Super black turtle clone

Chapter 181 Crazy Exploding Aquatic Plants!

() After a night of nothing, Xu Ying woke up suddenly from her sleep the next day, turned her head and looked to the side, Zhuo Yun's figure had disappeared, and a look of disappointment and loss appeared on her face.

"As expected, he left quietly. This bad guy walked in without buying it after looking at me once. It's a good idea." On Xu Yingying's stubborn face, there was a charming and enchanting expression.

After recovering, Xu Ying lifted the quilt, and immediately felt a cool feeling rushing to her heart from her lower body.

Looking down, I saw silk threads gurgling from the gap between the legs, and there was a large wet area on the quilt below, emitting a faint fishy smell.

"Oh, it's a lot wet, it's all his fault."


Zhuo Yun didn't know anything about being raped by Xu Ying. He left the Victoria Hotel early in the morning and settled all the money for food and housing. Anyway, with his current financial resources, this amount of money is nothing.

Driving back to the villa in the community, recalling what happened last night still made him feel like he couldn't help but smile.

Originally, Xu Ying was asked to complete the original bet. In the end, not only did she get nothing, but she suffered a whole night of suffering. Although her eyes ate a lot of ice cream, her body did not get any relief.

"Hey, will you get sick if you go on like this?" Zhuo Yun thought a little depressed as he glanced at the dark circles under his eye bags reflected on the glass.

Thinking in his heart, he walked to the living room of the villa, but as soon as he walked in, he felt that something was wrong. The three beauties who were sitting on the sofa in the living room immediately shifted their eyes to him, and there was a strange look in their eyes. look.

"What's the situation." Sensing Sanru's unfriendly eyes, Zhuo Yun's heart shrank slightly, feeling bad.

"Three beauties, why are you so leisurely today, chatting in the living room." Saying haha, Zhuo Yun smiled and walked into the living room, ready to sneak into his room, he still trusts his feelings Yes, the scene in front of me is very strange, it is better to go first.

He was thinking very well, but unfortunately the reality is always so cruel, he was stopped by Wang Yanrou when he walked halfway.

"Zhuo Yun, what did you do last night? Why didn't you come back all night?" Wang Yanrou asked suspiciously, like a wife interrogating her husband who didn't come home at night.

"Last night, I drank some wine with my friends and slept in a nearby hotel after drinking too much. What's the fuss about it?" Suppressing his guilty conscience, Zhuo Yun said disapprovingly.

While he was speaking, Wang Yanrou had already come to him, Qiong nose sniffed a few times like a dog's nose.

Seeing Wang Yanrou's actions, Zhuo Yun was depressed for a while but not nervous. As a female soldier, Xu Ying basically rarely used perfume, so she didn't have a strong smell on her body. In direct contact, even if Wang Yanrou really put on a dog's nose, she wouldn't be able to kiss anything.

"Hey, hey, sister Rou, what are you doing, do you want me to take off my clothes and let you smell it?" Zhuo Yun said dissatisfied.

Wang Yanrou blushed and gave Zhuo Yun a white look, then glanced at Mu Xue beside her, and said with a charming smile on the corner of her mouth: "Okay, I'll smell it if you dare to take it off!"

Zhuo Yun glanced at Mu Xue and Bei Ye Mei Daizi who were not far away. Without them, he might not be able to control the fire all night, so he really took off his clothes, but now he is not so open.

"Forget that I'm afraid of you." Zhuo Yun said speechlessly, ready to leave this place of right and wrong immediately.

"Brother Yun, you must have not had breakfast when you just came back. The breakfast I prepared for you happened to be still hot. Would you like to have some?" Mu Xue's soft voice sounded, making Zhuo Yun feel like a spring breeze .

After being told by Mu Xue, Zhuo Yun really felt a little hungry, and quickly escaped from Wang Yanrou's clutches, and went to the dining table to eat the breakfast made by Mu Xue.

"Hmph!" Seeing Zhuo Yun's appearance, Wang Yanrou was secretly angry. Based on her years of experience in the workplace, it can be seen that Zhuo Yun was definitely not that simple last night. Unfortunately, she did not find the slightest evidence. The atmosphere was ruined by Mu Xue, so she had no choice but to give up.

Mei Daizi Kitano, who was sitting on the sofa without speaking, looked at Zhuo Yun, who was eating and drinking, a pair of beautiful cold eyes could not help revealing a strange expression, her brows were slightly frowned as if she was thinking about something matter.

As for Mu Xue, she dragged her chin with a gentle face, and looked at Zhuo Yun who was eating, with a strange feeling in her heart, an inexplicable sense of happiness welling up in her heart.

