Super black turtle clone

Chapter 215 Discovered!

() "Haha, this is just like the Lei Tian I know. When we first met, I still remember your frivolous and confident look. Get wiped out." Zhuo Yun patted his shoulder with a smile, and nodded with satisfaction.

Guo Jun next to him also laughed and said, "Yes, when I first met Lei Tian, ​​he was even crazier than he is now, and he refused to give in to four or five robbers holding knives. "

"Brother Jun, you are deliberately disgusting me. It's not like you don't know. I was so scared that my legs went weak and I couldn't run anymore. That's why I stood there and refused to give in." Lei Tian Looking at Guo Jun with a gloomy face, Zhuo Yun and the two of them couldn't stop laughing at that look like a young daughter-in-law who was being bullied.

"By the way, what did you say just now that you can't make up your own mind on major marriage matters? Tell me, brother, have you caused any emotional disputes recently, or have you made the belly of a young lady big." After laughing, Zhuo Yun asked with a wretched expression.

"Little emperor, please tell me what's going on," Guo Jun, who was very upright, couldn't suppress the fire of gossip in his heart.

Glancing at the two very unscrupulous people, Lei Tian secretly lamented that he was careless in making friends, but under the threat of force from the two, he still had to tell the whole thing.

It turned out that things were not what Zhuo Yun and the others thought. Lei Tian was very romantic in the past, but he also knew that he was a real lady or a girl who was suitable for marriage and having children. This guy was very smart and never provoked him. After all, once a woman like that is provoked, it will be difficult to get rid of her. At that time, she will inevitably give up an entire forest for a single blade of grass, which is absolutely not allowed for him.

This time Yu Zelong, with someone's secret help, threatened the Lei Family's control over the Leiting Group. Even with Lei Wanshan's strength in running the Leiting Group for many years, he can't say that he will definitely be the opponent of the other party, after all, the other party is in the dark. They are in the light.

Enemies in the dark are hard to see.Not knowing who they are, nor how powerful the other party is, this forced Lei Wanshan to use other ideas.

That is to stabilize their own power through marriage, just like the ancient emperors did to appease other tribes on the border. Naturally, there is only one son, Lei Tian, ​​under his knees, and the heavy responsibility of marriage falls on his head.

"Pengcheng Group Chairman's Daughter, which Pengcheng Yu are you talking about?" Guo Jun was listening.Interjected with some surprise.

"Brother Jun, you know Peng Chengyu." Lei Tian said in surprise.

The headquarters of Pengcheng Group is not in City Z, but in neighboring City W. Although it is also a large group company, it stands to reason that it should have no connection with Guo Jun.

"Of course I know, Peng Chengyu has joined the army before. She was the champion of women's close combat in the women's brigade, so I still know a little about her. I didn't expect your father to find you Her wife turned out to be her." The expression on Guo Jun's face was amused as he spoke.

Seeing Guo Jun's expression that he had nothing to say, Zhuo Yun asked with interest: "Junzi, tell me quickly, what kind of person is that Peng Chengyu, so that I can understand the future Siblings."

"Is this it? It's really hard to say." Guo Jun hesitated for a moment with a strange expression, and finally told what he knew under the pressure of Zhuo Yun's gaze.

"Peng Chengyu's appearance may not be that top-notch beauty, but she can definitely be considered a first-class beauty. There is nothing to say about her appearance or figure, especially her figure, because she has practiced martial arts all the time, she should definitely be thin The place is thin. The place that should be warped is warped."

"Hey, hey, Brother Jun, put away your wretched look." Lei Tian, ​​who was sitting across from him, reminded him a little too much.

"Ahem!!" Guo Jun coughed a few times, and put away his wretched expression: "When she was in the army, she was the goddess in many people's minds. No matter her appearance, body, or family background, she was enough to make most people Men are crazy about pursuing her, but there are not many people who really pursue her, do you know why?"

While speaking, Guo Jun turned his gaze to Zhuo Yun.Put on a questioning posture.

"Nonsense, how do I know, Junzi, hurry up and don't make people hungry." Zhuo Yun urged with a depressed face.

