Super black turtle clone

Chapter 230 Kill without hesitation!

() "Since this is the case, then we will cooperate for a win-win situation. It is still the original agreement. As long as you agree to cooperate with us, you can get [-]% of the shares."

A middle-aged man's voice came from the phone. Compared with the fierce voice before, this man's voice was obviously softer.

"I can promise you, but you have to let me meet Liu Shengquan to confirm his life and death." Zhuo Yun's eyes flickered coldly, and he nodded.

"No problem, you can drive to Tiantai Manor in the suburbs now, remember that you can only come by yourself, and our people will guard you along the way, as long as you dare to report to the police, we will be there before the police arrive. Then Liu Sheng will be torn apart."

"Don't worry, I won't be that stupid." After speaking, Zhuo Yun hung up the call, his eyes flickering coldly, he really didn't need to inform the police, because the same person was enough to send these robbers to the west.

"You dare to kidnap Liu Shengquan. I will let you know the consequences of doing so. It seems that there is no need for the New Medicine Group." While muttering to himself, Zhuo Yun was full of murderous intent, secretly regretting that he hadn't acted decisively at the beginning.

When Director Gao threatened him before, he should have dealt a fatal blow directly, causing the New Pharmaceutical Group to completely collapse. If he had done this, the current situation would not have happened.

"I hope Liu Shengquan is safe and sound now, otherwise I will let you all die." Zhuo Yun's eyes burst out with murderous intent, and Lan Channi's sports car turned into a blue streamer and drove towards the corner at high speed.

After asking about the road on the way, the Lanchani sports car stopped in front of Tiantai Manor like a blue phantom.

Tiantai Manor is a private leisure manor. If you investigate, you will find that the owner of this manor is owned by the boss of New Pharmaceutical Group. Because it is far away from the urban area, few people will pass by here. It is definitely used for resettlement. Kidnapper, great place.

Glanced at the manor.Zhuo Yun walked in with seyin's face.

"Crack!" Almost as soon as he entered the manor, the originally opened gate of the manor closed automatically. At the same time, three burly men rushed out from the surroundings and surrounded Zhuo Yun.

"You are Zhuo Yun, follow me." One of the burly men took a look at Zhuo Yun, waved his hands and led the way.

The other two stood by his side like bodyguards, holding police sticks with flashes of lightning in their hands.There was no doubt that once Zhuo Yun made any changes, the two of them would poke the police stick on him.

Under the escort of the three, Zhuo Yun came to a big house in Tiantai Manor, where more than a dozen burly men gathered, and the leader was a bald man with his upper body naked and a fierce face.

"Where is Liu Shengquan? I want to see Liu Shengquan." Zhuo Yun glanced at the bald man indifferently and said.

Sitting on the chair, looking at Zhuo Yun's bald man, a trace of surprise flashed in his fierce eyes when he heard that, staring at Zhuo Yun, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Little rascal, you are quite courageous. You are still so arrogant at this time." The bald man sneered while speaking: "But none of the arrogant people in front of me is still alive, so you'd better not be too arrogant, otherwise You're going to die badly."

"I want to see Liu Shengquan." Looking indifferently at the bald man, Zhuo Yun said as usual.

Looking at Zhuo Yun's flat and indifferent eyes, the bald man felt a sense of fear inexplicably, which made him feel very angry.

Since his debut, he has not felt this kind of fear for many years.Now, he actually felt this feeling again in an ordinary young man, which made the bald man extremely angry.

"Boy, your arrogance makes me very angry, and the consequences will be very serious." The bald man with a ferocious face stretched out his hand to grab a wooden stick next to him, and strode towards Zhuo Yun fiercely.

"Stop!" At this moment.A cold drink sounded, and a middle-aged man with a rich figure and gold-rimmed glasses walked out from the next room.

"Hmph! You're lucky." The bald man glanced back, and threw away the stick in his hand resentfully.Sit back on your chair again.

