Super black turtle clone

Chapter 222 The Tribunal!

() "Okay, I'm not interested in a little guy like you, don't worry, I won't kill you, killing you will only stain my hands, today I will let you go, go back and talk to yours The chairman made it clear that if you don’t want to die, then don’t want to interfere in this matter, otherwise, the next time he will disappear from this world.”

Putting down these words coldly, Zhuo Yun stepped out of the nightclub box, his legs trembling, Director Gao, who was incontinent in urination, also sat on the ground slumped as if all his strength had been drawn out.

"The devil, he must be a devil. It's too, too terrifying. You must never be an enemy of this person again, absolutely not." Sitting on the ground, Director Gao muttered to himself. At this moment, his mind was completely terrified. It's just that after this period of time passes, will he still have this awareness.

After leaving the nightclub, Zhuo Yun called Liu Shengquan, comforted him, and drove back to the villa where he lived.

Having dinner with the three beauties, Zhuo Yun returned to his room under Wang Yanrou's resentful eyes, and naturally Lei Bao'er sneaked into his room again in the middle of the night, and the passion between the two of them burned again.

The next morning he practiced a lot, and after breakfast, he drove to the edge of the beach. After a while, a white bubble emerged from the water, and inside the bubble was a silver-white box .

Stepping to the front of the bubble, Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand to hold the bubble in his hand, and a sudden cold air covered the bubble with a slight movement of his thoughts. The originally tough bubble was like steel that was frozen to the limit, like the collapse and shattering of glass products.

After destroying the white bubble, he stretched out his hand to grab the silver-white box inside, and Zhuo Yun gently opened a gap in the box.

"Hiss!" Already a multi-millionaire, when he saw the stacks of dollars in the silver-white box, he still couldn't help but feel a rush of emotion.

"With this money, it should be enough." Taking a glance at the US dollars in the box, Zhuo Yun estimated that there must be more than [-] million RMB.

Holding a silver box containing 1000 million yuan in his arms.He really has a feeling that it weighs a thousand catties. In the past, let alone 100 million yuan, even [-] million to [-] million felt very far away.

"Sister Rou, here is [-] million RMB. Take a look, it should be enough for you to deal with the Four Seas Group." Coming to Wang Yanrou's office, Zhuo Yun put the silver-white box on the desk.said with a smile.

Wang Yanrou, who was working, was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and looked at the silver-white box in surprise. When she opened the box and saw the piles of dollars inside, she, who was keeping calm, opened her mouth wide in shock.

"Zhuo Yun, here. Where did you get this money? It can't be stolen." Looking at the stacks of brand-new US dollars, Wang Yanrou said in surprise, her eyes turned into money symbols.

Hearing Wang Yanrou's words, Zhuo Yun really wanted to say that this was indeed stolen, but in the end he suppressed this thought.

"How about it, with these dollars, it should be possible to take down the Four Seas Group."

Unplugged from the attraction of money.Wang Yanrou closed the silver-white box and rolled her eyes with a charming expression: "It's not that simple, and recently I found out that the Four Seas Group is inextricably linked to the famous Four Seas Gang in City Z. Thinking about it like this It will be more difficult to move the Four Seas Group, after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so things may change."

"Four Seas Gang!~" Zhuo Yun repeated in amazement, and only then did he suddenly realize that when the major gangs were besieging the Haiwang Gang.He felt that this Four Seas Gang seemed a little familiar, and now that he thought of it, it was really similar to the name of the Four Seas Group. Maybe the Four Seas Gang was the dark side of the Four Seas Group.

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter. You don't have to worry about the Four Seas Group. You just need to deal with the Four Seas Group wholeheartedly." fight.

"What a vixen." Sensing Wang Yanrou's strange eyes, Zhuo Yun criticized in his heart, and secretly gathered himself together.

Since the last confession.Wang Yanrou became more and more unscrupulous, even when he was having dinner in the villa, she deliberately gave him a sneak peek, which made the jealous Lei Baoer often lose her temper because of such things.

"Little Yunyun!"

Just as Zhuo Yun was calming himself down, there was a sound that was so numb that it felt like the bones were itching.

"Cough, I said Sister Rou, please don't call me that, I can't stand it." Shivering, Zhuo Yun smiled wryly and looked at Wang Yanrou with a charming face.

"No, I'm going to call you Xiaoyunyun." Wang Yanrou put on a look of reluctance, as her body swayed, a pair of huge things on her chest trembled violently. The visual impact made Zhuo Yun very suspicious. Does not pop right out of clothes.