"That's because Peng Chengyu is in our army. She is a famous violent girl. At the beginning, there were indeed many male soldiers and even officers who wanted to pursue her. As a result, almost all of them were sent to the hospital. , One of the male officers who wanted to hold his hand was kicked and broke his calf."

"Damn it, it's so violent." Zhuo Yun couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard this, turned his head to look at Lei Tian on the side, and joked with some gloat: "Xiaotian, if you two get married in the future, You don’t need to bring bodyguards when you go out.”

Lei Tian, ​​who was already in an annoyed mood, pointed his middle finger at the two angrily: "I despise you two unscrupulous guys, my life is over."

"Would you like to open it up? You didn't spoil the beauty before, so take it as retribution now." Guo Jun continued provocatively, very unreliably.

"Hmph, if you want to talk about retribution, it should also be retribution for Brother Yun. Do you know that he hides his beauty in a golden house in the villa he bought, and there are three of them in one possession. Now my younger sister is also living in his villa. Absolutely It's a wolf entering the tiger's mouth." Lei Tian was a little envious, and turned his gaze to Zhuo Yun.

Hearing Lei Tian's words, the expression on Zhuo Yun's face was a little awkward. He secretly hesitated in his heart whether to tell the story about himself and Lei Bao'er. He wondered if Lei Tian would fight himself desperately if he really said it. .

"No, Brother Yun, you really have four beauties hidden in the golden house. This, this good luck is too high." The journey went smoothly, but until now he has not won the woman in his heart. Compared with Zhuo Yun, there is nothing comparable.

"Don't listen to Lei Tian's nonsense, two of them are employees of my company, and the other is a nanny."

"Beasts, even the employees of our own company are not willing to let go. It really is that the fat and water don't flow to outsiders."

While sighing, Guo Jun regarded Zhuo Yun as a love saint, and asked him to teach him some tricks to pick up girls. He was really annoyed by him and he couldn't stand it. Say it again.As for whether it works or not, it depends on Guo Jun's luck.

Chatting with the two brothers until more than nine o'clock in the evening, everyone drove away separately. Compared with the congestion during the day, there were obviously fewer vehicles at night, and they returned to the villa unimpeded all the way.

When he came to his room, Lei Baoer, who had tasted the rain and dew for the first time, was already impatiently waiting on the bed.Immediately after he walked into the room, he pounced on him, regardless of whether he had taken a shower or not, just like a hungry wolf.

Zhuo Yun, who is strong and energetic, is naturally not a vegetarian, so he quickly turned from passive to active, and stripped Lei Baoer, who was only wearing pajamas, to the naked eye. The ketone body of ** was completely exposed in the air, and that delicate figure made him furious, and his lower body immediately propped up a big tent.

The battle inevitably unfolded in the room. One was a strong man with superhuman strength, and the other was a woman who had just tasted the pleasure of fish and water and was in the stage of curiosity and exploration. The two erupted like lust.

Compared to the first time.This time, Lei Bao'er had to let go a lot, and her postures were even more diverse. Not only did she actively cooperate, but the moaning sound was even more exciting. If it weren't for the sound insulation effect of the room, the whole villa would probably hear that sharp moaning Voice.

When the two were fighting in the room, they didn't notice a beautiful figure standing outside their door.Stick it on the door to listen to the movement inside.

The sound insulation effect of the bedroom room is very good, but it can't resist listening at such a close distance, especially at night, when the surroundings are silent, the moaning sound is extraordinarily loud, and it is easy to be stood by the door The beautiful shadow outside listened.

Listen, listen, Qianying standing outside the door.The body began to shake slightly, and the provocative moans and the sound of the impacting water made people imagine.

Qianying's palm was subconsciously placed on her chest, while listening to the movement inside, she gently kneaded it.The strong stimulation made her whole body tremble slightly, and her legs couldn't help being clamped tightly, and they were rubbing up and down.

