Super black turtle clone

Chapter 171 The troublemaker is here!

() I don't know when, the relatively small dining table has been changed into a large dining table, and three different types of breakfast are clearly placed on it.

"A Japanese breakfast, a Chinese breakfast, and a French breakfast, is there any mistake?" Zhuo Yun glanced at the food on the table, stunned.

Before he could recover from the breakfasts from three different countries in front of him, three cooks came out of the kitchen one by one, each holding freshly baked meals in their hands.

"This is a strange situation." Seeing this scene, Zhuo Yun was shocked.

"Boss Zhuo, you're up, hurry up and eat the French breakfast I made." Seeing Zhuo Yun who was still standing on the stairs, Wang Yanrou winked charmingly.

In the past, Zhuo Yun felt very excited when facing Wang Yanrou's charming eyes, but he didn't know why today it made him feel a little chilled.

Stepping to the dining table, Zhuo Yun sat in his previous seat, surrounded by glamorous beauties in front of him on both sides, completely surrounding him in the middle.

"This scene doesn't seem very good." Sitting on the seat, seeing Wang Yanrou, Mu Xue, and even Kitano Meidaizi all focus on him, Zhuo Yun had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Brother Yun, this is the Chinese breakfast I made. How would you like it?" The pure and innocent Mu Xue pushed the food she cooked to Zhuo Yun with a look of longing. the way.

"Okay, I'll try it!" Zhuo Yun nodded, and was about to grab the chopsticks and take a bite.

"Dairu, this is the Japanese-style sushi I made for you, please use it." Kitano Midaiko pushed the fragrant plate of sushi in front of Zhuo Yun expressionlessly, and said respectfully.

Before Zhuo Yun could react, Wang Yanrou who was next to him was not idle either, she reached out and put the French cheese cake and a cup of milk on his right side, the charming and longing eyes were self-evident.

At this moment, Zhuo Yun finally understood what his bad feeling was before. Facing three different kinds of breakfast made by three beauties, he fell into a trilemma. He didn’t know which one to eat. It is the heart of the family, especially the heart of a beautiful woman.

"Fight it!" With a sudden sway in his heart, Zhuo Yun used his poison to the extreme, and while waving his hands, he swept all three breakfasts into his mouth while the three women were stunned, and finally took a glass of milk and poured The food in his mouth was poured down.

"Eh!!" After hiccupping, Zhuo Yun hastily gulped down two mouthfuls of milk.

Three different countries, different types of breakfast, the taste is definitely very complicated, there is the fishy smell of Japanese sushi, the smell of Chinese seasoning, and the sweet smell of French. The combination of these three kinds is really delicious. A bit nondescript.

"Okay, I'm full, you guys eat slowly, I have something to go first." After drinking the milk, Zhuo Yun said a word, and the speed comparable to an athlete's [-]-meter race disappeared in the sight of the three beauties middle.

"It's so dangerous. It's a terrible thing to have too many women. It seems that I have to find a way to let them live in other places. Otherwise, if I come here once or twice a day, my heart won't be able to hold it." Thinking about it, Zhuo Yun started his sports car and left the villa area.

In the familiar disguised office building, Zhuo Yun took a special elevator to the three bases underground. Even though he had been here several times, he was still shocked by the underground base that looked like a sci-fi movie.

"Dao Feng, what are you doing here, brat?" As soon as he entered the base, Zhuo Yun saw Dao Feng with his arms folded and posing in a melancholy posture, and said in astonishment.

"Oh, Zhuo Yun, you're finally here, don't you know I'll wait for you here for a while." After recovering from his depression, Dao Feng said with a dissatisfied face.

Dao Feng's words made Zhuo Yun's heart tighten slightly, and he said with a frown, "Did something happen?"

"That's not true, it's just that if I have something in my heart and I can't even fall asleep, please tell me quickly, is what Captain Ouyang said is true? You really overwhelmed Chihu."

"You want to know o!" Seeing Dao Feng's gossip-like eagerness, Zhuo Yun felt depressed for a while, he had never seen such a gossip man.

"Yeah!" Dao Feng nodded his head like he was pounding garlic, and said with the fire of gossip burning in his eyes: "Yes, tell me quickly."

"It's a secret!"

Blade: ""

Ignoring the stiff blade, Zhuo Yun walked towards the base, and after greeting some familiar people around, he came to the office where Ouyang Zuo was sitting.

"Captain, who made you angry? Your face is stretched so long." Zhuo Yun said in surprise, glancing at Ouyang Zuo who was sitting there with a displeased expression on his face.

"Who else is not the group of self-righteous, arrogant nostrils of the wrath of the Dragon God."

Stepping forward and sitting on the sofa next to him, Zhuo Yun asked a little strangely: "Why did the Wrath of the Dragon God offend you?"

