Super black turtle clone

Chapter 229 Liu Shengquan Was Kidnapped!

() At this moment, Musashi Yusan didn't have the slightest courage to continue fighting. He glanced at Zhuo Yun who was holding the Murasame sword, and fled in fright like a fish slipping through the net.

Glancing at the fleeing Musashi Yuzo, Zhuo Yun sneered, and followed closely with Murasame sword in his hand.

Looking at Musashi Yusan who was fleeing in front of him, Zhuo Yun's eyes flickered with murderous intent, just when he was about to swing his sword to finish off the opponent, a hair-raising aura suddenly appeared, making him have to give up this idea .

"Excalibur sword skills, sword dance!"

A cold voice sounded, and Kojimagawa suddenly appeared holding a samurai sword. Bright sword energy burst out from the samurai sword in his hand, surrounding Zhuo Yun like flying petals. Once hit, he would definitely be smashed into pieces.

"Hmph, ice cover!" With a soft drink with no expression on his face, a huge ice defense cover appeared, enveloping Zhuo Yun in it.

"Boom boom boom!" It turned into sword aura like flying petals, and swarms hit the ice cover. The sharp sword aura tore apart pieces of ice, and finally tore the ice cover only thin layer.

Glancing at the thin layer of ice cover, Zhuo Yun secretly sighed that he is indeed a master of the Excalibur style, and his swordsmanship is indeed very good.

You must know the defensive power of his ice shield, even if it is a submachine gun bullet, it cannot be pierced by a single shuttle, and the moves performed by Kojimagawa have abruptly worn it down to what it is now, if there is one more Sword Qi, it is estimated that the ice shield will be completely broken.

Compared to the astonished Zhuo Yun, Master Kojimagawa's mood at the moment is even more depressed and astonished. Originally, in his opinion, his shameless sneak attack was enough to strangle Zhuo Yun to death, but the result disappointed him greatly, and he easily resisted it. The sneak attack he had prepared made this cheeky master a little bit overwhelmed.

"Who are you, why are you against us? As long as you call out that evil vampire, I, Xiao Daochuan, can promise to let you go and leave here." Xiao Daochuan said indifferently, his tone full of Gained the color of self-confidence.

"Oh, interesting, why should I hand over that vampire? Is it because you have two legs?" Zhuo Yun sneered, to this pretentious old man.He has no respect for the elderly.

Xiao Daochuan, who likes to pretend, blushed a little when he heard this, and exuded a murderous intent all over his body: "Since Your Excellency is stubborn, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless."

At the same time as he finished speaking, Kojimagawa's whole body was full of sword energy, and the sword energy on the samurai sword in his hand was hesitant.With flashes on his body, he arrived in front of Zhuo Yun, and the fierce sword energy roared towards him like a sea of ​​swords.

"Hmph, let me test my current strength today." With a sneer in my heart, under the induction of the water control field, Kojimagawa's violent attack is completely visible, and the cold air of Yaodao Village Yushang is also facing Kojimagawa Cut away, the sky is full of sword energy and sword light.The bursting sword energy tore the surrounding trees to pieces, and the severe cold air almost condensed the surrounding air.

Kojimagawa attacked crazily. The samurai sword in his hand was also a powerful and famous sword, second only to Zhuo Yun's Murasame. No matter how he attacked, he couldn't break through Zhuo Yun's defense.

"How could this be? How could his defense be so strong." Kojimagawa kept attacking.The faint horror in my heart has turned into horror later.

It's a pity that he didn't know the existence of the water control domain at all, coupled with Zhuo Yun's understanding of Taiji these days, it made his defense methods even stronger.

Just like this, the two were fighting fiercely. Musashi Yuzo hid in the distance, watching nervously, and gradually he discovered a strange phenomenon.

Bits of mist like ice crystals began to emerge in the air where the two were fighting.This kind of mist gathered more and more, and began to cover the surroundings, and to his surprise, the coldness of the mist exceeded his imagination.Some leaves that touch will be frozen instantly.

After Musashi Yusan's careful observation, he found that every sword Zhuo Yun swung carried a strong cold air. Although this cold air was dispersed by Master Kojimagawa's sword energy, it did not disappear, but was integrated into the surrounding air. Only then did so many ice crystal-like mist appear.

"Master, be careful!" Musashi Yousan, who was watching, changed his complexion suddenly, and shouted with a sense of foreboding in his heart.

Kojimagawa, who was fighting, was slightly shocked when he heard Musashi Yousan's words, and for a moment he didn't understand the meaning of Musashi Yousan's words.

"Hmph, it's too late!" Zhuo Yun sneered, under the cover of the water control domain, the icy mist suspended around instantly erupted, and the cold air like absolute zero raged, even the air was frozen in an instant .

The cold air invaded his body, Master Kojimagawa's complexion suddenly changed, he urged the samurai sword in his hand, and tried to resist the cold air with a burst of sword energy, but it was too late to do so, the strong cold air made his body appear There was a brief stiffness.

