Super black turtle clone

Chapter 221 You Are a Devil!

() "This is our certificate. These samurai swords are just antiques. We have legal procedures. You have no right to let us hand them over."

Seeing that the situation was going to the bad side, Yuzo Musashi stepped forward quickly, reached out and took out several documents from his arms and threw them on the table in front of the staff.

The staff checked the documents suspiciously, and finally, with a burst of sighs, a few people from Musashi successfully passed the inspection, with their antique katana swords pinned to their waists, and disappeared into the distance in martial arts kimonos.

After leaving the base, when Zhuo Yun was about to return to the villa, Liu Shengquan made a phone call. Originally, he thought it was some breakthrough development in research, but from Liu Shengquan's hesitant words, he learned something that made him very happy. An unpleasant thing.

"You mean, the matter about the mysterious aquatic plants has been leaked, and it has already reached the ears of the director of your research institute. He wants to see me now." Sitting on the sports car, Zhuo Yun said with gloomy eyes.

"Zhuo Yun, I'm sorry, I don't know why this happened. Knowing the value of this kind of aquatic plants, my teacher Yu Wenshan and I have been doing experiments secretly all the time. We didn't let other people participate in it. I don't know what happened. , The matter about the aquatic plants has spread." Liu Shengquan's voice full of guilt came from the phone.

After pondering for a while, Zhuo Yun said with cold eyes: "Shengquan, don't blame yourself too much, I still have confidence in you, but you are sure that Yu Wenshan didn't leak the news, after all, this matter is extraordinary. Leaking the news is enough to get him a lot of money."

"No, it is absolutely impossible to be Teacher Yu Wenshan. His enthusiasm for biological research is absolutely crazy, and he is very trustworthy. He is notoriously stubborn in our scientific research institute. It is absolutely impossible for him to spread news." Liu Shengquan on the other end of the phone decisively denied this hypothesis.

Hearing Liu Shengquan's firm words, Zhuo Yun could only suppress the doubts in his heart, and continued to ask. "Who would that be? Besides the two of you, who else knows about aquatic plants, or has entered the place where you study aquatic plants, maybe they accidentally discovered it."

"Ah, by the way, yesterday, I followed another apprentice of Teacher Yu Wenshan. That is, my senior brother Qian Zhenbang once went to our laboratory for studying aquatic plants, and said that he was looking for Teacher Yu Wenshan. During the important period of the research, I didn't pay too much attention to him, maybe he got the news of the research on aquatic plants and informed the director."

"If you look at the current situation, the brother you mentioned, Qian Zhenbang, is undoubtedly a serious suspect." Zhuo Yun took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and calmed down: "Okay, now it's time It's useless to find the person who leaked the news, doesn't your director want to see me, then let him come to Neptune Nightclub to find me."

Finished the phone call with Liu Shengquan.Zhuo Yun drove to the Neptune nightclub with suppressed anger in his heart. First, the vampire appeared, and now the news about the water grass has also leaked out. The good mood that he had regained the other gangster forces in City Z was completely destroyed.

Sitting in a private room, Zhuo Yun closed his eyes and rested on the sofa, his whole body seemed to blend in with his surroundings, and no one could see what he was thinking in his heart at this moment.Or think about nothing at all.

After about 10 minutes passed, the door was quietly opened. Zhuo Yun, who had closed his eyes tightly, opened them. In his sight, a somewhat bald old man stepped outside and came in. Behind the old man were two burly men. , The bodyguard of a big man with bulging muscles.

Seeing these two burly bodyguards, Zhuo Yun sneered coldly.Although he had guessed it, he still somewhat overestimated the director's IQ.

"Haha, your Excellency is Zhuo Yun, Mr. Zhuo. I'm the director of the research institute under Innovative Pharmaceuticals. You can call me Director Gao." Stepping up to Zhuo Yun, the bald old man said with a smile, While speaking, there was a feeling of superiority through the veins, and he looked down at Zhuo Yun.

