Super black turtle clone

Chapter 197 Ambition, Ambition!

() Glancing at Liu Shengquan amusingly, Zhuo Yun smiled nonchalantly: "Nonsense, it wasn't me just now, could it be you? Why, you couldn't be scared."

Taking a deep breath, Liu Shengquan drank the glass of wine in front of him in one gulp, and said with a happy smile on his fat face, "Hey, what am I afraid of? Don't be afraid, you can pick up whoever you want to run away from now on."

Hearing that Zhuo Yun just drank a sip of wine and almost spit it out. He really didn't know how to evaluate Liu Shengquan's sullen personality. At the same time, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that Liu Shengquan would be alienated from him because of this. Not what he wanted to see.

"Well, big brother, what should we do now?" Biaozi stood there, hesitating for a while, and then came to Zhuo Yun with some trepidation, and asked respectfully.

Don't look at him managing a wine shop now, but he is only helping Guo Huhu to watch the scene. He is just a small boss, and he is far behind the big brother of the underworld like Hei Xiong. Now that this kind of thing happened, he really has no idea. I can only ask Zhuo Yun, the culprit.

Glancing at the cautious Biaozi, Zhuo Yun showed a smile on his indifferent face. He had a good impression of this Biaozi before, at least he is a person who understands current affairs and has certain means and potential, otherwise he would not There has been so much progress in such a short time.

After what happened just now, no matter what reason Biaozi did this, it was enough for Zhuo Yun to have a good impression of him. To be honest, he admired Biaozi's decision.

Zhuo Yun didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "This black bear seems to have a lot of background, who is he, and what kind of gang is the Red Dragon Gang."

"Brother, the Red Dragon Gang is the underworld gang in this area, and it ranks among the top three gangs in the entire city Z. Hei Xiong is the head of the Red Dragon Gang and is responsible for managing a commercial street not far away." Biao The son explained with a worried expression.

Zhuo Yun, who saw the expression on Biaozi's face, understood the cause and effect after thinking about it for a while. He beat the black bear in the wine this time and seriously injured Biaozi. Revenge to the Red Dragon Gang.

In any case, Biaozi's current situation is all caused by himself. It would be too disrespectful to walk in now.

Thinking of Zhuo Yun's mind, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, Biaozi is a courageous and knowledgeable guy, he is definitely a seedling that can be cultivated.

"Biaozi, what is your dream? Do you just want to cover such a wine?"

"Dream!" Biaozi was stunned for a moment, his face showed a touch of memory and yearning, and his eyes flickered with a touch of fanaticism.

"Of course my dream is not just to cover a bar. I have been in the society since I was in elementary school. At that time, I had a dream. I was to become the boss of a gang, earn a lot of money, and become a real rich man. To become a member of high society."

When it came to the end, Biaozi's tone was a little trembling, and his eyes revealed a fanaticism full of ambition.

Seeing the naked ambition in Biaozi's eyes, Zhuo Yun was not disgusted or disappointed, but was more interested in him, and nodded with admiration.

If a person has no desire and ambition, then he will never succeed. Compared with those who bury their ambitions and desires in their hearts, he prefers those who make no secret of their ambitions.

"Okay, very good, now you have no way out, if I can help you achieve your dream, what do you think?"

"What!" Biaozi looked at Zhuo Yun in shock, but soon he realized it, and immediately fell to his knees without any hesitation.

"From now on, I, Biaozi, will be a sharp sword in the hands of Big Brother. As long as Big Brother asks Biaozi to do it, Biaozi will definitely help Big Brother remove all obstacles."

Biaozi spoke firmly, without the slightest hesitation in his eyes, only firmness and loyalty.

Others may be shocked and unbelievable when they see it, but he himself understands that he has no way out. If he can't seize this opportunity, he will probably be caught by members of the Red Dragon Gang and thrown into the sea tomorrow. Helplessly waiting to die, it is better to follow the mysterious Zhuo Yun to fight.

