Super black turtle clone

Chapter 191 Weird Blood Flame!

() The professionally trained killers reacted quickly, and they carried out a bazooka in an instant. Two people carried the bazooka, and one of them entered the bazooka in the ammunition room, aiming at the figure who was less than five meters away.

"Damn it, these Japanese devils even dare to put a rocket launcher in a yacht." Seeing the big black hole, Zhuo Yun immediately felt a chill in his heart. If he was hit by a rocket launcher, the impact of the explosion would be enough Enough to hurt him.

"Hmph, maybe I couldn't do anything before, now!!" A cold sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, the vitality in his body surged violently, and a biting cold air radiated from his whole body.

"Go to hell!" The killer of the Kitano family who was in charge of firing the rockets yelled with a grin, and pulled the trigger fiercely.

Almost at the same time as he pulled the trigger, a hard layer of ice suddenly formed on the bazooka, completely sealing the tube and freezing it in an instant.

"No, no!!" Feeling the heat from the bazooka, the killer of the Kitano family who was carrying the bazooka shouted in horror. Unfortunately, no matter how much he screamed, he couldn't stop the development of the matter.


The rocket launcher blocked by the ice exploded in the gun barrel, and the violent explosive force instantly tore apart the rocket launcher and the surroundings, turning the place where it was standing into a sea of ​​flames.

Realizing something was wrong early, Masao Kitano, who was lying on the side, climbed up from the deck with a gloomy face.

There were also a few people around him who survived by luck, and the group quickly gathered beside Masao Kitano, each pulled out the samurai swords at their waists, and looked at Zhuo Yun who had fallen to the deck with startled eyes.

"Who is your Excellency, why did you attack me, or is there some misunderstanding between us." Masao Kitano said calmly as he deserved to be the head of a family.

Standing on the railing of the deck, looking down at Masao Kitano, who was in his forties, with a rather strong figure and a disgusting beard above his lips, Zhuo Yun sneered.

"Masao Kitano, 44 ​​years old, is currently the patriarch of the Kitano family. He has ambitions to enter the country. The Kitano family is a family that has developed in Japan in recent years. Now it relies on the Muto family. The purpose of coming to China this time is to kill a enter."

Masao Kitano, who was secretly nervous in his heart, completely disappeared when he heard Zhuo Yun's words.

"Who the hell are you, why do you know so clearly, what exactly do you want?" Masao Kitano shouted with serious eyes, a fierce aura exuded from his body holding knives in both hands.

After knowing that Zhuo Yun was coming for him, Masao Kitano knew that a battle was inevitable, and the change of mind made him truly show the aura that a master of swordsmanship should have.

Sensing the aura emanating from Kitano Masao, Zhuo Yun put away his contempt and began to look squarely at the head of the Kitano family.

Although Kitano Masao's character is extremely bad, his own strength is still very strong. Just that sharp aura like a blade is enough to explain a lot of things.

As he stretched out his hand, the vitality in his body surged, and in the blink of an eye, a cold sword appeared in Zhuo Yun's hand, just like Murasame.

"Who am I, of course you don't know." He smiled lightly, and after waving the cold ice in his hand, he smiled evilly and said, "I am the Zhuo Yun you are going to kill this time."

"What!!" Masao Kitano, who was shocked by Zhuo Yun's ice-type supernatural power, suddenly changed his face when he heard this, he looked like he was looking at Zhuo Yun standing on the railing like a ghost.

It never occurred to him that the astonishingly powerful ice-type power user in front of him was actually his target this time, which gave him the urge to hit the wall.

At the beginning, Masao Kitano took the initiative to request this task in order to show off in front of the Muto family. In his opinion, killing Zhuo Yun was not a problem at all, the difficulty was in avoiding the pursuit of the Chinese police and special forces.

For the second time, elite killers including Kitano Meidaizi were dispatched to assassinate Zhuo Yun, but they never returned. In his opinion, the biggest possibility was that he encountered a member of China's special forces, but he never thought of meeting him. It was Zhuo Yun who did it, and now he realizes how stupid he is.

Actively choosing to provoke such a strong enemy with supernatural powers is definitely a huge blow to the newly developed Kitano family. If I knew it would be like this, even if I gave him 100 million, he would not accept it. a task.