Glancing at the bald old man with some disgust, Zhuo Yun waved his hand and said: "Stop talking nonsense, you probably didn't come to me this time to introduce yourself, say, what exactly do you want to say."

Director Gao, who was smiling and ready to welcome Zhuo Yun's warm reception, froze with his half-stretched arms, and the corners of his eyes twitched a few times. The gap between front and back made his eyes reveal strong anger.

"Since Mr. Zhuo Yun is so straightforward, then I will speak directly." Taking a deep breath, Director Gao suppressed the anger in his heart, stepped forward and sat on the sofa opposite, and said with a slightly gloomy expression .

"Sure enough, he's a difficult guy." Seeing Director Gao suppressing his anger, Zhuo Yun was a little surprised to think that he thought that the old man had seen Director Gao's haughty look just now Force will be used immediately.

"I believe that Mr. Zhuo Yun already knows the purpose of our coming. As long as Mr. Zhuo is willing to provide a large amount of that kind of aquatic plants, I can give you [-]% of the shares on behalf of the innovative pharmaceutical group. Don't underestimate the [-]% of the shares. Once Using this aquatic plant to develop new medicines and even skin care products, the income is absolutely astonishing, even if it is [-]% of the shares, it is enough for you to not have to worry about money for the rest of your life."

Speaking of this, Director Gao paused for a moment, and continued with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth: "This kind of miraculous aquatic plants are indeed very valuable, but if there is no way to use them, they are just a pile of weeds." That's all, only by cooperating with our innovative pharmaceutical group can we really make a profit, as long as you agree now and sign the contract, according to the contract, we can immediately pay you 1000 million as a deposit."

Leaning on the sofa, looking at Director Gao who is full of confidence, Zhuo Yun had a meaningful smile on his mouth, which soon turned into laughter, and finally burst into a big laugh, which made Director Gao's face full of confidence. Unable to maintain a smile, his face darkened again.

"What's so funny, are you still not satisfied with such conditions? You have to know that with your current economic strength, you can't completely research and develop aquatic plants. The only way is to cooperate with us." Director Gao suddenly felt a little bit Uneasy, but still confident on the outside.

"Do you know what I'm laughing at?" Staring at Director Gao, Zhuo Yun stopped laughing and asked with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Director Gao shaking his head, Zhuo Yun said with a smile on his face: "I'm laughing at you, but you really have a thick skin, and you can say these things so confidently and so grandly that I blush for you. I really admire how thick-skinned you are, [-]% of the shares, you can figure it out, without the existence of aquatic plants, you can't even get the money of [-]% of the shares."

"You...!" Director Gao blushed for a while, and glared at Zhuo Yun angrily, thinking that he was the director of the research institute.He is also a professor and expert who has won many awards in the Chinese medical circle. Whether it is a high-ranking official or a wealthy businessman, he must be polite when he sees him. He has never been insulted like this, especially when the person who insulted him is just a young man.

"Why, do you have any opinion on what I said, or do you have something to refute." He stretched out his hand to support his chin.Zhuo Yun looked at Director Gao with great interest.

Originally, he planned to solve the problem directly, but now seeing Director Gao, he suddenly changed his mind. This kind of suppression method is also a good choice. Seeing the face of the self-righteous Director Gao become more and more ugly, he still Really nice thing.

"Boy, let me tell you, it's best not to toast and not to drink fine wine. You should know the strength of the New Drug Group. Just because you want to fight our New Drug Group, you will definitely have a dead end. You sign a contract with us now. You can also own [-]% of the shares, once you get stuck, you will not only get nothing, but even your life will be lost." Director Gao Seyin said with a sinister grin.There is a hint of indifference in his expression, obviously he has not done this kind of thing once or twice.

The vitality and other special elements contained in the mysterious aquatic plants have never been touched by the scientific research community. Once the mysterious aquatic plants are thoroughly studied and combined with modern technology, no matter what kind of products are created.It will be something that shocks the world, and it will be an absolute monopoly at that time. Not only will it get inexhaustible wealth, but it will also increase the influence of the New Drug Group in the world.

