Super black turtle clone

Chapter 223 is finally here!

() When Nicholas Kerry robbed the holy relics delivered by the Holy See in the United States, he originally planned to flee back to England, where his vampire base camp is located, but things went beyond his imagination. On the way to escape, he was shot by a bishop-level master Injured, he had to change his escape route and fled to China by plane. This was definitely a great shame for the proud and conceited vampire.

"The viscount's injuries have now recovered to [-]%, but the blood of the Huaxia people is too bad to drink. It is really troublesome to look for foreigners in the city every time you hunt for food." Feeling the pain coming from the abdomen Hunger, Nicholas Carrey muttered dissatisfied.

If you are abroad, you can easily find delicious food. Even though there are a lot of foreigners in China now, compared to the vast Chinese people, the number of foreigners is still not worth mentioning. This makes Nicholas Carey Finding food has become a bit difficult.

Footsteps sounded in the abandoned factory, and soon a handsome foreigner in a suit came out. The conspicuous black gold silk robe disappeared, and it was hard to recognize from the appearance of the attire. This is Vampire Nicholas Carrey.

Two hours passed, and Nicholas Kerry, who had left, returned to the abandoned factory again. However, compared with the hungry and pale appearance when he left, he looked much more comfortable when he came back, and a bright red can still be seen at the corner of his mouth .

"Well, someone, could it be that the people from the Wrath of the Dragon God found this place." Secretly guessing in his heart, Nicholas Kerry restrained his breath, and entered the factory like a corpse without the slightest breath. footsteps.

When Nicholas Kerry walked into the factory, he didn't notice that on a high tower hundreds of meters away, two men in black were using binoculars to monitor the situation here. Followed by Nicholas Carey.

"Boss, just now we discovered that someone has entered the factory." One of the men in black hurriedly dialed the phone and reported in a low voice with a dignified expression.

After listening to the man in black for a while, he continued: "It should not be the police, there is only one person on the other side."

"Okay. I see." The man in black nodded and hung up the phone, picked up the binoculars again and stared in the direction of the abandoned factory.

"Brother, what do you say, Boss, we are anxious to discuss with the other gangs about dealing with the Neptune Gang, but it is absolutely confidential, and no one is allowed to leak the information." Another man in black turned his head and asked.

"Don't worry, the boss has already set up secret sentries around. As long as that guy dares to go in, he will only have a dead end."

"That's good, but I always feel that the boss's actions this time are a bit ill-considered. The strength of the Neptune Gang is too strong. The dozen or so small submachine guns alone are enough to make it difficult for our major gangs to parry."

"Don't worry about it. These things are not something we can participate in. Maybe the bosses have a way to deal with it. Let's just do our own work well."

"That's right, let's observe the surrounding situation carefully. I don't know why my heart is always fuzzy. It seems that something bad is about to happen."

"You bastard, don't say such frustrating words, okay? If something really happens, I will definitely." The man in black stopped at this point, with a horrified look on his face, as if he had discovered something unbelievable. scary thing.

"What's the matter, what did you see?" The companion next to him asked strangely when he saw the horrified look of the man in black, and turned his head to look in the direction of the abandoned factory through the binoculars.

through a high powered telescope.In the spacious open space outside the factory, two men with guns were running away in panic. Behind them, a figure walked leisurely.

This was not what shocked the two of them the most. What shocked the two of them the most was that the two men with guns shot at the figures behind them, but none of them were hit by bullets.All were dodged.

Just when the two were shocked by the scene in front of them, a black shadow flashed past in their sight, and the figure that was originally more than ten meters away disappeared in place in an instant, and when the two of them reacted.It was found that the figure had already caught up with the two people who were fleeing.

Blood sprayed out like a fountain, the heads of the two people had disappeared, and the blood sprayed into the air, like blood rain falling from the sky and falling on the body of that figure.

Through the high-powered binoculars, the two people far away on the tower could even see that pale and handsome face, as well as the expression of joy enjoying the coming of blood.

Just when the two were shocked by the sight in front of them, Nicholas Kerry, who was enjoying the rain of blood, opened his eyes suddenly, and a bloodthirsty chill emanated from his blood-red eyes, and he looked directly in the direction of the tower.

The two people who were holding high-powered binoculars happened to collide with the sight of Nicholas' eyes through the binoculars. In an instant, a strong sense of fear erupted in their hearts, and the binoculars fell to the ground with trembling hands.