The groans and impacts in the room became more and more intense, and Qianying, who was listening, couldn't bear it anymore. Her other hand touched the bottom of the pajamas. When she touched the key part, her whole body trembled involuntarily. It was like having a chill.

"Ah!" Qianying couldn't help but let out a low moan, it seemed that Lei Baoer, who was fighting inside, had become herself, and with the high voice inside, the palm of her lower body was also speeding up* * with.

"Ahhh!" A high-pitched and passionate scream came from the room, and the excitement caused Qianying's body to tremble violently as she leaned outside the door. Suppressed groans.

"Ah!!" Qianying, who was leaning on the door to eavesdrop, uttered a deep and high-pitched moan, and her whole body trembled together, as if she had vented her whole body's strength, and leaned helplessly on the door of the room.

Zhuo Yun, who had reached the peak of pleasure in the room, came back to his senses from the orgasm, and his hearing that was originally affected also recovered. After Lei Baoer screamed under him, he still heard a moaning sound, At the beginning, he thought it was an echo, but after listening carefully, he found that it was not at all.

"It's strange, it seems to be coming from outside the door." Thinking of this, Zhuo Yun quickly pulled out his big bird, put Lei Bao'er on the bed and covered it with a quilt, walked quickly to the door, and opened the door tightly. closed door.

"No one, maybe I'm too sensitive." Looking at the empty corridor outside the door, Zhuo Yun was a little puzzled, and just as he was about to close the door, his gaze swept across the ground below inadvertently.

"Hey, what is this? How can there be water marks here." Looking down at the clearly visible puddle of water marks just below the door, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

Zhuo Yun's memory has also become better and better since his cultivation base has continued to increase. He can be sure that there is no such pool of water stains outside his room. In this way, this pool of water stains just appeared.

Thinking about it, he squatted down, sniffed with his nose fluttering, and the expression on his face became a little weird.

Now he is not the little virgin back then, he has already personally experienced some things, the smell from the water stains on the ground makes him sure that this is not ordinary water at all, it should be yin water to be precise .

"Could it be!" The groan he heard just now sounded in his mind, Zhuo Yun's eyes were a little dull, he connected these things together, and a picture couldn't help appearing in his mind, the sensual and filthy scene made blood spurt open.

"No, which girl is listening to me doing exercises outside the door, and she solved it by herself." Thinking that he was fighting inside and being heard clearly by others, Zhuo Yun felt an awkward feeling in his heart.

He glanced around, and soon he found some other clues. Not far away, he saw drops of water stains that hadn't dried up, and the direction of the water stains was heading to the left.

Following the dripping water stains on the ground, Zhuo Yun followed all the way, and soon came to the outside of a door.

"This is Sister Rou's room." Seeing the door in front of him, Zhuo Yun opened his mouth slightly, both surprised and embarrassed, but also feeling guilty inside.

For Wang Yanrou's thoughts, he naturally has no feeling at all, and the two have slept together in the same bed before, so naturally they have some different feelings towards Wang Yanrou, but now he has Lei Baoer and Kitano Meidaizi , He really didn't dare to provoke other women.

"Hey!!" With a slight sigh, Zhuo Yun was about to turn around and leave, but just as he turned around, the door in front of him was suddenly opened. <Looking at him intently, the penetrating resentment in his eyes made his heart tremble suddenly.

"Did you already know it all?" Wang Yanrou's charming face revealed a bitter expression.

"En!" Zhuo Yun hesitated for a moment, but nodded, even if he lied now, he probably couldn't hide it, so it's better to just admit it.

After receiving Zhuo Yun's affirmative answer, Wang Yanrou's face turned pale for a while, and she said bloodlessly: "Am I shameless, do you think I'm a slut!"

"How could it be? I never thought so. You have always been a perfect woman in my heart, no matter in character or figure." Shaking his head, Zhuo Yun said seriously.

Wang Yanrou, who had originally had a sad gaze, trembled slightly, and crystal tears could not help gushing from her beautiful eyes, and the feeling of depression in her heart emerged like a volcanic eruption. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. The fastest novel to read the master, all in, welcome to log to read the full text!

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