Super black turtle clone

Chapter 190 The frightened Masao Kitano!

() Almost at the same time when Zhuo Yun lost consciousness, a burst of light emanated from the center of his eyebrows. As the skin and flesh in the center of the eyebrows squirmed, mysterious beads revealed his figure, which looked like there was an extra eye at the position of the center of the eyebrows, which was extraordinarily weird and wonderful .

The mysterious beads not only look like eyes, but also turn like eyeballs after they appear, as if watching the surrounding environment.

If anyone was in the room at this moment, he would be terrified by the scene in front of him. This incident is more terrifying than the midnight bell.

I don't know how long it took, Zhuo Yun gradually regained some consciousness, and got up from the bed in a daze.

"What's going on, I remember that the mysterious bead moved to the center of the eyebrows, and suddenly there was a mess of voices in my mind, and the whole person passed out, what happened?" Shaking Huang Yi's drowsy consciousness for a day, Zhuo Yun was secretly distressed thinking.

It took him a while to fully wake up, and he immediately concentrated his mind to feel the center of his brow.

Just when his induction power spread to the center of his brows, a suction force appeared instantly, and immediately absorbed his entire consciousness into it, that feeling was like transferring his consciousness to the black turtle.

When Zhuo Yun came back to his senses again, he had already appeared in an empty space, pitch-black in all directions, but it was surprisingly all in his induction.

After his consciousness swept over, he immediately understood that he was now in a space of ten cubic meters in size, the space was empty, and there was nothing but his consciousness.

He tried to pass through the ten cubic space barrier, but it was as if he was facing a wall made of steel, and he couldn't break through it no matter what.

"Damn it, why did I come to this kind of place? Do I have to be trapped here forever? I want to get out, let me out quickly." Zhuo Yun shouted in his heart, eager to leave this ghostly place.

The scene in front of him flashed suddenly, and the familiar beach resort room appeared in his sight.

"I, I'm out!" Looking at the familiar bed, Zhuo Yun said to himself in surprise, recalling being trapped in such a small place just now, just thinking about it made his forehead break out in cold sweat.

After all, he is not the idiot when he just graduated, and soon he sorted out some clues. Since he can come out once, he can come out a second time, so he immediately tried to sense the eyebrows again, and the consciousness appeared again. In that small space of ten square meters.

In the following continuous attempts, Zhuo Yun was pleasantly surprised to find that not only his own consciousness can enter the small space, as long as he covers an object through the water control field, he can move it to the space between the eyebrows, Of course, the premise is that this item should be smaller than the space between the eyebrows, otherwise it will not fit at all.

When you want to take something out, you only need to think about that thing in your heart, and you can easily take it out from the space between the eyebrows.

When reading novels before, those cultivators would wear storage rings or something, but now he has a storage space, even if he has supernatural powers, he still feels incredible.

Zhuo Yun knew that the space between his brows must be made by the mysterious bead. Although he knew it was definitely a great treasure, it was a pity that he couldn't find out what mysteries were in it now. He could take one step at a time, but he had Be confident that sooner or later you will fully grasp the mysterious beads.

With a breakthrough in cultivation and a magical storage space, Zhuo Yun didn't plan to stay too long in the seaside resort. Just when he was about to leave, Meidaizi Kitano called.

In order to be able to take revenge, Kitano Midaiko left her own spy in the Kitano family in advance, and she knew the whereabouts of Kitano Masao well. According to the news she got, Kitano Masao had already set off, but they did not sit Instead of flying, take a private yacht.

After getting Masao Kitano's detailed travel itinerary from Mei Daizi Kitano, Zhuo Yun gave up his plan to go home and continued to live in the resort.

The sea breeze hits at night, making a sound similar to ghost crying, and the fishy sea breeze makes people feel an inexplicable chill. Compared with Bai Yao, the sea at night is like a huge and fierce beast. Under the light, people dare not approach easily.

"Wow!!" In a remote sea area, the sea water surged violently, and a small island suddenly emerged from the sea water.

If you look carefully, you will find that this is not a small island at all, but a huge turtle shell. A ferocious head like a dragon's head protrudes directly in front of the turtle shell, and a pair of blood-red eyes exude spiritual power. With an intelligent expression, he stared happily at the figure standing on the reef by the sea not far away.

"It's another dark and windy night, I hope there won't be any problems this time." Standing on the rock in Zhuo Yun's dark sky, Zhuo Yun muttered to himself.

"Ho Ho!" Xuan Gui's huge figure swam to the shore, prostrated there like a gigantic monster, raised his head and let out a roar at Zhuo Yun.

