Super black turtle clone

Chapter 187 Peeping!

() Qiangzi's expression changed suddenly when he heard the words, both of them are not fools, what Zhuo Yun said is very logical, if this is the case, the two of them may really be scapegoats.

"How about it, do you understand? As long as you tell them online that you have important photos and videos and want to make a face-to-face transaction, I believe the other party will agree to your request. At that time, I will solve the other things by myself and give Every 50 you earn is enough for you to leave here and do other industries." Zhuo Yun said with a confident smile on his lips.

Originally, the mood was a little up and down, but when they heard the amount of money lured in, they immediately became more uncertain.

"For example, what if we don't agree." Swallowing his saliva, Qiangzi stared at Zhuo Yun on the opposite side, and carefully tested.

"I don't agree." Zhuo Yun shook his head in distress. While the vitality in his body was circulating, he slammed his fingers at the opposite side in front of him, and a drop of water shot out like a bullet, hitting the chaos on the roof of the building. On the dirt wall.

"Touch!!" There was a dull impact sound, and Qiangzi opened his mouth wide in shock and looked at the roof. A hole two or three centimeters deep appeared on the concrete wall, and the inside could even be seen. rebar.

At this moment, the two people who were only in fear of Zhuo Yun, directly soared to fear and panic, looking at Zhuo Yun as if they saw a devil eating him.

"Don't worry, as long as you cooperate with me honestly, I won't do anything to you, and killing you two won't do me any good." Zhuo Yun shrugged indifferently as if what happened just now was something trivial.

It was this indifferent expression that made the two of them even more terrified, and they swallowed a mouthful of saliva and nodded hastily.

They didn't think that their bodies would be harder than the concrete roof. Once Zhuo Yun angrily performed the move that resembled the legendary flick of the finger, they would have to go to see God.

"Leave the phone numbers of the two of you. Also, you two had better not try to disappear from the room, otherwise I can tell you clearly that the two of you will really disappear from the room at that time." , disappeared without a trace." Zhuo Yunyi had a smile on his face for a day, but the aura emanating from his whole body made Qiang Zi feel a biting chill.

"Yes, yes, we know." Qiangzi nodded quickly, not daring to disobey in the slightest. He was so regretful that his intestines were about to turn green. If he had known it would become like this, he shouldn't have undertaken this for money. dangerous task.

After sending the two away, Zhuo Yun glanced at the restaurant in the distance ahead, and with an inexplicable impulse in his heart, he bent down to pick up the binoculars thrown on the ground by the masturbation man.

Putting the binoculars in front of his eyes, Zhuo Yun cast his eyes on the window, and Shen Yuyan's seductive appearance, sweating like rain, appeared in his sight. If he didn't know that she was pretending, she would definitely think it's true.

After observing with interest for a while, he reluctantly gave up and continued to peep, reached out and took out his cell phone from his pocket, and dialed Shen Yuyan's cell phone number.

Shen Yuyan, who was doing her best to perform in the binoculars, froze for a moment, swayed up and down, reached out her mobile phone, and connected the call.

"Beauty Shen, you did a good job, you can win an Oscar for Best Actress." Zhuo Yun teased.

Shen Yuyan, who was performing with all her strength, sat down on the ground when she heard the words, she was so tired that she was panting for a while. Originally, only a piece of white flesh was exposed, but under the force of inertia, a large area was exposed, even the red dates were exposed. Coming out, Zhuo Yun on the roof felt a sense of voyeurism.

"Damn, it's no wonder so many people like to peep. This feeling is really exciting." Looking at the glamorous scene in the telescope, Zhuo Yun secretly sighed and licked his lips.

"You are necrotic, am I doing this to prevent the voyeurs from suspecting, how about it, have you caught the voyeur yet?" Shen Yuyan's charming and complaining voice came from the phone, matched with her slightly panting breath , giving me an inexplicable fantasy.

"Don't worry, there's no way they'll escape if I'm on hand. I've already got the stuff. If it goes well, I might be able to catch the black hand behind the scenes. You sort it out and come out to fight with me."

After the incident of secretly filming just now, the two have lost the courage to continue their passion, but the ambiguous relationship has become more intense.

At the time of breaking up, Zhuo Yun finally learned about the situation of his company from Shen Yuyan, and finally solved the trouble under her premonition, and it has been confirmed that the deputy mayor Xiao Shan did it this time. The access to the ocean is not enough to mobilize so many state agencies to find trouble together.

"Xiao Shan, it really is him. Originally, I didn't intend to do it directly. Now it seems that it's time to visit the deputy mayor." A cold light flickered in Zhuo Yun's eyes.

