Super black turtle clone

Chapter 198 The Disaster of the Red Dragon Gang!

() In the past, he just wanted to make some money and become a rich man. Now, with the continuous increase of knowledge, the ambition in his heart is also constantly expanding, and he has gradually begun to no longer satisfy his original ambition.

If you want to achieve true freedom and not be bound by other constraints, there is only one possibility, and that is to have enough power and wealth, enough to make a country fearful, enough to rival the wealth of a country.

Thomas was very efficient. The next morning, he received news of the arrival of ten thieves. Zhuo Yun immediately drove Biaozi to the place where the ten thieves had smuggled ashore.

"Boss, who are they?" Biaozi asked in shock as he came to the remote coast and looked at the ten pirates standing under the sun.

In sight, ten pirates were standing side by side. It was hard to believe that they could be pirates. They looked like professionally trained soldiers. Each of them exuded a chill that was unfathomable. Even though he was nearly ten meters away from ten meters away, Biaozi felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

"Ah, they are your younger brothers in the future, and they are also able to help you replace the Red Dragon Gang." Zhuo Yun nodded and smiled in satisfaction, ignoring the stunned Biaozi next to him, and walked forward.

"Welcome to come, you can call me the envoy of the king of the sea." Zhuo Yun glanced at his ten pirates, and said with a smile in English.

"Sea King's Messenger!" The expressions of the ten pirates changed suddenly, and a coldness suddenly burst out in their indifferent eyes. You are an omnipotent god, and you alone are worthy of being the envoy of the Sea King."

"Oh, why am I not worthy to be called the envoy of the Sea King? Then according to your judgment, how can you admit it." Zhuo Yun looked at the ten pirates in front of him with a smile, and from their eyes, he could see ** Naked fanaticism, the degree of belief can be called a fanatic.

"I really don't know how Thomas managed to turn a group of pirates into disciples of the Sea King." The more he thought about it, the more he found it funny. He didn't expect that he was just a casually made-up title, and now he was regarded as a god. Believe.

"If you want us to recognize you as the messenger of the sea king, you must have absolute strength. As long as you can defeat ten of us, then we will believe that you are the messenger of the sea king and kneel down to await punishment. If you don't Strength, trying to blaspheme Neptune, then ten of us will send you to see the damn God."

"Since that's the case, then I'll teach you ten people a good lesson."

While speaking, Zhuo Yun's figure instantly disappeared in place. The speed was so fast, not to mention Biaozi, even the ten experienced pirates on the opposite side did not react at all.


A cold voice sounded, and at the same time the pirate who spoke just now flew upside down, his sturdy figure was like a shot put running out, drawing a parabola in the air and falling into the sea water.

"The second, the third." The cold voice kept ringing, and Zhuo Yun's figure appeared in front of the pirates like a ghost, knocking them into the sea one by one.

After a while, all ten vicious pirates standing on the beach disappeared, only Zhuo Yun stood there calmly.

"Crash!" On the surface of the sea not far away, figures came out of the sea in a state of embarrassment.

The ten pirates were no longer rebellious and unruly just now, one by one walked to the beach in fear and trepidation, came to Zhuo Yun, and knelt down in unison in front of Zhuo Yun.

"The ignorance of the subordinates offended the envoy Yaowei. I hope that there are a large number of envoys. Please forgive the ignorance of the subordinates." The leader of the pirates kowtowed in panic and awe, and the other nine people also hurriedly turned their heads. Arched on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

During the entire process just now, they didn't even have a chance to react, and they were blown into the sea by Zhuo Yun in the blink of an eye. The astonishing strength was simply inhuman. In their opinion, only the envoy of the king of the sea can have such a powerful force. Strength, of course, is to kneel down and plead guilty.

Biaozi, who was standing not far behind, was so shocked that he had nothing to say. For Zhuo Yun's unbelievably powerful strength, he only had awe and admiration.

"Get up, I can forgive you for your ignorance this time, but that's all." Zhuo Yun shouted coldly, controlling the water control area with a slight movement of his mind, and an aura like Mount Tai shrouded the ten pirates. Put ten of them on the ground all at once.

Feeling Zhuo Yun's god-like coercion, the ten pirates were even more in awe. They completely put away the pirate's arrogance, and nodded as if they were servants.

After successfully subduing ten rebellious pirates, Zhuo Yun immediately drove them to a hotel in City Z, letting them live in the hotel temporarily.

