Super black turtle clone

Chapter 172 Arrogant Gale!

() An arrogant and conceited thin man, his chest heaved violently when he heard the words, and he said with rounded eyes: "Okay, since you want to court death, I will help you and let you know the true meaning of Wrath of the Dragon God." Strength, I will let you know that your victory over Chihu was just a fluke, and your fifth unit is not even worthy of shining the shoes of our Dragon God's Fury."

The arrogant and presumptuous words of the thin man were like igniting the flame of a dynamite bag, and instantly angered all the members of the third team of the fifth army present.

"Okay, you are a mere little soldier, you still need Zhuo Yun to do it, I will weigh your strength first, let me see if you Dragon God's Wrath really has this strength, or you just have a mouth." The leopard stared ferociously at the thin man, and his eyes exuded a murderous intent like a beast.

Ouyang Zuo, who hadn't had time to speak, smiled wryly in his heart. He didn't expect the matter to come to such an extent. He was also very upset about the high-ranking appearance of Dragon God's Wrath, but he didn't act like Can Leopard waited. lost their minds.

As for the strength of Dragon God's Wrath, as the captain of the Fifth Army, he knows better than Can Bao Zhuo Yun and others. It is because of his understanding that he is afraid, and Can Leopard and others are definitely newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers , don't understand the horror of Dragon God's Wrath at all.

"Captain Ouyang, now you see what to do." Wang Yang smiled indifferently, his eyes glanced at Zhuo Yun and Can Bao, and finally fell on Ouyang Zuo.

At this point, even if Ouyang Zuo wanted to stop it, it was too late, so he gritted his teeth helplessly and said: "Okay, since they want to compete, they should go to the training ground of the base to compete."

"Okay, since Captain Ouyang has said so, it is better to obey than to be respectful." Wang Yang said with a smile on his face, his expression was full of confidence.

The crowd came to the training ground with different emotions, the crowd retreated to the side, and the thin man and the leopard came to the middle of the spacious training ground.

"Captain, what is the origin of that guy, he should also be a supernatural being." Glancing at the thin man, Zhuo Yun asked in a low voice to Ouyang Zuo beside him.

Don't look at him being angry and wanting to take action to teach the opponent, but he didn't lose his mind. Last time he fought Chihu, he was very clear about Chihu's strength. The other members of the same group are probably not much weaker. If you don't bring it with you, you will have a better chance of winning if you know yourself and the enemy.

"This entry is code-named Gale, as its name suggests. His ability is speed. He claims to kill instantly. His speed is as fast as a gust of wind. It is probably dangerous for Can Leopard to meet him." Ouyang Zuo's expression was solemn, and his words were a little low road.

"The power of speed!" Zhuo Yun's heart moved slightly, and he quickly understood the meaning of Ouyang Zuo's words.

Apart from his beast-like aura, Can Leopard's speed is his greatest specialty, and this thin man, Gaifeng, is also good at speed, so the battle between the two will depend on who is faster.

Just as the two thought, the two sides entered into a white-hot state as soon as they started fighting. Whether it was the thin man Gaifeng or the disabled leopard, they both showed their speed and turned into two black shadows colliding and interlacing.

At the beginning, the movements of the two entrants could be clearly seen. Gradually, some members of the fifth unit saw a black shadow intertwined in front of them, and it was difficult to distinguish who was who.

Standing beside Ouyang Zuo, Zhuo Yun frowned slightly as he watched the remaining leopards fighting on the field.

Others may not be able to clearly see the battle between the two, but it is not a difficult thing for him. With his dynamic vision, the battle between the two is completely seen by him. It is precisely because of this that he Feeling a little dignified.

In the arena, the leopard seemed to have a slight advantage by virtue of its cheetah-like ferocity and speed, but Zhuo Yun, who was a bystander, was not optimistic.

Can Leopard had already exerted his full strength, his ferocious expression, and the blue veins on his neck undoubtedly did not indicate that he was fighting with all his might, while Gai Feng, a thin man opposite him who was at a slight disadvantage, remained indifferent, with that look of strolling in the garden. The usual appearance doesn't feel like exerting all its strength at all.

"Enough of Gale, don't play any more, quickly resolve the battle, you know I don't like to wait." The burly man next to Wang Yang said dissatisfied with a cold and handsome expression.

"What!" The other people on the scene were angry when they heard the words of the burly man, but Zhuo Yun, who saw the battle in his eyes, changed slightly.

On the battlefield where Can Leopard had the upper hand, the speed of the blast suddenly increased. The sudden change caught Can Leopard by surprise, and before he had time to react, he was hit on the head by a powerful whip leg.

"Touch!" The Can Leopard flew out of the arena like a sandbag, and flew in the direction where Zhuo Yun and the others were.

Just when Zhuo Yun was about to catch Can Leopard with his hands, Ouyang Zuo stepped forward, catching Can Leopard's body with both hands as if doing Tai Chi, and spun around to dissipate the impact force.

"It's amazing!" Seeing this scene, Zhuo Yun's pupils shrank a little, and he recalled Ouyang Zuo's actions just now, and some inspiration emerged in his heart.

Just now Ouyang Zuo's move to dispel the power of the remnant leopard seems simple, but it is full of the artistic conception of martial arts. The so-called yin-yang transformation is the reason.

Xingyiquan's fierce and direct approach has always restricted Zhuo Yun's development. Although it has been improved a lot, it still cannot completely break through. Now Ouyang Zuo's taijiquan move has inspired him a lot.

"Cough cough!" Zhuo Yun was awakened by the sound of coughing. Looking at him, Can Leopard's face was pale, with blood gushing from the corners of his mouth. If it wasn't for the beast-like will, he would have passed out long ago.

"Haha, this is the strength of the fifth unit. I was so brash just now, but now I can't even stand up. I'm really disappointed. Does anyone dare to go up and take their own humiliation?" Gaifeng, a thin man on the training ground, He glanced at Zhuo Yun and the others with disdain, with an arrogant expression.

Hearing Gai Feng's contemptuous words, Dao Feng and others glared angrily. Although they wished to rush up and beat Gai Feng so hard that even his mother couldn't recognize him, they also knew that even Can Leopard was no match for him. Can make the other party more proud.

"Hmph, it's not certain who will bring shame on themselves." Accompanied by icy, air-conditioning words, a cold figure stepped out of the crowd.

According to 1ri, that hot bodysuit outlines a slender and wild beauty. The whole body seems to be full of explosive power, whether it is the buttocks or the chest, they all look so firm, coupled with a face that is alluring but cold as ice Such a face made the man who saw it involuntarily have the desire to conquer.

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