In the middle of the night, with dark clouds covering the moon, it is a good time to set fires. If it is a 1st day society, the early-nighters have already started wandering around the city to shout.

Relying on the news network of the Fifth Army, Zhuo Yun easily found the place where Xiao Shan's home was located. With his flexible and superb skills, he had already arrived outside Xiao Shan's villa without the security guards in the villa area knowing.

Officials in China are very afraid of death. Many people dare not reveal their wealth casually even if they are greedy for a lot of money. They live in ordinary buildings and drive dilapidated cars. It is relatively rare.

Of course Xiao Shan is not not afraid of death, but all his wealth comes from legitimate sources, even if someone reports him, nothing can be found at all.

Carefully turning over and entering the villa, under the cover of the water control area, Zhuo Yun easily killed a few housekeeper dogs, dodged the nearby security guards, and approached the bedroom on the second floor.

"Buzz buzz!" The moment he came to the door and window of the bedroom on the second floor, a loud siren rang out suddenly. The sudden sound startled Zhuo Yun, and instantly knocked out the guards in charge of the villa area. The security guard woke up.


Before Zhuo Yun came back to his senses, bright headlights were turned on, illuminating the entire villa brightly. Zhuo Yun was naturally like a grasshopper under the light, and was immediately discovered by the security guards.

"The enemy is there, stop him quickly." Accompanied by exclamations, a security guard took out a pistol and aimed it in the direction of Zhuo Yun.

"Damn it!" With a low cry, Zhuo Yun quickly flew to the distance to dodge, the place where he was standing just now was buried by dense gunfire.

With his strength, although these security guards are some retired special forces fighters, they can't be his opponent at all, but it has been leaked now. If they enter by force, the matter will definitely make things worse. Once they are investigated It is estimated that even the fifth army may not be able to bear the charge of attacking or even killing the national and municipal thousand ministries, not to mention that he had offended the people of Dragon God's Wrath before.

The villa area exploded because of the sound of the police alarm. The other villas were also filled with high-ranking officials, or rich businessmen, all of whom had their own bodyguards and security guards. The villa area immediately entered a state of first-level alert. , patrolling security guards can be seen everywhere.

Just when the whole villa was in a state of panic, Zhuo Yun had already arrived outside the villa.

"Huhu, I was too impulsive. Fortunately, I didn't have time to do it this time. It was a bit ill-considered." Shaking his head, Zhuo Yun smiled wryly in his heart.

Before he came to the villa area impulsively, he didn't wake up until the moment he was discovered just now. He is not the only one with supernatural abilities in the whole world. Who knows if there will be such a strange thing that can find the murderer? Once the supernatural powers are exposed, even if they can save their lives, they will probably spend their days with their heads hunched like bastards in the future.

The ban on the company was revoked the next day, and Almighty Ocean Service Co., Ltd. officially opened again, but now the black turtle and the deep-sea crab king are still hunting deep-sea creatures in the aquatic plants, and they cannot come to hunt. Taking this opportunity, Wang Yanrou also started Carry out drastic reform and development of the company.

Zhuo Yun didn't have much research on these matters, so he naturally and decisively chose to be a hands-off shopkeeper, possessing the black turtle in his spare time, hunting at full speed, and providing sufficient nutrients for the blue aquatic plants as soon as possible.

After the killing of the mysterious turtle, fire python and deep-sea crab king, the large deep-sea creatures within a radius of a hundred miles with the aquatic plants as the center have basically hunted and killed thousands of them. Even some fish that slipped through the net fled to other places. Stay away from this place of right and wrong.

After finally catching and killing a large deep-sea fish again, Zhuo Yun threw it into the aquatic plants. Through the blood-red eyes of the black turtle, he watched the unique blue aquatic plants in the aquatic plants. Among the blooming flowers, one has already begun to wither, and the rudimentary shape of the fruit is raised in the middle of the flower. As long as the flower withers completely, the second fruit will grow.

The aquatic plants, like devil's tentacles, soared wildly, wrapping large deep-sea fish in groups, torn into pieces in an instant, and turned into strands of nourishment, flocking towards the blue aquatic plants.

This is Zhuo Yun's special order for the black turtle to give the aquatic plants, to supply the blue aquatic plants with the flesh and blood of the hunted deep-sea creatures, so as to speed up the birth of the second fruit.

The blue water plants swayed for a while, and you looked like you were shaking your body when you were happy.

With the swaying, the withered flowers became more decayed, as if all the nutrients had been extracted, petals began to wither, and the bulging fruit in the middle grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under Zhuo Yun's agitated gaze, the flower completely withered, revealing a fruit the size of a jujube, and a trace of intriguing fragrance emanated from this blue fruit.

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