Super black turtle clone

Chapter 212 Fiery Conflict!

() Due to the release of the cold air just now, the ground was covered with a thin layer of frost. Normally, she might not feel that much, but now Mu Xue suddenly rushed forward, her feet slipped suddenly, and she couldn't stop and rushed out.

"Ahh!" Mu Xue screamed, and she rushed forward. Zhuo Yun, who was planning to dodge, quickly reached out and hugged Mu Xue who was rushing towards her.

A scent rushed towards his face, followed by a soft and delicate body in his arms, which made Zhuo Yun's heart skip a beat.

"It's so soft, so elastic." Thinking wretchedly in my heart, I subconsciously placed the palm on my buttocks, and couldn't help kneading it twice, feeling that it was upright and full, and that kind of tactile sensation was definitely no better than a woman's chest To be poor.

The buttocks are one of Mu Xue's sensitive parts. Under Zhuo Yun's kneading, she immediately felt a fiery heat spread in the buttocks, and quickly spread to the girl's penis, making her tender body twitch slightly. Trembling, an intoxicating groan could not be suppressed from his mouth.

Hearing the numbing moan, Zhuo Yun's heart trembled violently, the blood in his body boiled for a while, he lowered his head and looked into his arms, just in time to see Mu Xue's pair of watery and cute pair exuding infinite spring. Beautiful eyes.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, and ambiguous sparks burst out immediately. In this environment of lonely men and widows, a special atmosphere spread, and the two were unconsciously attracted to each other. Opposites attract each other subconsciously approaching, and soon the distance between the faces of the two sides is less than ten centimeters, and the hot air from the other's mouth can be clearly felt.

The hot air with a sweet smell, like countless little hands, seduced the blood in Zhuo Yun's body, and a certain part of his lower body couldn't help but began to become dishonest. <Mu Xue, who was hazy, immediately felt a fiery resistance against her buttocks, making her feel flustered.

"Bang bang bang!" At this critical moment, a clear knock on the door suddenly sounded, which woke Zhuo Yun and Mu Xue who were immersed in their dreams.

Wake up.Mu Xue's face turned red like a red apple, she quickly broke away from Zhuo Yun's embrace, and struggled to sit up.

Originally, this normal movement was not a problem, but at this moment, the big bird on Zhuo Yun's lower body was touching her buttocks. Sitting up straight like this, the big bird was immediately oppressed, and the soft touch made Zhuo Yun feel It feels like a world of fire and ice.Pain and happiness.

"Ah!!" Can't help but let out a groan, and the big bird under Zhuo Yun's crotch trembled instinctively.

The fiery big bird was already sandwiched between the buttocks, but under the instinctive shaking, it seemed to turn into a scorching flame, spreading towards Mu Xue's lower body, immediately making her feel a strong stimulation.If she didn't know that there was someone outside the door, she wouldn't even be able to resist this wonderful feeling.

The two separated, and hurriedly adjusted their clothes and demeanor, before Zhuo Yun asked the waiter outside to come in.

The male waiter opened the door and walked in, glanced at Zhuo Yun and Mu Xue, and an ambiguous look flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Even though the two had separated, the blush on Mu Xue's face did not fade away so quickly.Especially the room looks a bit messy, which naturally reminds people of some things. In fact, such things are not uncommon upstairs. There was once a waiter who had just arrived who didn't understand the situation and knocked on the door. He pushed the door open and walked in, only to run into a man and a woman with real guns in the room.

"Both of you, do you want to serve the food now?" The waiter asked with his eyes slightly lowered.

Organized my shirt.Zhuo Yun thought for a while and said, "Did the guy who came before pay the bill?"

"That gentleman has already paid the bill, and put a few thousand extra on the counter." The waiter replied inexplicably.

"Okay, since that's the case, serve the food. Remember that even the thousands of dollars will be converted into a meal and served." Zhuo Yun leaned on the chair, waved his hand and smiled.

Only then did the waiter understand, and retreated secretly with contempt, the people who can come here are rich people.It's rare to see someone as stingy as Zhuo Yun.

