Super black turtle clone

Chapter 158 Bet with Mei!

() Originally, Xu Ying was very dissatisfied with Zhuo Yun's snatching of her position in charge of this operation.

When discussing the plan, she deliberately asked Zhuo Yun to give her advice, but Zhuo Yun always said yes, yes, yes, this made her more sure that Zhuo Yun was an incompetent airborne officer, and she felt very contemptuous in her heart.

During the discussion, Zhuo Yun naturally felt that apart from Xu Ying's disdain and dissatisfaction towards him, he didn't care too much. If he knew Xu Ying's thoughts, he would definitely call him wronged. He was also forced to take the blame. Even if the rescue is successful, it would be of no benefit to him, it would definitely be a thankless task. If possible, he would rather give up his position of responsibility.

After 5 minutes of intense discussion, a battle plan was finally drawn up. At the same time, the psychological expert who was in charge of talking to the robbers inside the mall was about to be unable to hold on. The robbers' psychological quality and ferocity far exceeded his imagination. Two loudspeakers have already been blown up by the robbers with guns.

"These guys are really fierce." Zhuo Yun was secretly surprised when he looked at the Xiaoyao Mall across the street from the traffic police car. Just now he saw the robbers inside, and there were even some with heavy machine guns. The lethality in the city is absolutely comparable to a terrorist attack.

To be on the safe side, Zhuo Yun also put on a body armor, picked two dexterous pistols from the weapon cart dispatched by the police, and walked to the side where the special forces team responsible for sneaking into the raid was.

"Mr. Zhuo, what are you doing here? We are in charge of infiltrating and raiding. Success or failure depends on one action. We are not going shopping or traveling, and we will die." Seeing Zhuo Yun walking over, Xu Ying frowned. road.

In her opinion, Zhuo Yun is simply an airborne force, who doesn't even understand the basic deployment, not to mention sneaking into the shopping mall and having a gun battle with robbers, if Zhuo Yun is allowed to enter, it will only be a bad thing.

Seeing Xu Ying's fierce reaction, Zhuo Yun was secretly depressed. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like he was powerless and was underestimated.

"Group Leader Xu, it is precisely because of the greatness of your mission that I want to act together. I certainly believe that you will die, but the one who will die will be the robber." A confident smile appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth. Such a dangerous mission in Wa country has come, not to mention facing a group of small robbers now.

"Huh!" Xu Ying snorted softly when she heard Zhuo Yun's words, and she didn't say anything. She had seen a lot of second-generation officials like Zhuo Yun who quickly climbed to high positions by relying on family influence. When she actually entered the shopping mall and had a shootout with the robbers, she believed that Zhuo Yun would understand what panic is.

Zhuo Yun didn't care about Xu Ying's disdain, everything depends on strength, and it's useless to say more now.

Putting the wireless earphones into his ears, Zhuo Yun took out a pistol. When the sound of action came from the wireless earphones, he followed a dozen special forces along the previously explored route, and quickly came to the side wall of the mall. .

There are not many handles on this wall that can be climbed. It is not a small difficulty to go up from this side. They took out hook locks from their arms, fell down and hooked on the wall, and with the help of the rope, they quickly moved towards the wall. Climb above.

Xu Ying, who was originally in front of Zhuo Yun, intentionally fell behind a position, allowing Zhuo Yun to walk in front.

"Hmph, without the help of the hook and lock, I'd like to see how you climb up." Thinking secretly, Xu Ying looked at Zhuo Yun coldly.

Soon a special soldier climbed up the Xiaoyao Mall with the hook and lock, and it was Zhuo Yun's turn to follow behind.

"Cough, how is this possible? I cheated you in." Xu Ying, who was standing behind, looked at Zhuo Yun who was climbing up like a gecko, and the whole person froze in place.

Not only Xu Ying, but also the dozen or so special forces who went up were stunned by the scene in front of them.

Because of Xu Ying's relationship, the dozen or so special soldiers were also somewhat dissatisfied with Zhuo Yun, and they could even be said to be disdainful. Seeing this situation, they were all speechless.

Sensing Xu Ying's astonished expression, Zhuo Yun's heart felt dark. Relying on the vitality in his body and his control over the surroundings, it was nothing to him to climb such a wall.

Under Xu Ying's somewhat complicated expression, all the people came to the top floor of Xiaoyao Mall.

This is also the original plan. After all, according to normal circumstances, the robbers will strengthen the defense of the lower layers, and the guards on the upper layers will be relatively weaker, which is just suitable as a breakthrough.

Following the entrance on the roof, the crowd cautiously sneaked into the top floor of Xiaoyao Mall. This is the grocery room where some sundries are placed. After some searching, no trace of the robbers was found.

