Super black turtle clone

Chapter 234 Hotel Double Room!

() "By the way, didn't you say that there will be a meteor shower today? Why, I think there is something wrong with the weather tonight." After a short silence, Zhuo Yun broke the embarrassing situation and said.

"Oh!" Wang Yanrou, who was a little distracted, reacted after hearing this, and looked up into the sky.

I saw that the night sky was still clear just now, but now it has been covered with a layer of dark clouds, let alone meteors, even the stars and the moon are invisible, and there are faint traces of thunder flashing in it.

Sensing the increased water vapor in the air, Zhuo Yun looked a little stunned and said: "Oh, it's not going to rain."

"Sister Rou, have you read the weather forecast today?"

"No, I just learned from the Internet that there will be a meteor shower today." Wang Yanrou shook her head.

Hearing Wang Yanrou's answer, Zhuo Yun was speechless for a while, reached out his mobile phone and checked the weather online, it showed that there was a thunderstorm today.

The original meteor shower turned into a thunderstorm, and the two had no choice but to quickly pack up and salute, and quickly went down the mountain. When the two of them returned to the car, there was already a thunderstorm outside, showing the roar of the old man.

"I'm sorry, I planned to watch the meteor shower with you, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this." Wang Yanrou said with a bit of embarrassment as the vehicle was driving on the windy and windy road.

"It's nothing, it doesn't care about your business, it's just that Yao Gong is not beautiful." Zhuo Yun smiled indifferently, he really wasn't very keen on the meteor shower, it didn't matter whether he watched it or not.

In his opinion, the meteor shower is a flash of brilliance, although it is very dazzling, it is fleeting. This is not what he likes, what he likes is the brilliance that can last.

"No, how could there be a traffic jam at this time!" As soon as he drove into the town, vehicles in front of him appeared in Zhuo Yun's sight, blocking the road tightly.

It stands to reason that this is not a bustling big city, and it is at night, so it is unlikely that there will be traffic jams.

With doubts in his heart, Zhuo Yun took the only umbrella in the car and went down to ask.

"Unlucky!" Zhuo Yun sighed speechlessly when he returned to the car.

"There's a truck overturned ahead, completely blocking the road. It looks like we won't be able to get through tonight."

"What should I do?!" Wang Yanrou said anxiously. There was only one main road in the town. The location they were stuck in happened to be on the westernmost section of the main road. There were no other roads suitable for vehicles to pass on either side. There is still a short distance from the two people's home, and it will take at least an hour to walk back.

"Boom!!" At this moment, thunder suddenly sounded, and Wang Yanrou, who was sitting in the passenger seat, trembled with fright, her face turned pale.

"Are you okay!" Seeing Wang Yanrou who was trembling, Zhuo Yun asked worriedly.

Shaking her head and calming down her emotions, Wang Yanrou said, "It's nothing, I was just startled by the thunder just now."

Zhuo Yun could tell that Wang Yanrou was definitely not telling the truth, but since the other party was unwilling to tell, he didn't continue to ask.

Considering that Wang Yanrou was afraid of thunder, and it was a bit awkward to spend the night in a sports car, Zhuo Yun proposed to stay in a hotel not far away for the night, and naturally Wang Yanrou would not have any objections to this.

Parking the car on the side of the road, Zhuo Yun and Wang Yanrou quickly found the well-known Jidu Hotel in the small town with an umbrella.

As a result, the two of them were depressed. The hotel, which had been vacant all along, was crowded today.

The hotel itself had accommodated an inspection group from other urban areas before, and some drivers who were stuck in traffic also came to stay, which caused the shortage of guest rooms.

After a lot of fighting, they only got a two-room suite in the end. In order to avoid sleeping in the car, the two had no choice but to agree.

This two-room suite is already considered the highest level among the rooms in Jidu Hotel. Of course, compared with those five-star hotels, it is definitely far behind.

Sitting on two beds not far apart in the hotel room, listening to the sound of rain coming from outside, the atmosphere between the two became a little awkward.

"I'll take a shower first!" In this delicate atmosphere, Wang Yanrou first walked towards the bathroom impatiently.

Soon there was a sound of drizzling water coming from the bathroom, causing Zhuo Yun's heart to ripple uncontrollably, a little devil jumping and screaming in his heart.

In the end, it was the little angel who defeated the little devil. Zhuo Yun took out the food he had prepared before and placed it on the table, glanced at the drinks on the decorative table next to him, and took a bottle of Cabernet red wine.

Soon Wang Yanrou finished cleaning, put on the previous clothes again, and walked out of the bathroom.

Under the soaking in hot water, Wang Yanrou's fair skin appeared more rosy and tender, her small face was pink and tender, and her whole body exuded the fragrance of shower gel, giving her a pure and charming feeling.

"Would you like something to eat? In order to watch the meteor shower, you probably haven't had dinner yet." Quickly regaining consciousness, Zhuo Yun pointed to the food on the table.

"En!" Wang Yanrou nodded, and took a seat across from her.

The food prepared by Zhuo Yun was very rich. This time I went to watch the meteor shower to thank Wang Yanrou for agreeing to pretend to be his girlfriend. Naturally, the food I bought was the best.

The two of them were eating delicious food while drinking the red wine opened by Zhuo Yun. Under the atmosphere of the continuous sound of rain outside, both of them couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Unknowingly drank a bottle of red wine while chatting, and at Wang Yanrou's request, Zhuo Yun opened another bottle of white wine.

What surprised him was that Wang Yanrou's drinking capacity was surprisingly large, and he really felt like he would never get drunk after a thousand drinks.

Compared with Wang Yanrou's alcohol capacity, Zhuo Yun's alcohol capacity is much worse. If it weren't for his body strengthened through cultivation, he would never be Wang Yanrou's opponent in the past, even after drinking a bottle of white wine now. , I also feel a little drunk.

Once most people drink alcohol, they like to talk very much, Wang Yanrou belongs to this kind of people, and they talk a lot during the drinking process.

During the conversation, Zhuo Yun finally understood why Wang Yanrou was so afraid of thunder. It turned out that when she was young, her parents divorced, and the night her mother left was a stormy thunderstorm. A brand was branded on her young heart, and from then on she would be especially afraid when she heard the sound of thunder.

So every time Lei Yuyao, she likes to drink some wine, only through the anesthesia of alcohol, can she reduce her fear of thunder.

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