Super black turtle clone

Chapter 156 Take a Maid!

() "Why did he kill me? I don't seem to have cuckolded him." Zhuo Yun wondered.

"You killed Saburo Muto in the last martial arts competition, which not only damaged my country's face, but also aroused the anger of the Muto family, and my Kitano family is attached to the Muto family. In order to win the appreciation and support of the Muto family, Masao Kitano took the initiative Accepted the task of assassinating you."

"So that's how it is!" Zhuo Yun nodded clearly after hearing the words of Bei Tanglan, also known as Kitano Meidaizi, and a fierce murderous intent arose in his heart towards that Kitano Masao.

Now he is no longer the ivory tower college student who dared not even kill a chicken. Masao Kitano's repeated assassinations have seriously violated his bottom line. For such an enemy, he will never allow the other party to live.

"Thank you for your cooperation, but I have a question. Since Masao Kitano is your father, why did you let me kill him and hate him so much?"

Hearing Zhuo Yun's question, Kitano Meidai's face turned slightly pale, as if recalling something bad, a pair of beautiful eyes burst out with fierce killing intent.

"He's a beast!" Kitano Meidaizi gritted her teeth, that kind of naked hatred was like a volcano that had been suppressed for many years, and even Zhuo Yun was shocked by the burst of emotion. This is definitely not something that can be faked by acting.

It wasn't until later that Zhuo Yun realized why Kitano Meidaizi hated Kitano Masao so much. In fact, Kitano Meidaizi's mother was not a Japanese student, but a beautiful girl from Huaxia who went to Japan to study abroad.

The two met at a reception. Masao Kitano took the opportunity to get Kitano Meidaiko's mother drunk, and then the two had a relationship. Afterwards, Kitano Meidaiko's mother tried to use the law to defend her rights, but in the end Failed.

Later, Kitano Meidaiko's mother became pregnant, and Kitano Masao relied on his power in the Wa Kingdom to put Kitano Meidaiko's mother under house arrest in his family until Kitano Meidaiko's mother gave birth to Meidaizi. She gave up house arrest, but Yiyi often abused Kitano Meidaiko's mother. When Kitano Meidaiko was seven years old, her mother finally died of depression after being abused.

From that moment on, Kitano Midaiko had a strong hatred for her father. Later, when Kitano Meidaizi grew up, Kitano Masao even tried to touch her, but he failed under his desperate resistance, which made Kitano Mei Daizi's hatred for Kitano Masao reached a peak.

At this moment, Zhuo Yun, who didn't know Kitano Meidaizi's experience, couldn't help bursting out a thought in his heart when he felt Kitano Meidaizi's hatred that was as strong as a tide.

"Mei Daizi, if I guessed correctly, your father Masao Kitano should be very strong, and your strength is not enough to kill him, yes." Zhuo Yun lifted Mei Daizi up from the ground, staring at her. She said seriously.

"That's right!" Kitano Midaiko nodded sadly.

"We have a common enemy. Not only can I promise you to kill Masao Kitano, but I can also guarantee that you will kill him yourself when the time comes." Having said that, Zhuo Yun looked at Meidaizi Kitano with an excited expression. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and continued: "However, my condition is that unconditional loyal ministers and me become my most loyal subordinates, whether you can do it."

It was not Zhuo Yun who said these words casually, but the result of careful consideration. What happened today, if there was a helper at that time, it might have been a different scene.

Now that all the killers sent by the Wa Kingdom were eliminated, and the people who offended the Dragon God's Wrath were offended, Zhuo Yun deeply realized the advantage of having more people and greater strength.

Kitano Meidaizi is not only charming and charming, but also has good strength. If it wasn't for his restraint on seductive arts, he might have been killed by Kitano Meidaizi long ago. Now there is such a good beauty sent to him , How could he let go of this opportunity to form his own forces.

"Okay, I promise you, but you must fulfill your promise to me, otherwise I will hold you back even if I die." Kitano Midaiko's eyes were full of firmness, and that calm look made Zhuo Yun has no doubt that if she breaks her promise, she will really die with her immediately grabbing a box of grenades.

"Don't worry, I will never break my promise, you will be grateful for your decision today." Zhuo Yun smiled confidently.

Perhaps his current strength is not enough to compete with some top powerhouses, but this is only a matter of time. With the existence of the black turtle avatar, he is confident that he can deal with the entire small capital of Japan in the future.

After successfully recovering Kitano Meidaizi, Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand and patted her on the shoulder in satisfaction, sucking out the vitality in her body.

"You will live in this villa from now on. As for your identity, just treat it as my nanny." After thinking about it, Zhuo Yun finally had to settle for this somewhat obscure identity.

"Hi!" Kitano Midaiko nodded indifferently, she didn't have the slightest complaint about her role as a nanny, as if she didn't care about anything around her.

"The bedroom on the right on the first floor is yours. It's already two or three o'clock in the morning. You should clean up and go to sleep."

After arranging Kitano Meidaizi, Zhuo Yun stretched and returned to his room. After arriving in the room, he immediately turned on the pinhole cameras in various places in the villa, and the images of the main locations in the entire villa were captured. It immediately appeared on the laptop screen.

These things are necessary for every villa, in order to prevent thieves from entering, or to obtain some evidence materials, and now they are just used to monitor Kitano Meidaizi.

As the saying goes, there is no need to have the heart of harming others, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable. Although Zhuo Yun believes in his own judgment, he is not sure what other changes will occur. Some monitoring is still necessary for safety.

After staring at the laptop screen for a while, he found that Kitano Midaiko did not act strangely, so he was temporarily relieved.

After tossing around for most of the night and going through two more fierce battles, even Zhuo Yun felt exhausted and fell asleep after lying on the bed for a while.

Of course, don't look at him sleeping soundly at the moment, once someone approaches, he can definitely react in an instant, pull out the village rain placed beside him, and deal a fatal blow to the opponent.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Zhuo Yun was awakened by a burst of exclamation.

Hearing that familiar exclamation, he suddenly heard that there was another person in his villa, and he was too tired from fighting last night, so he forgot about it.

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