Super black turtle clone

Chapter 196 Breaking Four Limbs!

() In the sight of everyone, Zhuo Yun seemed to be frightened stupid, he didn't know how to dodge at all, just stood there in a daze, waiting for the chair to hit his head.


The wooden chair collided with Zhuo Yun's head, and there was a sound of shattering, which shocked everyone present, and some timid people who closed their eyes dared not open their eyes to watch this bloody scene.

"No, no!" The gangster who was waving the chair looked blankly at the half of the chair left in his hand, and Zhuo Yun, who was standing there with a calm expression, stretched out his hand to pat the wood debris on his body, murmured in disbelief talking to himself.

Not only this little bastard, but everyone who saw this scene, including the black bear, all looked shocked and stunned. Some of them even rubbed their eyes, thinking that their eyes were hallucinating.

"Your strength is too weak. You dare to do something with this little strength. I really don't know whether to say you are brave or stupid." Feeling the shock of everyone present, Zhuo Yun smiled evilly. He looked at the little gangster who was holding a half chair in front of him and was stunned in place.

Under Zhuo Yun's gaze, the little gangster suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill in his heart, his legs trembled, and he froze there for a moment.

Sensing the state of the little gangster, Zhuo Yun shrugged boringly. With his current strength, facing these ordinary people is really not a challenge. The black bear went.

The scene just now was really shocking. Seeing Zhuo Yun walking towards him, a lawless black bear, he felt inexplicably uneasy.

"Bastard, what are you doing standing there? Hurry up and kill him. If a wooden chair doesn't work, use a knife."

Hearing the black bear's shout, the punks who were stunned there immediately came back to their senses, but thinking of the scene just now, most of them were still a little hesitant to go forward, but there were still one or two dumbfounded, screaming and digging. With a fruit knife, he stabbed at Zhuo Yun's waist.

Even though Zhuo Yun has never tried it before, even though Zhuo Yun has not tried it, it is estimated that it is difficult for ordinary swords to hurt him, but he does not want to expose it in such a place.

"Get out!" shouted angrily, Zhuo Yun kicked backwards without even looking back.

"Bump!!" The gangster who was rushing forward screamed, and flew backwards at a faster speed, until he hit the group of people four or five meters away, and then stopped.

Looking at the gangster who was spitting blood four or five meters away, the other people retreated back in unison after they had stepped forward, and looked at Zhuo Yun who was calmly walking towards the black bear with a face of horror.

"Okay, that's amazing!" Biaozi waited not far away, looking in disbelief at Zhuo Yun, who saw nothing around him, deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

It wasn't until this time that Biaozi realized that Zhuo Yun not only had a background that made him feel unfathomable, but also possessed extraordinary strength. At the beginning, they were easily knocked down by Zhuo Yun, and now their strength is even greater. It seems far ahead.

"Damn it, this time it's kicked on the iron plate." Secretly annoyed in his heart, the black bear's little heart trembled wildly.

He is famous for his fierce and cruel fighting. He has learned martial arts such as taekwondo and karate. His strength in close combat is so strong that four or five people are no match for him. However, he also has self-knowledge and can kick people four or five meters away. Far, even he can't do it.

"You, what are you thinking? Tell you that I, Black Bear, is not easy to mess with. Don't tell me you want to challenge my Red Dragon Gang." Glancing at the blood-spitting little brother in the distance, Black Bear swallowed, stood up and sternly Nei Ren shouted angrily.

While shouting, the black bear touched his waist with his right hand, and there was a sinister and vicious look in his eyes, but the eyes were well hidden, and it was difficult for ordinary people to see them.

"You're threatening me!" Zhuo Yun said calmly with a smile on his lips, and walked in front of the black bear without stopping.

"Threat you, I will threaten you, what's the matter." While speaking, the black bear took out the palm that was in the pocket, grabbed a pistol that exuded the chill of death, and pointed the muzzle of the gun at Zhuo Yun's. head.


Shouts of exclamation resounded in the group, and the audience was so frightened that they quickly dodged far away, and Biaozi, who was originally full of confidence, also showed a look of despair.

No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to be stronger than a bullet. As the saying goes, no matter how good the martial arts is, one shot will knock him down.

"Hey, boy, did your legs go weak from fright? Wasn't it very horizontal just now? Why is it wilting now?" Holding the pistol, the black bear immediately lifted his spirits, and once again arrogantly and cruelly laughed.