"Do it, kill him." Now it was too late to regret it, Masao Kitano shouted fiercely, and rushed towards Zhuo Yun first.

The three kendo masters who survived beside him rushed up from three different directions.

"Good time!" With a cold shout, the vitality in Zhuo Yun's body surged, and the whole body exuded a cold breath. The three swordsmen who rushed towards him froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into three ice sculptures in the blink of an eye.

"What!" Masao Kitano, who rushed forward, stepped back in fright, looking at his three subordinates in shock.

It was only a moment of effort just now, and three of his subordinates were frozen into ice sculptures, which really stimulated Masao Kitano a bit.

He has also seen some supernatural beings in these years, but there has never been a supernatural being with such a powerful ability that he can easily freeze three people alive.

"Why, are you scared?" Looking at Masao Kitano with a sneer, Zhuo Yun himself was secretly absorbing almost all the vitality that had diffused out just now. If Masao Kitano did it now, the result would be really unclear.

Just now he didn't even do anything, just frozen the three into the freezer, which looks very simple and handsome, but in fact, it consumes a lot of vitality and is also very troublesome.

To achieve the degree of instant freezing, a large amount of vitality is needed to achieve it. Just now, almost all the vitality was diffused into the field, so that this instant freezing can be achieved.

Moreover, the degree of this kind of freezing is far inferior to that of Leng Ji's Frozen Chao, and the strength of the three Kitano family disciples is average. If they were replaced by a ninja, they would definitely be able to break through the ice.

"Damn, before you have cultivated to a sufficient level, you must not use this kind of attack again. It's too much for the loss." Feeling the gradually recovering vitality, Zhuo Yun smiled bitterly in his heart.

If I used other methods to solve the three entrances just now, maybe the time will be slower, but this embarrassing situation will definitely not happen.

Just when Zhuo Yun was struggling, Masao Kitano's heart was also engaged in a battle, and soon a pair of eyes burst into madness.

"I admit that I misjudged your strength before, but even if I die, I won't make it easier for you." Shouting, Masao Kitano's face turned red instantly, blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth, and his whole body seemed to be inflated Like a balloon, he exudes a violent and powerful aura.

"What did this guy do? How could he become so strong all of a sudden." Zhuo Yun could feel the changes of Masao Kitano more clearly through the water control field, and his strength had at least doubled.

"In the name of Masao Kitano, the patriarch of my Kitano family, summon Xueyan who devours everything."

Kitano Masao held up the samurai sword in his hand like a praying wizard, and opened his mouth to squirt a mouthful of blood at the samurai sword while speaking.

"Fufufu!!" The blood was sprayed on the samurai sword, and in an instant the blade of the samurai sword was covered with a layer of blood-red flames, like a blooming evil fire.

The moment Xue Yan appeared, Zhuo Yun immediately rushed to the blood in his body, as if it was about to burst out of his body, he quickly circulated his vitality to suppress it, and looked at him with a sinister aura The blood red flame.

"Hahaha, Shina, under the forbidden technique of my Kitano family, all enemies will be turned into nourishment for Xueyan, go to hell." Yan's katana sword.

Xue Yan skyrocketed, turning into a beam of Xue Yan's saber energy and slashing towards Zhuo Yun. There was no blazing fire wave, but the blood in his body boiled up.

"Damn it, kill me!" Frightened and furious, Zhuo Yun quickly waved the ice village rain in his hand, mobilizing the water vapor in the domain to cut out a stream of water knife energy.


The Xueyan Saber Qi and the Water Flow Saber Qi collided together, and the burning Xueyan Saber Qi was unusually difficult to entangle. During the collision, it swallowed up the vitality in the Water Flow Saber Qi, and on the contrary quickly strengthened itself.

"What the hell is this?" I exclaimed in my heart, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

"Touch!" At the same time as Zhuo Yun dodged, the Shui Liu Dao Qi was devoured and collapsed, and the Xue Yan Dao Qi swept past.

"Hahaha, did you see, the power of the forbidden technique of my Kitano family, Xue Yan, is invincible, and today you will only end up being swallowed by Xue Yan and turned into a pile of ashes."

