Super black turtle clone

Chapter 170 The temptation from Wang Yanrou!

() "Who came to my room in the middle of the night!" Confused in his heart, Zhuo Yun tidied up and said, "The door is unlocked, come in!"

"Screak!" The bedroom door opened, and before the figure entered, a burst of fragrance had already permeated the entire room with the airflow.

"It's so fragrant!" Taking a deep breath, Zhuo Yun's heart trembled slightly, and he looked forward. The first thing that stepped forward was a pair of white and tender legs. There was obviously hair on the legs, and there was not a single hair on them. It is white and flawless, just like made of white jade.

With the white legs stepping forward, Zhuo Yun's eyes shifted upwards. Above the thighs is a sexy short skirt, the kind that can wrap the buttocks, and when you squat down slightly, you can see the little inner skirt inside. This kind of miniskirt, looking through the gap opened by the miniskirt, the inside is so dark that people can't help but imagine.

On the top is a cool white gown embroidered with lotus leaf pond water, which fully presents the slender waist, especially the majestic mountain peak on the chest, which is very prominent and soft white. The gully is clearly visible, and it is so full that it seems that even if you touch it with your finger, the whole arm will be bounced off.

"Which song is this? It's not so tempting." Looking at Wang Yanrou who was carefully dressed, Zhuo Yun felt his blood churn...

Seeing Zhuo Yun's astonishing look, Wang Yanrou pursed her lips and smiled, puffing out her chest confidently.

"Mr. Zhuo, I'm here to report to you on work. Don't you want me to sit down and talk?" The vermilion lips parted slightly, and the tender red lips made a seductive sound, unlike ordinary little girls. But it can remind men of some indecent aspects.

"Sister Rou, you are so charmingly dressed that I forgot, please sit down." Zhuo Yun smiled awkwardly.

Wang Yanrou stepped to the only seat on the opposite side, and sat on the chair with her buttocks up. She didn't know whether it was on purpose or what, but her legs were not too close together. With Zhuo Yun's position, she could vaguely see the inside of the chair. Little Nene.

After glancing at Zhuo Yun, he quickly turned his eyes away. If he continued to look at it, he doubted that a certain part of his body would burst into anger.

"Sister Rou, is there any work that I can't talk about during the day, I have to talk about it at night."

"Of course it's an important job." Wang Yanrou glanced at Zhuo Yun charmingly, and said with a smile: "Our company is now closed for rectification, so we can take advantage of this period of time to recruit talents and develop various departments of the company. A few of us are still a little weak."

"Well, I will leave this matter to you. I believe you will do a good job. As for the company's suspension of business for rectification, I believe there will be results soon." Zhuo Yun nodded. I also thought about it, but I was too busy recently, and I didn't have time to discuss it with Wang Yanrou.

After finishing speaking, he did not hear Wang Yanrou's answer, a gust of fragrant wind poured into his nostrils, Zhuo Yun turned his head in astonishment, and in sight Wang Yanrou was already sitting next to his bed, only [-] to [-] centimeters away from him distance. <Wang Yanrou is full of emotion, and Zhuo Yun's heart can't help but lift up slightly.

With a glance, at such a close distance, the white and tender breasts seemed to be right in front of his eyes, and his appetite would increase greatly after seeing it.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, the two sat facing each other like this, an invisible ambiguous atmosphere pervaded the room, making a throbbing feeling in my heart. <The eyes that surged with emotion seemed to be teasing and implying something.

"Master, I'm calling, Master, I'm calling."

Zhuo Yun was awakened suddenly by the sudden sound, and hastily reached out his hand to take out the mobile phone in his pocket, on which the word "Blade Edge" was displayed.

"Excuse me, I'll answer the phone." Zhuo Yun said to Wang Yanrou, and walked out of the room with his mobile phone.

"Hoo hoo!" At the same time as Zhuo Yun left, Wang Yanrou couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief. In the ambiguous and silent environment just now, she also felt that her heart seemed to stop beating. Mixed emotions of longing and tension emerge.

Although she was nervous and even a little scared just now, after Zhuo Yun left, she still felt the disappointment in her heart.

Coming to the edge of the balcony, looking at the twinkling stars in the dark night, Zhuo Yun took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and connected the phone.

"Dao Feng, you great girl picker, you have the time to call me."

"Hey, the past is unbearable to look back on, so don't tease me anymore." Dao Feng said in a tone full of resentment, since the last time he was hit by wine in the country of Wa, this soldier of the Fifth Army, who has always considered himself a saint of love, has In this regard, it has become a bit sluggish.

"We just came back after completing the mission, but we heard about your glorious deeds. I heard that you fought against the red tiger of the dragon god's wrath a few days ago, and even defeated the red tiger. Is there such a thing o Ah." Dao Feng's gossiping and curious voice came from the phone.

His eyebrows trembled, Zhuo Yun said in surprise: "How did you know about this?"

"The Wrath of the Dragon God came to our base today, and I chatted with Captain Ouyang in the office for a long time, and it seemed that they broke up in the end. Captain Ouyang said this when we pressed him, and asked me to tell you , let you come to the base tomorrow."

"Okay, I see." Zhuo Yun nodded, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "As for whether this matter is true, then you can think for yourself."

Hanging up the call, the smile on Zhuo Yun's face disappeared. The thing he was worried about happened, but there shouldn't be any problem with the support of the Fifth Army. The most important thing is that he still doesn't know the meaning of Wrath of the Dragon God. manner.

Back in her room, Wang Yanrou had already left, and the air was still filled with the scent of a woman. Thinking of the scene of the lonely man and the widow just now, his heart secretly became hot.

On the second day, Zhuo Yun woke up from his practice. Even though he didn't sleep all night, he was surprisingly full of energy. With the vitality surging in his body, he felt his whole body was full of strength, and his lower body was as hard as iron. Zhuo Yun's vigor and spirit at this moment are abundant.

His ears trembled, and Zhuo Yun heard a confused sound coming from the kitchen downstairs, as if a group of people were cooking in it, and the sound of pots and pans reached his ears.

Confused, he finished his simple washing and walked to the first floor. Before he could go to the kitchen, he was attracted by the food on the table not far away.

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