Super black turtle clone

Chapter 213 Toilet Scene 1!

() "Zhang Kun, what are you talking about, he, he is the boss." The beautiful woman opened her red lips slightly, pointed at Zhuo Yun standing in front, and said in astonishment.

"Yes, he is our Almighty Shipping Company, the real behind-the-scenes boss, you don't know." Zhang Kun nodded.

The employees around the company, when they heard what Zhang Kun said, all of them looked stunned in astonishment, especially those male employees who shrugged and clenched their fists just now, their complexions suddenly pulled down, as if they were dead relatives. mourning.

"What's going on like this? This is a miserable situation. I will definitely be fired. Damn, I wouldn't have come to join in the fun if I had known."

"We actually surrounded the boss of the company and almost beat him. The job we finally found would be lost."

All the employees were crying in their hearts, the male employees secretly complained that they were not up to date, and now they have received retribution for pretending to be aggressive in front of the girls.

Compared to the other people present, the pretty woman's brain was blank, and it took a while to come back to her senses.

The delicate woman named Su Juan was Wang Yanrou's personal secretary, who helped her deal with some documents and daily affairs.

Since she became a secretary, almost every day one or two young men who think they are great come to look for General Manager Wang Yanrou, wanting to get close to him for various reasons, especially that hypocritical face, which makes people feel disgusted.

This annoyed Su Juan, who was Wang Yanrou's secretary, when she heard Zhuo Yun's words just now, she almost subconsciously classified him as a young man who wanted to get close to Wang Yanrou.

"Boss, I'm sorry. I don't know. I thought you were deliberately approaching the general manager's son. I'm really sorry." Su Juan hurriedly bowed down to apologize, with a confused expression and inner anxiety.

Amusedly looking at Su Juan who was 180 degrees apart, Zhuo Yun smiled and waved.

"Okay, don't blame those who don't know, I didn't make it clear before." Zhuo Yun glanced at the employees who were still surrounding him while speaking.Funny said: "Why, you still surround me and plan to beat me up."

The onlookers were so frightened that they shook their heads and fled quickly, returning to their respective posts, for fear that Zhuo Yun would get angry and cause trouble for them.

"Now let me go see Wang Yanrou." Looking at Su Juan who was nervous and apologetic, Zhuo Yun said with a smile.

"Of course." Su Juan nodded quickly.He stepped forward and came to the door of the office first, forgot to even knock on the door, and stretched out his hand to open the door.

Seeing Su Juan's nervous look, Zhuo Yun smiled: "Don't worry, I'm not such a chicken belly, just now you were just doing business. There is no business for you here, go and work on yours."

"Thank you boss." Hearing Zhuo Yun's words, Su Juan breathed a sigh of relief. She just graduated from university and found such a job, especially since Wang Yanrou treated her very well, which made her very reluctant to lose this job. .

He walked into the office and closed the door.What surprised Zhuo Yun was that Wang Yanrou was not seen in the room.

"Hmmmmmmmmm!" A muffled groan came to his ears, and after he listened carefully, the sound seemed to come from the bathroom in the office not far away.

"No, could it be that Yanrou is passionate in the office." Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun suddenly felt uncomfortable, but he quickly denied the idea that there was a man inside, after all, if there were really someone inside, Su Juan should have told him just now.

"If it wasn't for a man. Could it be Yanrou herself?" Guessing that a picture that made people's blood surge appeared in her mind, Wang Yanrou, dressed in professional attire, stood disheveled in the toilet, with one hand Touching the half-naked chest, the other hand was kneading some muddy place under the body.

"Ahem, it's too evil, it shouldn't happen. Even if Yanrou has needs in this area, it won't be solved in the office toilet."

After dispelling the evil thoughts, Zhuo Yun stepped closer to the office toilet, although the toilet was well sealed.With his superhuman hearing, he could still clearly hear the groans coming from inside after approaching.

"It doesn't seem right, why is there pain in the veins of the groans, something happened." Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun didn't dare to hesitate, almost subconsciously hurried to the toilet door, stretched out his hand and slammed the toilet door open.

Wang Yanrou, who was squatting on the toilet in the toilet, heard the sudden sound of the door opening, and suddenly raised her head in shock, just in time to look at Zhuo Yun who was walking in.

"This is the situation." Looking at Wang Yanrou, who was squatting there, obviously defecating, Zhuo Yun was stunned, especially from his position, he could see the dark forest under his gaze. Exuding a seductive visual impact.

"Have you seen enough, go out quickly." Wang Yanrou, who was blushing, suddenly came to her senses, and said angrily, covering her crotch with her hands.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I thought something happened to you, that's why I barged in." Immediately shifting his gaze to other directions, Zhuo Yun quickly exited the bathroom while explaining.