"Xiaoyao Mall has a total of six floors. According to previous observations and guesses, the main gathering place for robbers should be on the third floor. We don't know how many defenses there are on other floors. In order to avoid too many entrances and big targets, I decided to divide them into two. Take action in a group, and clean the fifth and fourth floors in groups of two. Be sure to kill the robbers instantly before they react, so as to prevent the robbers from dominating their accomplices, and remember to check the mufflers of the guns .”

The crowd gathered not far from the stairs leading from the sixth floor to the fifth floor. Xu Yingqianlian gave the order, and the whole crowd seemed to be transformed into a female general on the battlefield.

"Mr. Zhuo, I don't know what you think of my plan." After giving the order, Xu Ying turned her head to look at Zhuo Yun with a provocative expression.

"Why is this girl staring at me?" Zhuo Yun criticized speechlessly, and nodded quickly to express his satisfaction. If it is a battle, he is not afraid even if it is this group of special forces. When it comes to commanding him He can't keep up with Xu Ying even if he flatters a horse. He still knows this.

Soon Xu Ying arranged her subordinates into their own two-in-one combination, and finally only Zhuo Yun and Xu Ying were left two-in-one, and they could only form a two-in-one group.

Teams of special forces, with skilled cooperation, began to sneak towards the fifth floor. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the stairs on the fifth floor, they encountered a robber with a gun.

"Puchi!" Accompanied by a slight gunshot, the armed robber did not react at all, and was shot in the head by the special forces who cooperated tacitly. Blood mixed with brains burst out of his head, making the ground bloody. .

This kind of bloody scene is nothing to the special forces who have undergone strict training. Teams of special forces walked past the corpse indifferently.

Finally Zhuo Yun and Xu Ying came downstairs, Xu Ying glanced at Zhuo Yun intentionally or unintentionally, trying to see the frightened and disgusted look on his face, but she was disappointed.

"This guy is really tragic. He didn't even have time to fire a shot, and he was shot in the head just like that. However, the pattern of blood mixed with white brain matter really looks like an abstract painting. Team Leader Xu Ying, What do you think?" Zhuo Yun glanced at the robber who died in a miserable state, Zhuo Yun turned his head and said with some emotion.

Glancing at Zhuo Yun with a strange expression, Xu Ying didn't answer the boring words, and continued walking forward with some depression.

Shrugging his shoulders with a chuckle, seeing Xu Ying deflated, Zhuo Yun was in a good mood.

Perhaps some members would say that he is narrow-minded and wants to take revenge on even a woman. This is indeed his character, and he will feel unhappy if he doesn't take revenge.

A group of special forces searched the fifth floor in groups of two. After confirming that there were no robbers, they went to the stairs from the fifth floor to the fourth floor again.

Before walking to the stairs, a conversation came from the stairs on the fourth floor. It was two robbers chatting and spanking each other.

"Brother Ma, this time we were stumped, and we were surrounded by the police. If I had known about this operation, I would not have participated in it. It's too fucking unlucky."

"Don't worry, the boss has a way to take us away. I didn't quite agree with this action. I don't know why the boss robbed the mall in Da Baiyao. It's like being surrounded by the police on purpose."

"Brother Ma, you can't talk nonsense about this. If the boss finds out, he will never let us go."

Hearing the conversation of the two robbers on the fourth floor, Zhuo Yun was also a little puzzled. He also had this thought before. It stands to reason that such a gang of robbers with a gun in their hand and a large number of robbers should not make such a move. For such an irrational thing, Da Baiyao's robbing of a shopping mall in the downtown area is simply courting death.

It's just that it just flashed through his mind at the time, and now hearing the conversation between the two robbers made him even more suspicious.

"Perhaps, these robbers have other purposes."

Just when Zhuo Yun was secretly guessing, he suddenly saw Xu Ying waving at him, and followed him with some doubts.

"Team Leader Xu, why don't you rush down to rescue the hostages?" Zhuo Yun asked suspiciously in a low voice.

"Mr. Zhuo, as leaders, we can't always let our subordinates rush to the front. Do you have the guts to rush down with me and finish off those two robbers?" Xu Ying said with a provocative expression.

"Interesting!" A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth: "Okay, but it's really meaningless to just get rid of the two robbers, why don't we make a bet and see who gets rid of the two robbers first , Whoever kills the robber first must invite him to a five-star hotel for a meal."

"Okay, just bet!" Xu Ying nodded without hesitation, her eyes full of confidence.

When she was in the army back then, she was the shooting champion in the women's army. She got full marks no matter if it was a moving target or a fixed target. She was not afraid of three or four robbers, let alone two ordinary robbers.

Seeing that Xu Ying agreed to her bet, the smile on Zhuo Yun's face became even brighter. Xu Ying couldn't help but have a bad feeling in her heart, but she didn't pay much attention to it because of her confidence in her own strength.

The two came to the stairs, and quickly rushed down the stairs under the watchful eyes of a group of special forces.

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