Super black turtle clone

Chapter 227 Unexpected Harvest!

() Chihu is arrogant and hot, but Kojimagawa and others are also not good-tempered sheep, Musashi Yusan stepped forward, and said coldly: "Your Excellency's tone is too arrogant, I'm afraid you don't have the strength. "

"Okay, since you want to die, I will help you." Chihu roared tyrannically, with fiery waves emitting from his whole body, and his whole body instantly turned into a burning man.

"Quack, it's really great, fight, hurry up, it's best to kill both sides, the blood of so many masters will definitely allow me to fully recover the energy consumed." Standing in the middle, the vampire Nicholas Kerry thought to himself Happy to urge.

"Chihu, come back!" At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded, and the Chihu, who was ready to go, stopped when he heard the sound. .

"Humph, you're lucky." Chihu snorted coldly, and walked back to his team. Only then did Kojimagawa and the others discover Wang Yang in the team.

Compared with the majestic Chihu, Wang Yang looks like an ordinary person. Standing there, it is difficult for people to want to associate him with a master. However, from the words just now, Kojimagawa and others can see that It turns out that he is the true leader of the Wrath of the Dragon God team members.

"Your Excellency is Master Kojimagawa of the Excalibur Stream. I am Wang Yang, the team leader of the Wrath of the Dragon God. Nice to meet you." Wang Yang said politely with a smile like an elegant Confucian scholar.

The so-called stretching out his hand and not hitting a smiling face, Kojimagawa could only return the gift with the etiquette of a swordsman, but his vigilant eyes did not relax in the slightest.

"I believe Master Kojimagawa is also here for this vampire." After speaking, Wang Yang glanced at Kojimagawa, who was on the other side of the ground, and said with a smile, "How about this, let's kill this vampire first." Catch it, as for the distribution of the left one, it all depends on their respective strengths."

Kojimagawa rolled his eyeballs several times, and after thinking for a moment, he nodded helplessly.

The current situation.Wang Yang's proposal is definitely the best way. After all, if the two of them had a duel first, it would be easy for Nicholas Carey to take the opportunity to escape. No matter who wins, it will not be worth the loss.

"Damn it, as expected, Chinese people are the most insidious, even more insidious than those in the Holy See." Glaring at the smiling Wang Yang, Nicholas Kerry was very angry.The original good form was blocked by Wang Yang, and he came up with this sinister idea in his opinion.

Although Nicholas Kerry was very angry, he was unable to stop the cooperation between the two parties.

"Very good, then the two of us will catch him, and the others will give this vampire an opportunity." Wang Yang nodded with a smile.He cast a look at Chihu and the others, and stepped forward.

Kojimagawa also asked Musashi to retreat to the distance, and stepped forward with the hilt of his sword in his hand, approaching the vampire Nicholas Kerry in a front and back attack.

Nicholas Carey sized up the two of them with a pair of blood-red eyes, but he didn't act immediately, he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

Just when the two were less than two meters away from him, Nicholas Kerry's pair of wings flickered suddenly.Standing up straight from the ground, he wanted to fly away.

"Hmph, I thought you would do this a long time ago." Wang Yang sneered, waved his hand suddenly, and a water whip flew out, wrapping around Nicholas Kerry's body at once, pulling his rising figure back.

On the other side, Kojimagawa was not idle either. While Wang Yang grabbed Nicholas Kerry, he jumped up.The samurai sword inserted in the scabbard at the waist was pulled out suddenly with a burst of sparks, and the sharp and rapid sword aura permeated instantly.

"Excalibur flows sword skills, and the Excalibur draws the sword to slash!"

"Boom!" Nicholas Kerry only had time to resist with the blood-red sword in his hand, and his whole body was sent flying by the slashing sword energy, and fell to the ground below.

Almost as soon as Nicholas Kerry fell to the ground, smashing a hole in the ground, Wang Yang's brewing moves just happened to be connected without interval.

"Infinite Waterfall!"

