Super black turtle clone

Chapter 214 Woman, what a troublesome animal!

() "Didn't I just say that he has dysmenorrhea, even if he goes to the hospital, he can only prescribe some painkillers. Too much of them will be harmful to the body." Wang Yanrou, who really couldn't escape, said shyly.

Zhuo Yun, who had a serious face, was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, but seeing Wang Yanrou's pale face, which was in pain, he still couldn't just stand by like this.

"I've watched some TV programs like this before, and it seems that dysmenorrhea has something to do with catching a cold. Well, I used to practice Qigong, maybe it can help you relieve the pain."

"Qigong!" Wang Yanrou looked up at Zhuo Yun in surprise, and said suspiciously: "Aren't those qigong cures all liars?"

When she expressed her doubts, an inexplicable thought popped up in her heart, maybe Zhuo Yun just wanted to use this as an excuse, but actually wanted to take advantage of her. < meaning.

Fortunately, Zhuo Yun doesn't know how to read minds, otherwise he would be dumbfounded. Although he is a bit nice, he wouldn't use such imbecile reasons to eat tofu.

"Of course those are fake. What I practice is different from what they practice. Would you like me to heal you?" Zhuo Yun, who didn't know anything about it, said with complacency, relying on his ability to nourish everything, Not to mention just a little dysmenorrhea, even cancer is not impossible to treat.

"If you insist, they won't object." Wang Yanrou, who had misunderstood, lowered her head slightly, and said shyly with a ruddy complexion.

Seeing Wang Yanrou who was behaving strangely, Zhuo Yun was slightly surprised, but he didn't think too much about it, thinking that she was a little shy because she wanted to treat dysmenorrhea.

Putting his hand on Wang Yanrou's shoulder, Zhuo Yun's thoughts moved slightly, and the vitality in his body poured into her body along the arm.

The easiest way is to put your palm on Wang Yanrou's lower abdomen, but that's really a bit too wretched.Therefore, he could only control his vitality to flow towards Wang Yanrou's lower abdomen through his shoulders.

This is the first time that Zhuo Yun has imported the vitality in his body into other people's body, and controlled the movement of vitality in other people's body.

Originally he imagined that this shouldn't be such a difficult thing, but when he actually did it, he realized that it was far more difficult than he had imagined.

It took a long time for him to control the transmission of vitality to Wang Yanrou's lower abdomen, allowing the vitality to diffuse and moisturize the lower abdomen.Treat pain caused by dysmenorrhea.

"It's so hot, how could it be like this, ah!" Wang Yanrou, who was sitting there feeling a little uneasy when Zhuo Yun was controlling the diffusion of vitality, almost couldn't help crying out, exclaiming deep in her heart.

in her feelings.As if a fiery palm was placed on his abdomen, it warmly dispelled the pain of dysmenorrhea.

At the beginning, she felt very comfortable, but after a while, she couldn't take it anymore, a bright red color appeared on her face, her red lips were slightly parted, and she was panting heavily.The feeling coming from the body is like swallowing aphrodisiac drugs.

The fiery feeling in her abdomen stimulated her lower body, giving her a strong impulse, and even the red dates on her chest hardened unconsciously.

Zhuo Yun didn't know Wang Yanrou's situation at the moment, all his attention was focused on controlling his vitality.

Compared with controlling the vitality to diffuse into the surrounding air and displaying the water control domain in the past, the degree of difficulty in Wang Yanrou's body is definitely multiplied by ten times, so that he dare not have the slightest distraction.After all, although vitality is very gentle, once it is lost, it will become very violent.

"Hoo hoo!" Feeling almost the same, he took a long breath and took his vitality back into his body. It was only a few minutes, but he was so tired that a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead. Usually it is almost impossible.

"How about it, do you feel better?" Wiping the sweat off his head.Zhuo Yun asked subconsciously.

As a result, he didn't hear the slightest response after speaking, and looked down suspiciously. Wang Yanrou was leaning on the seat with her face blushing and her eyes slightly closed.His body trembled slightly, especially his legs were tightly clamped, and there was a strange expression on his face, which was joyful, obsessed, and shy

"Could it be that something went wrong when I circulated my vitality just now?" Thinking of this possibility, Zhuo Yun quickly asked: "Sister Rou, how are you? Is there something wrong?" Zhuo Yun's heart trembled.

