Super black turtle clone

Chapter 173 Strong Debut!

() Haifeng looked Leng Ji up and down with fiery eyes, and a frivolous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I said who is so arrogant, it turns out that it is the beautiful Leng, in fact, you should come to our Dragon God's Wrath, why stay here In the miscellaneous teams of the Fifth Army, as a supernatural being, he should be in the king's team from birth."

"You talk too much nonsense, fight or admit defeat." Leng Jiyi had that cold temperament all day long, and it is estimated that she would be a little abnormal when facing Zhuo Yun. There is no thought for a few words.

"Okay, since beauty Leng wants to fight, then I will help you. Don't worry, I will be gentle." While speaking, Gaifeng glanced at Leng Ji's plump breasts, and a wretched smile appeared on his face.

"Shua!" Gale's figure disappeared in place in an instant, and most of the people were taken aback by the speed.

When everyone came back to their senses, Haifeng Benru had already appeared by Leng Ji's side, and his speed was far from when he first started fighting with the remnant leopard.

As a supernatural being, Leng Ji, coupled with her own super strength, didn't dare to be careless despite the arrogant words of the blast, and then she showed her true blast-like speed as soon as she came up.

"What is that guy thinking? He's so shameless. How dare he eat tofu made by Sister Leng Ji." Dao Feng, who was onlookers, roared in his heart. Ji's chest is grabbed, it is the legendary Nai Dragon Claw Hand.

"Frozen cold tide!" Just when Gale was about to succeed and a wretched smile appeared on her face, Leng Ji's bone-chilling voice suddenly sounded, and a gust of cold air burst out from her body in all directions.

Gaifeng stretched out the palm of Leng Ji's chest, as if being hit by a steel needle, he quickly retracted with a cry of surprise, feeling the astonishing cold air, and frightened, he used his breast-eating speed to run away at full speed.

"What a powerful Frozen Chao. It's much stronger than when I was fighting with me." Looking at the frozen ice on the palm of Gaifeng, Zhuo Yun's heart trembled violently, secretly admiring Leng Ji's growth in strength.

Gale, who was fleeing at full speed, managed to barely dodge the attack of the freezing cold wave. Just when he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, a row of ice picks flew towards him.

A dagger appeared in Gaifeng's hand as he stretched out his hand, and it turned into a sword net as he swung it, intercepting all the rows of ice cones.

"Ka Ka Ka!" The dagger was sharper than expected, and the hard ice pick was cut off abruptly.

"Hey, it's nothing to worry about with just an ice pick." After cutting off the ice pick, Gai Feng was secretly proud, but the smile froze on his face as soon as he appeared.

The broken ice cone is actually hollow, and a cold white airflow emerges from the broken section, which is exactly the freezing cold air, and the wind that was caught off guard was immediately hit by the emerging cold air.

"Damn it, how could this happen." Gaifeng shouted in shock, it was too late to retreat, his body was eroded by the cold and stiffened.

A white thigh appeared in his line of sight, and Gaifeng would definitely appreciate it if it was normal, but at this moment he was not in the mood, and was swept by this white thigh without being able to dodge at all.

Gale, which had almost turned into an ice sculpture, even let out a scream and flew upside down, as if it would break into pieces if it fell to the ground.

Seeing that the tragic Gale was about to fall to the ground, a burly figure appeared and caught the upside-down Gale in the air.

The burly figure didn't make any other movements during the whole process, just stood there upright, as if the impact of the gust of wind had no effect on him.

"Useless things, if you weren't obsessed and careless, how could you have lost so badly." The burly man shouted angrily, a burst of fiery red light emerged between his hands, as if his hands had turned into red-hot irons, The icy airflow of the freezing blast quickly melted and dissipated under his hands.

"This is Iron Sand Palm's advanced technique of making iron hands!" Seeing this familiar scene, Zhuo Yun was startled.

When he fought Dong Wuya back then, he had personally seen the power of the Iron Forging Hand, and when Dong Wuya used the Iron Forging Hand, he seemed a bit reluctant, but the burly man in front of him seemed so natural.

After getting rid of the cold air on Gai Feng, the burly man threw him back fiercely, and walked towards Leng Ji with a pair of eyes exuding a strong fighting intent. As he walked, the crimson light of his hands was shining brightly, and his whole body radiated like a red tiger. With a fiery breath.

Hot and cold are two extreme temperatures. As soon as the breath came into contact, the chill on Leng Ji's body became more intense.

Feeling the cold chill on Leng Ji's body, the burly man grinned and shook his head, "I, Tan Yong, an iron forger, don't like beating women, so you still have to admit defeat."

"Hmph, if you want me to admit defeat, it also depends on whether you have the strength." Leng Ji snorted coldly, waved two ice picks and shot towards the burly Tan Yong.