"Little Yunyun, if you give me so much money, aren't you afraid that I'll donate and run away?"

Staring at Wang Yanrou, Zhuo Yun smiled confidently: "Sister Rou, if you really want the money, then take it."

"Cut, it's really boring." Seeing Zhuo Yun's confident look, Wang Yanrou curled her lips in dissatisfaction, but a touch of rosiness appeared on her cheeks.

Continuing to stay in the office, Zhuo Yun doubted whether he would be eaten by Wang Yanrou. In order to avoid any unnecessary troubles, he decisively chose a strategic transfer, left the company and called Biaozi, Let's talk about the Four Seas Gang.

"Boss, don't worry, just leave this matter to me." Biaozi said confidently from the phone.

"Very good!" Zhuo Yun nodded in satisfaction. After these days, Biaozi has gradually lost some of Xu Hun's habits, and began to transform into a real boss, finally living up to him. cultivation.

"By the way, how is the foreigner I asked you to look up? Is there any news about him?"

"Boss, I have dispatched my gang members to search with all my might, and I have notified other gangs in City Z and issued a reward order. I believe there will be clues soon. As long as the other party is still in our City Z, it is absolutely impossible to escape. Out of the control of our Neptune Gang."

"Well, very good, but you have to remember, no matter who finds that foreigner, don't act rashly. That guy is not a good person, and it will be bad if you startle the enemy."

After talking on the phone with Biaozi, Zhuo Yun called Ouyang Zuo again and asked about Nicholas Carey, but to his disappointment, Ouyang Zuo didn't get the slightest clue. Nicholas Carey seemed to have evaporated In general, even Ouyang Zuo wondered if he was still in City Z.

"By the way, according to the latest news, it seems that the Holy See has also sent experts here, and the leader is a big deacon of the tribunal."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun's spirit was lifted, and he asked curiously: "The court, what kind of institution is that of the Holy See, and what level of expert is the chief deacon?"

"The Vatican has a huge organization. Apart from the churches and priests who spread the faith on the surface, it can be divided into three major military institutions: the tribunal, the holy church, and the dark church. Among them, the holy church is the power on the surface, and the dark church It is similar to the Assassins, responsible for doing some shady tasks, one that rarely appears on the bright side, and the last one is the Tribunal, which is also the most powerful force sanctioning institution of the Holy See."

"As the name suggests, the Tribunal is a place for ruling and judging. It is specially responsible for judging heretics and various dark forces. In the Middle Ages, the Tribunal had another name called Death Hell. It was a terrifying killing institution. The chief deacon of the Tribunal It is equivalent to the count of vampires, except that compared with ordinary high deacons, the power of the chief deacon of the tribunal is stronger."

After listening to Ouyang Zuo's narration, Zhuo Yun gasped slightly. He was not frightened by the opponent's strength, but was shocked by the power of the Holy See. It's hard to imagine how powerful the Holy See really is.

"Hehe, you don't have to worry. The Holy See and the vampires are indeed very powerful, but I, Huaxia, are not inferior in the slightest. Don't forget that I, Huaxia, are entrenched dragons, and the little Holy See and vampires cannot be shaken."

"I understand." Zhuo Yun nodded, but his eyes did not relax. The strength of Huaxia is Huaxia after all, and even though he is a citizen of Huaxia, he cannot represent Huaxia. benevolent.

Knowing the arrival of the High Deacon of the Holy See, Zhuo Yun asked the subordinates of the Sea King Gang to search for Nicholas Kerry, and at the same time increase the search for several members of the Holy See.

While the entire city of z was searching with all its strength, in the dark basement of an abandoned factory on the outskirts of city z, a pale and handsome foreign man dressed in a black suit embroidered with gold silk was lying on a coffin-like on the bed.

On the top of the foreign man's body, there is a long sword exuding blood-red light. The sword exudes a thick bloody aura, and the red light flickers into the foreign man's body.

Through these appearances and the blood-colored long sword, there is no doubt that the identity of the foreign man in front of him is none other than Nicholas Carey, whom everyone has failed to find.

Nicholas Kerry, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, opened his eyes suddenly, revealing a pair of blood-red pupils, with bloodthirsty and hatred in his eyes.

"Ahem!" Sitting up from the bed, Nicholas Carey coughed twice, and put away the blood-red sword with gloomy eyes.

"The damned Holy See actually beat this Viscount so badly that he had to flee to China. You wait, when this Viscount recovers from his injuries, I will make you look good." Nicholas Carey muttered to himself with hatred. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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