With the mysterious aquatic plants.It is absolutely possible to elevate the new drug group, which is still developing at a high speed, to the level of a real international giant, and become a pharmaceutical leader that can amaze the world.

Under this kind of temptation, the boss of Xinyao Group immediately issued an order to Director Gao after knowing this, that is, to get water plants at all costs. On the other hand, he did some unreasonable things.

"Oh, the lure was unsuccessful, and now it's changed to a threat. Sure enough, Director Gao's face is beyond my imagination, and the speed of the change is amazing." Zhuo Yun smiled evilly, and smiled with deep eyes: " I am a person who likes to drink fine wine by nature, but once I drink fine wine, I will become a little irritable, and I have to remind you that once you do some things, you will be punished."

"Okay, boy, since you don't know how to compliment, don't blame me for being rude. You don't want to leave the box of the nightclub today." Director Gao completely tore off the mask of hypocrisy on his face, revealing a naked and dark sneer. .

While he was speaking, two muscular men behind him stepped forward, sandwiching Zhuo Yun between them, one on the left and one on the right.

"I have to say, you do have a thick skin, but sometimes, it's not because you have a thick skin." Zhuo Yun smiled without fear, and that indifferent evil smile made Director Gao suddenly feel ominous a feeling of.

Director Gao, who had been holding back his anger all this time, twitched his brows a few more times, his gaze as gloomy as water.

"Catch him to slap his mouth, I want to see how hard your mouth is."

"Yes, Director!" The two burly men nodded, and stretched out their hands to grab Zhuo Yun's arm with serious eyes.

It's just that before the two of them reach out to grab Zhuo Yun's arm, an arm has already grabbed them both.

"Crack!" Two clear and crisp sounds of bone breaking sounded, and two burly men with serious expressions fell to their knees screaming, one arm of each was twisted strangely, and the whole body was trembling violently due to pain .

"It's so funny that these two wastes want to threaten me." With a sneer, Zhuo Yun exerted a slight force on his arm. In this way, Zhuo Yun picked them up one by one, and then threw them on the floor on both sides like throwing garbage.

"Ahhh!" The screams of two burly men resounded in the box of the nightclub. The two wriggled on the ground in pain, and instantly changed from a ferocious tiger to a docile and pitiful kitten.

"Shut up if you don't want to die." Hearing the hoarse and miserable screams, Zhuo Yun shouted in a distraught cold voice, and glanced coldly at the two people on the ground.

The two burly men who were screaming with their mouths open, under Zhuo Yun's gaze, felt a scalp tingling feeling in their hearts, the whole body seemed not to be their own, but they couldn't make any sound at all with their open mouths. He didn't dare to scream anymore.

Director Gao, who saw everything in his eyes, stood up from the sofa in horror, and quickly hid behind the sofa. In his eyes, the harmless little guy who could be easily squeezed at all suddenly turned into a A demon who only eats people but does not spit out bones.

"You, what do you want to do, don't kill me, don't kill me." Director Gao screamed in horror, and rushed towards the door, trying to get out of the room.

"If you want to run, come back." Zhuo Yun sneered indifferently, stretching out his hand under the control of the water control domain, Director Gao who was fleeing, only felt a huge force acting on his body, like an invisible palm As if grabbing him, he returned to the position he was in in the blink of an eye.

The whole process seemed so weird and terrifying, not to mention the cowardly director Gao, even those bold and strong men would probably feel their legs go weak in fright in the face of this situation.

"Devil, devil, you are a devil, please let me go, none of this was my idea, it was arranged by the chairman, everything was arranged by him, and I am only responsible for carrying it out."

Director Gao's legs trembled in fear. If he hadn't held on to the table with his hands, he would have sat down on the ground long ago. His originally neat pants were soaked by a stream of warm liquid, and the smell of sao began to fill the air.

"This guy!" Glancing at Director Gao's lower body, Zhuo Yun's eyes flashed a look of disgust. Unexpectedly, he was just a little frightened. It is estimated that this guy is going to be incontinent. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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