"Jumping into the Yellow River won't clean it up now." Closing the bathroom door, Zhuo Yun thought with his heart throbbing.

After a while, the bathroom door opened again, and Wang Yanrou, who was still blushing, came out from inside, glanced at Zhuo Yun who was sitting there pretending nothing happened, and stared at her charmingly and resentfully. glance.

"Big se wolf!" Sitting on her office chair, Wang Yanrou muttered softly.

With Zhuo Yun's hearing ability, there was no big difference between whispering and shouting something in his ear, which made his old face embarrassed for a while.

"Hey, hey, sister Rou, don't slander people like this. I just heard your screaming and moaning, so I thought something happened to you inside, so I rushed in. Besides, I I didn't see anything." Zhuo Yun hurriedly said with an innocent face.

"Hmph, who knows what An De thought of you back then, she just had menstrual cramps, it was because of your obscene thoughts, that's why you deliberately broke in, and you just kept staring at me just now."

Speechlessly looking at Wang Yanrou who looks like you are a wolf, Zhuo Yun shrugged helplessly: "Okay, I am a wolf, I rushed in just to see Sister Rou, you go to the bathroom, and I also saw an unsightly scene. You should see the Black Forest, now you are satisfied."

Wang Yanrou, who was originally ashamed and indignant, also had a blush on her face when she heard Zhuo Yun's explicit words.

After all, she is a strong woman who has experienced professional training, and soon Wang Yanrou adjusted her emotions, rolled her eyes at Zhuo Yun and said: "Boss, why do you have time to come to the company? There is still time to come here."

"Hey, haven't I been busy lately? I just have nothing to do today, so I came here to take a look." Zhuo Yun, who was the boss who left his hands, apologized with a little confidence: "When I first came here, I almost thought that I had made a mistake. Floor, I didn't expect how long it has passed, and the company has begun to take shape."

Hearing Zhuo Yun's praise, Wang Yanrou raised her chin arrogantly, and said proudly: "Of course, and since Deputy Mayor Xiao got off the horse last time, for some reason even the Four Seas Group has been affected. A few days ago, I cooperated with Mingtian Group and acquired some shares of Sihai Group and some company projects. Now, our omnipotent marine company is no longer a single company that only sells deep-sea fish, but its business has expanded to other aspects .”

"It's just that there is a problem that plagues our company now. Now is the best opportunity for development, but we don't have enough liquidity. Otherwise, we can definitely acquire more shares of Sihai Group. Maybe in a few years we will be able to replace The Four Seas Group will become the leader in the maritime business.”

Wang Yanrou's words made Zhuo Yun's heart tremble slightly, no matter if it is the forces of gangsters or pirates, they are all shady, and this opportunity to strengthen the Almighty Maritime Company must not be missed.

"You don't have to worry about the money. I can solve it. How much money will it take?" After thinking about it, Zhuo Yun said.

Wang Yanrou, who was just talking about it, her eyes brightened slightly when she heard the words, and after thinking for a while, she said: "According to my estimate, it should be nearly 5000 million. As long as you give me 5000 million Huaxia coins, I can seriously hurt the vitality of the Four Seas Group. At that time, relying on the cooperation with Mingtian Group, it is only a matter of time before our company develops into a leader in the offshore business.”

"No problem, I can give you 5000 million Huaxia coins!" Zhuo Yun nodded indifferently. For him now, 30 million Huaxia coins are really nothing. The [-] billion US dollars from Thomas may not be fully converted. For the funds that can be circulated, it is not a problem to convert one or two hundred million Huaxia coins.

"Really, that's great. If there is [-] million, I am confident that the company can surpass the Four Seas Group within two years." Wang Yanrou stood up excitedly from her seat, but just as she stood up, her face suddenly changed The son turned pale, frowned in pain, and sat back on his seat.

"What's the matter, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Seeing Wang Yanrou's appearance, Zhuo Yun quickly asked with some distress.

He felt guilty about Wang Yanrou, and he completely handed over the company to her, causing her to bear such a great pressure, every time he thinks about it, he feels a little ashamed.

"It's okay, it's just a small problem." Wang Yanrou shook her head with a slightly flushed face, reaching out to hold her belly.

"Don't lie to me, you see that your brows are all wrinkled together, what's wrong with you, if it's really uncomfortable, let's go to the hospital." Zhuo Yun, who thought that Wang Yanrou was trying to be brave, stood up and came to her side, Said seriously. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. The fastest novel to read the master, all in, welcome to log to read the full text!

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