Super black turtle clone

Chapter 180 Fragrant Healing!

() Lying on the sofa, Zhuo Yun turned on the TV with a curious expression, and after entering the room number again, the encrypted TV station flickered suddenly, showing authentic popular adult action movies in his astonished eyes.

The sound of moaning immediately resounded in the room. Xu Ying, who had just taken off her clothes in the bathroom, felt her body go limp when she heard the sound, and secretly scolded Zhuo Yun for being shameless and obscene.

After watching a thrilling action movie, Zhuo Yun noticed something similar to glasses placed on the coffee table out of the corner of his eye.

"Strange, what is this? Could it be left by the previous guest." Surprised, Zhuo Yun picked up his glasses and put them on his ears, and looked up at the screen in front of him.

"Damn, no, it's so exciting." When seeing the screen through the glasses, the blood in Zhuo Yun's body almost flowed backwards.

Damn, these glasses are actually a pair of 3D glasses, and the TV screen is also designed to support 3D. Although it is not as realistic as a real 3D movie, watching an action movie with this level of achievement, that kind of exciting feeling , and it is definitely several times that of the normal state.

Looking at the adult hand-to-hand fight that seemed to be staged in front of his eyes, Zhuo Yun felt that his nose was a little itchy, and he had the urge to have a nosebleed. His breathing suddenly became rapid.

Immersed in the stimulation of the 3D effect in front of him, Zhuo Yun forgot that Xu Ying was taking a bath in the bathroom, and did not know that this erotic scene was being staged in the bathroom.

Xu Ying didn't feel any strange sensations when she kneaded her body when taking a bath before, but now under the surging emotions, especially stimulated by the constant sound of groans and ** colliding from outside, it seemed like a split second. Unlimitedly magnifying the sense of touch of every inch of her body, the palms of her hands slid across her body, especially when cleaning a pair of piglets, it felt like an electric current was flowing through her body, and her lower body was even more numb. It was so numb, it gave her the urge to use her palm to relieve the itching, and there was a hint of chunchao's surging charm in her resolute eyes.

The originally slightly dark skin also revealed a layer of charming red. At this moment, her breathing also became rapid, and she even made a faint sound that was almost the same as the woman moaning on the TV outside.

After a long while, Zhuo Yun finally recovered from the temptation of becoming an action movie full of visual impact. Of course it was not because the action movie was not good-looking, but because the pillar below him had been so strong that There were bursts of pain, looking at it like this, if you don't vent it, it might explode.

"I can't take it anymore. You can only watch this thing if you have someone to vent your anger on, otherwise you can only solve it yourself." Feeling the swelling pain from his lower body, Zhuo Yun quickly put the 3D glasses on the table and turned on the TV. Lose.

"It's strange, I turned off the TV, why is there still moaning?" Looking at the black screen of the TV, Zhuo Yun listened carefully, the faint moaning sound was like the sound of ecstasy. Blood boils.

With his hearing and judgment far exceeding that of ordinary people, he soon discovered the source of the sound.

"No, this is more exciting than a 3D adult action movie. Doesn't it force me to make mistakes?" He stared in the direction of the bathroom dumbfounded, listening to the groans coming from his ears, Zhuo Yun felt as if there was an animal The hands are constantly pulling on himself, wanting to get closer to the bathroom.

"I'm going to die!" Feeling the increasingly hot body, Zhuo Yun had the illusion that he was on fire, as if he couldn't control his body, he came to the bathroom door.

Hearing the moan like weeping, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. After hesitating for a long time, he finally defeated his desire rationally.

"Bang bang bang!" Reaching out and knocking on the bathroom door three times, Zhuo Yun shouted dryly: "Miss Xu, how long do you want to play by yourself?" During the streaking scene in the movie, there was a crashing sound suddenly.

"What's going on, what happened." Hearing the sudden strange noise, Zhuo Yun was startled for a moment and then hurriedly shouted.

"O oh oh!!" Painful groans came from the bathroom, as if he was suppressing some kind of severe pain, which made Zhuo Yun standing outside feel his heart tighten.

"I'm coming in!" After hesitating for a while, Zhuo Yun shouted, and after speaking, he opened the bathroom door and rushed in.

Just after rushing into the bathroom, through the hazy water mist, a piece of blood-red water was quickly flowing towards the sewer in sight. Although it was diluted by the rain, it still made people feel shocking.

