Super black turtle clone

Chapter 161 Nephrite Jade in Her Arms!

() Secretly wondering, Zhuo Yun stepped to the door of the women's bathroom, and stretched out his hand to open the bathroom door vigilantly.

The moment he pushed open the door, a burly man with a fierce face in the women's room turned his head violently. He had a fierce face that didn't look good at first glance, and one of his eyes was tied with a black... se bandages, the only thing left is a tyrannical expression in his eyes.

"What a ferocious aura, this guy is extraordinary." The moment Zhuo Yun saw this one-eyed man, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged in Zhuo Yun's heart.

Almost at the same time when he was vigilant, the vicious man suddenly swung his arm, and a cold light shot out, the speed was so fast that Zhuo Yun only had time to block it with his pistol.

"Crack!" The pistol collapsed and shattered instantly under the impact of the cold light, but it managed to block the opponent's attack.

"Flying knife!"

Seeing the cold light falling downwards, Zhuo Yun was astonished and at the same time retracted the diffused water-controlling domain, covering the water-controlling domain within two meters around his body.

"Whoosh!" As soon as the water control domain was closed, the flying knife that had fallen was shot again, turning into a cold light and shooting towards Zhuo Yun's heart.

The sudden change made Zhuo Yun startled, but he had been prepared for a long time and did not panic. Under the cover of the water control field, the flying knife like a cold light was no longer so difficult to deal with.

"Condensate me!" With a soft shout in his heart, the vitality in Zhuo Yun's body surged, instantly controlling the water vapor within two meters.

"What, you're also a supernatural being!" Inside the toilet, the one-eyed man with a fierce expression was shocked, with one eye wide open.

In his line of sight, a ball of water appeared in front of Zhuo Yun's chest, and the flying knife he controlled shot into the water ball, and the strong force was completely absorbed by the water ball.

"I didn't expect there to be a supernatural person among the robbers. It's interesting." With a sneer, the vitality in his body exploded, and the water polo and the throwing knife shot towards the one-eyed man opposite.

"Whoosh!" Another throwing knife was shot from the one-eyed man and hit the water polo.


Under the violent collision, the water polo exploded instantly, turning into a burst of water droplets, covering the location of the one-eyed man.

"Papapa!" A drop of water hit the one-eyed man's body. The water droplets contained a powerful impact, showing a super impact force. Although it did not reach the power to shoot through the body, it still caused him endless pain.

"Oh!" At this moment, a low-pitched exclamation came from a squat not far from the one-eyed man, and the dents left by the impact of water droplets could be seen in front of the squat door.

Hearing the panicked cry, Zhuo Yun was startled for a moment, then immediately reacted.

"This mayor is really close to the people, and he hid in the women's toilet." Thinking maliciously in his heart, Zhuo Yun was a little surprised to find that the face of the one-eyed man opposite him also showed a look of surprise, as if It's like finding what you're looking for.

"Whoosh!" Two throwing knives shot out from the one-eyed man, but this time they were not shot at Zhuo Yun, but toward the squatting position that screamed.

Startled suddenly, Zhuo Yun didn't dare to hesitate in the slightest, he flicked the shot with his empty fingers, and the vitality in his body turned into two drops of water and shot out.

"Bump!" Two drops of water hit the two flying knives, deflecting the shooting direction of the flying knives a little, and nailed them to the wooden door.

While blocking the two throwing knives, Zhuo Yun's body surged with vitality, and he showed his feet with Xingyi step, and appeared in front of the one-eyed man in the blink of an eye.

A Bending Fist struck the one-eyed man's chest in the clear eyes, and the violent force sent him flying in an instant, hitting the back wall heavily.

"Pfft!" The one-eyed man spurted blood in pain, looked at Zhuo Yun in horror, stood up struggling, and shot out two throwing knives again, faster than before, almost instantly. In front of Zhuo Yun.

"Hey, die for me." The one-eyed man shouted with a grin, and tried his best to urge the two throwing knives. With the speed comparable to bullets, in his opinion, Zhuo Yun had no choice but to die.

"Buzz!" The two flying knives hummed as they struggled. A football-sized water polo appeared in front of Zhuo Yun. No matter how the man pushed, he couldn't move forward.

"It's useless, within this distance, I am an omnipotent god." Zhuo Yun looked down at the one-eyed man with disdain, even though the one-eyed man was a little taller.

"Pfft!" The one-eyed man desperately urged the throwing knife, touched the wound in his body, spurted out a mouthful of blood again, and sat down on the ground with a pale face and no blood.

Without the prompting from the one-eyed man, the flying knives stopped shaking and Zhuo Yun scattered the congealed water polo, holding the two flying knives in his hands.

