Super black turtle clone

Chapter 188 Scary Breakfast!

() "Haha, it finally succeeded!" Seeing this situation, Zhuo Yun spun around in excitement.

The second fruit grows, and the next thing becomes easier. The domineering deep-sea crab king displayed his own bubble skills, wrapping the ripe fruit in a white bubble, completely isolating the air. Picked it off.

At the beginning, Zhuo Yun was still a little worried, and he was not sure whether this would keep the aura in the fruit from being lost.

After some nervous observation, he was finally relieved. The fruit wrapped in the bubble bag did not show any signs of spiritual energy passing away, which showed that his idea was still feasible.

After the previous work is done, the next step is to escort the return journey.

When leaving, Zhuo Yun glanced at the strange group of aquatic plants, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Even if these aquatic plants have subdued them now, they have not figured out what is going on. The regeneration ability and vitality of aquatic plants are simply terrifying. If they are used well, they may be of great value.

Adhering to this idea, he asked the deep-sea crab king to get a few samples of aquatic plants while picking the fruits.

After finishing all this, the three behemoths marched towards Z city where Zhuo Yun was located, increasing the speed to the extreme.

Just when Xuangui was rushing back at full speed, another unexpected guest came to Zhuo Yun's villa, and it was the arrival of this unexpected guest that made him even more distressed.

"Bao'er, didn't I hear that you are helping Lei Yao manage the company recently, why do you have time to come here again?" Looking at Lei Bao'er who was looking menacing, Zhuo Yun asked in embarrassment.

"Hmph, you're still ashamed to say that last time you asked my brother to complain to my father, which made me join the company and work hard every day." Lei Bao'er pouted and shouted dissatisfiedly , the eldest lady's temper was fully revealed.

Seeing Lei Baoer's appearance of asking for guilt, Zhuo Yun could only admit his heinous crime with a wry smile, which relieved the young lady's anger a bit, but what happened next made things more complicated. more complicated.

The appearance of Mu Xue, Wang Yanrou, and Kitano Meidaizi stunned Lei Baoer, the eldest lady. The appearance of each of these three people is definitely not worse than her. In terms of figure, except for Mu Xue, who is of moderate stature, The other two are absolutely fiery monsters, which made Lei Baoer feel a deep sense of crisis.

Although she later learned the reason why San stayed here, Lei Baoer still didn't take it seriously, and announced with a strong attitude that she would also live in the villa, and even called her father Lei Wanshan on the spot, wondering how Lei Wanshan would respond However, he agreed to Lei Baoer's ridiculous request.

In this way, what was originally a cohabitation life of one man and three women became one man and four women.

Zhuo Yun just lay down that night, a burst of fragrant smell flooded into his room, like a lamb-like Kitano Mei Daizi slipped into his bed.

The two who had just tasted the taste of the forbidden fruit immediately launched a frenzied pursuit. The dominant Zhuo Yun, transformed into a battle-tested warrior, used all the moves he had learned from Wa Guocheng's action movies before, Kitano Midaiko killed every piece of armor.

"Bang bang bang!" Just when the two were getting better and Zhuo Yun's attack speed was getting faster and faster, a burst of footsteps came to his ears suddenly.

His face changed slightly, and Zhuo Yun quickly reached out to cover Kitano Meidaizi's moaning red lips.

"Don't make a sound, someone is coming." After comforting Mei Daizi Kitano in a low voice, Zhuo Yun stopped fighting, feeling the feeling of not being able to get up and down, secretly a little distressed in his heart.

This kind of adultery-like life is really a bit bitter, and every time such a thing happens, I have to be on guard against the other three beauties.

"Bump!" Footsteps came to the door and knocked lightly on the door twice.

"Whoa, I'm asleep, I'll talk about it tomorrow." After calming his breathing, Zhuo Yun hurriedly called out.

"It's me, hurry up and open the door for Miss Ben, I have something to do with you." Lei Bao'er's savage and nervous voice came from outside the door, and her tone was a little trembling.

Zhuo Yun has nothing to do with Lei Baoer, a savage little witch. In such a situation of being alone and widowed in the middle of the night, even if there is no **** lamb like Kitano Meidaizi in his bedroom, he can't let her in. .

