Super black turtle clone

Chapter 160 Bloodthirsty Killing Intent!

() "Four meters is still too close, so it is impossible to grasp the robbers in the distance." Sensing that there were no traces of robbers within the coverage area, Zhuo Yun was a little anxious.

"I don't know if we can continue to expand the water control domain." Secretly guessing in his heart, he controlled the vitality in his body and tried to expand the scope of the water control domain.

To his surprise, under deliberate manipulation, the coverage of the water control domain can really expand in all directions.

Of course, this is not without disadvantages. One of them is the consumption of vitality. If the distance of one meter is not increased, the degree of consumption will definitely increase exponentially, and the control and sensitivity in the field are also greatly restricted. It is no longer as clear as it was at four meters.

Although there are some shortcomings in doing so, Zhuo Yun doesn't care. After all, he is not using the water control domain to fight, but to lock the robber's position, which is enough.

"Hey, I found one!" Soon as the field expanded, a robber appeared in his induction.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhuo Yun relied on the water control domain's sense of flying bullets around him, and in an instant's gap, he raised his hand and shot outside.

"Pfft!" The sound of gunfire with a silencer seemed insignificant under the chaos of gunfire like a storm, and was immediately drowned out by a tsunami of gunfire.

"Oh, Ah Qiang is dead, don't let them go, kill them." There was a frightened roar from outside the stairs, and the raging gunshots became more intense.

Xu Ying, who was also huddled in the stairs next to her, turned her head to look at Zhuo Yun with a look of shock in her eyes, even though she had seen Zhuo Yun's magical ability to shoot the enemy without looking, now here Under such circumstances, Jingran can still accurately kill the enemy in 1 day, which is really a bit scary.

"Maybe he just hit it by luck." Thinking of self-comfort in her heart, thinking of the two-entry match, Xu Ying also tried to shoot a few shots at the outside, but just as she stretched out her hand, she was wiped away by a bullet. However, her arm was almost pierced through, and she quickly retracted her hand in fright.

At this moment, Zhuo Yun focused his attention on the robbers outside, and didn't know Xu Ying's embarrassment.

With the spread of the water control field, Zhuo Yun's face changed slightly. Not far away, in a room that was originally a fitting room, two naked women lay dead in it with horrified faces. It was a sign of wanton venting, and their lower bodies were bloody and bloody. Judging from their appearance, they were about seventeen or eighteen years old. Even Zhuo Yun was shocked by their tragic death.

Zhuo Yun thought that he was not a good person, but he would not do such a thing that was inferior to a beast. In an instant, a strong anger surged into his heart.

If he was just forced to accept this mission before, or made a bet with Xu Ying, now he really wants to wipe out all these robbers in his heart.

"Not enough, not enough!"

A bloodthirsty killing intent emerged from the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth, and a stern aura rose from his whole body, even Xu Ying who was beside him felt an inexplicable chill.

"Come on, kill them" The death of the companion, coupled with the oppression of being surrounded by the police, made the surrounding robbers go crazy. Some robbers began to approach the stairs where they were, trying to rely on firepower to suppress them , Sweeping the four entrants at close range.

"Since you want to seek death so much, I will help you." A cold light flashed in Zhuo Yun's eyes, and the water control area was like a gprs positioning, accurately locking the three robbers approaching.

Under Xu Ying's gaze, Zhuo Yun took out another gun from his waist indifferently, turned around and fired three shots at the outside quickly with astonishing reaction speed.

The whole process was as fast as lightning, and by the time Xu Ying came to her senses, Zhuo Yun had already retracted back to the bottom of the stairs.

"Plop!" The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from outside the stairs. Xu Ying looked at Zhuo Yun as if she was looking at a monster. The first time could be said to be a coincidence, so could it be a coincidence now?

"Do it!" Zhuo Yun calmly shouted into the wireless headset while shooting the three robbers.

"Boom boom boom!" There was a deafening explosion, and the special soldiers who had been prepared above the windows blasted open the windows below them one after another. The blown windows shot to the third floor.

At the same time, the military police who had been preparing for a long time at the entrance on the first floor also broke in one after another, and the raging gunshots immediately resounded throughout the Xiaoyao Mall.

Hearing the sound from outside, Zhuo Yun's grim smile became more intense, and he rushed out from behind the stairs like a cheetah, with two pistols spouting gunpowder smoke, constantly devouring the life of a famous robber .

Looking calmly and calmly from the back, stepping out step by step, the pistol in her hand kept harvesting the lives of the robbers, Xu Ying felt like watching a movie, the strong visual impact made this former military elite, I was completely shocked.

When Xu Ying came to her senses, all the robbers in front of the stairs had been killed. Thinking of her previous bet with Zhuo Yun, she suddenly felt a strong sense of powerlessness, which she had never felt before. .

Faced with the shocks brought by Zhuo Yun again and again, her original self-confidence and self-esteem were constantly suppressed and felled, and at this moment it has been completely shattered.

Regarding Xu Ying's change of mood, Zhuo Yun didn't have time to pay attention to it. Now his heart is full of murderous intent. He has forgotten the bet and the task of saving the mayor. He just wants to kill all these robbers. die.

The police counterattacked in an all-round way. The robbers on the third floor were like soft-shelled turtles. They were no opponents at all. One of the robbers was killed on the spot, or they were so scared that they surrendered.

During this process, Zhuo Yun also shot and killed three robbers, and the killing intent in his heart gradually weakened, and only then did he remember his mission this time.

"The news I got from Ouyang Zuo before is that the mayor is hiding in a toilet. I don't know where he is now. Just don't get wiped out." Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun hurriedly pressed the sign , quickly rushed towards the bathroom on the third floor...

In fact, in his heart, he didn't care much about rescuing the mayor. After all, in his opinion, these officials are a bunch of big-bodied guys. If all the officials in China do a systematic survey, it is estimated that [-]% All ten people have more or less criminal records of corruption and bribery, and one or two such people are nothing.

When he came to the corridor in front of the bathroom on the third floor, just as he was about to rush into the men's bathroom, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the women's bathroom.

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