"Quack quack quack!" The penetrating voice sounded, and the two daggers gleaming with cold light were abruptly bent by Zhuo Yun in the eyes of the one-eyed man, and they were thrown aside like scrap iron.

These daggers on his body, in order to show the power of his abilities to the greatest extent, are all made of special metals, so hard that even he can't move them at all, even if a bullet hits them, it will only leave It is impossible for the next imprint to be pierced, and the horror of Zhuo Yun's power can be seen from the curved flying knife.

"Don't kill me, I'm just using money to do things for you, please let me go." The one-eyed man changed his vicious look just now, and hurriedly begged for mercy with a terrified expression.

Although the ability of the one-eyed man cao to control the flying knife is good, his strength is relatively weaker, even Leng Ji is far inferior. Originally, Zhuo Yun planned to kill him directly to avoid future troubles, but he heard the one-eyed man's words Can't help but change my mind.

Before, he had guessed that the robbery of the mall this time was not easy, but now he heard the words of this one-eyed man, which lifted his spirits, and he felt the pleasure of a detective solving a conspiracy.

"Say, what's going on? If what you said satisfies me, it's not impossible to let you go. After all, people with supernatural powers like you are rare. I believe the country will be willing to spare your life." .”

Hearing that there was hope of surviving, the one-eyed man didn't care about the injuries on his body, and said excitedly: "There are people who paid a lot of money, let's use the robbing of Xiaoyao Mall as a cover, and take this opportunity to kill someone. I am also confused by money." , didn’t mean to be against the country on purpose.” “Haru, who do they want you to kill, you need to use the robbery of the mall as a cover, and who is the person you said paid a big price.” Some guesses fainted in my heart , Zhuo Yun asked suspiciously.

"They want me to kill the mayor of City Z, and the one who pays is the one who pays."

"Touch!" At this critical moment, the spacious and bright glass window of the bathroom burst instantly.

"Not good!" Exclaimed in his heart, Zhuo Yun tried to intercept the bullets flying from outside the glass window, but it was already too late.

The one-eyed man trembled violently, there was a red spot between his eyebrows, and the back of his head was like a bursting watermelon, spraying the wall behind with white-red liquid.

"Hehehe!" The one-eyed man opened his mouth, only let out a sound of frustration, and then fell on his back in resignation.

Glancing at the dead one-eyed man, Zhuo Yun immediately dodges quickly to avoid the position where he was standing just now. Almost at the same time as he dodges, the bullet has already created a black hole smoking in the position just now.

"Damn it, how could there be a sniper here? Even with the police team surrounding the entire Xiaoyao Mall, placing a sniper in the opposite building is really ruthless and delicate." Dodging to a blind spot that cannot be seen from the window, Thinking angrily in his heart, Zhuo Yun hurried to the squatting seat in the toilet where the noise was made just now.

He didn't have much affection for this mayor who was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he reached out and knocked on the wooden door of the squatting place.

"Hey, mayor, when are you going to defecate in it, it's time to come out."

"Who are you!" After a moment of silence, a panicked female voice sounded from inside.

"Cough!" Hearing the panicked female voice, Zhuo Yun almost bit his tongue in shock, with an embarrassing look on his face.

"Could it be a mistake!" Thinking to himself, he shook his head depressedly and smiled wryly: "I'm sorry, I thought you were the mayor, all the robbers in the mall have been cleared out, if it's convenient for you, you should come out. "

After a moment of silence in the squatting position, the wooden door opened and walked out of a beautiful woman who was not more than 30 years old. Zhuo Yun was a little surprised. No matter her figure or appearance, she was absolutely first-class, especially the uniqueness she exuded. The temperament is very legendary queen fan.

"Oah!" As soon as she came out, she saw a one-eyed man with a horrible death not far away. Queen Fan Meimei screamed pale with fright, and instinctively climbed onto Zhuo Yun's body, her hands trembling and nervously grabbing Zhuo Yun's waist. clothing.

The fragrance was tangy, and the warm jade was in my arms. Being hugged by such a temperamental Queen Fanmei, the feeling was as refreshing as drinking a bottle of iced Sprite after working for a long time.

Based on the idea of ​​being a bastard who is cheap and not taking advantage, Zhuo Yun put his hands around Queen Fanmei's wasp waist, feeling the soft touch, and the nervousness of fighting just now eased a lot.

"Beauty, I'm very happy that you hug me like this, but let's get out of here first." After recovering from the intoxication, Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand and patted Queen Fan Meili who was lying on his shoulder.

Feeling the warm body temperature and the aroma pouring into his nostrils, if he continued to maintain this posture, he really wasn't sure if he could continue to remain calm.

Queen Fan Meimei's psychological quality is not bad, and she did not have any other extreme behaviors. After hearing his words, she quickly stabilized her emotions and hurriedly moved away from his embrace.

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