On top of the soul-stirring blood, sits a delicate body that makes the blood boil. The wheat-colored skin exudes a healthy and energetic atmosphere. No matter whether it is the waist, arms or thighs, there is no trace of fat. Hunyuan is strong, giving a sense of fleshy flesh full of elasticity, especially the pile of ** is even more unbelievably firm, as if wearing an invisible bra, dragging the chest up, revealing Deep ravine.

Further down, the flat lower abdomen reveals faintly visible abdominal muscles. This kind of abdominal muscles are not the kind of muscles that make people feel astonished and uncomfortable at first glance. On the contrary, Xu Ying is more slender and full of vitality.

On a pair of strong and tight thighs, a bloody gap was continuously flowing blood.

The location of the wound is very secret, just on the inner side of the thigh. With Zhuo Yun's sight, he can not only see the bleeding wound, but also see the small gap where the wet water flows, like two lower body entrances side by side.

Around the wound, shards of glass were scattered all over, apparently stabbed by one of the glass, and there was a bloody shard of glass next to it.

Zhuo Yun, who was stunned by the scene in front of him, didn't come back to his senses until Xu Ying screamed again, and quickly grabbed the towel next to her, wrapping her whole body.

Holding Xu Ying to the bed, Zhuo Yun hesitated for a moment, thinking that if he didn't follow the agreement, he would have to sleep for one night anyway, and now it was just to save him, anyway, he had seen it just now.

Thinking of this, he immediately dug out the first-aid kit that the hotel visited, these things are essential in some high-end hotels.

The location of the wound is very sensitive, and it is also very difficult to deal with. After all, it is not easy to pinch this place to stop the bleeding.

Not only was it difficult to stop the bleeding, but even a little bit of glass shards remained in the wound.

Lying on the bed in pain, looking out of the corner of the eye at Zhuo Yun who was busy with her lower body while spreading her legs, Xu Ying's face flushed with shame, even the men who held hands with him since childhood can be counted, not to mention It is to let people observe their own private parts.

The location of the wound was too close to the private parts. Although Zhuo Yun tried his best to dodge during the treatment process, he would still touch troubles more or less every day, or the temperature transmission on the palm, which made Xu feel ashamed and indignant. Ying felt a burst of strange excitement, and the scene she saw just now appeared in her mind.

The scene where the man lay between the woman's legs, licked, licked and sucked with his mouth, her heart beat violently, and strong stimulation and excitement flooded into her heart.

Zhuo Yun, who was sweating hard, had just bandaged the wound when a faint groan reached his ears. When he looked up, he saw Xu Ying lying there blushing, feeling refreshed. Moaned in pain. <Excited, Zhuo Yun almost couldn't help raising his gun and went into battle, especially when he glanced at the mysterious place between the legs. Between the loose fur, the stream was already flowing, and the air was filled with a A faint fishy smell and a woman's unique aroma.

"Huhu!" Taking a deep breath, Zhuo Yun barely suppressed his inner desire.

"Hmph, if it weren't for your injury, I would have eaten you up today." With a vicious look in his heart, Zhuo Yun quickly grabbed the quilt next to her and covered her body, wrapping the tempted quilt Posture covered.

Xu Ying, who was immersed in some kind of happy stimulation, felt a gust of cool wind, and immediately woke up. She thought it was Zhuo Yun who took the opportunity to get wild, but when she woke up, she saw that she was covered with a mask. layer quilt.

"Okay, the bleeding on your thigh has stopped, you should be able to move about the next day after a night's rest." Zhuo Yun was lying beside him a little tired.

From just now until now, the yu fire in his body has been burning. This kind of mental torment makes even him feel very tired, and really wants to find a place to sleep.

"Could it be that I misunderstood him before?" Lying there, looking at Zhuo Yun who was only left with her back, Xu Ying suddenly felt a strong feeling in her heart, and the eyes she looked at Zhuo Yun became ambiguous.

When the robbers were wiped out in the shopping mall last time, she looked at the astonishingly powerful Zhuo Yun differently, and it can even be said that she developed a good impression of admiration. The scene of the women's toilet made her feel disgusted. After going through everything just now, Zhuo Yun saw her whole body, and even near her private parts, she was observed at close range, and even revealed to Zhuo Yun the hidden moaning in her heart.

For Xu Ying, the candid relationship between the two has left an indelible mark deep in her heart. Subconsciously, Zhuo Yun was regarded as her first man, and strong ripples naturally arose in her heart. .

The two lay on the bed like this, neither of them broke the tranquility, enjoying the unique ambiguity.

Both Zhuo Yun and the injured Xu Ying were already very tired, and the two quickly fell asleep in this ambiguous atmosphere.

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