Super black turtle clone

Chapter 235 Torment of Desire!

() Zhuo Yun, who originally wanted to persuade Wang Yanrou to drink less, had no choice but to let her continue to drink until she got a little confused, and then Zhuo Yun quickly stopped her.

Helping Wang Yanrou to bed, and after tidying the dining table, Zhuo Yun went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Under the impact of the hot water, the alcohol that was already on the top did not lessen, but intensified instead.

In fact, with Zhuo Yun's cultivation, as long as he circulates the vitality in his body, he can quickly refine the alcohol in his body, but this feeling of being drunk makes him feel very comfortable.

Ever since he got drunk once when he graduated from college, he hasn't enjoyed this kind of drunkenness for a long time, forgetting all worries and letting go of all stress.

Dressed neatly, Zhuo Yun returned to the room. At this moment, Wang Yanrou had already gone to bed, and through the thin quilt, one could see the uneven curves.

"Emi tofu, color is emptiness!" Thinking in his heart, Zhuo Yun came to his own bed next to him.

With the help of drunkenness, he didn't think too much, and soon fell asleep comfortably.

"Boom!" After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, a deafening thunder suddenly sounded, waking Zhuo Yun up suddenly.

"No, such a loud thunder, it won't be the end of the world." Criticizing secretly in his heart, Zhuo Yun shook Yi Yiri's drunken head.

"Oah!" There was an exclamation, and before he could recover, he felt a soft and warm body slipping into his bed, and the sudden wonderful touch woke him up immediately.

Opening his eyes, he just saw the shivering figure arched into his arms like an ostrich.

Glancing towards the opposite side, he saw that the bed where Wang Yanrou was sitting was no longer in sight. Smelling the familiar fragrance of shower gel, he could tell who was crouching in his arms without guessing.

The feeling of being in the arms of a beautiful woman is indeed very refreshing, especially Wang Yanrou, who is plump and upright, is even more fascinating.

Through two thin layers of sleepiness, one can clearly feel the soft and warm skin.

"My mother, isn't this making me make mistakes?" Feeling the surging pressure on his chest and the smooth thighs wrapped around him, even though Zhuo Yun tried his best to suppress himself, his body still instinctively He made a reaction that a man, a pure man with a strong blood should have.

Little Zhuoyun, who was originally soft and slumped, received the support of a large amount of blood in an instant, and evolved from a wretched state to a fighting posture with high fighting spirit in an instant, and pressed tightly against Wang Yanrou's lower abdomen.

"Hiss!" The soft touch made Zhuo Yun couldn't help but gasp, and he felt a strong excitement welling up in his heart. The blood in his whole body seemed to boil all of a sudden, and his body became very nervous. heat.

Because of his cultivation, Zhuo Yun has a strong desire in this area. Usually, because he has no source of stimulation, coupled with the relationship of hard work and restraint, he can still suppress it. Now he is holding a warm body in his arms. The hot and plump delicate body, coupled with the touch of the top under the body, how can it keep his blood from boiling.

In just a few minutes, Zhuo Yun felt that the fire of desire in his body was about to erupt, and the fire of desire was faintly shining in both eyes.

"Damn it, die if you want to die, I can't bear it anymore." I shouted in my heart, driven by the instinctive desire in my heart, the last line of psychological defense also collapsed.

The hands that didn't know where to put them, one hand was placed on Wang Yanrou's back, and the other hand touched her round buttocks, ready to carry the gun into battle completely regardless of other things.

Just when he turned over slightly, looked down at Wang Yanrou, and was about to start an exciting hand-to-hand combat, his body froze in place, the burning desire in his eyes quickly faded, and he was controlled by desire His sanity came to him.

"Hey!" Sighing with a wry smile, Zhuo Yun looked at Wang Yanrou who was already asleep in his arms with a speechless face.

She is very strong and stable, even a little bit strong at times, but she is curled up like a kitten at the moment, her seductive face reveals calmness and serenity, that innocent expression is like a newborn baby, making her I can't bear to destroy and disturb.

"Enen!" Under Zhuo Yun's gaze, Wang Yanrou snorted twice like a kitten, rubbed her head and leaned into his arms, and her whole body completely lay in his arms again, it seemed that only in this way could she It gave her a sense of security in this thunderstorm weather.

"Why am I so unlucky, I can only hug but not eat, isn't this so addictive." Looking at Wang Yanrou who was wrapped around her body like an octopus again, like a beautiful snake, Zhuo Yun smiled wryly. Lie down.

It seemed that it was because of Zhuo Yun's struggle to turn over just now, but this time Wang Yanrou not only grabbed him again, but also hugged him tightly as if she was afraid that he would leave again, her whole body clinging to her seamlessly.

