Super black turtle clone

Chapter 204 Liu Shengquan's Distress!

() Not only Liu Shengquan, but even Zhuo Yun himself felt excited when he heard the news. If it is really what Liu Shengquan said, this kind of aquatic plants will definitely allow him to build a business empire that is his own monopoly.

Zhuo Yun drove a sports car to a hotel where we met. As soon as he walked into the hotel box, he saw Liu Shengquan who was trembling with fat and chatting excitedly there. Sitting beside Liu Shengquan was a man in his fifties, An old man with filial piety and white hair.

"Brother Yun, you are finally here, come here quickly, let me introduce you." Seeing Zhuo Yun's arrival, Liu Shengquan stood up excitedly from his seat.

"This is Yu Wenshan, my teacher at the scientific research institute. He is a master in biological research. This time, he was able to detect the composition of the aquatic plants so quickly. Thanks to Teacher Yu Wenshan. If it wasn't for the help of the teacher, the weird one would have disappeared." I'm really not sure about aquatic plants." Pointing to the old man next to him, Liu Shengquan introduced.

"Hello, Mr. Yu, thank you for your help." Hearing the respect Liu Shengquan had for Wenshan in his words, Zhuo Yun, his brother, naturally had to show a lot of face.

"Mr. Zhuo, you are being polite. It is the little old man's blessing to be able to participate in the scientific research on the miraculous aquatic plants. The little old man participated in it without Mr. Zhuo's consent. Please don't blame Mr. Zhuo." Yu Wenshan said excitedly and politely, without the aloofness of ordinary professors and scholars.

In fact, Zhuo Yun didn't know, it wasn't that the old doctor in Wenshan was amiable and didn't have the aloofness that belonged to professors and experts, but that he really couldn't be aloof.

For an expert who has been engaged in biological research all his life, the attraction brought by the magical aquatic plants is like a bee seeing honey, which makes Yu Wenshan unable to extricate himself, and he dare not have the slightest suspicion in front of Zhuo Yun. Aloof, once Zhuo Yun does not allow him to continue his research, the old man may even have the intention of dying.

The atmosphere of the conversation that followed was very harmonious. The two sides had a discussion about aquatic plants, and they were authorized by Zhuo Yun in name.You can continue to study, and Yu Wenshan, who got this promise, was so happy that his old face was as bright as a blooming chrysanthemum.

Just when the three of them were having a lively conversation, Liu Shengquan's cell phone rang, and he went out to answer the call.When I came back, my face became ugly.Even though he tried his best to cover it up, he still didn't hide it from Zhuo Yun.

The three of them ate and drank enough, Zhuo Yun and Liu Shengquan sent Wenshan out of the hotel, the excited old man drank a lot of wine, and even walked soberly.

"Zhuo Yun. I have something to do at home. I'll take a taxi to go back first." Liu Shengquan said with a forced smile on his face as he sent Yu Wenshan away.

Seeing Liu Shengquan who was turning around to leave, Zhuo Yun grabbed him with one hand, and said with an angry look on his face: "Fatty Liu, am I your friend, am I your good brother, don't think I didn't see it, yes It's not that something big happened at home, tell me, otherwise I won't have you as a friend."

"Hey!" Liu Shengquan stared at Zhuo Yun for a while, sighed, and looked depressed: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you, isn't that my girlfriend? She called me just now and said that her mother introduced her to her. A boyfriend, who has a car and a house, and is a department manager of a large company."

Originally, he thought that something serious happened to Liu Shengquan's family, but now he heard that it was a relationship problem.Zhuo Yun didn't know what to say for a moment, after all, it is very difficult for outsiders to intervene in this kind of matter, let alone friends, even brothers can't intervene in it.

"Shengquan. What does your girlfriend mean? Does she want to end the relationship with you? Or is it because of other ideas."

Liu Shengquan was silent for a moment, and said with a sad expression: "She said that I should go to her house immediately and give her parents an explanation. If she can buy a house today, she will marry me. If she doesn't have a house, she can choose to marry me." I break up."

"Zhuo Yun, do you know, she is forcing me, she wants my parents to sell the house in my hometown, that area is being turned into a commercial area, I can buy it at a good price, and then use the money from selling the old house Buying a house may not be enough for a one-time payment, but it can also be enough to pay the down payment, but in this way my parents will have no place to live, and she is forcing me." Liu Shengquan squatted on the ground with a painful expression , shouting hysterically.

Feeling the pain and helplessness in Liu Shengquan's words, Zhuo Yun's expression was startled. He didn't expect that Liu Shengquan, who was all smiles, would have such a side. It is conceivable how much pain he has accumulated in his heart , will erupt at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuo Yun's eyes showed a chill. He didn't have many friends when he was in college, and the only true good friend was Liu Shengquan. He absolutely can't look at Liu Shengquan like this now.