When he came back to his senses, Zhuo Yun glanced at Xuangui, with a smile on his lips, he jumped up from the reef suddenly, and landed on the huge and strong back of Xuangui as steadily as Mount Tai.

"Okay, Xuan Gui, let's go!" Sitting cross-legged, Zhuo Yun said with a smile.

"Roar!!" Xuangui hissed again, and while waving its limbs, it rushed into the sea like a tank, and fled towards the distance at an astonishing speed.

Relying on the route map given by Kitano Midaiko, Xuangui only swam two to disappear, and a luxurious private yacht appeared in sight, which was exactly the yacht Masao Kitano was on.

Under Zhuo Yun's order, Xuan Gui directly drove him towards the yacht, without any concealment during the whole process.

In fact, with Xuangui's current strength, it is possible to overturn this yacht, including the boat. At that time, even a powerful supernatural being in the sea will definitely have a dead end.

But Zhuo Yun didn't want to do this, he had just made a breakthrough in his cultivation base, and now he was short of an opponent to test his combat power, Masao Kitano and others were undoubtedly the best targets, he didn't want to waste such a good opportunity like this .

As a luxurious private yacht, it has a certain detection system. When Zhuo Yun and Xuan Gui approached, the detection system made a loud beep.

"Baga, what's going on, why did the Jing bell ring?" The sudden ringing sound awakened Masao Kitano, who was exercising with two beauties in his arms, and came to the cab angrily, wearing only a pair of shorts on his lower body.

The sudden sharp ringing just now scared his lower body, which had been erected by the medicine, to shrink back again, how could this not make him angry and annoyed.

"Report to the owner that the yacht has detected an unknown object that is rapidly approaching the direction of our yacht." The driver quickly stood up and replied respectfully.

"Baga, what the hell is it? Is it some fish in the ocean?" Masao Kitano asked seriously.

"Sorry, I don't know what it is now, but this kind of alarm system will only ring when there is something that threatens the yacht."

"Baga, I want to see what it is that dares to attack my private yacht of Masao Kitano."

Roaring, Masao Kitano stepped back to the cabin, fully dressed and armed with weapons, he led a group of men to the deck of the yacht, and the lights that had been extinguished were also fully lit, illuminating the surrounding sea area within tens of meters.

"There's nothing, the damn bell, it can't be broken." Scanning the surroundings, one of the members of the Kitano family muttered dissatisfiedly.

Not only Masao Kitano, but the others were also full of resentment when they were awakened by the sudden alarm.

Just when this member of the Kitano family was secretly upset, something that suddenly appeared in his sight made his pupils constrict.

"Then, what is that?"

Hearing the man's trembling cry, Masao Kitano and others turned their heads to look in the direction of his line of sight. After seeing the situation clearly, they all looked shocked.

In sight, a man sat cross-legged on a black rock-like tortoise shell, and the tortoise shell moved towards the stopped private yacht at a constant speed, which looked like a bridge in an American science fiction movie.

"What's going on here, don't let him come over, shoot him to death." Staring at the situation in front of him, Masao Kitano was the first to reflect.

As the patriarch of the Kitano family, he is also a master of swordsmanship, relying on the instinct of a warrior, he can feel the sense of crisis coming, and that strong feeling makes his heart twitch slightly.

Masao Kitano is not unfamiliar with this feeling of heart palpitations. When he went to the deep mountains to practice in order to snatch the position of Patriarch, he once encountered a mutated tiger. That time he almost died in the deep mountains. Once he had a great breakthrough in swordsmanship.

When facing the mutated tiger back then, the sense of threat of death was almost exactly the same as the feeling in his heart now.

Hearing Masao Kitano's shout, those who followed him immediately realized that they were all elites of the Kitano family, each of them had received intensive training, and they were first-class killers who had experienced killing.

"Bang bang bang!" Loud gunshots rang out on the sea, and the gunshots quickly spread and disappeared in such an open place, appearing particularly hasty.

"What, how is it possible!"

The elite killers of the Kitano family all looked dull, and even forgot to continue shooting.

In their line of sight, an ice shield appeared in front of the man sitting on the turtle's back, intercepting all the bullets shot at him.

"He is a supernatural being, hurry up and use a large weapon." Masao Kitano's pupils shrank suddenly, and he exclaimed, stretching out his hand and pulling out the samurai sword at his waist, looking nervously at the huge tortoise shell approaching at a constant speed , and the figure sitting cross-legged on it.

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