Super black turtle clone

Chapter 217 Bloody Night!

() When the two were shocked, Biaozi suddenly saw three fist-sized objects under the three submachine guns, which looked like pineapples.

"This, this is a grenade." Biaozi shouted in horror.

Hearing Biaozi's exclamation, Lone Wolf was startled, and hurriedly poked his head to wait and see.

Looking at the three pineapple-shaped grenades in his sight, a lone wolf who thought he was calm was almost numb from the shock.

China has very strict control over guns. Not to mention small submachine guns like this on the market, even imitation guns are not allowed to be sold. Even the former Red Dragon Gang only had a few bosses with pistols for self-defense, like this This kind of small submachine gun can't be bought with money.

Not to mention the three pineapple-shaped grenades, most people can see them on TV, and even the army used modified ones during training.

This kind of method is no longer available to ordinary gangsters. It is estimated that only some big gangs with real inheritance in Huaxia can have such strength. Lone Wolf even doubts whether Zhuo Yun is a member of a certain gangster faction in Huaxia.

After being shocked, Lone Wolf reached out his hand and took out a submachine gun from his bag. He looked at it in surprise, and soon his face was slightly shocked again. On the gun, he clearly saw the logo of the American military, which is It is said that this embroidered front gun is a weapon used by the American army.

As we all know, in terms of military strength, the United States is definitely one of the best in the world, and American firearms are even more outstanding, which is definitely not comparable to those miscellaneous brands.

"It's just three small submachine guns. It's really rare for you to be so surprised." The black George pouted and said. For pirates like them, this kind of small submachine gun is the most common weapon. She cannons, heavy machine guns, etc., compared with small submachine guns, they are much cuter and smaller.

"This is the weapon of the three of us. I have distributed the other guns to other brothers. As long as those damned guys dare to do it, they can be easily beaten to pieces." The black George grinned bloodthirstyly, grabbed He picked up a small submachine gun and sat on the chair.

Lone wolf and Biaozi, who were immersed in shock, turned pale with fright and hurriedly hid under the table, exclaiming: "Damn it, don't point at people randomly, okay, it will go off."

"God, you are so cowardly. There is no bullet in the submachine gun." The black George pouted, putting the small submachine gun away and laughing.

Hiding under the table, the two panicked and frightened stood up from below with embarrassing expressions. They looked at the black George with a somewhat unfriendly gaze, but unfortunately they were helpless.

Although the black George is Biaozi's subordinate in name.It's just that Biaozi is very self-aware, he doesn't have any leadership over the black George and other ten people, and people listen to him because of Zhuo Yun's face.

"Okay, George, don't make trouble anymore." Immediately stopping the behavior of the black George, Zhuo Yun leaned back on the chair with a leisurely expression, his natural appearance made Biaozi and the others secretly ashamed.

This batch of firearms and supplies was Zhuo Yun who called Thomas before.The Deep Sea Crab King was consigned with white bubbles, and it was precisely because of these materials that he would not take the alliance of several major gangs seriously.

After recovering from the embarrassment and panic, Biaozi and Lone Lang's worry about this incident has completely disappeared, especially Lone Wolf has the urge to cry, secretly praising that he is really an ancestor Bless, otherwise, among the crowd who were beaten to pieces by submachine guns.There was one of them.

Next, the four of them discussed some specific plans. After confirming that there was nothing left to do, Biaozi, Lone Wolf and the other three left along the passage, but Zhuo Yun did not leave the secret room. Anyway, he was fine when he was idle. He practiced directly in the secret room.

Time passed quickly during cultivation, and the sky dimmed before he knew it.Zhuo Yun, who was practicing, opened his eyes and glanced at the Rolex watch that Mu Xue bought on his wrist. It showed that it was already [-] o'clock in the evening, and there were still two hours before the actions of the major gangs.

"It's time to go out. I want to see how powerful those people are, how dare they try to annex my Neptune Gang." Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun stepped along the passage and arrived near the Neptune Nightclub unimpeded.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, it was the night of the killing, Zhuo Yun, like a spiderman, relied on the power of freezing his vitality, and quickly walked to the top of a building by sticking to the wall, leaving only frosty footprints on the wall.

Standing on the top of the tall building, looking down at the Neptune Nightclub not far below, he suddenly had a feeling of seeing all the mountains and small things in his heart.

"It's no wonder that no matter whether it's the emperor or powerful people, they like to stand on high places. It's really cool." Sitting on the edge of the building, admiring the night scenery of City Z, Zhuo Yun felt a sense of peace and joy in his heart .