"Stand up for me. What does a big man's crying sound like? Didn't she ask you to go to her house? Then the two of us will go and see who that department manager is. Don't worry, I will take care of everything." Zhuo Yun coldly shouted, unconsciously exuding the majesty of a superior.

The weeping Liu Shengquan was restrained by Zhuo Yun's aura, suppressed the crying desire, and stood up from the ground where he was squatting.

He didn't know why, seeing Zhuo Yun in front of him, he felt an inexplicable sense of tension in his heart, just like the feeling of pressure when he met the director of the research institute.

"Shengquan, don't forget, with that kind of magical aquatic plants, we will never be short of money in the future. When we really develop the product, I will give you share dividends, and you will become a multi-billionaire , don’t be overwhelmed by the difficulties in front of you.” Zhuo Yun smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Liu Shengquan, who was originally lost and suffering, was shocked when he heard the words, and soon regained his self-confidence and the optimistic Liu Fatty.

"Zhuo Yun, you are right, there is no impassable river in the world, even if it is a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair, I, Liu Shengquan, am not afraid."

Seeing Liu Shengquan regain his old look, Zhuo Yun was also secretly happy for him, at least Liu Shengquan would not just sink down.

After solving Liu Shengquan's inner pain, Zhuo Yun drove to the residential area where Liu Shengquan's girlfriend lived under his guidance.

This residential area in City Z is considered very good. Not only is it close to the urban area, but it also has a relatively complete set of security and welfare facilities. The people who can live here are considered to be at the middle and upper reaches of City Z.

After parking the car downstairs, Zhuo Yun and Liu Shengquan walked into the building, and took the elevator to the tenth floor soon.

Holding the fruit basket he bought earlier, Liu Shengquan took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and then stretched out his hand to press the doorbell.

"Ding dong, ding dong!" A crisp bell rang, and after a while, the door inside was opened, and a petite girl with upper-middle appearance appeared in Zhuo Yun's sight.

"This should be the girlfriend of that kid Shengquan. She looks good, but she doesn't seem to be a good person." Looking at the frowning woman with a cold face, Zhuo Yun thought to himself.

"Xiaoxue, I'm here. This is my friend Zhuo Yun." Liu Shengquan introduced through the security door with a smile on his face.

"You still know come here, didn't I say before, you are limited to one hour, does it mean that what I said won't work anymore." The woman named Xiaoxue cast a glance at Zhuo Yun, frowned and said in dissatisfaction.

Originally, Zhuo Yun didn't like this Xiaoxue very much, but seeing her impolite appearance now made him feel even more secretly unhappy.

Among the top beauties he knew, none of them looked better than Xiaoxue in front of him, but none of them were as impolite as her, except of course Lei Baoer, who was really messing around before. Now it has changed a lot.

"No, Xiaoxue, listen to my explanation. I had an important dinner before, so I came a little late." Liu Shengquan quickly explained.

"Hmph!" Xiaoxue snorted coldly, and after letting Zhuo Yun and Liu Shengquan stay outside for almost a minute, she stretched out her hand to open the anti-theft door, and then walked back.

"Zhuo Yun, I'm sorry!" Seeing this, Liu Shengquan said to Zhuo Yun with an apologetic expression.

"Hehe, it's nothing, let's go in quickly." Zhuo Yun smiled and shook his head, for the sake of his good friend, he endured his unhappiness.

The two walked in, and when they came to the living room, they saw two people sitting in the living room, one of them was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with a small crew cut, and his expression gave off the feeling of a successful person, and he should be around thirty years old. Yes, and sitting on the other side is a gorgeously dressed lady, dressed like an old lady from a wealthy family.

"Hello, Auntie." Coming to the lady, Liu Shengquan put down the fruit basket and called out respectfully.

"En!" The lady glanced at Liu Shengquan indifferently, with a look of indifference, and forcefully squeezed out a voice from her nose.

Liu Shengquan was obviously used to the noble lady's attitude, and he recovered quickly after a little embarrassment.

Zhuo Yun, who saw everything in his eyes, felt a little emotional in his heart. With Liu Shengquan's character, if he really married that Xue'er, his life in the future would be miserable. Very good Xue'er, just seeing this mother-in-law who is obviously just an ordinary wealthy family but dressed like a lady in front of him can overwhelm him.

Zhuo Yun and Liu Shengquan were sitting on the side, and no one cared about them, even Xue'er was flabbergasted.

"You are the Liu Shengquan that Xueer mentioned. Hello, my name is Hu Ge. Of course, don't get me wrong. I am not the actor Hu Ge, but my name is somewhat similar to his." He posed like a successful man and locked his eyes All over Liu Sheng's body, he said with a smile on his face.

Although Hu Ge was smiling all over his face, the superior look on his face did not dissipate at all, but became more intense, as if looking down on Liu Shengquan from above. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. For mobile phone users, please go to read

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