"Get up, you are not suitable to be here now, follow me, when you come back again, it is time to move towards your dream." Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand with a smile, his mind moved slightly under the water control domain, An invisible force lifted up Biaozi who was kneeling on the ground.

Feeling the strange change, Biaozi's face turned pale with fright, but after all, Jing has been in the society for many years, so he quickly stabilized his mind, and looked at Zhuo Yun with even more reverence. I secretly rejoiced at the decisive decision I made just now.

He didn't know what happened just now, he just knew that the boss he was following was far from being as simple as he showed.

On the Lamborghini sports car of Jiuwai Zhuoyun, Liu Shengquan has not fully recovered yet, and still looks half asleep and half awake.

For an ordinary little fat man, what happened today was beyond his imagination. Right in front of his eyes, a group of gangsters were beaten up by Zhuo Yun, one of them had his limbs broken, and he was going to be covered with alcohol. Biaozi recovered, this series of things is really a bit too exciting.

After sending Liu Shengquan home, Zhuo Yun drove Biaozi back to his villa.

When Biaozi saw the four beautiful beauties in the villa, the whole person was stunned again. Each of these four beauties was as beautiful as a flower, as beautiful as a fairy, and beauties of this level usually want to see I couldn't see any of them, but now I saw four at once.

"Could it be that these four beauties are all the wives of the eldest brother!" Thinking of this possibility, Biaozi looked at Zhuo Yun with a look of admiration, like a surging river.

There are too many women in the villa, so Zhuo Yun naturally couldn't let Biaozi live in the villa, so he directly arranged for him to live in the small house in front of the villa. It was originally a place for security guards to live in, but he has never hired security guards. .

After dealing with Biaozi's problem, Zhuo Yun was about to call Thomas, and Thomas called first.

After getting through the phone, he quickly learned the reason why Thomas called this time. It turned out that the person in charge of contacting the pirates of the Japanese Navy landed on the island to contact him yesterday.

Regarding the extermination of the original pirates on the island, the Wa Kingdom knew everything about it, but the Wa Kingdom did not make a big move because of this. According to them, it is the survival of the fittest.

The original pirate group was wiped out by Thomas and his party after getting their weapons supply, which is enough to show the combat effectiveness of Thomas and others, and what they want to cultivate in Japan is a group of high-quality, high-combat pirates. Therefore, not only did they not choose to send the navy to destroy them, but they also had to sign the same agreement with Thomas as the previous island pirate group, and secretly incorporated them into the Japanese navy.

At that time, Thomas couldn't contact Zhuo Yun, so he could only temporarily agree and accepted the recruitment of the Japanese Navy. By the way, he also had a batch of supplies, which greatly improved the overall combat effectiveness of the Thomas Pirates.

"Why would the Wakai fully support you to strengthen the Thomas Pirates?" Zhuo Yun said suspiciously.

Not to mention that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, with the wretchedness and insidiousness of Japanese people, they would never dare to do such a risky thing.

"Daru Yingming, the Japanese kingdom not only recruited us, but also sent a dozen Japanese navy troops to the island. They came to assist me in training in name, but they were actually spying on them. But I am confident that I will turn them around. will give them the intelligence they have."

After hearing Thomas' answer, Zhuo Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he knows the strategy of the Japanese kingdom, he can find a way to deal with it. Besides, with the three strange beasts such as the black turtle, it is absolutely easy for Thomas and his party to escape. .

After talking about the Wa country, Thomas began to report on the idea of ​​expanding the pirate group.

According to his thinking, it would be unreliable to quickly increase the strength of the Thomas Pirates if he only recruited some other small pirate groups around him. , Such compilation will actually drag down the overall strength.

"Oh, then, according to your idea, how to do it." After listening to Thomas' narration, Zhuo Yun nodded.

As far as he knows, there are only a few people who are retired from the navy or have real skills in the sea robbery business. I want to make a lot of money, so I joined the pirates.