"Monster, devil!" The two shouted in panic, and hurriedly climbed towards the bottom of the tower, looking anxious, as if they wanted to jump to the ground immediately.

"It's strange, could it be my illusion." Nicholas Carey shook his head in doubt after staring at the tower in the distance for a while.

Just now, under the stimulation of blood, his senses became extremely sharp, and he felt a feeling of being watched, but when he wanted to sense it carefully, he found that it disappeared in an instant.

"Forget it, with these people as food, even though they are all Chinese people who don't drink well, they are enough for me to recover from my injuries, and then I can leave here and return to the hometown of this Viscount." Nicholas Kerry's eyes Excited light flickered in the middle of the body, while the blood-red light on the body flickered, the sprayed blood gathered in the air in an unreasonable posture, and in the blink of an eye, the two corpses that lost their heads turned into two mummies, and the blood coagulated into a ball the size of a football. blood cell.

Holding the blood cells containing fresh energy, Nicholas Carey walked back to the factory gracefully. In an instant, nearly 20 people in the factory were all turned into mummies that seemed to have been dried for several years. The blood cells were only the size of footballs. It also expanded to the size of one person, completely wrapping Nicholas Kerry in it.

Another day passed in a blink of an eye. Compared to finding Nicholas Kerry, who was very difficult, and the coquettish Vatican and others in church attire, it was not difficult at all, and they were easily found by younger brothers all over the city.

"Boss, there is news about the foreigner you asked us to look for." While Zhuo Yun was eating breakfast, Biaozi called.

Zhuo Yun, who didn't care at first, stared fiercely when he heard this, and stepped out of the hall.

"Is the news I got reliable? Where is it and how did I find it?" Zhuo Yun asked in a breath, suppressing his heart-wrenching emotions.

"Boss, the source of this news is absolutely reliable. I got the news from a younger brother of the Four Seas Gang. According to that younger brother, the Four Seas Gang and other major gangs have evil intentions. After the last failure, they tried to unite again. The bosses of several major gangs in an abandoned factory gathered together to discuss how to deal with our Neptune gang, while the younger brother was in charge of monitoring the situation around the abandoned factory a few hundred meters away."

"According to his narration, at that time, a foreign man walked into the factory alone, and then they saw that foreign man easily caught up with two of the Universal Helpers armed with guns, and instantly beheaded both of them. He came down, and he also saw that the foreign man's eyes were blood red."

After listening to Biaozi's narration, Zhuo Yun was sure that the foreign man should be Nicholas Kerry. He didn't expect that the man would hide in a dilapidated factory in the suburbs far away from the city.

Now that he got the news from Nicholas Kerry, according to his original idea, he immediately informed Ouyang Zuo that he was going to join forces to capture Nicholas Kerry, but now he gave up his original idea.

Nicholas Kerry is undoubtedly a formidable opponent, even if Ouyang Zuo may have other preparations, once he fights Nicholas Kerry with the strength of Daofeng and others, it will definitely be a dead end. If it was before, he might not have a better way, but now Let him find a better opportunity.

"Biaozi, you arrange your subordinates to spread this news unintentionally to the group of foreign church personnel I asked you to search for, and remember not to make them suspicious." After thinking for a while, Zhuo Yun finally decided He opened his mouth to act according to his own ideas.

"It's the boss. I will complete the task perfectly." Biaozi nodded without hesitation. He would not ask the reason for Zhuo Yun's order, but only knew to carry it out. This is one of Zhuo Yun's willingness to promote him. one of the reasons.

After ordering Biaozi, Zhuo Yun was not in the mood to continue eating, and immediately drove to the abandoned factory that Biaozi mentioned, and waited on a high tower several hundred meters away.

To be honest, he really wanted to rush in and fight Nicholas Kerry immediately, but he promised Ouyang Zuo before that he could not act privately, and now he sent someone to notify the people in the Holy See, so naturally he could only wait quietly for the opportunity.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Zhuo Yun still underestimated the patience of the Holy See and the others. It was not until the sky was slightly dark that the Holy See and his group quickly approached from a distance. Everyone was wearing church clothes. Robe, with a hat on his head, looks like a lonely traveler.

"It's finally here, let me see if the Archdeacon of the Holy See is more powerful, or the Viscount Vampire is more powerful." Sitting on the tower, Zhuo Yun watched with binoculars, with a look of interest on the corner of his mouth , This feeling of sitting and waiting to be a fisherman has a little more pleasure of waiting than doing it yourself. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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