"Ahem, Elder Sister Rou, it looks like you are much better. If this is the case, then I will go first." Feeling the naked body in Wang Yanrou's eyes, Zhuo Yun turned around and left with a trembling heart.

Even though the current Wang Yanrou is very attractive, making his body look hopeful, reason dissuades him in time.

Leaving the company almost like running away, Zhuo Yun sat in the sports car and took a deep breath to stabilize his surging emotions.

"Woman, what a troublesome animal." Zhuo Yun thought to himself depressedly, remembering that when he was still Lusi, he once dreamed that he could meet many top-notch beauties, and he could play games like the ones written in the novel. Only when the reality really came true did he understand what Ye Gong loves dragons.

The real situation often has a certain gap with the imagination. Now surrounded by several top beauties, it is not as pleasant as imagined, and there are more things to worry about.

Of course, if other men who can't even find economical women at home find out, they will definitely vomit and complain, and despise Zhuo Yun for being blessed and ignorant of blessings. It's just that the two stand from different angles, so for the same thing understanding can also be biased.

Sitting in the sports car, Zhuo Yun, who had calmed down and was hot inside, couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and really wanted to drink to vent.

I called Liu Shengquan, but this kid turned his lovelorn into motivation, and he was still studying weird aquatic plants in the research institute, so he didn't have time to go out to drink with him at all.

"By the way, why did I forget that kid Lei Tian? I've been very busy recently, and it's been a long time since I got together with Lei Tian and Guo Jun."

Thinking of this, he called Lei Tian and Guo Jun again. Perhaps it was because the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they agreed without refusing, and agreed in the Longfeng Club.

Inside the Dragon and Phoenix clubhouse, there was a special room belonging to Lei Tian, ​​and the three of Zhuo Yun sat in it, and the tables were filled with all kinds of delicacies and fine wines.

"Lei Tian, ​​what have you been up to lately? You haven't invited us out for a drink for so long. In the past, you would call me every few days, which made me a little upset. Now, there has been a huge change. , On the contrary, it made me a little uncomfortable, you boy will not suddenly realize it." Leaning on the chair, Guo Jun did not have the majesty and cold handsomeness when he was in the police station, and he looked like a street gangster, drinking wine while drinking. laughed.

After getting used to a glass of beer, Lei Tian smiled wryly: "Didn't you always envy me in the past, but now I envy you. Not only do you have to work in the company so busy that you have to be busy with work even on weekends, and Even the major matters of marriage must be completely obeyed by my parents, and I am a motherfucker now, out of the three of us, I am the hardest."

Sitting on the main seat in the middle, Zhuo Yun, who was crossing his legs, felt a burst of curiosity when he heard this.

"Little emperor, what's going on? I heard from Bao'er earlier that apart from some problems in your company, someone wants to break away from your position as your father's successor."

Lei Tian smiled wryly and nodded: "It was because of this incident that I was pushed into the abyss of pain. Originally, I was living freely, and I could easily live the happy life of the young master of the Lei family. I blame that damned Yu Zelong, with the support of whoever he got, he bought the shares of other directors and became the second largest shareholder after our Lei family."


"Do you need help?" Zhuo Yun's expression changed slightly, and he asked worriedly.

He just heard Lei Baoer say something before, but he didn't really take it seriously. After all, the Leiting Group founded by the Lei family, coupled with the strength of the Lei family's black and white, he didn't think any other forces would dare to fight Tooth extraction, now he knows that there are really people who dare to do that.

"Little emperor, if you need Brother Jun's help, you can just say it. Although I can't help you financially, I can fully support you in terms of force." Guo Jun, who was originally joking, also showed seriousness road.

"Thank you two brothers." Lei Tian looked at Zhuo Yun and Guo Jun, and said warmly in his heart.

Friends can only see it when they are in trouble. At this time, the two are willing to help, which makes Lei Tian secretly moved.

"I don't need your help for the time being. Although Yu Zelong's old guy has obviously planned it for a long time, our Lei family is not a vegetarian. Just because he wants to snatch the Thunder Group from us, it's still tender." A little." Lei Tian smiled, his eyes showed confidence, the former rebellious, You Xu proudly returned again. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. The fastest novel to read the master, all in, welcome to log to read the full text!

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