Super black turtle clone

Chapter 218 Blood-sucking Alien!

() "You are Er Gouzi, why are you back? Didn't you ask you to sneak attack on the super high wine of the Neptune Gang? What happened." The boss of the Four Seas Gang pointed in surprise among the few people who rushed in. A man with sharp-billed monkey cheeks.

"Boss, they are all dead, our brothers are all dead." Er Gouzi grinned, showing a frightened wry smile, and fell to the ground as if he lost his strength.

"What, what's going on." The boss of the Four Seas Gang shouted angrily, with a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Not only the boss of the Four Seas Gang, but also other people present felt that something was wrong, especially Chen Laoqi, whose body was trembling slightly in panic.

Soon, under the pressure of the bosses present, the younger brothers who escaped finally told the truth. Although they went to different places, they encountered basically the same situation. It was almost after they rushed into the wine nightclub together. Not long after, they were sent to the west by a shuttle of bullets, and there were only a few lucky survivors left. These younger brothers who came back were all the younger brothers who survived by the big gangs.

"This, this is impossible, how could they know about our sneak attack, and they also have such powerful firearms."

"Submachine guns, how could the Neptune Gang have submachine guns? Smuggling arms in China, even the powerful underworld gangs dare not do it. How could they have such powerful firepower as submachine guns."

The bosses of the major gangs present couldn't suppress their horrified anger, and focused their gazes on Chen Laoqi and the others with ferocious eyes.

"Bosses, don't care about our affairs, we don't know, we are also victims." Several other people waved their arms in panic, their faces were pale and bloodless, this feeling of falling from heaven to hell in an instant, It is really hard for them to accept.

As for Chen Laoqi, who had been on tenterhooks just now, he sat limply on the chair, muttering to himself uncontrollably.

The gang bosses present also knew it.This matter must have nothing to do with Chen Laoqi and the others. After all, if it is really related to them, they will be the first people who will die after the incident is exposed.

It's just that at this moment, the gang bosses really had nowhere to vent their anger, so they could only transfer their anger to Chen Laoqi and the others, and they were immediately arrested by the subordinates who were responsible for protecting the safety of the gang bosses.

This time, the major gangs have put all their strength into action, and all of them are dispatched by their elite subordinates, and now almost all of them have been wiped out.Not to mention the impact on the strength of the gang, just how to explain to the brothers is a big problem for them.

Moreover, some smart gang bosses could already imagine their own lives in the future. This time, their major gangs joined forces to deal with the Neptune Gang, but in the end they were killed by everyone.After today, once the Sea King Gang launches a counterattack, they will die without a place to bury them.

Just when the gang bosses were feeling uneasy, a burst of footsteps suddenly sounded from the corridor. Through the opened door, five or six black-clothed men could be seen walking in from the outside.

"It's not good, it's a member of the Neptune Gang." In an instant, the gang bosses present reflected, and they were responsible for protecting their bodyguards.He reacted earlier than them, and took out a pistol from his arms while reaching out, but at the same time they took out the gun, a swarm of bullets sent them to the west.

Five men in black, each holding a small submachine gun, walked in with fierce eyes.

This hotel is owned by the Tianyun Gang, and it didn't open in the evening to celebrate, so the entire hotel is full of people from the Tianyun Gang.And don't worry about sao chaos.

"Seniors, my younger brother Biaozi, since he took over as the head of the Haiwang Gang, he hasn't formally paid homage to the mountain. It's really a mistake. I came here to worship the mountain on purpose today. I hope all the seniors will be more understanding." Biaozi He walked into the room with a smile like a tiger.Playing with a high-explosive grenade in his hand, all the gang bosses watching were trembling, wishing to escape from here immediately.

While speaking, Biaozi glanced at Chen Laoqi and others who were arrested not far away, with a playful smile on his face.The hearts of Chen Laoqi and others sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and they regretted in their hearts. , In the end, such an ending is all they asked for.