"Go to hell!" Zhuo Yun sneered, and swung Cunyu in his hand suddenly. The cold air in the air attached to Cunyujian's sword at an astonishing speed, turning into a sword aura formed by the condensed cold air.

"Ka Ka Ka!" Wherever the sword qi passed, whether it was the air or the plants, they all froze instantly.

"Baga, Excalibur flow sword skills, Excalibur Slash!" Under the threat of death, Master Kojimagawa shouted violently, the sword energy on the samurai sword in his hand surged, and the whole person seemed to be integrated into the samurai sword, turning into one With an indestructible sharp sword, he slashed at Zhuo Yun's sword qi.

Excalibur Zhan was indeed Kojimagawa's death-defying trick, the sword energy was very fierce, and the sword energy condensed with cold air collapsed instantly after resisting the attack of Excalibur Zhan for a moment.

"Haha, God bless you, Master Kojimagawa is going to win." Seeing this, Musashi, who was hiding in the distance, thought excitedly, and just as he was about to rush out from Tazang, he was stunned. A scene appeared.

Xiao Daochuan, who defeated the cold air and sword energy, rushed headlong into the dissipated cold air, and when he flew above Zhuo Yun, he had already turned into an elite ice sculpture. Although the impact force was still strong, it was gone. The power of Excalibur Slash was easily resisted by Zhuo Yun.

"How could this happen?" Musashi Yusan, who was watching from a distance, felt a chill rushing from his feet to his heart. The strong fear in his heart made him turn around without much hesitation, and fled into the forest at the fastest speed. disappeared.

"Think he escaped quickly." Putting away the Murasame sword, Zhuo Yun glanced coldly at the direction in which Musashi Yusan was escaping.

As for Musashi Yousan, he has no interest in chasing after them. Anyway, he has achieved his goal this time. Not only did he kill the Japanese warriors including Kojimagawa, but he also managed to get Nicholas Kerry. Said to be the perfect ending.

To avoid accidents, Zhuo Yun shattered the ice sculpture transformed by Xiaodaochuan, and naturally the frozen Xiaodaochuan was also shattered into countless pieces.

After completely killing Kojimagawa, he left the forest overnight, arrived at the location of the sports car he had parked before at dawn, and drove the sports car back to the downtown area of ​​City Z.

There were many interrogations by traffic police along the way, but facing Zhuo Yun who was driving a luxury car, traffic police was just a routine matter.

People nowadays are very realistic. People who drive luxury cars like this are generally not rich and powerful sons. Once offended, they may lose their jobs.

There is no ordinary social police who would be idle and have nothing to do. They just checked briefly and let Zhuo Yun go.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong!" While driving the car, Zhuo Yun turned on the closed cell phone, but not long after turning it on, several text message notifications sounded in succession.

Turned on the phone and glanced, there were a few calls from Lei Bao'er and the others, and a few calls were made from Liu Shengquan's number. There were four calls in total, and it turned out that they were all at eleven or twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

After returning a call to Lei Baoer, Zhuo Yun dialed Liu Shengquan's cell phone number suspiciously.

After a relatively long CRBT, the phone was connected, and a strange man's voice came out from the phone.

"Who are you? This should be Liu Shengquan's mobile phone number." Hearing the fierce voice from the mobile phone, Zhuo Yun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"You are Zhuo Yun!" The other party did not respond to his question, but asked in a strange tone after hesitating for a while.

"That's right, I'm Zhuo Yun, why do you have Liu Shengquan's cell phone, and where is he now?"

"Hey, I finally found the real owner. I have been calling you and I can't get through. I was a little impatient and planned to throw Liu Shengquan into the sea to feed the sharks. Now that you have called, I will let him live for a while. .” The man’s slightly excited voice sounded on the phone.

Zhuo Yun, who originally just had a bad feeling, is now certain that Liu Shengquan was kidnapped.

"It's strange, who kidnapped Liu Shengquan? He has no money, is not handsome, and is not a rich second generation." Confused in his heart, Zhuo Yun suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly remembered the most likely Condition.

"You are from Xinyao Group, as long as you don't hurt Liu Shengquan, I can cooperate with you."

The man on the phone was silent for a moment, and then let out a sharp laugh and said: "Hahaha, you are really smart, you guessed right so quickly, yes, we are indeed hired by Xinyao Group, since you have already guessed When we come to our identity, we should understand what we want."

"Hand over the exact location of that miraculous aquatic plant, and your friend may still be alive, otherwise, he will definitely die miserably."

"I can give the water plants to you, but even if I tell you, you won't be able to get them. Since the New Medicine Group has worked so hard, you should know that there is a company under my company that sells deep-sea ingredients. The water plants are in the deep sea. It's not that I look down on them. If you want to dive into the sea at a depth of 2000 meters to dig aquatic plants, it is because you don’t have the ability.”

The man on the other end of the phone obviously didn't expect this situation, and there was a faint voice that seemed to be talking to someone else. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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