Super black turtle clone

Chapter 228 Killing one by one!

() When Xiao Daochuan and others rushed into the mountain forest to find Zhuo Yun's trace, he ran all the way to the depths of the mountain forest. Coincidentally, he came across a cave in the middle of a mountain. It should have been Xiong Xiazi's residence in the past. The cave The area is very spacious, Zhuo Yun stepped into the cave.

After resting in the cave for a while, Zhuo Yun's thoughts moved slightly, and an ice sculpture exuding a chill appeared on the ground of the cave.

Through the thick layer of ice, one could clearly see the inside. Nicholas Kerry, who was full of horror and resignation, was probably completely frozen. He didn't understand why he was so unlucky. He was attacked and frozen just after trying to escape. .

Glancing at the frozen Nicholas Kerry, Zhuo Yun was secretly amused. Originally, without his existence, Nicholas Kerry might have escaped from Kojimagawa, Wang Yang and others. Unfortunately, he didn't read the almanac when he went out, so Unlucky god possessed.

"Huh!" Just as Zhuo Yun was observing Nicholas Kerry, an inexplicable feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, and he felt it carefully and found that this feeling came from the space between his eyebrows.

"This is!" His mind merged into the space between his brows, and when Zhuo Yun found something that touched him, his face couldn't help but become a little weird.

In the space between the eyebrows, a blood-red gouyu is emitting bursts of red light, as if attracted by something, and there is a feeling of impatient.

"It's strange, how could this bloody gouyu have such a big reaction." Zhuo Yun secretly wondered, before Kitano Meidaizi wanted to merge the bloody gouyu, but the bloody gouyu didn't have the slightest reaction, but now there is such a change.

Out of curiosity, Zhuo Yun took out the bloody Gouyu from the space between his eyebrows with a slight movement of his mind.

As a result, as soon as the bloody Gouyu left the space between the eyebrows, it immediately became more active, and its light flickered more frequently, as if it was one step closer to the thing that attracted it.

"Could it be because of him." Looking up at the frozen vampire Nicholas Carrey in front of him, Zhuo Yun exclaimed with a flash of inspiration in his mind.

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed possible.There were only him and Nicholas Kerry present, and judging from the performance of Bloody Gouyu, it was obvious that he was attracted by Nicholas Kerry.

"It's strange, why is this? Could it be that there is some relationship between the bloody Gouyu and Nicholas Kerry." With this kind of doubt, Zhuo Yun wanted to undo the freezing on Nicholas Kerry's body, and test whether it was what happened.Reason told him that he couldn't do this, who knew what would happen if the two contacted, once it was beneficial to Nicholas Carey, it would be a huge disaster.

Just when Zhuo Yun was hesitating, he didn't know whether it was time to melt the thick ice on Nicholas Kerry's body, to see the changes of the bloody Gouyu.It's time to put the two away, and when the strength becomes stronger before making a move, a burst of footsteps suddenly came from outside the cave.

After moving his ears, Zhuo Yun immediately waved the frozen Nicholas Kerry into the space between the eyebrows, and used the water control domain to have a panoramic view of the outside situation. .

"Qingtian, did you feel it just now? There seems to be a chill emanating from the cave. Now it has disappeared."

"Yaoxi, I also feel it. From my perspective, this cave is probably weird. The guy who captured the vampire may be inside."

"What, what should we do? If that guy is inside, we can't possibly be his opponents, Qing Tian. I think we'd better not go in."

"Haha, Yukio, you are such a coward, I'm just joking, you still believe that that guy robbed us of something that originally belonged to us, how could he dare to stay, probably already escaped from this deep mountain. "

While talking, the two walked into the cave.It never occurred to him that Zhuo Yun did not escape far away, but was inside this cave.

The two just walked into the cave, borrowing the light from outside.Immediately, they spotted Zhuo Yun standing there, looking at them with a playful look.

"Baga!!" Qingtian and Yukio exclaimed, the arms holding the samurai sword trembled slightly, and they turned around and fled outside almost in unison.

Just when the two were about to rush out of the cave, they felt a chill sweeping over their bodies, and they lost consciousness.

"Ka Ka Ka!" The two people who had just fled to the entrance of the cave were instantly frozen into two ice sculptures by a gust of cold air, standing lifelike on both sides of the cave entrance, like door gods.

"It seems that these Japanese devils didn't give up. They dared to chase them into the mountains and forests. They really don't know what to do. Since you want to seek death, I will grant you." A chill emerged from the corner of Zhuo Yun's mouth.

On an open space not far from the cave, Zhuo Yun stood there with a calm expression, holding two flares seized from Qingtian and Yukio in his hands.

