Super black turtle clone

Chapter 176 Don't cry!

() "Sister Mei, I won't let you go, you only belong to me." Holding Qianying, Zhuo Yun caressed up and down emotionally, kissing the tempting red lips, savoring the beauty The body fluid of Qiongye Yuye.

Touching the upturned and tight buttocks with both hands, the soft and elastic feeling deeply stimulated his desire, and the lower body of Big Bird immediately stood upright.

The strong desire made him eager to hit the hole with one stroke, but he still didn't do it out of instinctive pity. He didn't do a good job of foreplay, and it was very painful for women to go in.

One hand walked from the hip, climbed up to the full and firm chest, and after kneading it through the clothes a few times, he was not satisfied with such knots, he groped in along the gap of the clothes, and pulled the bra Going to the side, I directly touched the tender and soft meat buns.

At the moment when the palm and the steamed buns formed, Zhuo Yun clearly felt the beautiful figure on his body tremble, which made him feel strangely excited, and he quickly kneaded under the influence of alcohol.

The tongue licked Qianying's white teeth, forced a gap and slid in, intertwined with Qianying's tongue, and the excitement that was numb to the point where her whole body trembled gradually pushed Zhuo Yun's inner desire to an uncontrollable level.

Driven by the desire in his heart, Zhuo Yun's fiery palms, which were originally stroking Qianying's buttocks, were not satisfied with such stroking, and groped deep into Qianying's pants, groping towards the secret place of her lower body.

There was no hindrance to the flat and smooth lower abdomen, and his palm easily penetrated into it, and his fingers first touched the moist fertile soil of the ravine.

At this moment, Qianying's figure suddenly stiffened like a stone.

"It hurts!" Before Zhuo Yun continued to explore, a sharp pain came from his tongue that penetrated into Qianying's mouth.

The severe pain suddenly awakened his dazed mind, and instinctively pushed the beautiful figure away from his body with both hands, and sat up abruptly from the bed.

"Hoo hoo, it hurts me to death." Shaking his head, Zhuo Yun breathed out to relieve the pain from his tongue.

"Sister Mei, why are you biting into o!" Zhuo Yun shouted dissatisfiedly, the moment the words came out, he froze in place, his sober consciousness reflected.

Chu Meier has been going to the United States for more than a year, and it is impossible to come back suddenly. Even if she does, she should give him a call.

"If it wasn't Sister Mei, who would it be?" Zhuo Yun felt a little trembling in his heart, turned his head like a machine, and looked towards the other side of the bed.

"My dear, how could it be her? It's a terrible situation. Is this considered obscene?" Zhuo Yun was embarrassed for a while looking at the flushed and angry student girl Mu Xue in his line of sight. I do not know what to say.

Do you want to tell Mu Xue that you just regarded her as Chu Meier, and what you did just now was not intended to offend, so you just pretend that nothing happened, and I never touched her anywhere.

"Mu Xue, why are you here? I remember that my friends and I drank a lot of wine and then lost consciousness. Why are you going home now?" Zhuo Yun asked with a puzzled look while scanning his room.

In this case, he decisively chose to pretend to be stupid. Anyway, he was indeed drunk before, and maybe he could be fooled.

Looking at Zhuo Yun who didn't know anything, Mu Xue was ashamed and annoyed in her heart. Originally, she had put a cold handkerchief on Zhuo Yun with good intentions, but Zhuo Yun suddenly pulled her into her arms, and called Sister Mei, while Hands up and down.

At the beginning, Mu Xue also struggled violently. Unfortunately, she is a little girl, how could she surpass Zhuo Yun who is far superior to the average adult man in terms of strength.

Later, under Zhuo Yun's aggression, she gradually lost herself in the strange stimulation like a weak electric current passing through her body. Under Zhuo Yun's hot hands and soft tongue, her instinct as a woman was completely destroyed. Excited.

Until the last Zhuo Yun's palm invaded her lower body, the intense pleasure of touching woke her up suddenly, even though the feeling fascinated her, she still firmly bit Zhuo Yun with her willpower. Cloud Tongue.

Zhuo Yun not only yelled other names, but also violated him up and down, whether it was the little pig that he had raised for more than 20 years, or the mysterious and fertile lower body, he took advantage of them all, and now he still put on a look Without knowing it, a strong sense of grievance welled up in Mu Xue's heart.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu who was so sad from the heart, weeping with a pair of snow-white lotus root arms wrapped around her legs.

"Hey, hey, don't cry."

Seeing Mu Xue crying, Zhuo Yun couldn't calm down immediately. A woman crying is definitely a very lethal move to a man, especially the crying of a pure beauty, even a vicious gangster can't bear it. Live softly.

What made him depressed was that it was okay if he didn't say anything, the cries of persuading Mu Xue became louder and louder, and it seemed to spread from the stream to the flood.

