Super black turtle clone

Chapter 200 I'll Give You Sausages!

() Opening his eyes and taking a look at Lone Wolf, Zhuo Yun nodded inwardly. He knew about Lone Wolf before he came here, and he is definitely the mainstay in the Red Dragon Gang, which is why he wanted to The reason why he used the water control domain to deal with him was to polish off his arrogance and become his own subordinate.

"Lone Wolf has made his own choice, what about the four of you." Zhuo Yun glanced at the four people coldly, and the cold eyes immediately made the four people shudder.

Not to mention that even the lone wolf has surrendered now, just the existence of the sniper outside made the four of them have no courage to resist, and the four of them looked at each other. Although they were very dissatisfied in their hearts, they could only helplessly He nodded and chose the first path.

Glancing at the unwilling faces, Zhuo Yun said murderously, calmly: "Very well, you will be thankful for your choice, but I'm ugly to say before, whoever dares to eat inside and outside, he will die a miserable death. "

After intimidating the five people including the lone wolf, Zhuo Yun stood up, gave Biaozi a look, and let him sit on the seat.

"From now on, he will be your gang leader, and the name of the gang will be changed to Haiwang Gang." Reaching out to pat Biaozi on the shoulder, Zhuo Yun glanced at Wu Ren and said with a smile.

Pushing Biaozi to the position of leader of the Haiwang Gang, Zhuo Yun left the Chilong Nightclub, leaving only ten pirates to assist him. As for whether Biaozi can support the Haiwang Gang, it depends on him. I can bear it.

If Biaozi is really muddy and can't support the wall, he will decisively pull him down from the position of gang leader. What he wants is a capable person, not a dead man.

Overnight, the Chilong gang became the Haiwang gang, and the incidents of major entertainment venues being picked up quickly spread on the Tao. Under the deliberate digging, the death of the Chilong and some secret things were all revealed. When it was dug out, it immediately caused quite a shock in City Z.

When other gang forces reacted and tried to win a piece of fat in the great transformation of the Chilong Gang, they found out bitterly that the Chilong Gang, which is now the Haiwang Gang, has completely stabilized, and there is no The imaginary chaotic situation appeared, so they could only sigh.

The whole process seems to be simple, from planning to implementation, Zhuo Yun has spent a lot of effort, must make things complete.

When the underworld situation in Z City was surging, Zhuo Yun, as the helmsman of this incident, fell asleep on the bed, and did not wake up from his sleep until noon.

Lying on the bed and stretching, Zhuo Yun shifted his consciousness to the Xuan Gui, and controlled the Xuan Gui and the Fire Python to move towards the location of Macau.

Just as he had decided on the route to move forward, an obvious sense of vibration came into his consciousness, and Zhuo Yun quickly returned his consciousness to his own body.

"Buzz, Master, here's the call, Master, here's the call." The humming phone rang non-stop, Zhuo Yun took the phone, and it showed an unfamiliar number.

"Hey, who are you?" Zhuo Yun asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Brother, I'm Qiangzi O. What you asked us to do has been successful. The other party invited me to meet at the beach this afternoon, and he will pay the money and deliver the goods."

Zhuo Yun, who was a little upset at first, was shocked violently when he heard the words, and got up from the bed.

"Very good, you will give me the specific address later, and I will naturally give you the due reward as agreed. If the two of you want to leave City Z, I can also help."

After hanging up the call, Zhuo Yun was secretly happy. At the beginning, he just wanted Qiangzi to try it out. As for whether it will succeed or not, it depends on luck. He never thought that it would be so easy. He only needs to catch a small soldier of the other party. It will be able to follow the clues to find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

Under the service of Beiye Meidaizi, Zhuo Yun had a simple lunch, then drove to the address given by Qiangzi, and at a place a hundred meters away from the agreed place, he got out of the car and walked to hide in a small forest middle.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon it was the time agreed by Qiangzi and the other party. Qiangzi with the camera stepped to the beach in front of the grove. Not long after he arrived, a man with a mask on his face , with a peaked cap on his head, and his whole body is tightly wrapped, and his attire looks like a spy in a movie.

