Super black turtle clone

Chapter 189 The mutation of the mysterious bead!

() After nearly [-] hours of driving at full speed, relying on the astonishing speed of the three black turtles, they are not far from the sea.

Zhuo Yun waited for more than ten minutes on a remote coast, and by virtue of his induction with the black turtles, he had already sensed their arrival. While the sea was surging, a white bubble the size of a basketball burst from his sight. Out of the sea.

As if being pushed by an invisible big hand, the white bubbles floated in the wind to the sea water in front of Zhuo Yun.

Grabbing the elastic white bubbles like rubber, he immediately rushed to a nearby seaside resort and rented a VIP suite in the resort.

"Okay, let me see how the medicinal properties of this blue fruit are." Sitting on Simmons' bed, Zhuo Yun secretly crushed the air bubbles excitedly.

The bubbles shattered, and the vacuum-wrapped blue fruit immediately leaked into the air. In an instant, Zhuo Yun felt the aura spreading over his face. The rich water aura was like the impact of water flow, so real, even if it is an ordinary person entering the capital. Can feel the fresh and cool breath.

"It's such a strong water spirit." Zhuo Yun, who was shaking, couldn't help but admire.

After admiring, he immediately came back to his senses. Now the blue fruit is leaking in the air, and the spiritual energy in it is passing away every moment.

Putting away the two scattered aquatic plant samples to prevent the spiritual energy from passing away, Zhuo Yun gritted his teeth and swallowed the blue fruit.

To be honest, he is still a little apprehensive about this blue fruit, after all, this blue fruit is really weird, and no one knows what its medicinal properties are.

After biting the blue fruit lightly, a stream of cool liquid flowed out, flowed down the esophagus and into the stomach.

Before Zhuo Yun could feel the aura contained in the blue fruit, a sudden chill surged into his heart. In his induction, the tide erupted from his stomach and spread at an astonishing speed. The blood in all internal organs seemed to be frozen, and the vitality in the body was also affected by the cold air, so it couldn't run smoothly at all.

"Okay, it's so cold!" Exclaiming, Zhuo Yun trembled all over, and a layer of white frost quietly appeared on the surface of his body. From a distance, the whole body looked like snow, exuding Bursts of cold air.

The continuous spread of the cold air gave him the illusion that he was going to be completely frozen, and a strong sense of fear surged in his heart. The vitality in his body also lost its original effect at this moment, as if it was completely suppressed by the cold air.

"Damn it, how did this happen? Are you going to die here today?" Zhuo Yun exclaimed inwardly, unwillingly trying to stop the spread of the cold air.

"By the way, why did I forget the mysterious bead." At the critical moment, he suddenly remembered, and quickly controlled his vitality to rush towards the location of the mysterious bead at full speed.

Originally, at the speed of vitality, it only took a blink of an eye, but this time it took all of Zhuo Yun's energy, and it took nearly four or five seconds to move the position of his chest.

At this moment, the surging cold air had spread to his whole body, his body was completely frozen, and even the vitality he controlled had lost contact, and spread across his chest.

"How could this happen? If I knew it, I would have let Xuan Gui try it first." Zhuo Yun didn't even have the ability to cry at the moment, and he regretted it in his heart.

Before seeing the mysterious turtle swallowing these elixir in the sea, there was no side effect at all, which made him lose his due vigilance.

Spirit medicines are just like ordinary medicinal materials, and they also have various medicinal properties. The blue fruit he swallowed now belongs to that kind of medicine for tigers and wolves with violent medicinal properties.

Just when Zhuo Yun thought that he was going to be frozen into a popsicle and die miserably in this resort, the spreading vitality touched the mysterious bead hidden in his chest and activated the mysterious bead.

A huge force of swallowing and sucking immediately emerged from the mysterious bead, and the cold air that had spread throughout his body gathered towards the mysterious bead at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The mysterious beads always come to them, those cold airs that can easily freeze Zhuo Yun seem to be nothing to it, and they can easily swallow up a thousand and two nets.

It took more than ten minutes, whether it was the cold air contained in the blue fruit or the surging spiritual energy contained in it, they were all swallowed up by the mysterious beads.

Zhuo Yun, whose whole body was stiff like a sick man, finally regained his freedom and wandered once from the edge of death.

Before he could get used to the thawed body, the mysterious bead, as before, swallowed a lot of spiritual energy and cold energy, and once again gushed streams of pure energy from it.

