Super black turtle clone

Chapter 163 Conspiracy to seize!

() At this time, Shen Yuyan, who was flustered and emotional, has adjusted herself to become a dignified, glamorous and queen-like female mayor again. That kind of natural noble temperament, just standing there, attracts other people's eyes The aura of coming.

Before, he only saw Shen Yuyan's glamorousness, but now seeing Shen Yuyan again, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart, she seemed born for politics, her temperament and posture were just right.

Feeling Zhuo Yun's staring gaze, Shen Yuyan's emotional state of mind that had just been adjusted immediately collapsed quickly. Thinking of the ambiguous contact just now, her heart thumped involuntarily, and the temperature of her cheeks also gradually heated up.

"Have you seen enough? Have you stared at the mayor like this?" Shen Yuyan, who was a little bit annoyed, shouted like a baby.

"The beauty mayor is so beautiful, how can one or two eyes get enough, why don't you let me stare at her for a few more hours." Zhuo Yun said seriously.

"There is such a shameless person." Shen Yuyan thought in astonishment in her mind, gave Zhuo Yun a charming look, and wanted to step away from the toilet, but thinking of the gunshot just now, she dared not move casually with lingering fear.

Seeing Shen Yuyan's expression, Zhuo Yun knew that he couldn't tease her any longer, so that the beautiful mayors around her couldn't get down, who knew if she would avenge her private revenge and make trouble for herself.

"Beautiful mayor, all the snipers around here have been removed, you can go out with confidence."

"Don't tell me sooner!" With a deep breath, Shen Yuyan rolled Zhuo Yun's eyes, and quickly walked out of the women's toilet gracefully, staying here for almost an hour. I just don't want to stay any longer.

Walking out of the women's toilet, Shen Yuyan, who was still elegant just now, blushed slightly again, thinking of her coquettish words when she faced Zhuo Yun just now, she felt inconceivable.

Because of political training, she always maintains the hypocrisy and prudence of a politician no matter how she treats things, she will always be indifferent, and she will never show the little girly side of her heart like today , and acted like a baby to a man.

Such a crisis-ridden rescue operation was a perfect ending, even though several people died during the robbery, including the two female customers who were robbed and killed by the robbers.

As for the nearly twenty robbers who robbed this time, under Zhuo Yun's hard work, only two robbers who surrendered survived intact, and the rest were dead or seriously injured.

This action was generally considered perfect, and Ouyang Zuo quickly called to praise Zhuo Yun. For such a compliment without any reward, he directly chose to ignore the filter.

Then Zhuo Yun told Ouyang Zuo the news he got from the one-eyed man, and Ouyang Zuo, who was still in a happy mood, immediately became serious.

"Don't tell other people about this for now, I will report to the relevant department for investigation."

"Understood, but I'm curious. If you want to assassinate Shen Yuyan, you can find a killer. You don't need to make such a big show. It's too arrogant to use the robbery of the mall as a cover."

"This is not arrogance. Do you know who Shen Yuyan's father is? He is a senior official in Beijing who holds real power. He has the right to participate in some important decisions. Once an assassin is really sent to assassinate Shen Yuyan, that will cause trouble. Big, if you use the robbery of the shopping mall as a cover this time to successfully shoot Shen Yuyan, no matter how much you investigate, it will only be classified as an accident, even if Shen Yuyan's father is the object of suspicion, there is no way to investigate."

"The political world is really dark enough." After listening to Ouyang Zuo's analysis, Zhuo Yun felt chills running down his back, and secretly lamented that people involved in politics are beasts, and they want to use the lives of so many people in the mall to complete their own life. The purpose of the assassination is simply too crazy, too insane.

"This matter is very complicated, and it may involve a battle at the top. You'd better not intervene in it casually, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for yourself."

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Zhuo Yun replied indifferently, and the two terrified and unwilling girls who died tragically in the locker room with their bodies naked in the body and the one who died in the gun battle could not help but appear in his mind again. In order to protect her son, the mother who was shot into a sieve by the robber's bullet.

"I'm not Ultraman, and I'm not superhuman, but no matter who you are, I'll take care of this matter." After hanging up the phone, Zhuo Yun's eyes showed determination and coldness.

After talking on the phone with Ouyang Zuo, Zhuo Yun didn't stay too long at the scene. After all, he was just a temporary laborer, not a professional on duty at the police station, so he didn't have time to waste here.

"Boss, something is not right!" Zhuo Yun was driving his sports car in the direction of the company, when Zhuo Yun received a howling call from Zhang Kun.

"Whether you can talk, kid, you are the big deal."

"Oh, it's not Boss O, what I mean is that something is wrong with our company. Just now a group of people came suddenly, they are all from the tax bureau, the anti-corruption bureau and other departments, saying that our company has serious problems. We will suspend our company for inspection, and we will not be able to officially operate until the inspection is completed. If any violation of law and discipline is found, criminal responsibility will be investigated.”

"What's the situation, how could it be like this." After hearing Zhang Kun's howl, Zhuo Yun was also slightly taken aback.

"I don't know either. Boss, come here quickly. General Manager Wang Yanrou is currently mediating, but it seems that this group of people is determined to shut us down. General Manager Wang has tried his best to help."

"Okay, I see." After hanging up the phone, Zhuo Yun stepped on the accelerator slightly, and the sports car turned into a stream of light and shuttled on the road again.

"Squeak!" The sports car stopped in front of the office building, and Zhuo Yun stepped out of the car. As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the building, he saw a group of zhengfu entrants dressed like dogs coming out of the elevator with a serious face. , followed by Wang Yanrou and Zhang Kun.

"Boss, you're here." Zhang Kun hurried to Zhuo Yun's side and said anxiously.

Nodding his head, Zhuo Yun stepped in front of a group of Zheng Fu members, and said with a cold expression: "I am a legal member of Almighty Maritime Company, what law has our company violated, and we need to rectify and suspend business."

"We act according to the regulations. If someone reports that your company has violated the law, we need to conduct verification. During the verification period, we need to suspend business. If there is no problem, you can continue to operate normally." The leader is a Chinese with a big belly The young man glanced at Zhuo Yun indifferently.

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