Super black turtle clone

Chapter 157 Surprised shopping mall robbery!

() Quickly rushed out of the room, and in the living room on the first floor, I saw Kitano Meidaizi and Mu Xue, staring at each other with their swords drawn.

"Mu Xue, don't be nervous, she is the nanny I invited." Walking downstairs quickly, Zhuo Yun explained.

"Nanny!" Mu Xue exclaimed, and sized Kitano Meidaizi up and down several times. No matter how she looked at her, she was beautiful and charming, with a bumpy figure and a strong heterosexual attraction. She didn't look like a nanny. If it is the secretary of the company boss, it is still possible.

Seeing Mu Xue's expression of disbelief, Zhuo Yun nodded in embarrassment, and at this moment he could only firmly insist on it.

"Yes, she is the nanny I just hired. You see, she has already prepared a table of meals." Zhuo Yun saw the meals on the table from the corner of the eye, and Zhuo Yun had an idea.

Hearing that Mu Xue turned her head and found the steaming food on the table, she believed Zhuo Yun's words.

"I didn't expect Mei Daizi to be able to cook Chinese food, this time I really got a bargain." Glancing at the standard Chinese food on the table, Zhuo Yun admired secretly in his heart.

In a strange atmosphere, the three of them had breakfast. Originally, according to the status of nanny, Mei Daizi Kitano had no right to eat together, but although Mei Daizi was willing to be the nanny, she did not feel wronged. I also sat down on the seat when I was eating, which made Mu Xue, who was already a little weird, even more weird about this so-called nanny.

For the sake of the company's business, Mu Xue hadn't gone to school for almost a week. Even in senior year, this kind of long-term absenteeism was still not allowed. Zhuo Yun drove him to the school not far away.

Originally, he planned to send him directly to the school, but according to Mu Xue, he didn't want to cause rumors from other students, so he had to stop at the corner in the end.

Watching Mu Xue's white and beautiful figure walk into the school gate, Zhuo Yun, with a feeling of caring for a female college student, was about to turn around and go to the company. The phone in front of me rang.

"Hey, it's Captain Ouyang. How could he think of calling me? Could it be because of the Chihu incident with the Dragon God's Wrath last night." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun put on the bluetooth headset and connected the phone .

Originally, Zhuo Yun was going to tease a few words, but before he could speak, a series of anxious voices came from the phone.

"Zhuo Yun, hurry up to Xiaoyao Mall on Qingshui Road. A vicious robbery happened there. Hurry up and help subdue the robber. I will give you all rights, as long as you can rescue the hostages in Xiaoyao Mall."

"No, Captain Ouyang, let me do this kind of thing, you're not kidding me, those police officers and special police are eating everything." Zhuo Yun replied dissatisfied, and slowly started the car.

The most important reason why he joined the Fifth Army was to have an identity, not to be like a superhuman, to save the suffering people. A heart of selfless dedication.

"I'm begging you to do me a favor this time. Leng Ji and the others have other tasks. Now you are the only one who is closest to the incident in City Z. Let me tell you, among the hostages trapped this time, there are One is the mayor of City Z, if it is an ordinary case, I will naturally not let you do it, but now there is a special situation."

"Okay, I can only do my best." Hearing that Ouyang Zuo even said what he asked himself, Zhuo Yun would not be so ignorant of current affairs, nodded and started the sports car, heading towards Qingshui Road at full speed go ahead.

"Thank you Zhuo Yun, I will immediately contact the police present and ask them to fully cooperate with you." Ouyang Zuo's grateful voice came from the other end of the phone, obviously heaving a sigh of relief.

After hanging up the call, Zhuo Yun immediately drove the car to the limit that could be driven. It was like a blue streamer in the urban area, constantly interspersed in some crowded traffic. Some drivers only felt a gust of wind blowing by, waiting for a reaction When he came over, he had already lost the blue sports car, and was so scared that there was almost a collision on the road.

It took him 5 minutes to arrive at the originally ten-minute journey, and when he arrived, the entire Xiaoyao Mall was already surrounded by crowds.

There may be many qualities of Huaxia people. Among them, like to join in the fun is definitely an indispensable part of Huaxia people. Even if it is such a dangerous robbery scene at this moment, there are still many people who are not afraid of death watching.

It took a lot of effort for Zhuo Yun to squeeze in from the crowd, and a series of guardrail ropes blocked the front, keeping the crowd outside.

"Hey, sir, there are robbers robbing the mall inside, you can't go in, please cooperate." When Zhuo Yun came to the fence rope, just as Zhuo Yun was about to step over, a young policeman rushed over and stopped him. He stepped forward.