With his keen sensitivity, Zhuo Yun felt something was wrong when this energy appeared. These pure energies were not the kind of water aura he refined before. Compared with the previous water aura, this kind of aura seemed more domineering dense.

"Forget it, since it came out of the mysterious beads, it must be a good thing." Thinking of this, he immediately circulated the vitality in his body, refining these pure domineering energies in the way of the turtle's breath.

Compared with the water aura before refining, this kind of pure domineering energy is much more difficult to refine. It took him a whole half a day to completely refine and absorb the domineering energy in his body and transform it into his own vitality.

Zhuo Yun, who was practicing with his eyes closed, opened them suddenly, the light in his eyes flickered, and a strong spirit burst out from his body.

"It's great, my cultivation level has been raised to at least a level." Feeling the surging vitality in his body, he decisively displayed the water control domain. As the vitality in his body spread, an inexplicable control immediately flooded his body heart.

"Five meters, haha, I can finally cover the water control area within five meters without using the ability of the village rain." Zhuo Yun said excitedly to himself. Can spread the water control area to a distance of six meters.

At a distance of six meters, even if it was a bullet, he was confident that he could dodge it.

It's not just the increase in distance, maybe it's because the vitality has absorbed the domineering energy, and the control over the domain has become stronger. He can easily condense the water vapor into a water polo. The whole process is almost instantaneous, and finally has a little domain. look.

Standing on the same spot with the water control domain open, while carefully sensing the changes in the domain, Zhuo Yun also had an inexplicable impulse in his heart, as if an instinctive feeling had been suppressed and became very uncomfortable.

"It's strange, what's going on? Could it be that something went wrong in my cultivation!." Secretly wondering in his heart, he could only continue to search for a response.

Standing like this for more than half an hour, Zhuo Yun, who was standing like a wooden sculpture, subconsciously raised his right hand, and a water polo quickly condensed in the air one meter away from him.

If it was before, apart from making the water polo bigger, there were no other changes, but this time there were changes.

A bitter chill emanated from him, and the entire water control area seemed to become cold in an instant. The water polo one meter away froze into an ice ball at an astonishing speed. the chill.

"This is!!" Stimulated by the cold, Zhuo Yun suddenly woke up, looking at the ice puck in his sight, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Recalling the subconscious feeling just now, he raised his hand again, and with a slight movement in his mind, his whole body exuded a biting chill again, and another ice ball condensed next to the ice ball, this time it didn't even evolve from a water polo , but directly condensed into ice balls.

"Damn, no, I, I can display two supernatural powers now." Zhuo Yun opened his mouth slightly, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Before he could control the water vapor, he already felt miraculous and unbelievable. He didn't expect that after swallowing the blue fruit, he would have the ice ability like Leng Ji by chance. The five troops will want to take him back to study.

As far as he knows, people with supernatural abilities can be divided into those who were born with supernatural abilities and those who acquired supernatural abilities. People with supernatural abilities who were born with supernatural abilities are born with supernatural abilities. Such supernatural abilities are generally more powerful.

The so-called acquired supernatural powers are those who are greatly stimulated, or are acquired during the trials of life and death, or even obtained by some kind of coincidence. Absolutely, like Zhuo Yun and Leng Ji, they all belong to postnatal supernatural beings.

However, in the entire supernatural world, no matter whether it is a person with supernatural abilities or a person with supernatural abilities, each person with supernatural abilities only possesses one kind of supernatural ability. There has not been an accident at all in the past few years. Of course, it may also exist. It's just that everyone doesn't know.

No matter what, Zhuo Yun possessed two abilities at once, which made him happy, but also felt a little tricky. He secretly decided not to let anyone know that he also possessed the ability of ice while possessing the ability of controlling water. able.

Just when he was immersed in the surprise of possessing two supernatural powers, something even more surprising happened to him.

The mysterious bead that was originally on the chest, I don't know if it was because of absorbing a lot of energy, it appeared very abruptly, and shifted its position with a burst of light.

Compared with the sudden disappearance last time, Zhuo Yun's transfer this time naturally focused all his attention on observation, but the result surprised him.

The mysterious bead moved into his head, and it stayed right between his eyebrows. There was no pain or discomfort during the whole process, as if the mysterious bead had already integrated into his body and became a part of his body.

"Buzz!" The moment the mysterious bead moved to the center of his eyebrows, Zhuo Yun immediately felt a buzzing in his head, as if a thousand birds were chirping at the same time. The strong impact made him lose consciousness in an instant. Into passed out.

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