Super black turtle clone

Chapter 164 Well-equipped Pirates!

() "It's good to follow the rules. If I'm not wrong, it should be Hai Yang or Xiao Shao and Xiao Zhiyuan who reported it. You civil servants are really conscientious." Zhuo Yun sneered mockingly, eyes Scanning over a dozen Zheng Fu members from various units in front of him.

While speaking, he saw all the expressions of the dozen or so people present, most of them were puzzled or calm, but the expressions of a few people changed slightly, including the last The middle-aged man with a big belly in front.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We're just performing official duties." After speaking, the middle-aged man with a big belly made a detour and walked out quickly with a guilty conscience. followed by leaving.

"Sure enough, they did it!" Zhuo Yun was secretly annoyed as he stared coldly at the leaving figures of these people.

He briefly appeased Wang Yanrou and the others, and let them go home first, while he walked back to the sports car.

Almost at the same time as he was about to start the car, the phone rang again, this time it was from Ming Zhenbo.

As an important partner, it is impossible for Ming Zhenbo not to know about Zhuo Yun's side having such a big event, but the speed is really a bit fast.

After chatting with Ming Zhenbo for a while, Zhuo Yun informed Ming Zhenbo of his conjecture. After all, the two of them can almost be regarded as grasshoppers on the same rope, and they both have a common potential opponent, which is the Haiyao Group .

Because of the previous cooperation with Zhuo Yun's company, Haiyao Group and Ming Zhenbo had a big dispute. If it was not driven by interests, the cooperation between the two groups would be directly interrupted, even if it was the relationship between the two groups. Relationships have also deteriorated to a breaking point.

After learning about the specific situation, Ming Zhenbo reassured Zhuo Yun that he would solve this problem. After all, Zhuo Yun’s deep-sea ingredients are now the only savior of his Mingtian Group, and also a key for Mingtian Group to go further. However, if Zhuo Yun's company shuts down, Mingtian Group's life will not be much easier.

Zhuo Yun was naturally happy to help solve the problem. After thanking him verbally, he started his sports car and returned to his villa.

Although many things happened today, he did not forget Thomas and his party. According to the time, Thomas and his party should start attacking the small island. To avoid problems, it would be safer to possess the black turtle.

Back at the villa, Zhuo Yun was a little surprised that Meidaizi Kitano did not stay in the villa.

"Did she take the opportunity to leave? No, if she really wanted to leave, she could have escaped last night."

Shaking his head, he didn't care much and went back to his room. First, he believed in his own judgment, and second, he had confidence in his own strength. If Kitano Midaiko dared to lie to him, he was confident that he could kill him. Those who destroy flowers will kill them.

After locking the door completely, drawing the curtains, and taking a series of protective measures, Zhuo Yun lay down on the bed, standing upright like a corpse in a wonderful state of suspended animation.

Consciousness spanned an unknown number of sea miles to the black turtle, Zhuo Yun immediately controlled the black turtle to the seaside of the island, and scanned the surrounding sea area through a pair of blood-red eyes.

In the sea a few hundred meters ahead, a pirate ship is docked, and a black skull is flying on the bow of the pirate ship. The unique pattern is the flag flag of Thomas' pirate ship.

"It seems that Thomas and the others have already entered the island. I wonder if they can deal with this group of pirates." He was secretly worried.Zhuo Yun did not intend to enter the island to help Thomas and others.

Not to mention the size of the black turtle, once it goes ashore and exposes it, it will cause problems. Thomas and his party are not enough for him to take such a big risk and expose his biggest hole card. Thomas and his party really couldn't defeat a group of small pirate organizations, so there was no need for support. The so-called mud can't support a wall. He wanted to find a puppet subordinate, but he didn't want a waste.

Time passed minute by minute while Zhuo Yun was waiting, and soon nearly ten minutes had passed since he possessed the black turtle.

"Bump! Boom!"

A series of gunshots and explosions of artillery fire suddenly came from the small island. With the super sensitive power of the black turtle, it accurately received the sound waves produced by the explosions and gunfire.

The roaring explosions became louder and denser, and under Zhuo Yun's listening, the bombing firepower was shifting towards the ship that Thomas was waiting for.

"What's the matter, such a powerful firepower should not belong to Thomas and the others. Could it be that this time they really encountered a difficult bone." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun immediately controlled the black turtle to swim in the direction of Thomas's pirate ship. When the pirate ship was not far away, I saw through the sea water in the jungle in the distance, in a state of distress, Thomas, who was wearing colorful clothes on everyone, entered.

Thomas and his entourage entered the battle and retreated. The embarrassed appearance was as miserable as a bereaved dog.

"Shet, Shet, retreat quickly, retreat quickly." Thomas cursed angrily, commanding a group of pirates to quickly retreat to his own pirate ship on the sea.

On the edge of the beach where the pirate ship is located, there is a distance of 60 meters from the woods with shelter in front. Within the distance of 60 meters, there is a soft sandy beach without the slightest shelter. Thomas and his party entered the distance from the pirate ship When there were still 20 meters left, the pirates on the island who were chasing after him had already caught up.

Dozens of heavily armed pirates, each with a submachine gun in his hand, a grenade in his waist, and two even carrying a portable bazooka. Just from the equipment, they look like pirates, more like regular American soldiers. commando.

On the other side, Thomas and his party entered, and there were less than ten casualties left, and they were all wounded with ribbons. Although they looked fierce, their weapons were far worse than those of the others. a notch.

Originally planned to attack the family and snatch the old nest of the family, but unexpectedly, he was forced to the point of life and death by the family. This made Thomas feel like he was at the end of the road. Facing dozens of heavily armed pirates on the other side, Thomas and his party entered the company The ability to continue to escape is gone.

As long as they flee a few steps forward, the pirates behind will attack collectively, and it only takes a few rounds of bullets to sweep them all into hourglasses.

"Damn God, is the great Thomas going to be buried here?" Thomas' eyes were full of reluctance and despair, watching the approaching enemies, the breath of death spread across the face.

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