A huge water column fell from the sky like a waterfall.It directly hit the ground where Nicholas Kerry was, and the violent impact force splashed the surrounding mud and sand, and a huge crater was formed by the impact at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The violent current gradually dissipated, revealing the impact pothole.In the middle of the pit, Nicholas Kerry lay there vomiting blood, even a pair of wings were bloody, obviously seriously injured.

"It's so powerful!" Zhuo Yun, who was watching from a distance, marveled secretly, but he was also a little puzzled. Although both of them are very strong, it's just that Nicholas Kerry's strength is also slightly weaker. As for the mere two moves, he was seriously injured.

This doubt was only fleeting, and soon he was attracted by the next thing.

After severely injuring Nicholas Carey, Chitora and Musashi Yuzo pulled him out of the pothole and locked him with special iron chains.

"Okay, now that Nicholas Carey has been caught, it's time to determine his ownership." Glancing at the severely injured Nicholas Carey, Wang Yang looked at Kojimagawa with a smile on his lips.

The corner of Kojimagawa's mouth twitched, facing Wang Yang who was always smiling, even though he was well-informed and had become a master of swordsmanship, he still felt a little guilty.

"Yuxi, I have been friends with Dragon God's Wrath for a long time, and today I just met a master of Dragon God's Wrath." Kojimagawa held a samurai sword in his hand, exuding a fierce aura, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a The samurai sword with a cold handle gives people a feeling that everything is invulnerable.

Compared with the aura emanating from Xiao Daochuan, Wang Yang's performance can only be described as weird. His whole body seems to have turned into a black hole that swallows everything. The aura emanating from Xiao Daochuan can't affect it at all. It's spotless.

Except for the two of them, everyone else also chose their own opponents. For a while, this empty field became a battlefield for fighting.

With the start of the battle between Xiao Daochuan and Wang Yang, the fight on the entire battlefield officially started, and the roaring explosions continued, which made Zhuo Yun, who was watching from the tall tower in the distance, admire secretly, staring at Wang Yang and Xiao Dao Chuan Chuan's battle, at his level, only masters like Wang Yang and Xiao Daochuan can really arouse his interest.

After some observation, Zhuo Yun couldn't help secretly admiring Wang Yang's strength, and got a lot of inspiration from it.Let him be a little excited and concentrate all his energy to wait and see.

Wang Yang's ability is also similar to the ability to control water, and it seems to be a little different, but it is undeniable that his development and application of water control ability is unmatched by Zhuo Yun. Primary school level, if you don't add your own ice ability.It is almost impossible to defeat Wang Yang.

Just when everyone was focusing on the battlefield, no one noticed that Nicholas Kerry, who was lying there dying of serious injuries, was recovering from his injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye. It took almost ten seconds. The whole person became energetic again.Of course, the aura emanating from the body is also much weaker.

A pair of blood-red pupils glanced at the people fighting on the battlefield, a sly smile appeared on the corner of Nicholas Kerry's mouth, and at some point in his hand, the blood-red sword appeared again.

"Crack!" There was a crisp cracking sound, and if it was in normal times, with the strength of everyone present, they would definitely be able to detect it easily.Now no one heard it.

"Boom!" There was a roar, and the sudden sound did not cause much sweeping up, but when Wang Yang glanced at it, his demeanor suddenly changed.

"No, Nicholas Carey has escaped." Wang Yang shouted angrily, but was stopped by Kojimagawa when he wanted to chase him.

"What, what's going on!"

"No, Nicholas Carey really escaped. Stop quickly, or it will be too late."

The other combatants have also discovered this situation one after another, but they are fighting too fiercely, and not everyone has discovered that it is impossible to stop fighting for a while, so they can only look at Nicholas Carey helplessly. His body turned into a streak of blood and disappeared.

When Wang Yang and others discovered that Nicholas Kerry had fled.Zhuo Yun, who was far away on the high tower, had already noticed the abnormal movement. He was secretly depressed at first, but when he saw clearly the direction of Nicholas Carey's escape, his depressed mood was swept away.

"Hey, you boy, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, so don't blame me for being rude." Zhuo Yun, who was hiding at the top of the tower, restrained his whole body, looked at the people who were going fast Nicholas Kerry, who flew towards his direction, had strong excitement on the corners of his mouth.