The middle-aged man shook his head helplessly, walked to a place five or six meters away from Zhuo Yun, looked him up and down, and said with a hypocritical smile: "Your Excellency is Zhuo Yun, I am the chairman of New Medicine Group, Gu Tiantai , It can be said that I have been friends with you for a long time, and it is a great honor to meet you today."

"Chairman of Xinyao Group!" Zhuo Yun looked at the middle-aged man in surprise. He didn't expect the chairman of Xinyao Group to be so young, but it was nothing to him. Doomed.

"Stop talking nonsense, I want to see Liu Shengquan."

The still cold words made Gu Tiantai, who was originally smiling, froze, but the nature of a businessman quickly restored him to a full smile.

"Brother Zhuo Yun is really quick to talk. If that's the case, then I will grant your wish." Gu Tiantai smiled and clapped his hands. In the house he walked out of just now, two burly men stepped out. In the middle stood Liu Shengquan, who was clearly unconscious.

Seeing the scars on Liu Shengquan's body, Zhuo Yun's heart burst into a strong anger. The flames of anger seemed to burn everything completely. The dozen or so people in the room felt an inexplicable chill. The air was still hot and dry. It suddenly became cool, even a little cold.

"What's the matter, why is the weather suddenly cold?"

"Yeah, I feel hairy all over my body and panic in my heart. Nothing will happen. I always feel a little uneasy."

The big robbers present shuddered, and looked at each other and muttered, the biological instinct made them feel a sense of crisis.

"Don't worry, Liu Shengquan is still alive, it's just that he didn't cooperate before, so he suffered a little flesh and blood. As long as you sign an agreement with me, then I will let you two go, and we will be partners in the future." Gu Tiantai also shuddered, but didn't think of anything else, and said with a smile on his face.

In his opinion, he has an absolute advantage, whether Zhuo Yun is willing or not, he must cooperate with him, otherwise there will be only a dead end.

Just when Gu Tiantai was secretly complacent, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and when he realized it, Zhuo Yun had already grabbed his neck and lifted him into the air.

"Ahhh!" Gu Tiantai struggled violently in panic.A hoarse exclamation came from his mouth, and the bald man who was sitting on the chair stood up in shock, and everyone else, including him, was stunned by the situation in front of them.

Everyone saw the situation just now, and felt that Zhuo Yun had already crossed a distance of five or six meters and grabbed Gu Tiantai by the neck. The whole process took almost an instant.It's almost like a ghost.

"Gu Tiantai, when I gave you a chance, it was because you didn't know how to cherish it. In the next life, remember not to be too greedy." Zhuo Yun stared coldly at Gu Tiantai, and the palms that pinned his neck kept exerting force. Tai blushed more and more.The struggle became more intense.

"Crack!" The crisp sound was very clear in the silent room. Gu Tiantai, who was struggling violently, stopped struggling, pulled his body together weakly, and lowered his head in a strange state, with blood trickling down the corner of his mouth. dripping dripping.

"You, you killed Gu Tiantai." The bald man didn't come back to his senses until now, and pointed at Zhuo Yun with a face full of shock.There was a hint of fear in his expression.

"It's not just him, all of you are going to die." Throwing Gu Tiantai aside, Zhuo Yun stretched out his hand and sucked the unconscious Liu Shengquan to his side. When he finished speaking, a suffocating cold air surrounded him. The eruption in the center surged in all directions like a tide.

"Ka Ka Ka!!" The frozen voice spread, whether it was the ground, tables and chairs or living people.They were all frozen into ice sculptures. In an instant, all the people in the room were frozen to death, and then the ice shattered, and the bald man and others all collapsed into pieces of corpses all over the place.

When Zhuo Yun walked out from Tiantai Manor, there was no one alive in the huge Tiantai Manor, all of them were frozen into pieces of ice sculptures, and a raging fire broke out in the courtyard.Soon the entire Tiantai Manor was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

Looking at the burning Tiantai Manor, Zhuo Yun's eyes were cold and without the slightest pity. When Gu Tiantai grabbed Liu Shengquan and threatened him, he had already been sentenced to death.What he can't tolerate the most is that his friends and relatives threaten him. This is a bottom line that he can't touch. Once he touches it, he must pay a painful price.