Originally, he thought that Ouyang Zuo was angry about his own affairs, but he didn't expect that it would be the anger of the Dragon God.

"Didn't you teach the Red Tiger of Wrath of the Dragon God a lesson before? Wang Yang, the team leader of Wrath of the Dragon God, came to me yesterday to ask me to join. I will give you two options, one is to join their Wrath of the Dragon God." Fury team, the second choice is to join the battle with the one he appointed, if you win, you can pretend nothing happened, if you fail, you will be forced to join the dragon god's wrath."

"What!" Wen Yan Zhuo Yun's eyes burst into a cold light, he had guessed the reaction of Dragon God's Wrath before, but he didn't expect them to be so arrogant.

"Zhuo Yun, don't worry, I will take care of this matter. I have notified the captain of our fifth unit, and I believe he will help you solve it. You have taught the red tiger of the wrath of the Dragon God a lesson for our entire fifth unit." The five troops let out a sigh of relief, let them, a group of arrogant and arrogant guys, also taste the taste of failure, this is no longer a matter of your own, but about our entire Fifth Army."

Just when Zhuo Yun's heart was burning with anger, the office door was slammed open, and Dao Feng said in a panic: "Captain, Wang Yang and the others are here again."

"Why panic, just come, they dare to do anything." Ouyang Zuo glared at Dao Feng, stood up from his seat, and walked out of the office.

"I want to see what that team leader Wang Yang is up to." Zhuo Yun's eyes flickered coldly, and he followed him out.

Since he was a child, he has always been soft but not hard. When he didn't have the identity of a mysterious turtle and his current strength, he was not a master who could be manipulated by others, let alone now.

What he hates the most is being threatened by others. If Dragon God's Wrath calmly explained the interests involved, he might choose to join, but now it has touched his bottom line.

When Zhuo Yun and Ouyang Zuo entered the base hall, Leng Ji and Can Bao were already standing there, and opposite them were three men wearing clothes embroidered with dragon patterns.

Among the three, except for the middle-aged man in the middle whose demeanor was fairly peaceful, the other two looked arrogant, with a hint of disdain in their eyes.

"What a bunch of annoying guys." Seeing those two arrogant guys, Zhuo Yun felt even more upset.

"Team Leader Wang, I already said yesterday that our captain will negotiate with you personally on this matter. I don't know why you are here today." The middle-aged man, with a polite demeanor, refused to enter the way of thousands of miles.

A faint smile appeared on Wang Yang's face, and he was not angry at Ouyang Zuo's thorny words: "Captain Ouyang, my dragon god's wrath represents the entire China, which cannot be desecrated. Your subordinates were lucky enough to defeat my group's Members of the team must make a statement. This is not only related to the honor of our Dragon God's Wrath, but also related to China's international status. If this matter spreads to special organizations in other countries, it will No matter how much damage it has caused to China, special organizations in other countries will make moves, and our China will be very passive by then."

Before Ouyang Zuo could speak, Zhuo Yun couldn't listen anymore, stepped forward and said with a sneer: "What a joke, isn't it just hitting you, it doesn't take so long, even the interests of the country Speaking of which, if you want to think about it, just say something heartily."

"What are you? Our team leader is talking to your team leader. When is it your turn to intervene?" The thin man following Wang Yang's right shouted with an angry face.

Glancing at the other party, Zhuo Yun responded unceremoniously: "Then what are you? When is your turn to speak?"

"Okay, Zhuo Yun, well said, I just think they are not pleasing to the eye, and they look like two hundred and five. Isn't it because they are born with supernatural powers? What's the big deal, our Leng Ji beauty can do it too .” The fierce Can Leopard stepped out and said disdainfully with a smirk.

The skinny man's face turned ugly for a while, and he stared at Can Bao and Zhuo Yun as if he was about to devour him.

"What, your name is Zhuo Yun, you are the guy who was lucky enough to defeat Chihu." The burly man on Wang Yang's left stared at Zhuo Yun in surprise.

The thin man with a manly look suddenly came back to his senses, looked Zhuo Yun up and down, and smiled contemptuously: "So you are Zhuo Yun, I thought you were some three-headed and six-armed boy, so it turned out that you were just a kid with no hair, just Since you can also defeat Chihu, I think you must have used some kind of conspiracy."

"I used to think that you, Dragon God's Wrath, were three-headed and six-armed, with bloody mouths and eyes like copper bells. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that. If you are not convinced, we can have a competition. I want to see if you are better than Chi How about the tiger?" Zhuo Yun said with a wicked smile on his lips.

In terms of loss and income, he is confident that he will not lose to a self-righteous thin man. If he dares to compete with him in eloquence, he is simply a birthday star who always eats arsenic and wants to die.

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