurai swords pinned to their waists. The direction they were heading happened to be the villa area where Zhuo Yun was.

Zhuo Yun in the living room of the villa didn't know the danger was coming, and still attached his consciousness to the black turtle, and looked at a small island in front of him through the black turtle.

This small island is where a small pirate group is located. This group of pirates is called the Devil Pirate Group. Although the name sounds scary, it can only be regarded as a small pirate group on the sea. Compared with the large pirate organizations that came to the archipelago, there is nothing comparable at all.

Walking around the small island in front of him, Zhuo Yun has a general understanding of the specific situation of the small island. The front of the small island is not big, but if you are an ordinary person, you want to walk from one end of the small island to the other. , at least it may take a few days.

The small island is full of trees and mountains, and the terrain is very complicated. What surprised him was that after walking around the small island, he did not find the pirates' pirate ship.

"This group of pirates doesn't look simple. I don't know if Thomas and the others can handle them. If these pirates are at sea, they can be brought down easily with the strength of the black turtle. Now they can only rely on themselves." Lurk In the sea water outside the island, Zhuo Yun stared at the distant sea surface through the blood-red eyes of the black turtle. According to the original agreement, Thomas and his party should arrive at this small island soon.

A group of Japanese killers outside the villa area stopped, and after talking with each other for a while, one of the masked female killers with a bumpy figure sneaked into the villa area quietly, and the others quickly came to the villa area not far from the villa area. On a piece of wasteland in the distance, the figure disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.

A few tens of meters away from these Japanese killers, two figures crawled on a small hill. Seeing the scene where the four killers disappeared, their pupils shrank slightly.

"I didn't expect that this group of guys would actually know some ninjutsu. It seems that Wa Kingdom invested a lot of money in this operation, but I don't know who they want to deal with. This villa area seems to be just a place where rich people live. , it seems that there is nothing important." There was a dignified look in Da Yan's eyes.

"Hmph, a group of rats who can only hide. If I didn't want to find out their purpose, I could kill them all by myself." Chihu said indifferently and disdainfully, his eyes were full of contempt.

Glancing at Chihu, he shook his head helplessly and said: "This group of people is not that simple, let's observe first, it's best not to startle the snake, you don't know how difficult Japanese assassins who can ninjutsu are, If there is no absolute way to put me down, let’s stop with stillness first.”

"Okay, listen to you, if it wasn't for the fact that there isn't enough money in the organization now, how could we tolerate these Japanese little devils in China." He muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, Chihu lay on his back on the hill, closed his eyes and continued to sleep His sense of return.

Seeing Chihu's appearance, Dan Yan shook his head helplessly, reached out and took down the box behind him, and pressed a few switches to open the box.

In the long and narrow box, there were a bunch of parts of the firearms, and Ding Yan stretched out his hand and began to assemble these parts at an astonishing speed.

Dozens of parts seemed to have life in his hands, and it took less than ten seconds to fully assemble all the parts to form a high-performance sniper gun.

Zhuo Yun, who was attached to Xuangui's body, scanned the sea once, then retreated from Xuangui's body in a bored manner.

The moment his consciousness merged into his own body, a strong sense of crisis suddenly surged into his heart, the muscles all over his body tensed up instantly, and the surging vitality in his body was stimulated by the operation method of the turtle's breath formula.

"It's too late!" A gloomy cold light flashed past, even though Zhuo Yun tried his best to dodge, the clothes on his chest were still torn open by the cold light.

The pain in his chest made Zhuo Yun wake up suddenly, and he instinctively slapped his palm forward, and a soft touch came from his palm.

"Touch!" Under the attack of the palm, there was a burst of ripples in front of the empty space, and a black shadow flew out from it. After landing on the ground, it quickly fled to the outside.

"Where are you running!" Zhuo Yun shouted angrily, and quickly chased after him.

During the pursuit, he glanced at his chest. Under the defense of the vitality of the turtle's breath formula, the dagger just tore apart the flesh, and did not hurt the muscles and bones. The vitality of the body quickly stopped the wound. bleed.

"It's so dangerous. Fortunately, my consciousness came back in time just now. Otherwise, I would almost be pierced through the heart. At that time, I would either become a turtle forever, or die with my consciousness dissipated." Thinking of these two possibilities, let me He broke out in a cold sweat all of a sudden, and the anger in his heart became stronger. He accelerated his pace and rushed towards the black shadow who assassinated him at full speed.

The two of them quickly rushed out of the villa area. With the burst of vitality in their bodies, Zhuo Yun was only less than five meters away from the man in black who assassinated him.

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