"It turned out to be the leader of the Four Seas Gang. I have lost my way. As for the senior, I really can't bear it."

"Yeah, looking at the majestic and handsome head of Biaozi's gang, you can see that he is not a thing in the pool. We are already old and have no aggressiveness. How can we compare with you."

The bosses of the various gang leaders who were still calm and unrestrained before, but now they bowed one by one, all stood up and patted Biaozi's horse.

Looking at the bosses of the various gangs who were praising him and smiling all over his face, Biaozi felt a strong sense of satisfaction and excitement in his heart.

I think back then when he was just a pony boy, not to mention being flattered by a group of gang bosses, he didn't even have the strength to talk to them, but now it's completely reversed. Talking face to face, still looking down on them with a high attitude.

Enjoying the feeling of being superior and looking down on all the gang bosses, Biaozi did not get carried away. He may have many shortcomings, but he has one very important advantage, that is, he knows how to repay his kindness. Now everything about him is It was bestowed by Zhuo Yun, not to mention Zhuo Yun's bottomless strength and influence, just because of this kindness, he dare not slack off in the slightest.

"I didn't expect you to be so respectful to me. If that's the case, I'll just say what I have to say." Glancing at the hypocritical smiles of the gang bosses present, Biaozi sat down on the seat next to him indifferently, cross-legged. Playing with the high-explosive grenade in his hand.

The gang bosses glanced at the pineapple-like high-explosive grenade and the five black-holed muzzles of small submachine guns, and swallowed involuntarily.

"Brother Biao has nothing to say, as long as we can do it, we will meet Brother Biao's request."

"Yes, brother Biao, we respect you very much, brother Biao. If you have any instructions, feel free to ask, so that we can learn more."

Hearing the flattering words of these gang bosses, even Biaozi, who is used to flattering others, felt a desire to vomit, and secretly lamented that there are people outside the people, thick-skinned and even thicker.

"Since you are so kind, then I won't talk nonsense. I believe you already know what happened today, and I believe you have some judgments of your own. I am a soft-hearted person, and I don't like to kill everyone."

Hearing Biaozi's words, the gang bosses who were secretly worried in their hearts couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.At least their own lives were saved. They were really afraid that Biaozi would let five big men in black activate small submachine guns in a fit of anger and beat them all into sieves.

"As long as you can agree to submit to my Sea King Gang, pay a certain share of protection fees every month, and promise to obey the orders of my Sea King Gang in the future, then you will still be the leader of the Sea King Gang in the future. You can continue to live a prosperous life, and have the Sea King Gang If you encounter any problems, my Neptune Gang will be your strong backing." Biaozi's words were full of provocative, especially after he finished speaking, five big men in black put the bullets one after another. Squeeze the trigger lightly.The next moment this place will become a hell on earth.

The gang bosses present looked at each other, and several of the relatively small forces immediately agreed without hesitation. Anyway, their own strength is not very strong. In this situation, only by relying on other forces can they have a chance of survival. .

Although they may be very unwilling in their hearts, in the end all the people present chose to surrender. As long as they are people with a little brain, they will not choose the road of courting death.

After signing a contract with all the gang bosses, Biaozi let them go.Sitting upright on the chair, looking at the documents in his hand, his face was filled with a smile full of excitement. Now he and the underworld that almost unified the entire Z city in name, this was something he never dared to think of before.

While Biaozi was intoxicated in controlling the underworld in City Z, Zhuo Yun encountered some troubles. He was originally sitting calmly on the top of a high-rise building.Disappeared in place, drove at full speed towards one of the wines controlled by the Neptune Gang.

Driving the speed to the limit, the Lanchani sports car turned into a blue streamer and shuttled through the city streets, and the vehicles that passed by panicked and evaded.The red lights were surpassed one by one, and the cameras on the road took pictures several times in just a short while, but to the frustration of all the traffic police, the captured images were all blurry, not because there was a problem with the camera, but because The speed of the car is too fast.