The big bird that was just resting on the lower abdomen, under Wang Yanrou's movement, moved a few centimeters downward again, and landed on a softer, even somewhat sunken part through the clothes.

"My dear!" Zhuo Yun exclaimed inwardly, almost turning into a Yin beast again.

Even though he regained his sanity after seeing Wang Yanrou's innocent appearance, it didn't mean that the fire in his body was extinguished, and his body still instinctively reflected the restlessness in his heart.

Time passed by every minute and every second. For Zhuo Yun, this process was definitely painful and joyful, that is, he wished for the dawn immediately, and wanted to prolong the time.

While Zhuo Yun was struggling in his heart and enduring the torment of his body and soul, Wang Yanrou was immersed in a wonderful dream.

Lying in Zhuo Yun's arms, feeling the man's breath and heartbeat, it gave her a strong sense of security in the stormy and thundery night. given.

That night Wang Yanrou slept very soundly and comfortably, as if returning to her mother's womb, that feeling of freedom without thinking or thinking.

A ray of sunlight shone in the room in the early morning, and Zhuo Yun, who had endured the torture of body and soul all night, couldn't resist even with his physical fitness, and fell asleep in a daze, but his lower body was still as hard as iron.

That is to say, his body is far from being comparable to that of ordinary people. Otherwise, just because of his strength this night, ordinary people would probably have to go to the hospital for surgery.

Wang Yanrou, who was immersed in the peaceful water, her eyelids trembled slightly under the sunlight, and she opened her eyes with a relaxed expression.

What caught her eyes was the firm chest and the fiery contact, especially the naked part of the crotch, which felt like a stick of fire was being pressed against it, and it was even wet on it, making her just now When she was awake, she felt her heart beat faster.

Wang Yanrou, who grew up all the way to become the manager of Leiting 4S store, did not scream like ordinary little girls.

Years of professional career have honed her ability to deal with problems calmly, suppressing the acceleration in her heart and the strange feeling coming from her body, she looked up and saw Zhuo Yun who was sleeping soundly with a tired face in her sight.

"How could this be? How could I be on his bed, could it be?"

Thinking in a panic, at first she thought it was Zhuo Yun who couldn't help but climbed onto her bed and did something to her, but soon she found that she was not the same thing.

First of all, she didn't take off her clothes, even Zhuo Yun was wearing clothes. Secondly, she turned her head and glanced at the bed next to her. It seemed, maybe, probably, that she was sleeping on the bed where Zhuo Yun was.

After a short period of shock, Wang Yanrou quickly realized what was going on. Relying on the vague memory in her mind and her own understanding of herself, she finally figured out what was going on.

Every time it rains and thunders, she will habitually hold the doll in her arms to embolden herself. Last night she was frightened by the thunder, and under the anesthesia of alcohol, she vaguely grasped the doll. Cloud as a doll.

"Oh, I lost my life." Thinking that she had thrown herself into Zhuo Yun's arms and slept like this all night, Wang Yanrou's heart was full of emotions.

"However, last night was really comfortable, with that sense of security, I really want to hold it like this forever." Looking up at Zhuo Yun, remembering the feeling of security when she slept last night, her eyes revealed A hint of obsession.

Dazed, Wang Yanrou gently laid her head on Zhuo Yun's chest again, listening to the strong heartbeat and smelling the man's scent, a sense of peace and security surged into her heart.

At this moment, the pressure of work, the pressure of life, and the pressure of emotional fragility seem to be no longer pressure. The feeling of being relied on is something she has never had before.

Don't look at her being very strong and tough when she is outside, in fact, only she knows her fragility.

Crouching in Zhuo Yun's arms, Wang Yanrou felt that wonderful feeling, but soon couldn't hold on anymore.

She was asleep before, and her consciousness fell into chaos. Naturally, she didn't feel too much. Now that she wakes up, her body is in such close contact with Zhuo Yun, especially the soft fiery stick under her body. It even made her heart itch, and an inexplicable numb and itchy feeling spread from her lower body to her whole body.

Resisting the urge to continue feeling, Wang Yanrou relied on her own willpower to forcefully move her figure, and finally avoided the fiery contact of her lower body.

The moment she left the fiery stick, Wang Yanrou felt an inexplicable emptiness in her heart, as if she had lost something.

Recovering some strength, Wang Yanrou climbed out of the bed carefully, straightened her blouse, looked down at her lower body, and saw a spot of wet water between her legs. The smell is like the smell of August [-]th disinfectant.

A blush welled up on her cheeks, and she hurriedly walked into the bathroom shyly.

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