Super black turtle clone

Chapter 199 Thunderbolt!

() "Lone wolf, you specialize in managing the intelligence department, don't you have any idea about this matter." The man with the blood-colored dragon tattoo glanced at the five entrances, and suppressed his anger, turning his eyes to the one-eyed one closest to him on the left man.

The one-eyed man had many scars on his face, and he looked ferocious. He sat there like a bell, and from time to time, he exuded a chilly aura. He looked like the kind of person who was not easy to mess with. thing.

"Master, this incident was the Lone Wolf's mistake. I don't know which gang has the courage. There are our spies in every major gang, but we haven't received any news of their conspiracy. The entry seems to have appeared out of thin air, and it doesn't seem to be the power of our city Z."

"It's not our power in City Z." Chilong twitched his eyebrows, closed his eyes slightly and meditated, his face as gloomy as the sky in June.

The first seat on the right side of the conference room is empty. It was originally the seat of the black bear, but now that the black bear has been disabled, and the murderer has not been caught yet, such a thing happened to the entertainment venues under the management. It is simply unlucky. .

"Touch!!" At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a boy in a black suit rushed in, and said with a panicked expression: "Boss Chilong, it's not good, it's not good Well, the news came just now that the enemy is very strong, and the younger brothers in the major entertainment venues can no longer hold on."

"What, how much money do they have?" The pensive Chilong suddenly opened a pair of bloodshot eyes and shouted angrily.

"Well, it seems." The boy in black who reported was hesitant, his eyes flickering, and he hesitated.

"What does it look like, tell me quickly, if you don't understand clearly, I will kill you." Chilong shouted angrily, reached out and pulled out a pistol from his waist, pointing at the boy in black.

"Boss, don't kill me, I said, it seems that there is only one person making trouble in every entertainment venue." The boy in black trembled in fright, almost sitting on the ground, and quickly told the news he heard.

"One person, how is it possible, how dare you lie to me." Chilong shouted angrily, his eyes were full of fury.

"Boss, what I said is true. It was reported by the phone calls from the major entertainment cities just now. Although the other party has only one person, they are surprisingly strong, and they have pistols and even grenades in their hands. We are not them at all." opponent." The boy in black sat down on the ground, and clarified in a panic.

"Damn it!" Chilong shouted angrily, glanced at the boy in black, stretched out his hand and retracted the pistol. At this moment, the glass in the meeting room suddenly shattered, and Chilong's figure suddenly shook. There is an extra blood hole.

"Guard Master, Boss!!" The other people present shouted angrily when they saw the red dragon leaning on the seat with blood and white liquid gushing out from between his brows.

While shouting, all the participants also reacted one after another, and quickly shrank under the table. In the scene just now, there must have been a sniper nearby. Thinking of Chilong's miserable appearance, the other participants couldn't help trembling secretly.

"Who is it, who is behind it, how could the other party have such strength." Huddled under the table, Lone Wolf kept guessing in his heart.

He has mastered the intelligence department of the Red Dragon Gang, and he knows the situation in City Z best. Recently, the government has suppressed the gangsters very hard, so that all major gangs now coexist peacefully. Unless there is a conflict of interest, it is easy There will be no fights.

As one of the major gangs in City Z, their Red Dragon Gang is strong enough to deter ordinary small gangs, and those forces with similar strength to them do not have any serious conflicts of interest. The undercover agents in the forces did not receive any news, which made Lone Wolf unable to figure out who would dare to break ground on Tai Sui.

Just as Lone Wolf was thinking secretly, the door of the meeting room was pushed open again, and everyone who was huddled under the table turned their heads to look.

Seeing the two people walking in from outside the door, Lone Wolf's pupils shrank suddenly. He didn't know one person wearing a strange mask, but he immediately recognized the other person. It was they who had been tracking their whereabouts. , into Biaozi called Biaoge.

"Do you all like to hold meetings under the table? It really opened my eyes." Zhuo Yun, who was wearing a mask, glanced at the five people who huddled there, and said with a disdainful smile.

"Who are you, what are you doing in my meeting room of the Red Dragon Gang." Huddled under the table, the only remaining eye of the lone wolf exuded a murderous intent.

Sensing the murderous intent in Lone Wolf's eyes, Zhuo Yun's eyes turned cold suddenly, he stretched out his hand and flicked his fingers, and a streamer of light flew out.

"Touch!" The sound of the impact sounded, and the body of the lone wolf hiding under the table trembled violently, looking down at the shot hole on the ground in front of him, his eyes were full of fear.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes again, or your only remaining eye will be shot through next time." Zhuo Yun glanced at Lone Wolf indifferently, as if he had done an insignificant thing and said.