The ten pirates, Bi Jing, came here by smuggling. They don't have Huaxia ID cards themselves, and they are completely black households. If they are discovered by the police, even the identities of the pirates will be investigated, and the matter will not be so easy to solve.

In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, Zhuo Yun mobilized his own relationship to solve this matter that is absolutely difficult for ordinary people, and it is easy to solve it.

After all, no matter his status as the fifth unit, or his relationship with Guo Jun Thunder Group or even Mayor Shen Yuyan, it is enough for him to walk sideways in Z city.

Just when Zhuo Yun was dealing with the identity of the ten pirates, the Red Dragon Gang had already exploded. The originally peaceful City Z suddenly became lively, and the police had to send more police forces to patrol the market. .

Hei Xiong's status in the Red Dragon Gang can definitely be called a right-hand man of the Red Dragon Gang to help the Red Dragon. He is one of his confidantes. A waste person who can only lie on the bed, how can this not make Chilong furious.

This is not just a matter of anger, it is related to the prestige of the Chilong Gang and his Chilong's reputation. If the culprit cannot be dealt with, the Chilong Gang will become the laughing stock of the gangsters in City Z, and he Chiron will also lose a lot of hearts.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Chilong did not hesitate to make things worse by mobilizing members of the gang to find the traces of Zhuo Yun and Biaozi, and even issued a reward for two people at a high price of 10 yuan. Everyone boiled over, whether it was the brothers of the Red Dragon Gang, other gangs or even some gangsters, they all started looking for the two of them, and some even searched for them online.

Zhuo Yun didn't know much about these things, even if he knew, he wouldn't care. In his eyes, the Red Dragon Gang was like the lice of the Queen of Autumn, and they hadn't been around for a few days.

In the twinkling of an eye, two days passed, and the Red Dragon Gang launched such a large force. After two days of searching and searching, they finally found some clues. Those who dare to severely injure the black bear will be smashed into pieces.

The home of the Chilong Gang is the Chilong Nightclub in the city center, and it is also one of the most luxurious and most visited nightclubs in City Z.

Although this is the lair of the Chilong gang, Chilong is very strict in management. No matter whether it is members of his own gang or members of other gangsters, they are not allowed to make trouble in the nightclub.

Once, a leader of the gangsters of the Red Dragon Gang flaunted his power and snatched a beautiful woman in the Red Dragon Nightclub, but was beaten to a cripple on the spot by the Red Dragon. Even the Dragon Nightclub had to enter with its tail between its legs.

It is precisely because of Chilong's policy that the entertainment venues such as nightclubs and wine under the Chilong Gang are booming in business. Many men and women feel at ease in these entertainment venues without worrying about being bullied by others in the nightclub. .

Tonight is destined to be a restless night, especially for the major entertainment venues of the Red Dragon Gang. A troublemaker appeared in a calm and peaceful entertainment venue of the Red Dragon Gang almost at the same time. Nightclubs, wine and other places were in a mess.

As the number one gang in City Z, the strength of the Red Dragon Gang is unquestionable. Not long after the troublemakers appeared, they quickly reacted. Groups of gangsters were waving sticks and baseballs in various entertainment venues Weapons such as sticks surround the troublemakers.

Originally, such a small matter was nothing to a triad organization like the Red Dragon Gang, but it turned out to be far beyond the expectations of the managers of the major entertainment venues of the Red Dragon Gang.

In the Chilong Nightclub, the first to fifth floors are used for entertainment and consumption, and the fifth floor and above are private places belonging to the Chilong Gang, which are used for high-level meetings and other important decisions.

In the conference room on the seventh floor, a naked upper body man with a blood red dragon tattoo was sitting on the main seat with a gloomy expression, leaning against a half-naked beauty in his arms, a pair of huge white The chest was completely exposed to the air, being kneaded wantonly by the tattooed man.

Two or three men were sitting on either side of the man with the blood-colored dragon tattoo. They turned a blind eye to the half-naked beauty not far away. Very depressing.

"Who knows what's going on? Why are the major entertainment venues of our Red Dragon Gang being attacked by intruders? Which forces are behind it?" The oppressive atmosphere made the air condense, and the man with the blood-colored dragon tattoo , stretched out his hand and pulled the woman in his arms aside, and shouted angrily.

Hearing the question from the blood-colored man with the dragon tattoo, all the five people present bowed their heads in embarrassment and remained silent. Even they didn't know what was going on, so naturally they couldn't answer this question.

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