Super black turtle clone

Chapter 179 Open Room!

() "Puff!"

Zhuo Yun, who had just taken a sip of water, almost spit out when he heard the words, and looked at Xu Ying, who was blushing and determined, with a face of astonishment.

Just now he said that the condition was just for fun, and he just flirted with this female army flower. He never thought that she would agree, but the reality often exceeded his expectations.

"Xu Ying, are you sure you agree to my conditions." Swallowing the water in his mouth, Zhuo Yun asked after taking a deep breath.

"That's right, I, Xu Ying, have always followed my word. Since I agreed to the bet at the beginning, now I will not renege on my debt, and I am willing to admit defeat."

He felt Xu Ying's stubbornness, but this time it was Zhuo Yun's turn to be distressed. He didn't expect that he was just flirting on the spur of the moment, but made things complicated.

"Ahem, this beauty Xu, I was just joking with you just now, don't be so serious, we are all doing things for the country, why care about any bets, it was just a joke at the beginning, so don't be so serious gone."

"No, I keep my word. Since I made a bet, I was willing to admit defeat."

"My mother, did this little girl get kicked in the head by a donkey?" Facing such a stubborn Xu Ying, Zhuo Yun was depressed, but also angry.

"Okay, since you are so willing to bet and admit defeat, let's go. There are hotel rooms above the Victoria Hotel. Don't worry, I will pay for the room."

"Let's go!" Xu Ying's words were stiff, but her heart trembled violently, but it was too late to regret it now, and it was not her style to talk about cheating, so she could only grit her teeth and follow Behind Zhuo Yun.

"Hmph, little girls, I'd like to see who of us can stand up to the other." Zhuo Yun glanced at Xu Ying behind him, Zhuo Yun thought confidently.

Under the ambiguous eyes of the waiter, the two entered a room on the sixth floor that was comparable to a five-star hotel.

Waiters are used to this kind of men and women who are about to come upstairs to open a room after eating, but this is the first time I have seen Xu Ying, who has a temperament like a big beauty like a soldier. Seeing this, he couldn't help secretly envious of Zhuo Yun's good fortune.

The door was closed, and two people, a man and a widow, came to the living room. Xu Ying, who had always been very stubborn, couldn't help beating her heart violently in this atmosphere and environment, and even the sound of her breathing seemed to become clear. Get up in a hurry.

"Xu Ying, calm down, don't throw yourself into it like this, okay? Isn't it just a nap? What's the big deal? After 18 years, we will be a good girl again." Xu Ying thought wildly in her heart, and in the In the case of distraction, on the contrary, Jing relaxes and is no longer so nervous.

"Miss Xu, I'm going to take a shower first." Glancing at Xu Ying, Zhuo Yun smiled evilly, and walked towards the bathroom not far away.

Soon the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom. Hearing the irritable sound, Xu Ying's mind that had just calmed down became agitated again.

In order to stabilize her emotions, she quickly turned on the TV in the living room and began to look for the programs she was used to watching.

"Hey, that's weird, what kind of channel is this?" Xu Ying was slightly startled while searching, and all the TV stations after channel 34 showed encryption, which made her choose one of the encrypted TV stations with some doubts.

The encryption TV station displayed the words "please enter the room number". Xu Ying thought about it for a while, and glanced at the living room door. The room number could be seen on it.

Try to input the room number into the encryption bar, and then click OK, the originally pitch-black TV screen jumps suddenly, showing a colorful picture.

In sight, two fleshy, white bodies appeared on the TV screen. One of them was a Japanese woman with a slim figure and a huge chest, shaking her body. Behind her was a tall and fair-skinned woman. The American men, especially the big guns in the crotch of the American men, are far superior to ordinary Chinese men, and they are moving in and out of a narrow cave in a hideous manner.

"Ow, linen belt, linen belt, oh oh."


A series of luscious groans came from the TV, and the woman's screaming sound immediately resounded throughout the room, and the screaming sound was also filled with the sound of ** colliding with water, making people feel it when they heard it. The blood is boiling, and the desire in the heart is bursting.

Even Zhuo Yun, who was taking a bath in the bathroom, could hear the sudden sound. Stimulated by the hot water and the sound, his lower body immediately rose up, and there was a burst of heat in his heart.

"What is this girl Xu Ying doing? It's not that she is really lonely. She deliberately used aggressive methods and wanted to impatiently do something cruel to me." Thinking of the strong desire of a hungry and thirsty woman , with naked madness, couldn't help shivering.

Fortunately, Xu Ying didn't know what Zhuo Yun was thinking, otherwise she would have been pissed off, but at the moment she didn't even feel angry.

Compared with Zhuo Yun who only heard the sound, Xu Ying's face was flushed even more under the double stimulation of sound and vision. What I was doing, there was a strange excitement in my body instinctively.

"Oh, what am I doing? How could this be?" She was so shy in her heart that she hurriedly changed the TV station, but it almost made her cry.

Only one encrypted TV station was unlocked, and the other TV stations were all unlocked. I changed several TV stations in a row, but the members were changed. One was a hacker named American woman, and the other Jingran belonged to a gang, and what made Xu Ying most disgusted and ashamed was that Jingran also had an unethical love between her husband and her husband.

"Crack!" Unable to take it anymore, Xu Ying hastily turned off the TV, her heart was beating wildly, and she wanted to forget the scene just now, but the more it happened, the more clear it became, that charming moan and taboo The movement made her feel a moist feeling in a certain part of her lower body.

"Xu Ying, Ah Xu Ying, how could you be like this? It must be the influence of the movie just now. As expected, these unhealthy things will destroy one's will." Looking for a reason for herself, Xu Ying became more and more nervous. Under the tense mood, she also had expectations that she didn't even realize.

After taking a shower, Zhuo Yun came out wrapped in a towel, and glanced at Xu Ying, who was sitting on the sofa with a flushed face and a cramped figure, secretly amused.

"Miss Xu, I'm done taking a shower now, it's your turn." Sitting on the sofa, Zhuo Yun said with a playful smile.

"Damn it!" Seeing Zhuo Yun's playful figure, the stubborn Xu Ying burst into anger, snorted coldly and walked into the bathroom without the slightest hesitation.

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