Roaring excitedly, Kitano Masao rushed towards Zhuo Yun with a samurai sword in both hands, and the Xue Yan roared towards Zhuo Yun while waving it, causing the blood in Zhuo Yun's body to burst.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Under Kitano Masao's berserk attack, Zhuo Yun could only defend passively. The strange blood flame could not only devour vitality, but also stimulate the blood in his body. The closer the distance, the stronger the blood riot in his body, which made him have to keep Use most of your vitality to suppress the riot of blood.

Yuezhan Zhuo Yunyue felt aggrieved, a strong anger filled his heart, coupled with the rioting blood in his body, it made him even more emotional.

"Damn, I don't believe it."

Roaring, he mobilized the vitality in his body, exuding a biting chill all over his body, and the water control area quickly shrank to a range of two meters. Within these two meters, the air became icy cold, and a layer of frost immediately condensed on the ground.

When great changes occurred in the field of water control, Zhuo Yun was pleasantly surprised that Xue Yan, who had been suppressing him, was restricted for the first time, no matter what kind of ability to attract blood, or the ability to swallow became weaker .

"So that's how it is." Surprised in his heart, Zhuo Yun exerted his ice ability with all his strength, and the cold ice village rain in his hand exuded a sharp cold air, and every time he swung it, white cold air burst out, and even condensed into ice knife air.

"Ka Ka Ka!" Xue Yan, who was originally weird and domineering, began to shrink and freeze under the erosion of cold air.

"I'll give you the last blow, Ice Slash!" With a flash of inspiration in his brain, Zhuo Yun yelled angrily as his body flickered, holding the knife in both hands, he mobilized all the water vapor in the field, and chopped it off in a Xingyi Fist style. go out.

"Chi chi chi!"

The saber qi gushed out, turning into a condensed ice blade in the blink of an eye, sending out a frenzied cold air and hitting Masao Kitano's blood-flame samurai sword.


Masao Kitano, who resisted with all his strength, only felt a surge of surging power, and the whole body flew upside down like a flat boat in the raging waves.

"Ka Ka Kaa!!" The figure was still in the air, and the burst ice blade turned into a cold air that froze everything, freezing Masao Kitano's entire body and the blood-flame katana in it.


The water splashed, and Masao Kitano, who was frozen into an ice sculpture, was suspended on the sea water, and the surrounding sea surface also quickly froze, turning into a one-meter-square ice cube.

Glancing at Masao Kitano who was in a terrified posture, Zhuo Yun heaved a sigh of relief, and let go of the cold ice village rain in his hands a little tiredly.

Now his whole body is a little sore and limp, and even maintaining the ice village rain is a little difficult.

Originally, he thought that he had the ice ability this time, and it shouldn't be a big deal to deal with Masao Kitano, but it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Kitano Masao's own strength is very strong, but it is not difficult for him to solve it now, the most lingering fear is the weird blood flame.

Thinking of Xue Yan Zhuo Yun looking over, he was shocked to find that Xue Yan was still burning on the frozen samurai sword, but the flame was looming and seemed to be extinguished at any time, but it held on tenaciously.

"This Xueyan is really weird. I just got it back together. I believe Mei Daizi should know something about it." After a short rest, Zhuo Yun immediately summoned Xuan Gui to overthrow the entire yacht.

Looking at the private yacht slowly sinking into the sea, Zhuo Yun didn't feel the slightest pity in his heart. After making sure that no other clues were left behind, he asked the black turtle to support him and the frozen Masao Kitano to swim towards the coast quickly.

By the time we got back to the coast, the distance from the coast had already started to turn white, and it was about to dawn.

Glancing at the nearly two-meter-high ice sculpture on the back of the black turtle, Zhuo Yun's heart moved slightly, and the water control area shrank to cover the ice sculpture. With a slight movement of his mind, a flash of mysterious light radiated from the center of his eyebrows, and the ice sculpture disappeared instantly. In place.

At the same time, in Zhuo Yun's induction, there was an identical ice sculpture in the space between the eyebrows.

Looking at the ground where the ice sculptures were placed just now, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth, and after solving the trouble of Masao Kitano's ice sculptures, Zhuo Yun returned to the seaside resort to check out, and drove away in his sports car.

Far away on the silent sea of ​​Masao Kitano's yacht, a speedboat stopped not far away. There were two burly men standing on the speedboat. One of them was very familiar to Zhuo Yun. The leader of Whirlpool Wang Yang.

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