Super black turtle clone

Chapter 205 Ugly face!

() "Hello, I am Liu Shengquan, and he is my friend Zhuo Yun." Liu Shengquan nodded calmly and replied.

"I'm really happy to see you two. I don't know what you two do, and Xiaoxue didn't introduce them to me before." Hu Ge continued with a smile on his face.

Facing Hu Ge's attitude like the protagonist, Xiaoxue's mother was not dissatisfied at all, but sat there as if watching the excitement, and even Xiaoxue didn't say anything to interrupt the conversation.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Shengquan said in a cold tone, "I'm currently working as a researcher in a biological research institute."

"Oh, it turns out that you are a scientific research worker. It is really amazing. This is an industry that contributes to the country. Unlike the managers of our big companies, although the income is better, it is not as great as the contribution of scientific research workers to the country. .” Hu Ge sighed.

"Where's this brother!" Hu Ge turned his head to look at Zhuo Yun, still smiling.

"Me!" Zhuo Yun smiled, glanced at Hu Ge and the others, and said with a calm smile, "I'm just a vagrant."

"Hehe, it turns out that I am a freelance professional, which is really enviable. You can allocate your own time freely, unlike us who have to go to work every day and often travel on business." Hu Ge smiled with a startled expression , but the disdain in that smile became more intense.

Not only Hu Ge, but even Xiaoxue's mother had an undisguised look of contempt on her face.

Zhuo Yun, who sees everything in his eyes, has a calm demeanor. To him, he is not on the same level as these people, and he is not angry at all for this kind of people. If it is not because of Liu Shengquan, it is estimated that the two sides will not have any intersection at all. .

After showing off his work, Hu Ge brought up the topic of housing again. While complaining that the current house price is too high, he revealed with a proud expression that he bought a house in a high-end residential area in the city.

With my years of hard work and accumulation, plus the help of my parents, I can pay in one lump sum instead of having to pay in installments every month like ordinary house slaves.

When I heard that Hu Ge planned to use that house as a wedding room.Xiaoxue's mother was even more open-eyed, showing a lot of enthusiasm for Hu Ge, as if the mother-in-law was getting happier as she watched her son-in-law. As for Liu Shengquan and Zhuo Yun sitting there, they were completely ignored by him.

Zhuo Yun, who was sitting there watching all this with the attitude of a bystander.I felt the apologetic eyes of Liu Shengquan next to me.Smiling and shaking his head.

Who made Liu Shengquan his best friend in college, and it is also very interesting to see the face of such a mercenary person.

"I'm sorry, Auntie. It looks like I can't eat here today. There is an impromptu meeting in the company, and I have to rush over right now." During the conversation, Hu Ge answered the phone and said apologetically.

"It's okay, come to Japan and Fangchang. I can't delay your work. Xiaoyang lights up and goes to see you off." While speaking, Xiaoxue's mother glanced at Zhuo Yun and Liu Shengquan who were sitting there, frowned slightly, and smiled Said: "I just want to go down to buy some things, so let's go out together."

Hearing Xiaoxue's mother's words, Zhuo Yun and Liu Shengquan immediately understood that they were going to drive them away. After all, they couldn't let the whole family leave, and they sat here instead.

A group of five people left together.When they came downstairs, Hu Ge greeted Xiaoxue and her mother. As for Zhuo Yun and Liu Shengquan, they were subconsciously ignored.

Smartly pressed the remote control lock of the car, and a 50 million Yuanlan car not far away made a buzzing sound.Hu Ge glanced at Liu Shengquan with a smile, stepped to the front of the Lianlan car, opened the door and walked in.

Amidst the hum of the motor, Hu Ge drove his car and disappeared into the dust.

"Xiaoxue. Did you see that, this is a successful man. Only after marrying such a man can you not endure hardships." Looking at Hu Ge who left in dust, Xiaoxue's mother smiled and educated.

While speaking, he looked back at Liu Shengquan, and said with disdain: "Only such a man is worthy of your love, don't be fooled by some poor ghosts who are incompetent and can't make much money a year. If you make friends with some vagrants, you won't get any grades at all."

Liu Shengquan, who was suppressing his anger, could no longer suppress the depression and anger in his heart when Xiaoxue's mother said these words.

"Auntie, you can insult me, please don't insult my friend, it will only make me look down on you." Liu Shengquan, who has been pretending to be a grandson, stared at Xiaoxue's mother angrily, and shouted angrily, the outburst scared Xiaoxue's mother Taking a step back, his face flushed with embarrassment.

In her eyes, Liu Shengquan was weak and incompetent, she never thought that Liu Shengquan would suddenly explode, dare to talk to her like this, the lady was so angry that she panted for a while.