He drove away from the scene of the incident. As for whether the incident in Tiantai Manor would be leaked, it was not in his consideration. He was cautious in everything he did right now. Now that he has enough strength, his whole mentality Changes are also taking place.

Even if he was involved in this incident, without enough evidence, Dragon God's Wrath would have nothing to do with him, not to mention that Gu Tiantai and others broke the law in the first place. At most, it is considered overdefensive.

Driving Liu Shengquan back to the urban area, Zhuo Yun used his vitality to recover from his injuries. As Gu Tiantai said, Liu Shengquan looked seriously injured, but in fact he only suffered some skin trauma, and soon recovered from a coma. woke up.

As an ordinary person, experiencing the kidnapping was really exciting. It took Liu Shengquan a long time to calm down his frightened emotions.

Randomly making up a wake-up call and fooling around, Zhuo Yun sent Liu Shengquan back to his own home. At the same time, he mobilized the forces of the Neptune Gang, and got in touch with the Thunder Group and the Mingtian Group. The group launched an all-round attack.

During the conversation, Zhuo Yun didn't have much else to do, but just showed them an inspection report of a mysterious aquatic plant. Under the charm of this report, the two consortiums agreed without the slightest hesitation.

The most important thing among businessmen is profit. Zhuo Yun has a lot of relationship with the two consortiums, but if there is not enough profit, they will not waste their energy and offend others to deal with the new medicine group.

Ming Zhenbo and Lei Wanshan are very clear about the value of the mysterious aquatic plants. It definitely represents a huge business opportunity, and Zhuo Yun's condition is to give them a certain amount of shares. For Shan, it was a godsend opportunity.

The reason why he gave up part of the shares to Ming Zhenbo and Lei Wanshan was not Zhuo Yun's crazy act of eager revenge, but his decision after some thinking.

The value of the mysterious aquatic plants is unquestionable, but his current strength is limited after all, and the only all-round sea company is just in its infancy. If he uses a pharmaceutical company alone again, it is really a bit of an Alexander for him, and he needs it in every aspect. It will be very troublesome to develop by yourself.

Now that the two giants, Leiting Group and Mingtian Group, are brought in, with their two backers, everything becomes much easier, at least it can save a lot of trouble, and the market that originally took four or five years to open can at least be able to shortened to a year or two.

After all, even if a good thing is researched, if it cannot be well-known and accepted by others, it will be just a bunch of bad things that no one wants in the end.

Under the full blow of the Neptune Gang and the two major consortiums, the New Medicine Group had no strength to resist at all. Originally, if Gu Tiantan was there, it might still be able to support it, but now it is completely powerless to resist.

Soon after Mingzhenbo and Lei Wanshan jointly acquired, 50.00% of the shares of Xinyao Group were occupied by the two of them. The group that originally belonged to Gu Tiantai changed its owner in this way.

When the Mingtian Group and the Leiting Group were fighting against the New Drug Group, they finally had a major breakthrough in the research on the mysterious aquatic plants. They successfully extracted a substance containing super vitality from the mysterious aquatic plants. Can produce strong repair ability.

Preliminary tests have an astonishing effect on trauma. According to the speculation of Liu Shengquan and others, this kind of life energy substance is likely to have a strong therapeutic effect on cancer, but this needs further testing. Ming Zhenbo, Lei Wanshan and others were shocked.

I am even more grateful for my original decision. If I had any hesitation at the beginning, I would have missed this magical aquatic plant.

The reason why there are so many super rich people in places like the Middle East and Arabia is because they have a near-monopoly of oil resources, oil known as liquid gold, which has earned them innumerable wealth.

Monopoly is the most profitable business, once aquatic plants can research and form medicines, it will be a real monopoly industry, and the money earned by then will be unimaginable wealth, even if it is the two of them The boss couldn't help being ecstatic. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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