"Mu Xue, don't cry, okay, Miss Mu, Muzu Nainai, Goddess Mu." Zhuo Yun whispered with a wry smile, let Mu Xue cry like this again, and attracted Wang Yanrou and the two daughters over. He really couldn't clean himself up by jumping into the Yellow River.

Mu Xue, who was crying with grievances, couldn't cry for some reason when she heard Zhuo Yun's series of addresses.

"You, you are Zu nainai." Looking up, Mu Xue shouted angrily with her mouth pouting.

"Yes, yes, I am Zu nainai, as long as you don't cry, I will do anything." Seeing Mu Xue stop crying, Zhuo Yun quickly said happily.

Zhuo Yun's obedient look made Mu Xue almost couldn't help laughing, but when she thought of what Zhuo Yun did just now, she suppressed the smile and kept a calm face, feeling a sense of shame and anger in her heart .

"Well, what happened just now was a misunderstanding. I thought you were Sister Mei. If there is any offense, I'm here to say sorry."

"Hmph, I don't know who pretended to be ignorant just now." Mu Xue snorted angrily, staring at Zhuo Yun viciously with her beautiful eyes.

Being stared at by Mu Xue, even with Zhuo Yun's thick skin, when the lie was exposed face to face, his face turned slightly red.

"Hey, I drank too much, I just remembered."

"Just thinking about it, I think you are pretending to be crazy on purpose, and you don't want to admit it." Mu Xue pouted dissatisfiedly, and glared with resentment.

"This little girl won't let me be in charge." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun hesitated. He really liked Mu Xue. After all, who doesn't like beauties, especially such pure and beautiful beauties? Give a feeling of vitality.

It's just that if he really talks about love, there is always a sense of hindrance deep in his heart.

"How could it be? This was originally my mistake. As long as you can forgive me, you can do whatever you want." Gritting his teeth, his sense of responsibility as a man made him go all out.

Hearing Zhuo Yun's swearing expression, Mu Xue's original grief and indignation finally got some comfort. She really wanted to tell the conditions for forgiving Zhuo Yun, but she didn't know what to say for a while.

"I want you to be my boyfriend for a period of time, of course it's a fake one, help me drive away the annoying Xiao Zhiyuan, so that I will forgive you for what you did just now." After the words were spoken, Mu Xue's heart beat violently After a moment, he was surprised by his bold words.

"No problem, I also think that guy Xiao Zhiyuan is not pleasing to the eye, so don't worry." Zhuo Yun smiled with relief, and his originally tense mood suddenly relaxed.

Mu Xue, whose heart was beating and her face had a fever, saw Zhuo Yun's relieved appearance, and anger and disappointment surged in her heart.

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, Mu Xue gave Zhuo Yun a blank stare and turned away, making him a little puzzled when he just relaxed.

"Female enter o!" Sighing with emotion, Zhuo Yun felt the sticky feeling from his fingers, and raised his hand suspiciously.

I saw traces of crystal liquid stained on the tips of the fingers, and silk threads could be seen when the fingers were separated.

"This is it!" The scene just now appeared in Zhuo Yun's mind, his hand seemed to be the one that had been inserted into Mu Xue's crotch, and the mucus on it was obvious.

Putting his finger in front of his nose and smelling it, a faintly feminine and somewhat fishy smell poured into his nostrils, and the lust that had just subsided, under the stimulation of vaginal fluid, squeaked all of a sudden Just popped up.

"It's too obscene, but the smell is really alluring." A smirk appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth, and his lower body propped up a big tent with some smirk.

After quite a while, Zhuo Yun suppressed the anger in his heart, feeling the head that still had some headaches, and patted his head with a wry smile.

"This wine is really not a good thing. If I had known it earlier, I wouldn't drink so much." With regret in his heart, Zhuo Yun circulated the vitality in his body, and under the nourishment of the cool vitality, the aftereffects of drinking too much soon gradually disappeared.

Lying on the bed, he thought about today's battle in his mind.

Tan Yong's strength was comparable to Chihu's. If it wasn't for the vitality in his body that restrained the fire poison of Chihu's iron-making hand, without Murasame's assistance, the final battle result might not have been the same.

Especially the infinite vortex that Wang Yang unleashed at the end swallowed all the water polo he had used with all his strength. If there was a real battle, even if he brought Murasame with him, he would probably only suffer a disastrous defeat.

"It seems that I was a little arrogant before. I didn't expect that there are so many powerful people in the world. My strength is far from enough." Clenching his hands tightly, veins emerged in his arms On the ground, Zhuo Yun's eyes flashed a touch of determination.

Wang Yang is just the team leader of Wrath of the Dragon God, and there are stronger team leaders on top, and there may even be more powerful people, but Zhuo Yun has confidence in himself, and it will be a matter of time before he surpasses them.

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