"Xiaoxue, thank you for taking care of me in the past two years. Maybe it's just like what you said, I don't love you deeply enough. Maybe we two really have different personalities. I wish you happiness in the future." Liu Shengquan took a deep breath, Suppressing the pain in his heart, he said indifferently.

After saying all this, he turned around and walked away. Zhuo Yun sighed, and quickly ran to the place where his sports car was parked, and drove to catch up with Liu Shengquan who had already walked tens of meters away.

"Brat, who does he think he is, who dares to talk to me like that? Xiaoxue, don't see this kind of person again. If you dare to meet him again, it will be my mother." Xiaoxue's mother came back to her senses, almost shouted roaringly.

Standing there dazed, Xiaoxue nodded with a sad and sad expression.

As for the sports car driven by Zhuo Yun, in Xiaoxue's mother's opinion, it was definitely leased for the sake of saving face. She simply did not believe that it would be Zhuo Yun's own car, a luxury sports car worth several million.

Driving to catch up with Liu Shengquan, Zhuo Yun did not send him home, he knew that what Liu Shengquan needs now is not to think quietly, but to vent his anguish.

He directly drove Liu Shengquan to a wine shop under the jurisdiction of the Neptune Gang, and ordered a table of wine, including white wine, red wine and beer.

Liu Shengquan, who was smiling and seemed to have nothing to worry about, seemed to be a completely different person. He picked up a glass of wine and drank frantically, and his clothes were soaked with tears.

As Liu Shengquan's best friend, Zhuo Yun understood what kind of person he was.

Liu Shengquan always likes to keep his inner distress in his heart, so he has accumulated too many negative emotions. Now that he can vent it completely, he may be able to recover from the broken relationship.

Zhuo Yun did not organize Liu Shengquan to drink wildly, but accompanied him to drink together. When they were in school, they would drink themselves like this when they were in a bad mood, but because of economic reasons, they could only drink some beer.

Liu Shengquan completely let go of his repression and pretense, kept drinking and venting his inner distress, Zhuo Yun listened opposite, and the infected one also vented his inner negative emotions, the two drank wildly and chatted like this with.

I don't know after a long time, Zhuo Yun himself felt a little dizzy, and there was not much drink left on the table. As for Liu Shengquan who was opposite, he couldn't even sit still.

"Ah!" Liu Shengquan yelled in a daze, and lay down on the table drunkenly.

"Damn, what are you yelling about? You're looking for death." The shout was originally just to vent, but it angered several men not far away, and one of them stepped forward and shouted displeasedly.

Under the influence of Liu Shengquan, Zhuo Yun himself was not in a good mood, and when he saw the other party's arrogant and domineering appearance, he felt angry.

"Go away, don't delay our drinking."

"What, you dare to tell me to go away!" The man was slightly taken aback, pointing at himself with an unbelievable look on his face.

"Nonsense, you don't understand human language, if you don't want to die, get out of here."

While speaking, Zhuo Yun's eyes flickered with coldness, his sharp eyes were like two murderous sharp swords, when he swept across the man opposite, he felt a chill of horror welling up in his heart, making him stagger in fright.

The frightening chill came and went quickly, the man immediately became angry when he came back to his senses, especially the mocking laughter of other people around him made him even more angry.

"What are you laughing at? Do you know who I am? You are laughing at me asking my brothers to sell you to a brothel." The man pointed at the woman who laughed the loudest and shouted angrily. The woman and her boyfriend were silent.

At this time, several people who were with the man also walked over.

"Brother Fist, what's going on, who is that kid, dare to be so rampant."

"How do I know who the hell it is, but no matter who dares to scold me, I will let him go around." The man named Brother Fist said angrily.

"Brother Fist, this is the wine under the jurisdiction of the Neptune Gang. Let's not act rashly. You also know the rules of the Neptune Gang."

Brother Fist, who had an angry expression on his face, changed slightly when he heard this, and after pondering for a moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The Neptune Gang just don't let people make trouble in the wine, we can catch them out, and then we can fix them as we want."

"Brother Fist's idea is really wonderful, let's do it." The younger brothers who followed Brother Fist praised excitedly one by one.

After a brief discussion, a group of five people walked towards Zhuo Yun with malicious smiles on their faces.

"Boy, if you are sensible, go out with us obediently, or you will have good fruit to eat." Brother Fist came to Zhuo Yun and sneered arrogantly.

Shaking Youxiao's dizzy head, Zhuo Yun looked at Brother Fist with a smile on his face, that weird smile made Brother Fist feel panicked.

"I just like toasting and not eating fine wine. I really want to see what good fruit I can eat." Zhuo Yun said with a smile on his face. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. For mobile phone users, please go to read

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