"The Japanese devils are really interesting. They still use signal flares in this era." Zhuo Yun was speechless looking at the fireworks-like things in his hands.

In today's high-tech era, if you just use a walkie-talkie, the traditional signal bomb will be much stronger.

"Touch!" Twisting the mechanism below, a group of fiery red rays of light gushed out from it, flew into the air and exploded, forming a pattern of the sun.

"It's really patriotic, even the signal flares are made into the national emblem." A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Zhuo Yunfei jumped onto a big tree next to him, waiting quietly.

Not long after the signal bomb flew out, a burst of hurried footsteps came to his ears from a distance, and then the figure broke into the envelope of the water control domain.

"The first one!" Zhuo Yun, who was hiding on the big tree, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, his killing intent attached to Yaodao Murao, and his figure disappeared instantly.

The warrior from the Japanese country who had just rushed to his senses was cut off by a flash of cold light before he came back to his senses, and the head was thrown into the air. His last sight was only his headless body standing on the ground.

"Kaka!" The cold air surged, and the body of the warrior from the Japanese kingdom was instantly frozen together with the thrown head, without even a trace of bloody smell escaping.

After getting rid of the first person, Zhuo Yun quickly buried the body and waited for the next person to arrive.

The killing was carried out so easily, and in the blink of an eye, six people had already died under Murasame's sword. Whether it was one person, or two or three people, they all became souls under the sword of the demon sword Murasame.

When beheading the Japanese swordsman, Zhuo Yun discovered that Cun Yu can not only amplify water attribute abilities, but even ice attribute abilities can also increase to a certain extent, but it is weaker than water attribute abilities up some.

Three figures in the forest in the distance approached quickly again, the leader of which was Musashi Yuzo, and beside him were two other disciples of the Divine Sword Style. Among them, except Master Kojimagawa, the three of them One is the strongest of the three.

This is also deliberately arranged by Musashi Yusan, because he knows Zhuo Yun's strength. For his own safety, there is no doubt that the three strongest gathered together will have a better chance of winning. Can choose to abandon.

"Stop!" Just as the three of them rushed towards the signal flare, Musashi Yuzo, who was rushing to the front, suddenly stopped and waved.

"Master Musashi, have you found any traces of the enemy?" The two people following him stopped immediately, forming a triangle on guard, and one of them asked a little nervously.

Musashi Yusan stood on the spot with a dignified face, holding his palm tightly on the hilt of the knife, and said in a distressed tone: "No, I didn't find any trace of the enemy, but the atmosphere here reveals a strange, we still It's better to be careful, I always feel a little uneasy."

"Yes, my lord!" The other two also tightened their samurai swords, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and nodded in response, looking solemnly at the area they were responsible for guarding.

"Finally, there are three worthwhile guys here, but one of them can escape the fate of death. It's a bit naive." Zhuo Yun, who sensed everything through the water control domain, licked bloodthirstyly. He licked his lips, the continuous killing had inspired the killing intent in his heart.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Just when the three entered and were less than three meters away from Zhuo Yun's location, an ice cone suddenly appeared out of thin air and shot towards the three of them quickly.

"The enemy has appeared!" Musashi Yusan exclaimed, and the three of them pulled out the samurai swords at their waists as quickly as lightning in the posture of drawing swords, and turned into a sky full of sword light, resisting the ice picks one by one in the sword light outside.

Just when the three of them were blocking the attack of the ice cone, a figure suddenly appeared in the midair. Before the attack was launched, the severe chill had already made the three of them shudder.

"One sword breaks all spells, and the glacier slashes with one sword!" As Zhuo Yun chanted the name he had given before, the cold air on the Murasame Sword in Zhuo Yun's hand rose sharply, and in an instant, the Murasame Sword was like a blood-red sword, changing into a handle more than ten meters away. The long and huge ice sword descended from the sky and slashed at the three people who formed the trinity formation.

Before the huge sword was in the air, the bone-chilling chill had already made Musashi Yusan tremble with fear. At the moment when facing Glacier with a sword slash, Musashi Yusan dodged at the fastest speed in his life, completely ignoring the other two fellow swordsmen beside him .

The giant ice sword exuding an astonishing chill slashed down, without the assistance of Musashi Yuzo, and the other two had no resistance at all, and were submerged by the giant ice sword in an instant. Compared to the people who were frozen before, the two The tragedy directly shattered into countless pieces, not even a whole body was left.

Not only that, centering on the ground hit by the ice giant sword, the ground within a radius of ten meters was eroded by the severe cold, no matter whether it was trees or rocks, they were all frozen. Musashi Yousan, who was ten meters away, was dumbfounded. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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