"I said boss, you can't even afford a meal, it's embarrassing." Mu Xue, who was sitting next to her, rolled her eyes.A little speechless.

"You don't understand this. I call it thrifty. In order to see him, I have suffered a lot. If I don't eat it, I will be too sorry for myself."

Regarding Zhuo Yun's heresy, Mu Xue was speechless. Looking at Zhuo Yun who was sitting there loosely, a sweetness inexplicably surged in her heart. Feeling like this, a seductive blush appeared on her innocent face again.

Anyway, he didn't have to pay out of his own pocket, so Zhuo Yun naturally had a big meal, and came directly to a CD operation, which stunned the waiter who came in later.

After solving Xiao Zhiyuan's matter, Mu Xue wanted to go back to school, Zhuo Yun drove her to school, and then drove to the Neptune Nightclub.

Just when he was about to go in and take a look, Biaozi called first.

"Hey, Master Biao, why did you think of calling me?" Leaning on the car seat, Zhuo Yun teased with a smile.

"Oh, boss, don't make fun of me. I'm calling you this time because I have something important to ask you for advice." Biaozi's wry smile came from the other end of the phone, and he became the leader of Haiwang Gang. It made him feel a little blissful, showing the demeanor of a gang leader in front of other people, but he didn't dare to show the slightest envy in front of Zhuo Yun.

"Oh, what is it that makes our Biao Da gang leader undecided? Didn't I say that you are in charge of everything in the gang?"

"Boss, of course I can't bother you with ordinary trivial matters, but this matter is so important that Biaozi dare not refuse to ask you for instructions."

"Well, tell me, what is it that makes you dare not make a decision." This time Zhuo Yun did not continue to tease, but replied in a serious tone.

Although he didn't get along with Biaozi for a long time, he knew that Biaozi was a very assertive, courageous and ruthless person. This kind of person rarely hesitated, which was why he wanted to support Biaozi. The reason is that he doesn't want to support a soft guy who doesn't have his own opinion, and he has to ask him for everything. It's better to control the gang directly by himself.

"Boss, it's like this. Lone Wolf came to see me alone before. He told me an important matter. Apart from Lone Wolf, those guys from the Yuan Chilong Gang want to rebel and have secretly contacted other gangs. "Biaozi lowered his voice on the phone and said in a serious tone.

Although Zhuo Yun made him sit on the position of the leader of the Haiwang Gang with the momentum of thunder, but after all, he belongs to the airborne force, and he has no background and no loyal subordinates.Once the people below turn their backs, his position as the gang leader will become precarious.

After listening to Biaozi's words, Zhuo Yun had a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth: "As expected, I thought they would be quiet for a while, but I didn't expect that group of guys to be so anxious. Now things have become more interesting."

"It turns out that you already knew about it, boss. Then what shall we do now." Biaozi, who had a serious tone, asked hastily, a little excitedly.

"It's very simple, that is to wait!" Zhuo Yun smiled indifferently: "Did Lone Wolf say what kind of force they contacted and when they will do it?"

"According to Lone Wolf, there are several gangs such as the Tianyun Gang and the Four Seas Society. All the gangs on the table in Z City have joined in. Perhaps in their view, our Haiwang Gang is a piece of fat that can be easily obtained." , wants to tear our Neptune gang apart, as for the specific time, Lone Wolf is not very clear, but according to his judgment, it is already a matter of these few days."

After listening to Biaozi's narration, Zhuo Yun pondered for a moment, with a hint of sternness and ambition in his eyes, before he just wanted to establish his own power in City Z.Now there is a bigger opportunity in front of him, which made some changes in his original thinking.

"Biaozi, although this is a crisis, it is also a huge opportunity. You said that the various gangs want to deal with our people, and the entire army is wiped out in one night. What do you think will happen?"

There was a brief pause on the phone.Immediately after the sound of rapid breathing, Zhuo Yun could imagine Biaozi's excited look at the moment.

Even when he himself just thought of this, he was a little excited.After all, it's a success, and the Neptune Gang may not be able to completely control the underworld in City Z by then, but they can definitely become the real leader in one fell swoop.