"I'm threatening you now, what do you dare to do?" He smiled triumphantly, all the uselessness and fright just now were swept away, in his eyes, Zhuo Yun is now like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, he can deal with it casually Knead.

Just when Hei Xiong was triumphant and Biaozi was in despair, a black shadow suddenly flashed past. Before the arrogant Hei Xiong came back to his senses, he felt that something was missing in his right hand.

"I, my pistol, where is my pistol?" Looking at the empty right hand, the black bear exclaimed dully.

Before the black bear could react, a cold touch hit his head, and the exclaimed black bear immediately froze in place, his eyes looked up, and the pistol he was holding just now was in his sight.

"What do you think I dare to do?" Zhuo Yun said with a smile on his face, but that smile looked so evil and cruel to the black bear.

"Gudong!!" Swallowing his saliva, the black bear trembled in horror, "It's because I don't know Taishan, so please let me go. As long as you let me go, I can swear that I will never let you go!" I will find trouble with you brother, what happened today is all my fault."

Those around who knew the black bear well were all surprised when they heard his words.

With Black Bear's brutal and fierce character, it is almost impossible to convince him to give in and apologize. He is all overbearing in every aspect, and this kind of scene is definitely very rare.

"If I hadn't pointed a gun at you right now, we would have been severely injured, even broken limbs. I have a clear sense of grievance and grievance. Don't worry, I won't kill you."

While speaking, Zhuo Yun put the pistol into his pocket, and the nervous black bear heaved a sigh of relief, and a stern look of resentment flashed across his eyes.

"Stinky boy, die to me!" While Zhuo Yun put his palm in his pocket, the black bear shouted angrily, and swung his right fist fiercely, hitting Zhuo Yun's face ferociously.

The sudden change was beyond the imagination of those around him, just when he instinctively thought that Zhuo Yun was about to be knocked down, one hand accurately grabbed the black bear's fist.

"Crack!" There was a crisp impact sound, and the black bear's menacing punch was easily resolved in this way.

"Oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The black bear roared in panic, and then threw his left fist at Zhuo Yun's chest, but Zhuo Yun blocked it with his palm.

"You're done, it's my turn." Zhuo Yun said calmly, twisting his hands violently.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!!" A gritty voice sounded, and in the eyes of everyone, the black bear's arms twisted at a speed visible to the naked eye. The visual impact made everyone around feel their own pain. There were bursts of pain in both arms.

"O oh oh oh!" The tragic voice resounded throughout the wine, and the majestic black bear screamed fiercely, kneeling weakly on the ground, and his back was soaked in sweat in an instant.

"O, brother, o, no, sir, please forgive me, it hurts me to death, let me go quickly."

A domineering black bear screamed like a pitiful creature. The group of punks he brought with him all hid in the distance with terrified faces, and none of them dared to step forward to help.

"Crack!!" Before the black bear could recover from the pain in his arms, two sounds of broken bones sounded again, but this time it was not his arms, but his legs.

"Oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !" With a ferocious roar, the black bear fell to the ground in pain. To the pale ashes.


There was a gasp of air from the crowd of onlookers. Looking at the black bear whose limbs were twisted and broken, and passed out, everyone's face turned pale.

Especially the gangsters brought by the black bear, they were so frightened that they almost fell to the ground. As the younger brothers of the Red Dragon Gang, they have seen many bloody scenes, but they have never seen such violence, so creepy scene.

"Run o!" Among the dozen or so gangsters, whoever shouted this sentence, a group of people came back to their senses, almost unanimously ran away in panic, for fear that Zhuo Yun would cause trouble for them after torturing the black bear.

Biaozi stared in astonishment at the dozen or so gangsters who fled in embarrassment and quickly left. He has not recovered until now. What happened just now was too exciting for him.

"Fatty, what are you doing in a daze, the matter is settled, let's continue drinking." When everyone was stunned, Zhuo Yun walked back to Liu Shengquan with a calm smile on his face, picked up a glass of cocktail he ordered just now, Take a leisurely sip.

"Zhuo, Zhuo Yun, was that really you just now?" Liu Shengquan recovered from the shock after a while, and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar classmate with disbelief.

When he was in school, the two had the best relationship, and they often hang out together. Even so, he never knew that Zhuo Yun had such a strong fighting ability, and he had never even seen Zhuo Yun and other students. He has done it before, and the ruthlessness of the attack just now is obviously far from what ordinary people can do. It is called a brutal and domineering person, and it is simply shocking.

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