Super black turtle clone

Chapter 210 Shopping with Girls!

() Just when Zhuo Yun was so rotten, Mu Xue, who was sitting on the other side, also felt the unusual atmosphere at the table, looked at the two daughters Wang Yanrou and Lei Baoer, relying on her sixth sense of femininity , looked at Zhuo Yun suspiciously.

"Damn, isn't it just for a meal, you don't need to look at me like this."

With a wry smile, Zhuo Yun quickly diverted his attention and said, "It's been a long time since I watched TV. Let's watch TV while eating. It's time for the morning news. There should be good content."

"According to the official statement of the Macau government, a group of pirates sank three patrol ships and robbed a luxury cruise ship in the waters of Macau the day before yesterday. During the whole process, as many as 50 people died, and a total of Take away nearly 30 billion US dollars. This is definitely the most blatant and sensational pirate robbery case that happened recently. Macau and the Chinese government are already hunting down these pirates with all their strength. According to gossip, the pirates who robbed this time are suspected of dominating The Red Coral Pirates of the Malay Archipelago."

"Wow, the Red Coral Pirates are really awesome. They even dared to rob a luxury cruise ship and stole nearly 30 billion US dollars. Isn't this a news?" Lei Baoer, who likes to watch the bustle most, looked excited exclaimed.

If she knew that the culprit who robbed 30 billion dollars was by her side, I don't know how excited she would be.

"These pirates are so rampant. They dare to openly rob in our country's waters. They don't know that once they offend a country, they will face a devastating blow." Compared to Lei Baoer, who was watching the excitement, Wang Yanrou was rational analysis.

Compared to the surprised and shocked three girls, Zhuo Yun felt a sense of criminal accomplishment when he saw the news, and he was secretly happy.

Anyway, the wealthy businessmen on the luxury cruise ship are not short of that money, and they openly gather people to gamble when they have nothing to do.

"In this pirate robbery that shocked the world, there is another unimaginable doubt that puzzled experts and professors around the world. This is a video taken by a satellite at that time. Although the image is somewhat blurred , but it can still be seen that there seems to be some huge monster rushing out of the sea and knocking a patrol ship into the air."

As the newscaster narrated, a blurry video appeared on the TV.A black shadow rushes out of the violently surging sea water, forcibly knocking a petitioning patrol ship into the air. The shocking scene left people stunned.

"Wow, no, there are really monsters in the sea. They can knock the patrol ships into the air." Lei Bao'er couldn't help exclaiming, with a frightened expression on her face.

Although the other two women did not speak, their shocked expressions were self-evident, and they were all stunned by the video played on TV.

"Damn it, it's really unlucky to be photographed by the satellite at that time. Fortunately, the image taken by the satellite is rather blurry. Otherwise, things would be bad." Zhuo Yun, who saw everything in his eyes, lost the previous scene Complacent and excited, his face was slightly dignified. This time he really felt the crisis, and secretly decided to let Xuangui and the others do as little as possible unless he had to.

If the black turtle and other strange beasts are exposed to the eyes of the major countries, they may not be able to find the black turtle for a while, but it will be like a time bomb.It may threaten the lives of Xuangui and the others at any time.

With the TV diverting his attention, Zhuo Yun finally broke away from the atmosphere that made him shudder, and left the table after eating in a hurry.

"By the way, why didn't Sister Mei Daizi come down to eat? Did she go out?" After eating, Lei Baoer sat next to Zhuo Yun, very close and close, almost close to each other road.

"She has something to go back to Japan. She probably won't come back in a short time." Zhuo Yun sighed in his heart.

He was very worried about Mei Daizi going to Japan this time, but since Mei Daizi had already made a decision, he didn't intend to intervene casually.And if he goes to Japan to intervene, it will only make things worse.

"Why are you like this? You didn't say a word when you left. Really, he still wants to learn Japanese cuisine from him." Lei Baoer said with a dissatisfied face, holding Zhuo Yun's arm with both hands, swaying a few times coquettishly Down.

Mu Xue, who was sitting next to her, felt a little sour when she saw the scene in front of her, and a nameless fire surged into her heart.

"Boss, you promised to drive me to meet my friends today, and the time is coming soon." Mu Xue said with a cold face, the coldness in her eyes made Zhuo Yun feel cold.

"It's strange, why is this little girl so angry, I don't seem to have provoked her." Zhuo Yun nodded inwardly, wondering.

He also wanted to leave here quickly. Wang Yanrou seemed to have noticed something when he was at the dinner table before. He was very worried that after Wang Yanrou finished cleaning the table, he wondered if there would be any problems to make things difficult for him. Neither is good.