"Bao'er, I've already fallen asleep, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"No, I'm going to tell you right now, open the door quickly, or I'll yell." Lei Bao'er's unruly temper came up, and she muttered dissatisfied outside the door.

Under such circumstances, Zhuo Yun said that he could not open the door, and what made him depressed was that the soft and warm passage of the lower body suddenly wriggled and contracted, who was originally very honest under her body. Zhuo Yun almost couldn't help crying out that strong sense of oppression.

Taking a deep breath and glaring at the charming Kitano Meidaizi, Zhuo Yun gritted his teeth and said in an unquestionable tone: "Bao'er, stop making trouble, go back to sleep, or I'll call Lei Uncle, let him call you back when the time comes, if you want to continue living here, just listen to me obediently."

"Hmph, I will use my dad to threaten me, I hate it to death." Lei Bao'er's dissatisfied snort came from outside the door. After hesitating for a while, she finally accepted the threat and stomped her feet on the floor in reply. to his bedroom.

"Hoo hoo, this girl is getting more and more difficult." Hearing the footsteps going away, Zhuo Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

As soon as he took a deep breath, his lower body rushed to squirm again. As Kitano Midaiko's little butt twisted, he felt a strong stimulation welling up in his heart.

"Little girl, if you dare to seduce me, see if I don't teach you a lesson." Zhuo Yun shouted dissatisfiedly while reaching out to pat Kitano Meidaizi's pretty ass.

"Hmph, you have so many beauties who like you, so you still think of me. Looking at Lei Baoer's posture just now, it is obvious that she wants to make a promise with her body." Kitano Midaiko's charming and emotional face showed a hint of jealousy .

"Hey, why, I'm jealous." Zhuo Yun smiled, and reached out to pick Kitano Meidaizi's chin.

"Mei Daizi, remember, you are my wife now, and I will be responsible to you no matter what in the future, and I will not leave you behind, but what I hate the most is being tricked by girls. Now that you She is my daughter, and I will naturally help you solve the matter of Masao Kitano."

While speaking, his gaze was fixed on Kitano Meidaiko's seductive eyes. From the time when he did something bad just now, he felt Kitano Meidaiko's extra enthusiasm, she seemed very devoted but a little absent-minded.

Under Zhuo Yun's gaze, Bei Ye Mei Daizi's expression changed slightly, and she said guiltily: "I'm sorry, please forgive Mei Daizi's scheme, I won't do this in the future, please forgive me."

Hearing Kitano Meidaizi's apology, Zhuo Yun felt relieved. As for his first woman, even though she was a woman from the Japanese country, Meidaizi still maintained her perfect body for a day, giving her body completely to her. Despite himself, it still left an indelible mark on his heart.

It is precisely because of this special brand that he does not want this friendship to be mixed with too many calculations and other factors.

"I accept your apology, but you have to remember that this is the only time and the last time. If you have anything to say, just tell me, don't want to use your body as bait." Zhuo Yun said calmly , Speaking of the last moment, the intentionally punishing waist suddenly exerted force, and the golden cudgel connected below hit Huaxin heavily.

"Hey!" Kitano Meidaizi snorted softly, frowning slightly, lying powerlessly on the bed, telling the story like a tamed kitten.

It turned out that today, Kitano Meidaizi met a Japanese assassin who came to investigate the situation.

After all, Kitano Meidaizi and his party came to assassinate Zhuo Yun before, but after so many days, none of them came back. In order to find out what happened, this Japanese assassin was sent to investigate the situation.

Through this Japanese assassin, Kitano Meidaizi learned some information that made her very excited, that is, because of the delay in killing Zhuo Yun, Kitano Masao was impatient and led the masters of the Kitano family to prepare for the attack. When he came to China, this Japanese assassin was a pawn who first detected the enemy's situation.

"Very good, if he doesn't come, it's really hard for me to attack him. Now that Masao Kitano dares to come to Huaxia, there is only one way to die." After listening to Meidaizi Kitano's story, Zhuo Yun said with a serious smile .

Not to mention being begged by Kitano Meidaizi, even the fact that Kitano Masao sent killers to assassinate him several times in a row is enough to arouse Zhuo Yun's murderous intent.