After eating and drinking enough, Zhuo Yun patted his buttocks and walked in. He didn't want to stay in the lobby anymore. Who knows if they would see a little flaw, and he couldn't tell at that time.

"By the way, why do I need to explain to them?" Zhuo Yun suddenly came to his senses when he came to his room.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he locked the door behind him, and he crawled on the bed straight away, accurately performing the so-called post-dinner bed crawl, and lived to eight hundred and eighty.

Soon Zhuo Yun, who was lying on the bed, entered a state of suspended animation, and the whole body seemed to be a machine that had lost all power.

Far away in the deep sea, how many miles away, a huge tortoise swims in the deep sea. On the tortoise's dark armor, there are natural patterns engraved with incredible craftsmanship, which looks mysterious like a formation in a novel. .

Behind the giant tortoise, followed by a huge deep-sea crab that is also much larger than ordinary crabs, like a warrior wearing a set of steel armor, swimming quickly and domineeringly, a pair of huge pincers gently shaking , From time to time, one or two deep-sea fat fish will be killed and eaten into the stomach.

In the giant turtle's mind, Zhuo Yun's consciousness was hiding inside from a third perspective, watching the surrounding sea area through blood-red eyes.

"Xuangui, where did you find the elixir, and how far away is it?"

Hearing Zhuo Yun's question, there was a wave in Xuan Gui's consciousness, which quickly turned into a language he could understand.

With the growth of the strength of the black turtle, the intelligence of the black turtle is also constantly improving, and the message it conveys is becoming clearer and clearer. Zhuo Yun even suspects that as long as he breaks through the bottleneck, the intelligence of the black turtle can be raised to the level of a six or seven-year-old child. For a tortoise, even with a huge body, such intelligence is absolutely astonishing.

Through the message sent by the mysterious turtle, Zhuo Yun learned that the location of the elixir is in a strange grass not far in front, but the grass is very strange, and the mysterious turtle who passed by didn't dare to investigate deeply, but just confirmed where it was. If you have the elixir, return to your destination immediately.

Under the leadership of Xuan Gui, they passed through the seabed mountains and peaks with winding paths, and a lush green color suddenly appeared in Zhuo Yun's sight. The sudden expanse of green color surprised him.

There are very few aquatic plants in such a deep sea area, and even if there are, they will not appear on such a large scale.

The so-called abnormality must be a demon. The aquatic plants in front of the sea are extremely luxuriant, revealing extraordinary vitality, which made Zhuo Yun feel alert in an instant, and the black turtle stopped more than ten meters away from the aquatic flora. It came down and confirmed his feeling.

"Gulu Gulu!" The deep-sea crab king who followed immediately spewed a series of bubbles from his mouth. Of course, these bubbles are ordinary bubbles, but Zhuo Yun, who is already familiar with them, knows that this is the deep-sea crab king who feels threatened Only when the time comes, will the reaction be made, similar to a gesture of warning.

"It's strange. Could it be that there are some monsters in this piece of aquatic plants?" Zhuo Yun took over the control of the mysterious turtle and stared at the aquatic plants in front of him. See if there is any special and powerful breath in the aquatic plants.

After pondering for a moment, Zhuo Yun turned his gaze to the deep sea crab king next to him, and conveyed his thoughts and orders to it.

The Deep Sea Crab King was a bit stunned, but his comprehension ability was no worse than that of the fire python. He quickly understood his responsibilities, and immediately opened his mouth to release a series of colored bubbles.

At the moment when the deep-sea crab king spit out bubbles, Zhuo Yun immediately felt a sense of a beast waking up in front of him, and instinctively controlled the water flow to retreat quickly.

"Boom boom boom!" A series of multicolored bubbles collided with the aquatic plants, and a loud explosion erupted. The violent impact directly shredded the surrounding aquatic plants, and caused a burst of turmoil in the calm deep sea water.

"This is it!" Backing up, Zhuo Yun stared at the scene in front of him in horror. The dense aquatic plants attacked by colorful bubbles were like a group of sharks that had been awakened, and the aquatic plants swayed wildly and skyrocketed like demons The long hair rolled towards the deep sea crab king, and the tragic deep sea crab king had no time to dodge at such a fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the deep sea crab king was surrounded by dense aquatic plants. Fortunately, he spit out a white bubble to protect himself at a critical moment. Unbearable voice.

Looking at the scene, it seems that the white bubbles may be squeezed and burst at any time. When the time comes, the deep sea crab king who loses the protection of the white bubbles will be strangled by aquatic plants.

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