After the fish-and-water fun last night, Lei Baoer almost regarded Zhuo Yun as her own confinement, and was very upset when she heard Mu Xue's words, and wanted to go together, but this time she was going to pretend to be Mu Xue's boyfriend, Lei Baoer If you go there, you will definitely wear clothes.

After crippling Zhuo Yun's efforts, Lei Bao'er was comforted, and he drove Mu Xue out of the villa.

Zhuo Yun didn't know that when the two of them left, there was an inexplicable light in Wang Yanrou's eyes, and there was a malicious look in the eyes looking at Lei Bao'er.

"Hoohoo!" After driving away from the villa area, Zhuo Yun let out a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his head, and secretly sighed that women are really troublesome.

"You seem to care about Bao'er, do you like her?" Just as Zhuo Yunsong breathed a sigh of relief, Mu Xue suddenly asked beside her.

Turning his head to look at Mu Xue who was sitting in the passenger seat in surprise, Zhuo Yun smiled and said: "Of course I like it, not only Bao'er, but also you and me. A beautiful woman like you, as long as it is Men, as long as there is no deviation in aesthetics, the only ones who don't like it are probably eunuchs."

"Hmph, glib!" Mu Xue snorted, turned her head with a slightly red face, just now when Zhuo Yun said he liked her, a faint sweetness surged in her heart, which made her feel her heart pounding .

"By the way, Mu Xue, Xiao Zhiyuan asked you where to meet, shall we go there now?" Zhuo Yun asked as he turned the steering wheel to settle Mu Xue's doubts.

A sly smile appeared on the corner of Mu Xue's mouth, and she said with a smile: "The appointment is to meet at 01:30, let's go to the shopping mall in the city center first, and accompany me to buy something."

Hearing Mu Xue's words, Zhuo Yun had the urge to cry. What he couldn't stand the most was going shopping with women. That was annoying, and that was tiring. He would rather fight three times with the supernatural beings of Wrath of the Dragon God. For a hundred rounds, I don't want to go shopping with a woman once.

Although he really wanted to transfer to the car and go home immediately, but it is a pity that he has already come out now. Under Mu Xue's strong request, he can only satisfy her wish. Who made Zhuo Yun get drunk and treat her like a sister Mei? , some lack of confidence.

Driving to the bustling city center, the luxurious sky blue Selan Chanel sports car, coupled with the handsome men and women in the car, immediately became the focus of attention of the people around.

Feeling the envious and jealous eyes of the men and women around him, Zhuo Yun's sense of vanity in his heart was quite satisfied.

"Hey, if I pull all the four beauties in my family out to go shopping, I don't know what will happen." Seeing the envy and jealousy of the nymphs around, Zhuo Yun thought unscrupulously, probably Maybe the male bankers will go crazy from time to time.

At the beginning, Zhuo Yun thought that Mu Xue was buying something for himself, but after entering the mall, he realized that it was for him.

According to Mu Xue, Zhuo Yun's clothes are really not up to standard. She must dress up Zhuo Yun well, so that Xiao Zhiyuan can really retreat. Of course, the money spent on shopping still needs to be Zhuo Yun The cloud pays for itself.

From top to bottom the whole set of clothes, watches, men's necklaces, and various other things, I bought them all under Mu Xue's careful selection.

Every time she bought something, she heard the waiter say that Zhuo Yun was her boyfriend. Mu Xue always felt a sense of sweetness and accomplishment in her heart. Driven by this feeling, these things cost three or four Hours, this is still because of the need to meet with Xiao Zhiyuan, otherwise it is estimated that the whole day may not be able to buy it all.

After buying these things, Mu Ya was not very satisfied, so he took Zhuo Yun to a professional barber shop to tidy up Zhuo Yun's somewhat messy hair.

Standing at the door of the barber shop, Mu Xue looked at the pedestrians around boredly, and turned a blind eye to the fiery eyes cast by the men passing by.

A beauty like her is always the focus of attention no matter where she is, and she has already adapted to the situation of being watched with fiery eyes like Wang Yanrou.

"Hey, what are you doing with these messy things? It's really awkward to dress up." Accompanied by the voice of complaints, Zhuo Yun, who finished her hair and put on the whole set of clothes she just bought, came out from inside.

Mu Xue, who was waiting for the sound, turned her head away, and when she saw Zhuo Yun who had changed her hairstyle and was wearing a new outfit, her rosy lips parted slightly involuntarily.

As the saying goes, a good man relies on his clothes and horses on his saddle. In the past, Zhuo Yun's clothes were more so, but now after the new packaging, he is not only handsome, but also exudes an aristocratic temperament. Even if he has seen many high-society men Mu Xue still felt a strong visual impact when she saw Zhuo Yun now. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

ps: Thank you for another monthly pass for Badizhiwang Children's Shoes!

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