"It's useless!" Tan Yong shook his head disdainfully, and slapped the two ice picks with a pair of hot iron-making hands.

"Bump!" The two ice cones burst instantly under the huge force, and the cold air contained in them burst out, but before they rushed to Tan Yong, they were refined by the fiery iron smelting hands.

"The same move, it's okay against that idiot Gaifeng, but it's useless against me."

While talking, Tan Yong stepped forward and rushed towards Leng Ji, his burly figure was like a moving tank, putting tremendous pressure on him while running.

Leng Ji retreated quickly, waving both hands and continuously shooting ice picks at Tan Yong, but Tan Yong crushed them one by one. Under the power of the iron smelter, there was not even ice slag left.

After a while, Leng Ji's face turned a little pale and her breathing became heavy.

In the battle against Gale just now, even though he used some tricks, he used two very difficult moves in a row, especially the Frozen Cold Chao, which consumed a lot of energy, and now he has continuously condensed ice cones, almost to the point of exhaustion.

"Girl, admit defeat, you can't be my opponent." Tan Yong drank angrily, but without the slightest hesitation in his footsteps, he quickly approached Leng Ji, and in the blink of an eye, the distance was shortened to less than two meters Degree.

At this moment, Leng Ji, who looked like she was at the end of her life, had a strange smile on her cold face, and slammed her hands on the ground.

A sharp white cold air suddenly emerged, but this time it did not surge in all directions, but directly turned into waves and rushed towards Tan Yong who was close at hand.


Where the freezing cold wave passed, a thick layer of solid ice quickly formed on the ground, spreading towards Tan Yong at a fast speed, because the distance itself was very close, it was almost like a wave falling on him forward.

Seeing this, Leng Ji showed a confident smile on his face, but he swayed a little unsteadily on his feet. This move has exhausted all his physical strength and abilities.

At this critical moment, Wang Yang's expression was still very calm, and the smile on his face was so confident and calm.

"Hoohoo!" The fiery red light burst out suddenly, and in an instant, the red light suppressed the white light of the freezing cold wave released by Leng Ji, a pair of hands like irons, under the shock of Leng Ji, In the eyes, the cold air was forcibly torn open, and the mist rushed out from it, and the palm of the hand slapped her chest with the scorching air wave.

Facing that scorching palm, Leng Ji's face became even paler, and the breath of death welled up in her heart. The power of this palm is so strong that if it is hit directly, even if it is immortal, it will probably become useless. .

"Are you going to die? I still lost in the end." Muttering to herself, Leng Ji didn't know why, but Zhuo Yun's angry and hated figure suddenly appeared in Leng Ji's mind.

"Boom!" There was a violent impact, like exploding explosives, and a violent force spread in all directions. Tan Yong's sturdy figure couldn't help but fly backwards for a certain distance, and then he stabilized his body. shape.

Tan Yong's eyes did not show the slightest joy of defeating his opponent. Instead, he stared solemnly ahead. The fog in his vision dispersed, revealing two figures inside.

"Miss Leng, leave it to me, don't worry, I will avenge you." Zhuo Yun said with a smile while hugging the pale Leng Ji.

Looking at Zhuo Yun in front of her, Leng Ji's trembling mind suddenly fluctuated rapidly for some reason, her cold heart was beating thumping, and the whole body seemed to heat up.

When she came back to her senses, Leng Ji felt a strange feeling coming from her chest, and looked down in surprise, just in time to see a hand covering it, exuding male heat.

Following Leng Ji's line of sight, Zhuo Yun's original smile froze on his face. He was too busy just now to pay attention to the rescue, and he didn't have time to pay attention to it. It was only now that he felt the soft and tender feeling coming from his right hand. Full of elastic touch.

"Ahem, you go to the back first, and I will avenge you." Zhuo Yun quickly let go of the palm on top, and awkwardly helped her behind her, before Leng Ji could fully react, she came quickly Zhong Yang to the training ground.

"Big Sister Leng Ji, what's wrong with you, your face is so red, did you get an internal injury just now?" Dao Feng, who hurried over quickly, asked with concern for some reason.

"Hmph!" Leng Ji, who was so angry when Dao Feng saw her blushing, transferred all her shyness and anger to Dao Feng, glanced at him coldly, and staggered back to where Ouyang Zuo and others were. s position.

"I, I messed with someone." Standing where he was, Dao Feng muttered to himself with a wry smile, suddenly feeling like Dou E possessed him.

The training ground is in the middle of the day, Zhuo Yun and Tan Yong are fighting face to face, an invisible fighting spirit spreads quickly, and the eyes of the two who have not yet started the battle have already shot sparks in the air.

The aura emanating from that collision made the air in the training ground seem to become dignified, and the tense atmosphere spread.

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