"Dajin, now that technology is advanced, it is not good for the pirates to have too many members. The members of the Thomas Pirates should be in Jing rather than too many. Don't hide it from Dajin. I used to be a special soldier of the American Python Special Forces before. Some of my connections can be spent to recruit a group of veterans or mercenaries, only such people are suitable for the development of future pirates." Thomas said eloquently...

"Python Special Forces!" Zhuo Yun was secretly surprised. As far as he knew, the Python Special Forces were one of the best special forces in the United States. They patrolled tropical forests all year round, and not only had to fight some terrorists or border crossers. , you also need to deal with the fierce beasts in the tropical forest, and everyone is an elite of the special forces.

While being surprised by Thomas' identity, he was very satisfied with this plan, and secretly sighed in his heart that he did not misunderstand it at the beginning. Thomas is simply the material for a thousand pirates. According to his plan, it is indeed possible. Develop the Thomas Pirates at the fastest speed.

"Very well, your plan is better than I expected. I have no opinion on this plan. You can handle it yourself."

"Yes, Daru." Hearing that Zhuo Yun was so sure of his plan, Thomas said excitedly.

After what happened last time, he has truly regarded Zhuo Yun as a god. Whether it is true or not, that strength is so powerful that it is far from being comparable to human beings, and it is enough to make him feel awe and belief in gods.

"Daru, there is still a big problem in the implementation of this plan. I need Daru to help me." After a moment of hesitation, Thomas' voice rang again on the phone.

"Whatever, you just say it directly."

"It's like this, the Japanese support is some strategic materials, and it doesn't provide ships and financial support. With my current financial resources, I can't recruit a large number of veterans, so I clapped my hands and broke into Macau casinos before. Internally, according to the news sent back, a grand gambling game will be launched on a large yacht in the waters of Macau in a few days."

Zhuo Yun's spirit was lifted by Thomas' words, and a look of interest appeared on his face.

"Why, you plan to rob the gambling boat."

"The big money is really predictable. I have exactly this plan. As far as I know, the gamble this time even has billions of dollars. Even if you can't get all of it, you only need to get a part, which is enough for the Thomas Pirates to solve it." The urgent need for funds." Thomas' voice on the phone became a little eager and fanatical.

"Okay, then I will send my men to escort you, but the robbery will depend on your own abilities." Zhuo Yun thought for a while and nodded without hesitation.

The tycoons on the gambling boats had a lot of money, and most of the money was probably not so upright. Robbing the gambling boats was no psychological burden for him.

"Thank you Daru, Thomas assures you that he will definitely grow the pirate group into a world-class pirate organization."

"Is this all your ambition? If so, then I will be disappointed." Zhuo Yun replied indifferently.

"Thomas is ignorant, please reprimand him." Thomas' panicked voice came from the other end of the phone, not even daring to take a breath.

Holding the mobile phone in his hand, Zhuo Yun looked into the distance, with a strong sparkle in his eyes.

"Remember, what I want is not a first-class pirate organization, but the overlord of the ocean, a sea giant that will be awe-inspiring to all countries. One day, the Thomas Pirates will make the American ocean fleet a headache and be in awe, becoming the most There is no such thing as a strong pirate organization."

Zhuo Yun's words were not so hasty, nor did they have an emphatic tone, they just spoke calmly, giving people a sense of taking it for granted. Thomas, who was far away on the island, was excited, imagining himself standing on a huge ship and commanding against the wind. , the scene where the American fleet heard the news and fled, a fiery divine light emerged from the eyes.

"It's a big deal. Thomas will definitely remember your teachings and build you an invincible fleet at sea."

"Very good, I hope this day won't be too far away, by the way, before you send ten fighters to Huaxia, I will be useful." A smile appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth, he stretched out his hand and hung up the call, his eyes widened His eyes retracted the ambitious gaze just now.

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