Fortunately, it was already night and the sky was pitch-black, otherwise someone would have called the police in alarm. His current appearance was very similar to those who couldn't think about it and planned to commit suicide by jumping off a building.

Appreciating the different scenery at night, two hours soon passed quietly. In his line of sight, with the Neptune Nightclub as the center, men in black began to appear around them. Different weapons approached in the direction of Neptune Nightclub.

"It's finally here. I didn't expect so many people to come. Things are getting more and more interesting." Looking at the crowd gathered in all directions, Zhuo Yun's eyes pierced with interest.

Dozens of mighty people surrounded the Neptune Nightclub, knocking down the security guards outside the door almost in the blink of an eye, and a group of people rushed into the nightclub recklessly, and a large number of people entered the nightclub after a while The crowd who were having fun rushed out of it in panic.

A full 5 minutes passed before no one came out of the nightclub. At this time, several exits of the nightclub were closed, turning the nightclub into a huge cage. All the dozens of people who rushed in could not get out. .

After 10 minutes passed, the door of the nightclub opened again, one by one sacks were brought out of the nightclub, and a special truck appeared to transport all these sacks away.

"It's over like this, it's too boring." Zhuo Yun, who was sitting on the top of the building, looked at the Neptune Nightclub, which had regained its calm again, with a look of astonishment.

In his opinion, the combined strength of several gangs should not be too weak, at least there should be a round of gun battle or something, but he didn't expect it to end in such a silent way, and the whole process took less than 10 minutes.

It's just that he didn't think about it. The Sea King Gang had a small submachine gun made in the United States that he got from Thomas. It only needed a round of bullets to hit it. There were probably only a few dozen people left, and the rest of them were already scared to death. Weak, almost no escape at all.

At the same time, other entertainment venues under the Haiwang gang were also attacked in the same way, and the results are self-evident. All the gang forces that attacked and attacked were buried inside, and even those who survived were disarmed. surrender.

In the private room of a luxurious hotel in City Z, the bosses of the various gangs gathered together, including Chen Laoqi and several other key executives of the original Red Dragon Gang. These people waited for the good news without any pressure while eating, drinking and having fun. came.

It's not to blame for the degree of self-confidence of these people. The main reason is that their several major gangs have united, and with the internal support of Chen Laoqi and others, if they can't even take down the Neptune Gang that has just changed, then they really need to buy a piece of tofu It can be said that they did not have the slightest worry about this action.

"Brother Chen, look at your absent-minded look, you are not worried about this action." On the wine table, Tianyun Gang leader Zheng Tianyun glanced at Chen Laoqi beside him, smiled and patted him on the shoulder road.

"Haha, I said Old Chen, no matter what you say, you are an old man who has been on the road for so many years. Why is it that the older you are, the less courageous you are? With the combined strength of our major forces, let alone the Sea King Gang Those people don't know, even if they know to prepare in advance, they can't be our opponents, so you can rest assured."

"That's right, after tonight, there will be no Neptune Gang in City Z, you can still be the leader of your clan, Brother Chen."

Others at the dinner table also smiled and expressed their opinions. Everyone had a very relaxed look on their faces, and they didn't pay attention to the current Neptune Gang at all.

Looking up at the bosses of the major forces who were present with a face full of confidence, Chen Laoqi had a wry smile on his face.

He is not more active and timid, it is because Zhuo Yun's thunder method gave him a lot of fright, if it is not because of the conflict of interests, in order to protect his own interests, he really doesn't want to wear a mask on his face and give people the same Zhuo Yun with an unfathomable feeling against him.

"Maybe I'm worrying too much. With so many gang bosses around, there shouldn't be any problems." Comforting himself in his heart, Chen Laoqi smiled at the crowd and raised his wine glass. When he raised his glass and prepared to drink heavily, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a younger brother rushed in from outside in panic.

"Boss, it's not good, something serious has happened." The younger brother's flustered appearance was like a fish that slipped through the net, and Zheng Tianyun's face suddenly pulled down when he was angry.

"Trash, didn't you see that I was drinking with other bosses? What's the big deal that needs to be so flustered? Is it itchy recently?"

Before Zheng Tianyun finished reprimanding his little brother, several people ran in from the outside. These people all looked panicked, panting heavily and ragged, they looked like beggars one by one. The slovenly appearance immediately changed the faces of all the influential leaders present. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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