According to the plan designed at the beginning, Qiangzi handed over the camera to the other party, and the pictures inside were specially handed in and synthesized. There was nothing to be seen from the surface, and only professionals could tell the difference.

At the same time, Qiangzi also got a box full of Huaxia coins from the other party, at least several 10 yuan, and the happy Qiangzi couldn't close his mouth.

"Hey, I really got rich this time." Thinking that he could get 50 yuan from Zhuo Yun later, Qiangzi was in a particularly good mood. With this money, the two of them can leave here and go to other places anonymously. place to live.

Separated from the special man, Qiangzi was in a good mood before carrying a suitcase. They had already discussed these days, and if they got the money here, they could go straight to the masturbation man who had already bought the plane ticket. Huihe, when you leave City Z, it is definitely more difficult to find the two of them in Yangyang Huaxia than Dengyao.

"Who are you guys, what do you want!" Just as Qiangzi was about to call Zhuo Yun after leaving the beach of the transaction, two men in black appeared in sight, wrapping him up one after the other. up the middle.

"Hey, I want to know who we are, and I will tell you after you die."

While talking, the two men in black took out two machetes from their pockets, looked at Qiangzi with ferocious eyes, and rushed up quickly without giving him a chance to react.

"No, don't kill me, I'll give you all the money, please don't kill me." Qiangzi was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he quickly backed up to dodge the attacks of the two, but walked on the ground with his ass in panic. Shouting while moving his figure.

"Hmph, you know something you shouldn't know, and there is only one way to die. Not only you, but even your companion will follow you into the underworld, and the two of you will not be lonely anymore." Just now The speaking man in black, with a grin on the corner of his mouth, walked towards Qiangzi with a machete in his hand.

Hearing the man in black's words, Qiangzi's complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly realized that he was shocked and said angrily: "You are in the same group as the one just now, and you are going to kill them."

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be quite smart. Since you have guessed it, you can't save your life." While speaking, the man took a step forward, and swung the machete in his hand, the sharp blade scattered. With a severe chill, he went straight to Qiangzi's neck and chopped it off. If this knife hits the target, it will definitely cut off his head.

"Are you going to die? I really don't want to. I knew it earlier." Annoyed in his heart, Qiangzi looked at the ever-growing machete in his sight, full of despair.

"Lang!!" Just as Qiangzi closed his eyes and waited to die, there was a loud impact sound, and the crisp sound immediately woke Qiangzi up.

"What's going on, why didn't I feel any pain?" Qiangzi opened his eyes wonderingly, and the man in black holding a machete in his sight was standing there with a painful expression on his face. The right hand holding the knife just now was covered with blood. The shattered scars on it can be seen from such a close distance.

Although his heart was full of doubts, Qiangzi was not so stupid as to continue waiting here to die, he quickly got up from the ground, walked back four or five meters away quickly, and then turned his gaze to the ground in the distance.

On the ground more than ten meters away, a machete fell there. A hole appeared on the originally completed machete, and cracks spread out on the body of the knife centered on the hole. will shatter completely.

"This, what's going on here." Qiangzi thought with a frightened face, forgetting even to run away.

Compared to the shocked Qiangzi, the two men in black were more terrified, especially the man in black who was knocked into the air, his heart was pounding.

"Run! The other party has a gun." The black-clothed man behind him exclaimed, and the two ran away quickly, trying to escape from here.

"Swoosh!!" At the same time as the two of them were fleeing, two sharp piercing sounds flashed past, and the two people who were rushing forward flew forward due to inertia, and fell to the ground with their bodies covered. After twitching a few times, he completely lay on the ground without moving.

"Oh, I've got it, I've got it!" Qiang Zi, who was so stimulated, screamed and scrambled backwards, pushing him all the way to a group of rocks by the sea, and then fled to the distance in embarrassment .

