Super black turtle clone

Chapter 177 Willing to admit defeat!

() Zhuo Yun left the villa early in the morning on the second day, he didn't want to try again, the feeling of eating breakfast of three different nationalities together.

"What, you want to learn from me the previous move to defuse the power of the remnant wolf." In the underground base, Ouyang Zuo looked at Zhuo Yun with some surprise.

"Yes, you also know that I used to practice Xingyiquan. This kind of boxing is based on domineering and direct strikes. In this way, the steel is easy to break, which limits the improvement of my strength. I saw you before. Taijiquan's method of transforming strength brought a little inspiration to my mind." Sitting on the sofa, Zhuo Yun said sincerely.

Regarding the question of asking Ouyang Zuo for advice, Zhuo Yun thought about it last night.

Now he is eager to improve his strength. Compared with external wealth and status, his own combat power is the most important. This is the reliance on life, especially for him who has many enemies now. in this way.

There are two ways to improve strength, one of which is to swallow elixir like century-old wild ginseng. Now that the black turtle has returned, it has also found a place containing elixir on the road, and is leading the deep sea crab king to rush there. But even if it is the fastest, it will take tomorrow to arrive, and it will take Houyao to deliver it back.

In addition to the first method, the second method is to improve the moves. The most direct relationship between the strength of the water control ability is vitality, so there is nothing to improve, and only Xingyiquan is left.

"Okay, since you are willing to learn, I will naturally not refuse." Ouyang Zuo smiled in surprise and nodded.

Zhuo Yun is now the treasure of their fifth unit, not to mention that Zhuo Yun just wants to learn the skills of Huajin, even if he wants to sit in his position, Ouyang Zuo will have no objection.

When the two came to the training ground, Ouyang Zuo began to explain the moves and exercises he practiced.

As Zhuo Yun saw before, the kung fu practiced by Ouyang Zuo is a set of movement skills evolved from Taijiquan. resolve.

Under the teaching of Ouyang Zuo who did not hide anything, Zhuo Yun quickly grasped the essence of this set of boxing techniques. Of course, it will take a period of pondering and practice to master it.

Standing on the edge of the training field, looking at Zhuo Yun who was constantly studying and pondering, Ouyang Zuo looked envious and jealous.

Back then when he was a beginner, he had studied for nearly a month, Zhuo Yun had already comprehended it in just half a day, which made him a little reconciled, why is there such a big gap between entry and entry.

With a tangled mood, Ouyang Zuo turned around and left a little lonely, secretly sighing in his heart that he is really old.

Zhuo Yun didn't pay attention to Ouyang Zuo's departure, all his attention at the moment was on comprehending the transformation of strength and dissolving strength.

With continuous practice and continuous comprehension, Zhuo Yun gradually gained a deeper understanding of the use of this power.

There is actually no clear dividing line between attack and defense, which is why some members say that attack is the best defense.

In the past, when he wanted to improve Xingyiquan, he planned to make the original rigid attack more flexible and versatile, but now he found that his original idea was a bit naive.

The greatest power of Xingyiquan lies in its explosive power and domineering straight-line impact speed. Once it is changed to be complex and flexible, it will become completely different and lose the original domineering power of Xingyiquan.

"In the past, I was so stupid that I wanted to completely change Xingyiquan. Fortunately, I woke up in time, otherwise my strength would not increase but decrease in the end." Zhuo Yun patted himself on the head completely after thinking it through.

But after thinking about it, it becomes more difficult to make up for the weakness of Xingyiquan while maintaining the special characteristics of Xingyiquan.

During the whole afternoon, Zhuo Yun was constantly thinking and practicing, standing there with his eyes closed and contemplating for a while, and unceasingly attacking with Xingyiquan for a while.

It wasn't until six or seven o'clock in the afternoon that he stopped practicing. After an afternoon of pondering and researching, he finally had a little understanding, but it was too early to apply it to Xingyiquan.

"Gululu!" A bowel rumbling sounded, protesting to Zhuo Yun.

"I'm so hungry, I didn't expect it to be afternoon so soon." Taking out his phone and scanning the time, Zhuo Yun sighed secretly.

"Master, I'm calling, Master, I'm calling."

As soon as he put the phone back in his pocket, a funny childish voice rang.

"The strange call, who could it be, not a salesman?" Zhuo Yun glanced at the strange number, and imagined with some disapproval.

"Hey, who is it?"

After a while, a stiff female voice came from the other end of the phone: "It's me!"

"Who are you, talk to me!" Zhuo Yun said impatiently when he heard the familiar voice but couldn't recall it. He was hungry and was not in the mood to chat at all.

"Hmph, you don't want to talk, I'm Xu Ying!" A voice of resentment sounded, with a look of anger.

Hearing the angry voice, Zhuo Yun said in astonishment: "Cough, Xu Ying, why is it you? By the way, why do you have my mobile phone number?"

"Have you forgotten what I am and what's the fuss about getting your mobile phone number?"

"Oh, that's right!" Zhuo Yun nodded, and said a little strangely: "I don't know what Miss Xu wants from me."

Xu Ying on the other end of the phone, heard Zhuo Yun's words, and almost threw the phone out in anger. She has been worrying about the bet for the past few days, so she made the call with great determination. Now Zhuo Yun put on an appearance of completely forgetting, which made her feel so embarrassing.

"I would like to accept the bet. I lost the bet to you at the beginning, so I will naturally fulfill my promise. If you have any conditions, tell me." Xu Ying was so angry that she said in a cold voice.

After being reminded by Xu Ying, Zhuo Yun realized that there were so many things recently that he completely forgot the last bet.

"It's this thing." Zhuo Yun nodded, touched his hungry belly, and said with a smile on his lips: "One of the bets seems to be that the loser invites the winner to a five-star hotel It’s right to have a meal, then fulfill this promise first, just as I’m still hungry.”

"Okay, then go to the Victoria Hotel!" Xu Ying's voice came from the other end of the phone, gnashing her teeth.

"Victoria Hotel, the things there are very expensive, Miss Xu, is your salary enough?"

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about this." After speaking, Xu Ying hung up the phone, her face turning red and white with anger.

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