Compared with completely controlling the underworld in City Z, Zhuo Yun hopes to strengthen the Sea King Gang and control other gangs in City Z, rather than annexing them.

After all, Huaxia cracked down on gangsters very severely. If there really was a gangster controlling a city, it is estimated that the country would not want to see it first, and it would only bring death to the gang.

The two talked on the mobile phone for a while, and finalized some specific plans. Biaozi was so excited that he hung up the phone.

Originally planned to enter the Neptune Nightclub to take a look, but now there is no need to go in, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but drove to his company.

He hasn't been here since Wang Yanrou took charge of it. He is a lazy person. Now that Wang Yanrou, a strong woman, is here, he can handle other things.

Stepping to the floor belonging to his company, he was a little stunned as soon as he entered, and even wondered if he had gone to the wrong place.

The original Almighty Maritime Company had only a few people, and it seemed very deserted, but now it is bustling beyond his imagination. There are some staff walking around in the corridor from time to time, holding various documents in their hands. The empty room is also filled with computer desks and chairs.

"This development is too fast. Does the company need so many people now?" Zhuo Yun thought suspiciously, and walked towards the office that originally belonged to him.

"Sir, please stay. This is the office of our Almighty Maritime Company. If you need anything, please let me know." A handsome woman in business attire stood in front of him.

He looked up and down at the handsome woman in front of him, and secretly admired the demeanor of a big company's front desk, with elegant and calm gestures.

Compared with Zhuo Yun's admiration, the delicate woman was a little dissatisfied. Although Zhuo Yun was dressed very handsomely and looked like a rich man, she was a little disgusted by the unscrupulous scrutiny, and her gaze became a little cold involuntarily.

"Little sister, I'm here to see your general manager Wang Yanrou." Zhuo Yun said with a smile.

"Sure enough!" Hearing Zhuo Yun's words, the disgust in the delicate woman's eyes became more intense, and she thought with contempt in her heart.

"I'm sorry, our general manager is very busy and usually doesn't meet strangers. Do you have an appointment?"

"Make an appointment, I see she doesn't need any appointments." Zhuo Yun shook his head with a smile, and was about to walk towards the general manager's office.

As soon as he took a step, the figure of a delicate woman stood in front of him again, and said indifferently: "Sorry, if you don't have an appointment, the general manager won't see you. If you insist on breaking in, I will I can only ask the security downstairs to invite you out."

Looking at the pretty woman with a serious face, Zhuo Yun touched his forehead speechlessly. He didn't expect that when he went back to his company, he would be blocked by the employees. What appointments did he need? This made him dumbfounded. a feeling of.

Just at this moment in Erren Street, the men and women working in other rooms were also attracted, especially the male employees among them were even more angry, and surrounded Zhuo Yun in the middle.

"Sir, please leave here, otherwise something unpleasant will happen, and it will not be of any benefit to you or us." The delicate woman said with a firm attitude.

The surrounding male employees also moved their shoulders cooperatively, with fierce eyes flashing in their eyes, more like gangsters about to fight on the street.

"The cohesiveness of the company's employees is really strong. If I force my way, these guys will probably do it." Glancing at the male employees, Zhuo Yun showed a wry smile on his face.

"Boss, why are you here?" Just when Zhuo Yun didn't know what to do and was about to make a call to Wang Yanrou, an exclamation sounded.

"Zhang Kun!" Seeing the person coming, Zhuo Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

Zhang Kun looked around at the colleagues who surrounded Zhuo Yun in surprise, and said suspiciously: "What are you doing here, Oh, by the way, you have never met the boss, are you welcoming the boss?"

Hearing Zhang Kun's words, Zhuo Yun almost vomited blood, and wondered if there was something wrong with his eyes, and where did he see it, it seemed like a welcome ceremony was being held.

Whose welcome ceremony would be so ferocious, those male employees looked like they were planning to beat him up immediately, if this was a welcome ceremony, then there would be no such thing as fighting in the world . (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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