A figure came out from the grove, looking at the direction in which Qiangzi was fleeing, Zhuo Yun looked indifferently.

"Whether you can leave City Z alive or not depends on your own destiny, and there is only so much I can do to help you." After speaking, Zhuo Yun disappeared in place like a ghost, and his speed made those famous sprinters feel ashamed The one who wanted to buy a piece of tofu was killed.

When Qiangzi traded with the spy man just now, he used the water domain to leave a drop of water on the spy man that contained the vitality in his body, so even though the other party had left, Zhuo Yun could still easily Know the direction he left.

Following the induction of vitality, Zhuo Yun drove all the way to a luxurious villa in the suburbs.

Sitting in the sports car, he sensed it carefully, and he was sure that the spy man was in this villa, and this should be the place where the mastermind behind the scenes was located.

In order to avoid startling the snake, Zhuo Yun did not rush in immediately, otherwise he would only cause trouble for himself.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the sun was about to set. The door of the villa opened quietly at this moment, and a man of medium build with a pair of beards came out from the inside. After that, he walked towards the direction of the suburban road.

"Hehe, it really doesn't take much effort to come here." Looking at the figure who was walking away quickly, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth.

Maybe other people couldn't tell, but he recognized it at a glance. The man of medium build in front of him was the guy who was dressed as a spy before.

Being targeted by Zhuo Yun, it was a tragedy for the spy man. Under the ravages, the spy man answered every question and told everything about it.

In order to prevent the spy man from reporting, Zhuo Yun knocked him unconscious and threw him into the haystack, and returned to the sports car with a happy smile on his lips.

From the mouth of the spy man, he got the identity of the owner of this villa. What he didn't expect was that the owner of this villa was actually a relative of Xiao Shan. According to his seniority, he should be his cousin. The transaction is to get orders from Xiao Shan, his cousin, Chopin.

Knowing these things, he can already be sure that Xiao Shan is definitely related to the matter of following Shen Yuyan to take photos. As for the last assassination incident, Xiao Shan is also the most suspected, and if he wants to get evidence, the Chopin in front of him is undoubtedly the best breakthrough.

As night fell, Zhuo Yun easily sneaked into the villa, and when Chopin was having sex with a beautiful fair-skinned woman, he kidnapped her without disturbing anyone.

"Let go of me quickly. I am the nephew of Deputy Mayor Xiao. You kidnapped me. Deputy Mayor Xiao will not let you go. Let me go quickly." Waking up from the coma, Chopin struggled a few times, Looking at the dark surroundings, he shouted in horror.


The dark room brightened instantly, Chopin adapted to the sudden light, looked at the two figures standing not far in front of him, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

In his sight, there were two naked upper body men with wounds and tattoos all over their bodies. The one on the left was a fair-skinned foreign man, and the one on the right was a dark-skinned man, as if just now. A hacker dug out of a coal mine.

The images of these two people are enough to make people fearful, and what makes Chopin tremble even more is that the eyes of these two people exude scorching eyes, that kind of eyes are full of excitement and desire.

"No, don't, don't come here." Seeing the two men walking towards him, Chopin shouted in horror, struggling to retreat but found that he was already leaning against the wall, bound by the rope Way back.

"You scream, even if you scream and break your throat, no one will come to save you, hehe, be obedient, I will give you sausages." The dark-skinned Heijin said with a smile in the impure Chinese language, He looked up and down at Chopin, showing a look of eagerness.

In another room far away, Zhuo Yun, who was watching through the camera, heard that the sip of water he just drank almost spewed out.

"These two guys are really weird, I don't know if the two of them can do it." Suspicious in his heart, Zhuo Yun continued to read.

One white and one black responsible for extorting confessions are two of the ten members of the Thomas Pirates. It is said that the two of them used to be responsible for such prisoners in the pirates. , One night can make him spit out all the things about the eighteen generations of his ancestors.

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