"Don't worry, if Masao Kitano dares to come, I can make him come and go." Zhuo Yun glanced at Meidaizi Kitano who looked expectant, and said with a smile.

"Thank you Daisuke, as long as Daisuke allows me to kill Kitano Masao, from now on, Mei Daizi will live forever as Daisuke's entry." Kitano Meidaizi said excitedly, with crystal tears faintly oozing from her beautiful eyes, which made people see Zhuo Yun's heart trembled slightly when he heard this sentence.

Kitano Meidaizi has always given him the feeling that except when he is in bed, other times seem to be a tool for killing without emotion, but now he really feels the pain and hatred in Kitano Meidaizi's heart.

Zhuo Yun, who was curious in his heart, asked Kitano Meidaizi the detailed reasons why she hated her father so much.

After knowing the specific reason, Zhuo Yun's killing intent towards Masao Kitano in his heart surged like a tide. Only by letting him die without a whole body can he vent his hatred for such a beast.

"Dare to try to touch my woman, Kitano Masao, I will let you die." The cold killing intent covered Zhuo Yun's delicate face, which looked so cold and serious, but this expression was in the eyes of Kitano Meidaizi. In her eyes, they were as warm as the sunshine of Dongyao. For the first time, she felt the feeling of being loved and protected by someone else.

If Kitano Meidaizi slept with Zhuo Yun before, 90.00% of it was because she wanted to increase her bargaining chips so that Zhuo Yun could truly fulfill her original promise, and only [-]% was because of her strong strength and personal charm. A kind of adoration and love.

But now she is thankful for her original decision, Zhuo Yun made her truly find a sense of security to rely on, as well as that kind of real liking and love.

After venting his anger, Zhuo Yun lowered his head to look at Mei Daizi Kitano in his arms, just in time to see her moving and bewildered eyes, he could not help but feel a surge of fire in his heart, and climbed up the huge and plump twin peaks with both hands.

I don't know if it's because of the transformation from a young girl to a young woman. Kitano Midaiko's already big twin peaks have grown a little bit. With his big hands, it is impossible to fully grasp them. The soft and soft The feeling full of elasticity makes people never get tired of it.

When the big steamed bun was caught, Kitano Meidaizi woke up immediately, seeing the flashing fire in Zhuo Yun's eyes, a charming smile flashed across her face, she even showed her seductive skills, and her whole body exuded shock. The infused charm made Zhuo Yun's already strong golden cudgel reach an astonishing hardness in an instant.

"Da Ru, Mei Daizi will serve you well!" The lure's voice sounded in Zhuo Yun's ear, igniting his already soaring desire.

Turning clouds and rain upside down, a long and protracted battle began. Compared with Kitano Midaiko, who was a little absent-minded before, she untied her heart knot and completely let go, and she showed love beyond imagination. Zhuo Yun's charming charm and extraordinary initiative made Zhuo Yun enjoy the real bliss.

He made him comfortable one night, but he didn't want to get up the next day. He wished he could fight with Kitano Meidaizi for another [-] rounds, but after turning his head and seeing Kitano Meidaizi's tired and sleeping appearance, he gave up on Bairi Xuan yin's idea.

Thinking of Kitano Meidaizi's appearance of trying every means to make herself comfortable last night, Zhuo Yun was slightly moved, and he also recognized her deeply in his heart, and kissed her forehead with a smile.

When I wake up in the morning, there are three different breakfasts every day, but this time there is no Meidaizi Kitano, and our eldest lady Lei Baoer is added.

Speaking of Lei Baoer, Zhuo Yun really had the urge to throw away her breakfast immediately.

A plate of scorched black things emitting bursts of black smoke, and a plate of strange food wriggling like jelly but with a strange blue color, it is a bit beyond the limit of human acceptance.

He doubted that if he ate these things, even with his cultivation and physical fitness, he would definitely die in an instant, comparable to the most terrifying chemical poison.

After an almost tormenting breakfast, Zhuo Yun couldn't wait to get rid of the three women and drove all the way to the beach. If he continued to stay with them, who knows what other tricks he would have.

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