"Damn it, who the hell is able to easily kill a pirate holding a small submachine gun." In the sports car, Zhuo Yun was speeding up while secretly thinking angrily, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't find the reason.

The only ones that can be thought of are Zheng Tianyun and others, but they are just gangsters in City Z. If they really have such a strong combat power, someone probably has already dealt with the entire gang in City Z.

Just now he received a call from the black George, and through George, he learned that there was a problem with the wine of one of the pirate guards.

Originally, things were going the same way as in other places. Relying on the miniature submachine guns in their hands, the group of gangster boys who came to sneak attack were shot to the ground by a shuttle of bullets.

It's just that when things were coming to an end, a foreigner dressed in black and looking very elegant suddenly appeared, and he easily killed the pirate holding a micro-punch as soon as they fought, the whole process was like lightning fast.

With Zhuo Yun driving at full speed, it quickly turned into a blue flash and came outside a restaurant.

The wine flash is still flashing, but it is surprisingly calm, giving people a particularly intrusive feeling, and there is no one around, which makes people feel a little creepy.

The moment he arrived, Zhuo Yun immediately displayed the Water Control Domain, completely covering his surroundings within the water control domain, and walked towards the wine.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, he doesn't want to die because of his carelessness, no matter what kind of enemy he faces, the necessary caution is the first rule of survival.

Stepping to the entrance of the wine, Zhuo Yun couldn't help but frowned slightly through the water control field. A feeling of disgust came to his heart. Within the envelope of the water control field, there was a strange feeling in the air. breath.

"Dark, bloodthirsty, and cold!" Feeling the dissipated aura in the air, Zhuo Yun's eyes showed a hint of shock. The other party had obviously been away for a while, but the air was still filled with such a strong aura, enough to It is not easy to explain the opponent's strength.

Feeling this breath carefully, Zhuo Yun stepped into the wine, and the wine was full of messes. When he walked in, several younger brothers who were overly frightened got up in a panic, grabbed the weapons in their hands and guarded them. .

"Don't be nervous, I'm a member of the Neptune Gang, tell me what happened just now." Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand to grab the wooden stick in front of him, and crushed it violently with his palm.

"Ah!" Several people took a step back in shock, and after hearing Zhuo Yun's words, they put down and slumped on the ground.

Several sea kings helped the younger brother come back to his senses, and recounted everything that happened just now. Although it had been a while, during the process of speaking, he was still frightened and couldn't speak clearly, but even so, Zhuo Yun still got the information you want to know.

"You mean that foreigner is like a ghost, dodging the bullets fired by the small submachine gun, and killed him in the blink of an eye." Zhuo Yun asked in amazement. With his current strength, if he uses control In the water field, it is also possible to dodge bullets.

However, if the opponent can really dodge bullets, then the average person is no longer the opponent's opponent, and has surpassed the worries of human beings. There is only one kind of person who has the possibility, that is the person with supernatural powers, and only people with supernatural abilities, to this extent.

Even if it is a supernatural person, the opponent is definitely a master among supernatural persons, at least equivalent to the level of Chihu, a member of the Wrath of the Dragon God, and others.

When Zhuo Yun was thinking about the opponent's strength secretly, the Haiwang's assistant who was speaking was flickering, hesitating, as if he wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it.

"What else do you have to say?"

"That guy is not human, he, he not only killed that foreigner, but also sucked his blood." The obviously irritated Sea King's assistant said in panic.

"What!" Now it was Zhuo Yun's turn to be astonished, he glanced at the others, and found that the expressions of the others were also full of fear.

"What's going on, where is the corpse, take me there." Zhuo Yun felt an inexplicable heaviness in his heart, it seemed that things were more complicated than he imagined.

Under the leadership of a brave boy from the Neptune Gang, Zhuo Yun came to the place where the corpse of the pirate Kyle was placed. Before he entered the room, he felt an obvious dark and bloodthirsty aura. When he saw the corpse, his whole body was even more shocked. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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