What he thought had no chance at first, turned around and fell into his hands again. Even Zhuo Yun almost couldn't help but want to yell twice.

Nicholas Kerry fled at full speed at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye he had already rushed to the edge of the tower. The moment his figure passed by the tower, a black shadow shot out from above and shot at Nicholas. Before Kerry realized what was going on, she had already jumped on him.

"Ice power, fully activate it for me." Zhuo Yun snorted softly, and the vitality that had been prepared in his body gushed out frantically, exuding an astonishing coldness that wrapped around Nicholas Kerry's body, instantly freezing it into a huge The ice sculpture, the tragic Nicholas Carey in the whole process didn't even have the ability to resist.

After completely freezing Nicholas Kerry, Zhuo Yun remembered a serious problem. He seemed to be hundreds of meters above the sky.

"Damn it, fight it!" With a soft drink, he quickly put the frozen Nicholas Kerry into the space between his brows, exerting the water control field to the extreme, freezing the water vapor within the envelope into pieces of ice, with the help of these ice pieces To relieve the force of the fall, despite the danger, he finally landed on the ground safe and sound.

"Hoohoo, I finally came down, and I broke out in a cold sweat just now." Feeling a bit chilly on his back, Zhuo Yun gave a wry smile, and immediately threw off his footsteps and rushed into the distant forest, disappearing in the vast forest in the blink of an eye among.

Two to three minutes later, two figures appeared outside the mountain forest like ghosts, followed by one figure after another, it was Xiao Daochuan, Wang Yang and others.

"Team leader, what should we do now? Who was that person just now? It seems that he used an ice-type ability. Could it be Leng Ji from the fifth unit." The thin and thin Gaifeng asked with an ugly expression.

Everyone would feel angry that the fat that was about to be obtained was snatched away by others like this. Regarding the roundup of Nicholas Kerry, Wrath of the Dragon God can be said to be determined to win, but they did not expect such a situation to happen.

Wang Yang shook his head lightly: "It shouldn't be her. We all know Leng Ji's strength. She definitely doesn't have this ability. If it was her just now, even if it was able to freeze Nicholas Kerry, she would definitely fall to her death. This name Ice-type abilities are much stronger than Leng Ji."

"Team leader, what should we do now, can't we just give up like this." The fiery-tempered Chihu said with fiery dissatisfaction all over his body.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yang, who had been smiling all the time, glanced at Chihu next to him with a slightly gloomy expression. It was this look that made the irritable and lawless Chihu shudder uncontrollably, as if Thinking of something unpleasant, he retreated angrily.

"Now the other party has fled into the forest, not to mention us, even with five or six times the number of people, it is a drop in the ocean for this forest, not to mention the opponent's strength is not bad, if you encounter a surprise attack , You people probably won't be his opponent." Wang Yang analyzed calmly.

"Let's go back. Instead of doing useless searches, it's better to send people to block the surrounding roads and use our Dragon God's Wrath news network to conduct all-round monitoring."

After speaking, Wang Yang turned his head and left, not intending to stay at all, and Chi Hu and others could only keep up with frustration.

"Master Kojimagawa, what are we going to do now, the people from Dragon God's Wrath have already left, should we also leave?" Glancing at the endless forest, Musashi asked suspiciously.

He also has the same worries as Wang Yang, not to mention whether he can find the fisherman Zhuo Yun in the mountains, even if he can find it, once it spreads out, apart from Kojimagawa, even Musashi Yusan has no absolute confidence in defeating him. Zhuo Yun.

"Baga, this is Huaxia. Wrath of the Dragon God has other ways to find that despicable guy. As outsiders, we have no chance at all if we leave. This trip to China must be carried by Nicholas Kerry." Go to the mountain immediately and find that guy." Xiao Daochuan shouted angrily, and rushed towards the forest first while waving his hands.

"Hey!" Seeing this, Musashi Yusan shook his head helplessly. He knew how tempting the sacred object in Nicholas Kerry's hand was to Kojimagawa. Keep up with Kojimagawa. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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