"Enter yourself, I'm here to help you catch the robbers." Glancing at the young policeman, Zhuo Yun handed him his little book belonging to the army, and stepped into the protective rope.

"Hello, sir!" After reading the small book, the young police officer hastily shouted in salute.

Since he was a child, it was the first time he was called a senior officer, Zhuo Yun was stunned for a moment, an inexplicable sense of accomplishment welled up in his heart.

"The young man is very nice, what's his name, take me to meet the chief officer here." Zhuo Yun imitated the appearance of the chief officer on TV, and patted the young policeman on the shoulder and said.

The excited face of the young policeman was slightly flushed, and he looked like he had just become a policeman not long ago.

"Sir, my name is Zeng Jianguo, please follow me."

Seeing the agitated look of the young policeman Zeng Jianguo, Zhuo Yun secretly laughed in his heart, and followed him, thinking about how to carry out this rescue.

Don't look at the members whose strength has been improved enough to face the Wrath of the Dragon God, but he has not learned the knowledge of rescuing hostages. Asking him to draw up a plan is a bit of a bullshit until he comes to the police. He didn't think of any specific plan for the temporary conference room.

"Director, an officer wants to see you, and he said he is here to help us catch the robbers." Zeng Jianguo came to the temporary conference room, which was a temporary tent, and shouted salute.

In the conference room, five people were discussing nervously. After hearing Zeng Jianguo's words, the five people stopped the discussion and stood up from their seats with doubts on their faces.

"You invite that officer in." Zhu Zhengrong, director of the city's Public Security Bureau, who was slightly fatter, said in surprise.

Zhuo Yun, who was outside, listened to the conversation between the two, walked in, glanced at the fat director and said: "You don't need to invite, your Excellency is Director Zhu."

"That's right, I'm Zhu Zhengrong. I don't know who you are?" Zhu Zhengrong looked at Zhuo Yun up and down, and asked with some doubts.

"This is my ID." Zhuo Yun handed the small book to Zhu Zhengrong with a smile, and looked at the other people in the tent, and soon saw a familiar person, not someone else, but Ren City Wujing Brigade Captain Guo Jun.

Seeing Zhuo Yun's appearance, Guo Jun was stunned for a while. Although he was the captain of the city's military police brigade, he didn't know anything about the fifth unit. He didn't know that Zhuo Yun had joined the fifth unit, and he was secretly surprised .

The other two beside Guo Jun also seemed to be captain-level police officers. The only thing that surprised Zhuo Yun was that there were beauties among the five.

This beauty is slender and exquisite, her face is not overly modified, but she reveals a generous and natural charm. She is wearing a military uniform, which gives her a heroic and valiant feeling. There is no doubt that she is in the army military flowers.

Sensing Zhuo Yun's fiery eyes, the beauty Jun Hua frowned slightly, her expression became more indifferent, and she glanced at Zhuo Yun coldly.

"What a hot little lady." Feeling the sharp eyes of the beautiful girl Junhua, Zhuo Yun's heart surged with strong interest. Judging by the eyes of the beautiful girl Junhua just now, it is definitely not an ordinary embroidered pillow.

After checking Zhuo Yun's ID, Director Zhu Zhengrong was secretly puzzled. It stands to reason that ordinary troops would not be sent in such a case.

Just when Zhu Zhengrong was puzzled, the mobile phone in his arms rang. After seeing the displayed mobile phone number, his expression suddenly became respectful.

"Mr. Zhuo, I was so negligent just now. I have received an order from my superior just now. This rescue operation is completely under the command of Mr. Zhuo. We will do our best to assist the work." After hanging up the call, Zhu Zhengrong showed a slight expression. A respectful salute.

"Director Zhu, you are being polite. This operation still needs the advice of experienced police officers." Zhuo Yun said politely, secretly complaining about Ouyang Zuo. If something goes wrong, he is responsible.

"No, when did Brother Yun become an officer?" Guo Jun, who was surprised from the beginning, opened his mouth slightly at this moment, a little hard to accept the reality in front of him.

Zhu Zhengrong, who had reacted, immediately introduced the other people behind him to Zhuo Yun. Naturally, Guo Jun didn't need to introduce him. The people Zhuo Yun knew could no longer be known. The other two were also the captains of the city bureau. But the background is not small, even Xu Ying, the leader of the special operations team, was originally the general manager of this rescue operation, but now Zhuo Yun took this position over.

After introducing each other, the crowd began to discuss the rescue plan. Zhuo Yun naturally didn't express any opinions on these professional situations.

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