"And that middle-aged fat man over there, even if you press the red button a thousand times, no one will come to save you. Your little brothers downstairs are all lying on the ground and foaming. They don't want to die. If you don’t, get out from under the table, don’t worry, the snipers won’t shoot you, at least without my permission.”

The middle-aged fat man who was pressing the red button shivered when he heard the words, a smile uglier than crying appeared on his frightened face, and he didn't dare to act rashly when he retracted his arms.

The lone wolf who was immersed in shock gradually came back to his senses. He was still very strong in terms of endurance after experiencing strong winds and waves. He looked at Zhuo Yun who was wearing a mask opposite him. After hesitating for a while, he took the lead to get under the table come out.

It can be seen from the magical skill of snapping fingers just now that if they really wanted their lives, they would probably have done it long ago, and there is no need to talk nonsense at all.

Led by Lone Wolf, the other soldiers also came out one after another, standing there stiffly, afraid that the snipers outside would pull the trigger again.

"Don't worry, I said that the snipers outside will not attack you without my order. Let's sit down and talk about it." Zhuo Yun smiled and waved, and walked to the position where Chilong was standing. Kicking it to the side, he sat on it with dignity, while Biaozi stood behind him like a bodyguard.

Sitting back in his seat again, Lone Wolf took a deep breath. Even though less than 5 minutes had passed from just now to now, it was enough to make him feel unbearable even after going through strong winds and waves.

"What kind of person are you, the matter of the entertainment venue should also be the hands of people sent by you.

Glancing at the calmed Lone Wolf, Zhuo Yun nodded in satisfaction: "As expected of Chilong's right-hand man, it really is not a simple entry."

"That's right, I directed everything this time. As for who I am, you are not qualified to know yet. I will tell you when the time is right.

"Then what is your reason for doing this? Our Red Dragon Gang doesn't seem to have any deep hatred with you." Lone Wolf asked tentatively.

Perhaps because he has been managing the relationship with the intelligence department, he has gradually developed a habit of controlling everything in his own hands, and will try his best to explore unknown things and figure out what's going on. He can feel safe.

"Lone wolf, put away your temptations, this will only make me want to kill you." Zhuo Yun locked his eyes on Lone Wolf while speaking, and under the effect of the water control domain, a huge pressure pressed on him His body made him feel as if he was about to be crushed into a meatloaf at any time, and a strong fear surged in his heart.

After being in the underworld for so long, he has seen all kinds of lone wolves. It is the first time he has seen someone as mysterious and powerful as Zhuo Yun, who can swallow everything like a black hole, and it makes him feel deeply. Deep powerlessness and awe.

Seeing that the lone wolf had been taught a lesson, Zhuo Yun put away the water control domain, and the lone wolf sitting there panted violently as if he had just done a strenuous exercise, his eyes were full of fear.

"Let's stop gossip. The purpose of my coming here today is very simple, to give you two choices."

"Which two ways!" Lone Wolf was slightly startled, and asked honestly, not daring to be cautious anymore.

"The first way is to submit to me. From now on, you will still be the senior members of the Red Dragon Gang. You will still have the same benefits as before, and you will continue to live a high-level life. The second way is even simpler. I believe everyone present The veterans on the road should know what will happen." Zhuo Yun finished speaking with a smile on his face, leaned on the chair, closed his eyes indifferently, and quietly waited for the five disciples to make the final decision.

Except for the lone wolf, the other four immediately began to discuss in whispers, exchanging their opinions in a low voice with flickering eyes, but the opinions of the four were not very unified, and they began to quarrel in low voices.

"I choose the first path." While the four were arguing, Lone Wolf was the first to speak out about his choice.

"What!!" The other four people were all shocked when they heard the words. In their opinion, with the character of a lone wolf, they would definitely fight to the death. They didn't expect that he would be the first person to choose to surrender.

The four people who came back to their senses looked at the lone wolf with a hint of contempt in their eyes.

In their view, Chilong was very kind to Lone Wolf when he was alive, and his status can be said to be above everything. He and Heixiong are Chilong's right-hand man. Immediately can't wait to surrender, it's simply petty behavior.

Sensing Si Ru's contemptuous eyes, Lone Wolf didn't react at all, he still had that indifferent look, and he didn't regret his decision at all.

Facing the unfathomable Zhuo Yun, Lone Wolf only had awe and powerlessness, he didn't have the energy to resist at all, the short contact just now had defeated all his confidence.

For the lone wolf, if there is a chance, he will choose to resist, but in the current situation, there is no chance at all. His sixth sense tells him that as long as he makes a move, he will definitely have a dead end.

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