Super black turtle clone

Chapter 211 Kneel down and beg me!

() "So handsome!" Shouting involuntarily in her heart, Mu Xue clearly felt that her heartbeat was accelerating in a straight line, and the pounding made her suddenly a little nervous.

Standing at the door, Zhuo Yun shook his body awkwardly. He used to like to wear casual clothes, but now he felt very uncomfortable in such formal clothes. <With his heart fluttering, Zhuo Yun's heart trembled slightly, and he deliberately teased and said.

"Hmph, who is fascinated by you, I just see that you look good in this outfit." Mu Xue turned her head with a slightly red face, putting on a proud look.

"No, could it be that this girl really likes me." Touching his nose, Zhuo Yun thought to himself with a wry smile.

Now it's just Lei Baoer and Wang Yanrou who are already causing him a bit of a headache. If Mu Xue is added, it will be really troublesome.

"It's almost time, let's go see that Mr. Xiao." Glancing at the newly bought Rolex on his wrist, Zhuo Yun quickly changed the subject, and returned to the car with Wang Yanrou, driving through the somewhat congested streets.

It took nearly half an hour, and the two of them drove to a high-end French restaurant. I have to say that Xiao Zhiyuan is quite romantic, and this kind of restaurant is the most suitable for dating or something.

And not far from this French restaurant, there is a hotel. If you are drunk, you can directly get a room in the hotel.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Mu Xue?" As soon as the two entered the restaurant, a waiter quickly greeted her and asked.

"Yes!" Mu Xue nodded slightly in a daze, and looked at the waiter suspiciously. She didn't remember knowing this waiter.

The waiter smiled even brighter and respectfully said: "Please come with me, Master Xiao has reserved a seat in the private seat on the third floor and is waiting for you upstairs.".

"How do you know that I belong to Mu Xue?" Mu Xue asked in surprise after following behind the waiter.

"It's like this, Young Master Xiao showed me your photo before. That's why I recognized you at a glance."

Hearing the waiter's words, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but laugh. It seems that this Mr. Xiao really put in a lot of effort. If it was any other woman, he would be completely moved. It's a pity that he is facing Mu Mu, who doesn't like him at all. Xue, it is doomed that all these efforts are useless.

The two followed the waiter to the third floor, which is opposite to the two floors below.Both the decoration and the environment on the third floor are much better, and there are a lot of plants inside, so that the whole third floor is filled with a faint fragrance.

"Xiaoxue!" Xiao Zhiyuan, who was waiting, saw Mu Xue coming, and immediately stood up happily and shouted, but when he saw Zhuo Yun following behind.A cheerful face froze instantly.

"Why did he come?" Xiao Zhiyuan pointed at Zhuo Yun with a gloomy expression, and said in a dissatisfied tone.

Stepping forward, Zhuo Yun reached out and hugged Mu Xue who hadn't reacted, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Why can't I come, don't you know that Mu Xue is my girlfriend now?"

"What!" Xiao Zhiyuan's complexion changed abruptly, his eyes flickering with anger.

"Xiaoxue. What's going on here? Is what he said true? Don't forget that the two of us have a marriage contract. Even if you are self-willed, your uncle and aunt will not agree."

Hearing Xiao Zhiyuan's questioning, Mu Xue looked a little hesitant. He really hated Xiao Zhiyuan and didn't want to marry him.But I also have to think about my parents.

"Xiao Zhiyuan, I advise you to give up. Do you know that Xiaoxue lived with me a long time ago, and you have no chance at all." Zhuo Yun sat down with Mu Xue in his arms, and sneered indifferently.

At the beginning, this guy partnered with Haiyang to punish him, and he had already formed a hatred, and he didn't mind deepening it.

Xiao Zhiyuan was originally angry.Hearing this, she looked at Mu Xue in shock, her face was as ugly as a freshly ripe cucumber, almost turning green.

Mu Xue, who was being eaten by Zhuo Yun, raised her head and stared inadvertently.But she didn't refute it. If she wanted to get rid of Xiao Zhiyuan's entanglement, he couldn't give up without some powerful means, and deep down in her heart, she was unwilling to expose this lie.

"Xiaoxue, you, you dare to live with this kid, good, good." Xiao Zhiyuan panted heavily, staring at Zhuo Yun like a wolf.

"As I said before, the marriage made by the elders has nothing to do with me. It is impossible for me to be with you, and who I live with and who I am close to has nothing to do with you." Xue didn't hesitate anymore, she leaned slightly in Zhuo Yun's arms, and said in a cold voice in a loving posture.

Xiao Zhiyuan had planned everything long ago, but he didn't expect things to develop into this situation. Looking at the two people hugging each other and kissing me, he stretched out his hands and opened his mouth. He, who had never experienced any setbacks, felt extremely aggrieved in his heart.

"Okay, Xiaoxue, you will regret what you have done. After you tell your parents about this, we will see what you will do then."

Putting these words down, Xiao Zhiyuan walked towards the distance, just took two steps, turned his head to look at Zhuo Yun's yin and said with a smile: "Boy, don't think that if you seduce Mu Xue, you can soar into the sky, tell me You, in my eyes you are just an ant, sooner or later you will kneel on the ground and beg me."

Originally, Zhuo Yun just wanted to stimulate Xiao Zhiyuan, but his face sank when he heard this. He hated others threatening him, especially his enemies.

"I don't know what will happen in the future. I only know that today you will kneel down and beg me." While speaking, Zhuo Yun let go of Mu Xue, and his figure flashed in front of Xiao Zhiyuan, turning around and leaving Xiao Zhiyuan was taken aback.

"You, you are a man or a ghost, what do you want to do?" Xiao Zhiyuan staggered, and glanced at the sofa where Zhuo Yun was sitting just now in panic, he didn't understand how Zhuo Yun could get out of the sofa in the blink of an eye, blocking In front of myself.

"What do you want to do, of course I want you to kneel down and beg me." Zhuo Yun sneered, stretched out his hand and slapped Xiao Zhiyuan on the shoulder.

With a light slap, Xiao Zhiyuan felt as if a mountain was pressing on his shoulders, and the huge pressure instantly made him fall to his knees unbearably.

"Touch!" There was a dull impact on the floor, and Xiao Zhiyuan, who was arrogant and stern just now, knelt on the ground with a face of pain, and the palms that were originally on his shoulders had turned to his head.

"Kowtow and beg me to let you go, or I will break your legs today." Zhuo Yun's eyes exuded a chill, and the vitality in his body was surging, and the air-conditioning in the room seemed to be turned on to the maximum, let alone bear the brunt of it. Xiao Zhiyuan, and even Mu Xue, who was sitting next to him and was only affected, couldn't help shivering.

"I am the young master of the Xiao family, and my grandfather is a high-ranking official in the capital. If you dare to touch me, there will be no good end. Let me go." Xiao Zhiyuan shouted in panic. It can't change that crazy character.

"I want to see what happens. It looks like you don't intend to kowtow and beg for mercy. If that's the case, don't blame me for being merciless." While speaking, Zhuo Yun grabbed the seat next to him. This kind of seat is made of solid wood. It weighed at least sixty to seventy catties, and he grabbed it with one hand.

Xiao Zhiyuan, who originally had a glimmer of hope, was stunned and dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"Zhuo Yun, don't!" Mu Xue, who was sitting there, couldn't keep calm anymore when she saw the scene in front of her, and screamed quickly.

She was not worried about Xiao Zhiyuan's consolation, but she was afraid that Zhuo Yun would injure or even kill Xiao Zhiyuan. Let alone the legal sanctions, it is estimated that the family power of the Xiao family alone, even if Zhuo Yun was innocent, could arrange heinous crimes. mortal sin.

Xiao Zhiyuan, who was frightened, suddenly recovered from the shock when he heard Mu Xue's scream.

"No, please spare me, I kowtow, I'll kowtow right now." Under the threat of the huge seat, Xiao Zhiyuan kowtowed his head with a pale and frightened face without the slightest hesitation.

Holding up the seat, Zhuo Yun looked at Xiao Zhiyuan who kowtowed with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and was not surprised at Xiao Zhiyuan's panic kowtowing, all of this was within his expectation.

Not to mention that there is a powerful force behind Xiao Zhiyuan, even an ordinary person would not really do anything in such broad daylight, the current society is a society of law after all.

Without anyone knowing, you can kill as many people as you want, but it is in the downtown area now, if you really do that, it is estimated that even as a member of the fifth unit, he will be punished to a certain extent. It's not so stupid to put yourself in prison for Xiao Zhiyuan.

The tragic Xiao Zhiyuan, he didn't think of this at all. It is estimated that even if he thought of this possibility, he didn't have the courage to stick to it.

"Very good, you can get out now." Seeing that Xiao Zhiyuan's kowtowed forehead was blood red, Zhuo Yun put down his seat and waved his hands.

Xiao Zhiyuan, who had been so frightened for a long time, ran away as if he had been pardoned when he heard the words, and fled out staggeringly, scaring the waiters around him. This is how it looks like.

"Huhu, I was scared to death just now, I thought you were really going to break Xiao Zhiyuan's legs." She patted her chest, and seeing Zhuo Yun's triumphant look, Mu Xue immediately understood, helpless said with a smile.

Glancing at Mu Xue's twin peaks that were more turbulent because of the flapping, Zhuo Yun smiled and shrugged.

"I'm not that stupid. Even if I really want to break his legs, I will break the boy's legs in a place where no one is around, in this kind of downtown area. Only a fool would do that."

"Hmph, so you're saying I'm stupid." Mu Xue said dissatisfiedly and angrily.

"Not stupid, just a little stupid."

"Okay, you know how to bully me. You ate my tofu on purpose just now, and now you say I'm stupid. I see Miss Ben won't punish you." Mu Xue was angry, grabbed the cushion on the seat, and stepped forward. Throw it at Zhuo Yun. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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